View Full Version : Hope the Spurs heed their dry socks warning

01-02-2012, 07:24 PM
apparently the Rockets do, presumably the Mavs do. Let's hope the Spurs do the right thing and make sure those socks are bone dry (http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/story/2012-01-01/cnbc-new-age-ice-bath-injury/52272366/1).

Did a mistake in New Age ice bath set back NBA player?


In November, Cleveland Cavaliers guard Manny Harris got into a Cryon-X machine on Nike's campus in Beaverton, Ore. When he came out, he had a nasty freezer burn on the side of his right foot.


But the waiver that each athlete has to sign before getting into the stand-up tank specifically says that the briefs and socks that are worn while in the machine cannot be wet.


The Mavericks used it last season and the Houston Rockets and the San Antonio Spurs just bought machines that cost $50,000 each. That's why company CEO Eric Rauscher doesn't want other athletes to miss the waiver warnings about wet clothes.

"We will now be posting the warning on the machine itself," Rauscher said.

Rauscher said teams have also made sure that the players take precautions. "The Rockets training staff won't let players get into the machine unless they change into fresh socks in front of them," Rauscher said.

01-02-2012, 07:42 PM

01-02-2012, 07:52 PM
But the waiver that each athlete has to sign before getting into the stand-up tank specifically says that the briefs and socks that are worn while in the machine cannot be wet. Sources told CNBC that Harris got in with wet socks, which resulted in the freezer-type burn. It's not the first time this has happened. Sprinter Justin Gatlin also got in with the socks he had just worked out in when he entered the Cryon-X machine at ESPN's Wide World of Sports in Orlando.

"The socks froze to me instantly," Gatlin told the Associated Press in August before the World Championships in Daegu, South Korea. "It was like walking on fiery pins and needles…It was all pussed up and blistered. It bubbled up and it stayed bubbled for a good four or five days." Gatlin didn't qualify for the 100 meter final at the event.

Shiiiiii ... a foot will heal. But you get in that thing with sweaty briefs and the docs may have to prune your twig and berries.

01-02-2012, 07:58 PM
They should just keep doing it the old fashion way.
