View Full Version : When was the last time

06-18-2005, 07:32 PM
I'm not well versed enough in spurs post-season history to know the answer to this question... In the Tim Duncan era, have the spurs ever done any of the following to win a playoff series: a) Won a series where they faced elimination, b) Overcome any playoff deficit of 2-1 or worse or c) Won a game 7?

06-18-2005, 07:35 PM
A) Yes
B) They've overcome plenty of 0-1 deficits which are comparable to 2-1 deficits.
C) They haven't played a Game 7. But they won a Game 5 in the first round before the first round series became best of seven.

06-18-2005, 07:38 PM
I'm not well versed enough in spurs post-season history to know the answer to this question... In the Tim Duncan era, have the spurs ever done any of the following to win a playoff series: a) Won a series where they faced elimination,

No...but they(Pop) are like the best team in history at winning games that can eliminate their opponents.

b) Overcome any playoff deficit of 2-1 or worse or

We've only been down 2-1 like 1 time in the Duncan era...

Worse? We've come back from a bunch of 0-1 deficits but not any 3-2s, 3-1's or 3-0's or anything else...

c) Won a game 7?

Spurs haven't been in a game 7 since the Semis VS Portland in Drob's rookie year...1989-90...when Larry Brown was our coach.

I don't think the Spurs have ever won a game 7 but they've only been in like 2 or 3 of them...the only other one I can think of was against the Showtime Lakers in the early 80's and they lost it...

06-18-2005, 07:39 PM
Thanks for the response. World of difference between 0-1 and 2-1 though. There's still a ton of time to make it right after losing the first game. When you're down 2-1 the next game becomes an instant "must win" because of the rarity of 3-1 comebacks.

06-18-2005, 07:42 PM
I do think the Spurs have won 15 of 16 series in which they held a 2-0 lead though...

And quite a few of those were 2-2 after being 2-0.

One other thing...in the Duncan era, we have like a 75% - 85% series winning PCT against all teams not named the LA Lakers...

Since 1997 we haven't lost a series to anyone other than the Lakers when Duncan was healthy.

06-18-2005, 07:47 PM
Now my questions for you...

Have the Pistons, in the Larry Brown era, come back to win a series in which they were down 0-2?

How many times have they been down 0-2 in the Brown era?

06-18-2005, 07:49 PM
Whottt forgets Game 5 against Brent Barry and Seattle so easily. That was an elimination game the Spurs won. It was also the closest thing the Spurs have had to a Game 7 in the Duncan era.

06-18-2005, 07:54 PM
Damn I forgot about that one...Ahh that was different because Drob was injured and Duncan's dad died...

Brent Barry played well in the game 5 though ;) it was his best game of the series.

06-18-2005, 07:56 PM
In the Brown era they've been down 2-1 two times (indy, miami), down 3-2 twice (miami, nj). They've had 2 game 7s under Brown.

Going back one more year pre-Brown with most of the same players they were down 3-1 to orlando and won in 7 then went on to be swept by NJ (their only recent 2-0 deficit).

06-18-2005, 08:02 PM
Now my questions for you...

Have the Pistons, in the Larry Brown era, come back to win a series in which they were down 0-2?

How many times have they been down 0-2 in the Brown era?

Only once, and that was in the '05 Finals...but the Larry Brown era only goes back one year. A better frame of reference is the Joe Dumars era (or the Ben Wallace era, if you prefer), in which they've been down 0-2 once before, and did not come back (they got the broom in the '03 ECFs).

06-18-2005, 08:02 PM
In the Brown era they've been down 2-1 two times (indy, miami), down 3-2 twice (miami, nj). They've had 2 game 7s under Brown.

Going back one more year pre-Brown with most of the same players they were down 3-1 to orlando and won in 7 then went on to be swept by NJ (their only recent 2-0 deficit).

They shouldn't have been letting it get that close to begin with...convincing wins and avoiding elimination games is much easier on the fan base. ;)

06-18-2005, 08:11 PM
I was wrong about something else too...

The Spurs have been down 1-2 exactly 2 times in the Duncan era(when he's healthy enough to play)...I remembered the 02 one against the Lakers...but Duncan's rookie year we were also down 1-2 to the Jazz and lost...Duncan was injured though. In 2000 we were down 1-2 to the Suns but Duncan didn't even play in that series, and the rest of the team was banged up as well.

Basically...in the Duncan/Pop era...unless Tim Duncan is hurt...no one but the Lakers beats us, in fact they don't even get the series lead against us unless it's 01...and all of our negative series stats are against the Lakers.

That's why we were all pulling for you guys to win last year...we really fucking hate the Lakers ;)

And some of those are weird too...in 02 we had like a 10+ point lead in the 4th quarter of every game against the Lakers...but we had no one to pull their doubles off of Duncan....and they'd just gang up on Tim and force TO's to get back in it.

Kinda like you guys have been doing the last 2 games(except you guya have been doing it for the whole game)...the diffference is that team didn't have Manu and Parker was just a rookie.

06-18-2005, 08:18 PM
They shouldn't have been letting it get that close to begin with...convincing wins and avoiding elimination games is much easier on the fan base. ;)

If it were up to me the pistons would sweep every series and win every game by 30. I wouldn't mind that one bit, sadly their own shortcomings and the desires of the opposition keep forcing them to do it the hard way. :)

06-18-2005, 08:32 PM
Recently in the playoffs, Detroit is 10-0 in closing out series

Kori Ellis
06-18-2005, 08:35 PM
Recently in the playoffs, Detroit is 10-0 in closing out series

What does that mean? I would think if they were 10-0 in closing out playoff series, then they would have won titles in 2003 and in 2004.

06-18-2005, 09:15 PM
It means that when faced with a win to clinch a series, Detroit since 2002 is 10-0...two of those wins were of a game seven variety, (Miami this year, Nets last year) and two came from the old 3/5 format in the first round.

Should Detroit win on Sunday, they're very good at closing out a series when they have to.

06-18-2005, 09:34 PM
Excellent point Pooh...unfortunately for the Pistons...they are 0-10 in San Antonio since Tim Duncan came into the NBA...

What this means is...it's tough for them to win in San Antonio...even when they have to.

And Pop has the best record in NBA history in elimination games(eliminating the other team I mean).

06-18-2005, 09:49 PM
Information is all well and good. And, gives some persepective on how hard or easy things things can be.

But, those statistics like all statistics don't have much of a bearing on what's going to happen in these next two or three games.

That's why they play the games ...

06-18-2005, 11:05 PM
Excellent point Pooh...unfortunately for the Pistons...they are 0-10 in San Antonio since Tim Duncan came into the NBA...

What this means is...it's tough for them to win in San Antonio...even when they have to.

And Pop has the best record in NBA history in elimination games(eliminating the other team I mean).

Hey Einstein -

In which of those games that the Pistons are 0-10 did they "have to win" as you stated?

When the Pistons smell blood, they go get the kill.


Asi Es La Vida

06-18-2005, 11:08 PM
Dirty_Sanchez will you still be here when the Spurs win 2 straight? That's what I though, now please shut the hell up and please go back to your Mom's basement.

06-19-2005, 12:47 AM
Hey Einstein -

In which of those games that the Pistons are 0-10 did they "have to win" as you stated?

When the Pistons smell blood, they go get the kill.


Asi Es La Vida

Shitlip, or would you prefer I call you by your stage name, Owned Bitch?

I guess it doesn't really matter...

I'd explain it to you...but the fact that you are on this board talking shit as if your team still matters, and not long ago bent the fuck over and discarded on the side of the road like a 2 dollar whore...

Well you just wouldn't understand. Obviously.


Your team has long since shut the fuck up, why haven't you?

06-19-2005, 10:08 AM
I'm not well versed enough in spurs post-season history to know the answer to this question... In the Tim Duncan era, have the spurs ever done any of the following to win a playoff series: a) Won a series where they faced elimination, b) Overcome any playoff deficit of 2-1 or worse or c) Won a game 7?

These questions would probably have more merit later in the series.

Right now, we're tied 2-2, so none of that shit really matters does it?

The relevent question would be: How many series have the Spurs won when tied 2-2?

I know we beat the Nets in 2003 tied 2-2, and lost to the Lakers last year tied 2-2.

06-19-2005, 10:29 AM
These questions would probably have more merit later in the series.

Right now, we're tied 2-2, so none of that shit really matters does it?

The relevent question would be: How many series have the Spurs won when tied 2-2?

I know we beat the Nets in 2003 tied 2-2, and lost to the Lakers last year tied 2-2.

The merit they had was that I was curious about whether the spurs had ever faced any adversity in the playoffs and overcome it. Thanks for your efforts but your relevent(sic) question really isn't.

06-19-2005, 10:58 AM
The merit they had was that I was curious about whether the spurs had ever faced any adversity in the playoffs and overcome it. Thanks for your efforts but your relevent(sic) question really isn't.

I type fast, sorry for the typo. I still don't understand the relevance.

Now, if the Spurs lose tonight, the question becomes more relevant, but to be honest the Spurs have never played a Finals game being down 3-2, so there is really no history to go back on.

In any case, all these "Pistons are 10-0 in close out games, Spurs are 10-0 at home against Pistons" are totally stupid. That's all in the past, this is now, and unless the Spurs repond to the Pistons increased energy and play they will lose the series.

But, if you really need some kind of morale boost, just remember that these Pistons are 5-0 at home during the Finals. Feel better now? :rolleyes

06-19-2005, 11:15 AM
When the Pistons smell blood, they go get the kill.

I guess you haven't been following them this year; they've been much more dangerous when they're cornered than when they're in control (and it's cost me a fortune in antacids).

06-19-2005, 11:30 AM
Thing is, though, no stat in the world appears to even be relevant in this series. Has it honestly gone exactly as you'd expect for these two ferociously defensive teams?

If anyone was expecting these blowouts from either side, you are either a 1. myopic homer or 2. don't know shit about basketball. The only edge I would have given to either team is the Spurs, because up until this series they've shown a bit more consistency offensively than the Pistons. But that's it...and not by that big of a margin.

I honestly have no freaking idea how this series will end....nothing I've expected to happen has happened (hard fought, close games).

06-19-2005, 11:35 AM
I type fast, sorry for the typo. I still don't understand the relevance.

The relevance is that I wanted to know. If you didn't want to answer or discuss it nobody put a gun to your head.

06-19-2005, 06:30 PM
How can you be 5-0 at home during these finals when you have only played 2 games at home in these finals?

06-20-2005, 12:19 AM

