View Full Version : Santorum: Raped? Make the Best of It!

01-26-2012, 12:12 AM
It's incredible that this moron is still in the race for the GOP nomination...

Oh, wait a minute...no it's not


Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum was asked what he would tell his own daughter if she begged for an abortion after being raped and impregnated. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss the clip from the CNN interview with Piers Morgan on The Young Turks.


01-26-2012, 12:24 AM
This is bat-shit crazy that spreads

Just when you think that the rethugs have hit rock bottom in their attempts to think, there is this:

A Republican state senator in Oklahoma has introduced a bill banning aborted human fetuses in food, despite the fact that there are no known foods or food products that actually contain aborted fetuses.

Sen. Ralph Shortey of Oklahoma City introduced on Tuesday Senate Bill 1418, which prohibits "the sale or manufacture of food or products which contain aborted human fetuses." He says he based the bill on an article he read online about an anti-abortion group boycotting companies that allegedly use embryonic stem cells to research and develop artificial sweeteners.

“People are thinking that this has to do with fetuses being chopped up and put in our burritos,” Shortey told NewsOK. "“That's not the case. It's beyond that.


01-26-2012, 12:36 AM
I think the question should be posed on his wife

" If your wife was raped, would you want her to carry the child to full term "

I think that would hit home a bit harder since it's his child and not his daughter's child.

01-26-2012, 12:36 AM
get some rest, dan