View Full Version : Jim Irsay and Peyton Manning file for divorce

Kirk Nowitzki
01-26-2012, 10:25 PM
“I don’t think it’s in the best interest to paint the horseshoe in a negative light, I really don’t,” Irsay told reporters, referring to the team’s longtime logo. “The horseshoe always comes first, and I think one thing he’s always known, because he’s been around it so long, is that, you know, you keep it in the family. If you’ve got a problem you talk to each other, it’s not about campaigning or anything like that.”

“I have so much affection and appreciation for Peyton. I mean we’re family. We always will be and we are,” Irsay said. “He’s a politician. I mean look at, when it comes to being competitive, let’s just say on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, we’re both 11s, OK? So there’s been plenty of eggshells scattered around this building by him with his competitive desire to win.”

I've known Manning was out in Indy since about five seconds after they sealed the No. 1 pick. Irsay knows the last time he took a QB prospect this good, he got 14 years of elite QB play. After the butt fucking they took last season, he sees where he fucked up in not ever hiring people who know anything about defense. Polian kept his own people for too long for some kind of fucked up pride issue and they pretty much rode a once-in-a-lifetime QB's talent to NFL relevancy and a Super Bowl win. I think the Colts are doing what they need to do to for their team, but treating Manning like shit on the way out is pretty fucked up. Everyone now knows Manning was the key that turned on that car.

I really fucking hope Andrew Luck is a good NFL player. The Colts should be alright as long as they don't keep overpaying the shit out of soft defensive players that can't stay on the fucking field. That's why they never had enough money to get Peyton a real replacement for Tarik Glenn until this season, when he didn't even play. They should at least be able to play offense with Luck next season. Hopefully Curtis Painter is now blackballed from the NFL.

01-26-2012, 11:24 PM
colts need more then a good quarterback
they have lots of holes
peyton got one yes ONE superbowl ring
he is good but his teams had holes
healthy manny they might have been maybe .500 this year