View Full Version : Time to up the violence

06-19-2005, 12:16 PM
We have all watched as the Pistons have steamrolled the Spurs 2 straight games. We have watched the Spurs complain to the officials about getting fouled and no calls. We have all watched the wheels fly off the cart as the composure goes right out the window. If you feel the calls aren't going your way, up the violence.

Detroit is a great defensive team. That was proven all year long and in the playoffs. If a great defensive team gets to also reach in and hack, body block, and body up players at every possible angle, complaining to the officials will only work if a player then decides to one up them at the other end of the court.

1. If TD is trying to get post position and McDike is mauling him, explain to the official that if he does it again with no call, it will get worse. Then, when it happens, TD puts out his right foot, pushes off and plants his left shoulder into McDikes chin and mouth. Will it dislodge teeth? Maybe. But the official is then told that he was warned. McDike will then want to square up. Good. Once this happens, the mauling WILL be called and we can go back to playing basketball.

2. When Manu drives the lane, lead with the elbow, not the ball. Someone ends up needing stiches, so be it. If this is only way to prevent the Pistons from hacking down on the arms, you do it.

3. Wallace puts two hands in TD's back, Muhammed can plant a well placed elbow on Wallace's head the next time down the floor.

You have to make the officials regain control of the game. The only way to do it is have the officials scared a brawl will break out, thus tightnening up the calls.

I don't blame Detroit at all for doing these things. None of them are necesarily dirty. If you can get away with it, you do it. To get it to stop, the Spurs need to one up contact so we can get back to playing basketball.

06-19-2005, 12:48 PM
Unfortunately that's not how the Spurs play. The Spur's softer side is in full bloom this series. And one can't help but slap the ol'Spurs soft lable on this team rigth now. This is afterall a corporate team with good guys that just as well follow along then deviate from the norm. On the court, its no different. We don't have to go too far actually. Do you remember the Seattle series? The Spurs were being man handled blatantly-- clothes lines, karate chops to the back of the head, and slapping. All that was missing then was Jerome James jumping off the top rope and pinning Manu to the canvas. But I agree...eye for an eye.

Marklar MM
06-19-2005, 12:56 PM
Can't wait for the violence.

06-19-2005, 01:17 PM
Since they have been showing the replay of game four on NBATV, I watched it again.

I agree the Spurs need to up the physicality. But get a feel of how the refs are calling the game early on.

The Pistons are swiping at the ball evertime our guys get on the block or if they try to penetrate, hacks are coming in at all angles. That is why they are getting steals.

The Spurs need to do the same thing.

06-19-2005, 01:48 PM
i agree, but unfortunately, the spurs image as soft pushovers is directly attributable to popovich's weak coaching strategy. if the refs aren't officiating this game closely, the spurs are going to get knocked the f*ck out.

06-19-2005, 02:15 PM
Since they have been showing the replay of game four on NBATV, I watched it again.

I agree the Spurs need to up the physicality. But get a feel of how the refs are calling the game early on.

The Pistons are swiping at the ball evertime our guys get on the block or if they try to penetrate, hacks are coming in at all angles. That is why they are getting steals.

The Spurs need to do the same thing.

Yes, but you can't guarantee that it would actually....the refs haven't been consistent enough to rely on this tactic.........the Pistons were hacking with no calls whatsoever....if the Spurs did that, what guarantee do we have that they won't call the hacking foul? The reason they hack is they don't call it...it is a foul but they decide to not call it because it is the playoffs....which is just a terrible precident to establish.

06-19-2005, 02:21 PM
Pretty ridiculous suggestion ...

What you're suggesting is not how the Spurs play basketball (except for maybe Bruce Bowen). And, if they do start doing those things, it will only take the Spurs out of their game. It will look so out of place for those players to do that, and it will be obvious to the officials that the Spurs players are intending to cause harm. In as much that that is how it will play out, it will likely only result in some flagrant, intentional, and/or technical fouls against the Spurs, get them into foul trouble, and completely backfire on the Spurs.

Now, there's a way for the Spurs to be more physical without trying to hurt anyone. Clutching and grabbing like Bruce does, or a little harder shove with the forearm, harder set picks and screens, and when making a foul, follow through after making a play on the ball ... all of those are legal ways of playing more physical. And, I think most of the Spurs are capable of doing that. But to suggest that the Spurs intentionally try to take someone's teeth out with high elbows or to throw a shoulder in to bust someone's chin is just dumb.

Watch that game 4 over and over again. There were a few calls that didn't go the Spurs' way that should have. And, that one Ben Wallace "steal/hack" on Timmy's arm was egregious. Most Piston fans would agree. But, the Pistons didn't hack or clutch nearly as much as you want to believe. They did play more physical, and Chauncey again put a hard foul, this time on Devin Brown. But, watch your proud Bruce Bowen for an entire game and see if the Pistons were doing anything worse than what he does everytime down the court. The Pistons are just playing harder. And fortunately for them, they have had some lucky whistles in games 3 and 4.

Al Swearengen
06-19-2005, 02:23 PM
just knock someone on their fucking ass..hit the cocksuckers right in the mouth

Kori Ellis
06-19-2005, 02:24 PM
I agree with Jam Stone. The Spurs can step up their intensity, but becoming thugs won't do anything but get them out of their game (and maybe thrown out of the game).

06-19-2005, 02:38 PM
The last thing Tim needs to do is get thrown out of a game 5.

Look, the refs are simply not the problem. Spurs have consistently gotten more foul calls then the Pistons.

It's about letting the fouls effect you, Tim putting his hands in the air and giving up going to the basket. If at first you don't succeed, try again.

Or, to paraphrase Batman Begins, "Why do we fall down?" "To learn how to get back up."

OK, that was cheesy, sorry. :oops

06-19-2005, 02:48 PM
The Spurs just need to kick ass and that's final. No more screwing around.

06-19-2005, 02:58 PM
This coming from a poster who states that all Muslims are violent MFs. :rolleyes Nice hypocricy.

06-19-2005, 04:18 PM
TMass should distribute 6 good hard fouls on the Pistons guards.

06-19-2005, 04:27 PM
This is classic. lol

06-19-2005, 04:32 PM
I wanna see blood.

06-19-2005, 06:52 PM
You guys. This is pretty sad. You diss Pistons fans for being "violent" yet you come up with threads like this. Sad, sad, sad. The Pistons don't act violent. What's up with this?

06-20-2005, 12:50 AM
I only suggested it if need be. Nobody had to resort to any tactics the above Piston fans seem to have an issue with.

But to suggest that the Spurs intentionally try to take someone's teeth out with high elbows or to throw a shoulder in to bust someone's chin is just dumb.

Did you watch Mr. Bowen tonight? Much rougher than normal. :)

You guys. This is pretty sad. You diss Pistons fans for being "violent" yet you come up with threads like this. Sad, sad, sad. The Pistons don't act violent. What's up with this?

I guess you have selective memory. 15 years ago your squad did it for the fun of it. I suggested if need be. It wasn't but I guarantee you if I'm getting ass raped and no one will help me, I'm taking out the bastard doing it.

This coming from a poster who states that all Muslims are violent MFs. Nice hypocricy.

I'm old and I'm forgetting this is the Spurs BBall Forum, Forum.