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View Full Version : Peyton Manning update (not good)

01-30-2012, 11:55 PM
INDIANAPOLIS – For all the discussion over Peyton Manning’s future with the Indianapolis Colts, the underlying issue is that people close to him don’t believe he’ll resume his career.

The nerves in Manning’s arm are not healing as quickly as hoped and, worse, don’t appear to be progressing at enough of a rate to indicate that he will play again, according to two sources with knowledge of Manning’s rehabilitation from neck surgery. The vertebrae in his neck that were fused have healed as expected and Manning began throwing in December. But he hasn’t shown improvement in velocity on his passes, and the two sources fear he likely never will again.

In addition, two league-affiliated doctors with experience in spinal fusion surgery said it could take up to a year before Manning knows if he can return. Both said the risk is too great for Manning to play again and, because of the timeline, neither would recommend the Colts pay Manning the $28 million bonus he is owed in March.

Manning couldn’t be reached for comment.

Colts owner Jim Irsay declined to talk about Manning’s health on Monday before a news conference, but did say, “There are no cases of quarterbacks going through this.”

Irsay may have no choice but to let go of Manning. While some people have tried to paint the situation as Irsay choosing to move on from Manning as he rebuilds the Colts after a 2-14 season, that was not Irsay’s intention months ago. In October, Irsay discussed the optimal situation of having both Manning and his heir apparent on the roster simultaneously.

“Guys like that come along so rarely,” Irsay said on Oct. 10 at an NFL owners meeting in Houston, referring to Manning and perceived No. 1 overall pick Andrew Luck (although Irsay has since indicated that Robert Griffin III could also be the selection). “Even if that means that guy sits for three or four years, you’d certainly think about taking him … you see what Green Bay did with [Brett] Favre and [Aaron] Rodgers and you’d like to be able to do the same thing.”

At this point, that scenario is unlikely and not because Irsay doesn’t want to pay the money for Manning. Rather, Manning has hit a plateau in his rehabilitation in terms of getting stronger, both sources said. While atrophy in the arm was expected, the fact that it hasn’t improved recently is an ominous sign.

“If you’re getting consistent improvement, then that’s OK. Even if it’s going from lifting 10 pounds to 15 pounds to 20 pounds over a stretch of weeks, that’s fine,” said a doctor who has not seen Manning but has a background in spinal surgery. “If you hit a plateau, that’s a problem. … Now, I say that, but I also tell patients who have been through it that it can take up to a year to find out exactly how much strength you’re going to get back.

“Right now, Peyton is at about six months. He should have a much better idea by July or August just how far he’s going to get … even then, that’s only a part of it. You can tell about 80 percent of how the nerves and the muscles are healing by rehab. What you really have to see is how his arm holds up when he starts to throw. Does he have the same velocity on the 15-yard out? Can he throw the 60-yard pass? Can he throw for 30 minutes before his arm gets tired? Can he throw for an hour? It’s a very complicated process.” It’s a process Irsay may not be able to gamble on at this point.

As for Manning’s side of it, he remains confident that he will return to action next season even as the progress remains slow. Last week in an extensive interview with Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star, Manning expressed frustration as to why so many people who he has worked with over the years have been let go by the team, including team president Bill Polian and coach Jim Caldwell. While Manning understands the team needing to move forward, he believes he will be able to play again.

http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=jc-cole_peyton_manning_colts_neck_surgery_jim_irsay01 3012

01-31-2012, 12:00 AM
That sucks. He should probably just retire now. He's already considered one of the greatest to ever play, he has a ring, and he's a 1st ballot HOFer...no sense risking further injury.

01-31-2012, 12:51 AM
That sucks. He should probably just retire now. He's already considered one of the greatest to ever play, he has a ring, and he's a 1st ballot HOFer...no sense risking further injury.

01-31-2012, 01:17 AM
It sounds like he needs to seriously think about retirement..

01-31-2012, 05:31 AM
Damn that sucks. I know's he probably done playing in the NFL but the Colts are treating him like shit. If it hadn't been for him, they probably wouldn't still be playing in Indy.

the plane ride
01-31-2012, 08:12 AM
My journey from Indianapolis to New Orleans was so quiet, you could hear a CAREER drop!

01-19-2014, 10:44 PM
That sucks. He should probably just retire now. He's already considered one of the greatest to ever play, he has a ring, and he's a 1st ballot HOFer...no sense risking further injury.

It sounds like he needs to seriously think about retirement..

Damn that sucks. I know's he probably done playing in the NFL but the Colts are treating him like shit. If it hadn't been for him, they probably wouldn't still be playing in Indy.

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
01-19-2014, 10:45 PM



01-19-2014, 10:48 PM

welptotally related

Different date and injury

Thanks I guess

01-20-2014, 01:15 AM
That sucks. He should probably just retire now. He's already considered one of the greatest to ever play, he has a ring, and he's a 1st ballot HOFer...no sense risking further injury.


01-20-2014, 12:45 PM
Losing a Superbowl to Seattle will be the nail in the coffin to his legacy.. He better not choke again..

01-20-2014, 12:50 PM
Losing a Superbowl to Seattle will be the nail in the coffin to his legacy.. He better not choke again..

Peyton will win. The Broncos have too many weapons on offense. Seattle won't be able to keep up.

01-20-2014, 01:27 PM
I love how now that Manning is in Denver, the Broncos sudenly have a lot of "weapons". They didn't used to say that when Orton and Tebow were in town and they had most of the same guys Peyton has now. Let's face it, good quarterbacks "make" the weapons around them.

01-20-2014, 02:19 PM
I love how now that Manning is in Denver, the Broncos sudenly have a lot of "weapons". They didn't used to say that when Orton and Tebow were in town and they had most of the same guys Peyton has now. Let's face it, good quarterbacks "make" the weapons around them.

Yeah. I'm sure he would have made weapons out of Edelman and Amendola as his top 2 receivers.

01-20-2014, 02:25 PM
Yeah. I'm sure he would have made weapons out of Edelman and Amendola as his top 2 receivers.

He would have taken the best out of each, that's for sure.