View Full Version : Despite Being Banned - Kool Actually Won In The End

02-01-2012, 08:39 AM
Kori if you're ever ready for me to come back just speak between the lines...you know I've always jumped when you've asked me too...:lol

This whole experience has been like a 2005 Tiger Woods vs. The Field :lol

As I make my way out just wanted to part with a few words of wisdom. Ultimately I won...I accept without anger Kori and Tim's decision...it's their board...however, what you've witnessed over the years is my blueprint for success...I leave it behind for all GNSF's who aspire to my heights....Kori and Tim were like parents watching their kids get beat up on the playground, encouraging their kids to fight back but to no avail...The parents tired of seeing their kids cry and complain then step in and either attacks the offending kid themselves or threatens to sue the parents of the offending kid for kicking their kids ass...so no hard feelings...they got tired of witnessing me, Luva and Cully kicking the shit out of your asses so they created a way for you to fight back. You should thank them for that for without it you all would continue to get abused.

For those that don't like Welshers...Fork You :lol ...I paid DPG right up his oily ass and guess what I have no problems with it what-so-ever I fucking sleep good at night..I've actually fucked you all...All of you are massively butthurt and as I watch you complain about it everyday it makes me smile. You're getting your revenge now through the management so with my pinking and banning just call it even ( it's a badge of honor for me) and stop all your gotdam pissing and moaning...I won and you also won fair enough :lol..ok I don't wanna shear of no more of this Welshing business now that I'm banned / pinked...

My only true regret is that I let Addy down..We could have had something special and because of my rough and unapologetic nature I did sort of ruin that one..but ohh well fuck it...win some and lose some...But I do apologize Addy...the only one sincerely...

As for you knuckleheads I danced on you Ho's like Kobe has...sitting at 5 and possibly 6 if the trades go down...for now I have the cover I need to stay away...you guys can make fun of the Lakers by way our our resident turncoats ( they know who they are) :lol

I've essentially been coping free feels off you guys over the years...and this vid sums up how I feel and what I've been doing...:lol


02-01-2012, 08:53 AM
I was on your side. The benevolent Culburn convinced me to fight for you. It's not the 2nd yet. Maybe my lobbying convinced the EC to grant you a pardon. Besides, I kind have gotten used to having a pet chimp around.

Koolaid_Man's Dad
02-01-2012, 09:09 AM
Praise Jesus! You finally steppin' away from this damn fool board. Now maybe you have more time to do your chores, like massaging my bunyon and cutting down that knee high stinkweed out back. Look like the Louisiana Bayou back there and I 'bout damn near expec' a gator to leap out them weeds.

And now maybe we can get some schooling in you, boy. You aint yet finish high school and you almost thirty! Now what kinda bullshit is that?

And for the last damn time. Get off them youtubes!

02-01-2012, 09:36 AM
:lol still trying to claim that you paid and brag about not paying at the same time
:lol thinking that making several shitty threads over three years is an accomplishment
:lol grown man with the sense of humor of a 12-year-old

02-01-2012, 09:52 AM
Do you seriously still not understand the difference between being banned and not being able to start threads? I didn't think it was that tough to differentiate. As far as I know, only pinking was on the table for you. I don't know all the votes, but I don't think anyone was considering to ban you. You'll still be able to post, you asshat.

I hope you do get pinked though. Most of the threads you start are unnecessary garbage. I generally don't even read them, but now without them, it makes the board much cleaner than with them. I also suggested taking away your ability to embed youtube videos. That shit is annoying too.

Your behavior over your pending situation pretty much proves that if you do get pinked, you deserve it.

02-01-2012, 10:28 AM
Is been a bad week for Aids, first, he's getting pinked and then Don Cornelius just killed himself

02-01-2012, 10:31 AM
Do you seriously still not understand the difference between being banned and not being able to start threads? I didn't think it was that tough to differentiate. As far as I know, only pinking was on the table for you. I don't know all the votes, but I don't think anyone was considering to ban you. You'll still be able to post, you asshat.

I hope you do get pinked though. Most of the threads you start are unnecessary garbage. I generally don't even read them, but now without them, it makes the board much cleaner than with them. I also suggested taking away your ability to embed youtube videos. That shit is annoying too.

Your behavior over your pending situation pretty much proves that if you do get pinked, you deserve it.

JamStone with the goods, as usual.

02-01-2012, 11:20 AM
Kori and Tim were like parents watching their kids get beat up on the playground, encouraging their kids to fight back but to no avail...The parents tired of seeing their kids cry and complain then step in and either attacks the offending kid themselves or threatens to sue the parents of the offending kid for kicking their kids ass...so no hard feelings...they got tired of witnessing me, Luva and Cully kicking the shit out of your asses so they created a way for you to fight back. You should thank them for that for without it you all would continue to get abused.

That's it and that's all.

02-01-2012, 11:24 AM
You're not banned retard.

02-01-2012, 12:20 PM
Do you seriously still not understand the difference between being banned and not being able to start threads? I didn't think it was that tough to differentiate. As far as I know, only pinking was on the table for you. I don't know all the votes, but I don't think anyone was considering to ban you. You'll still be able to post, you asshat.

I hope you do get pinked though. Most of the threads you start are unnecessary garbage. I generally don't even read them, but now without them, it makes the board much cleaner than with them. I also suggested taking away your ability to embed youtube videos. That shit is annoying too.

Your behavior over your pending situation pretty much proves that if you do get pinked, you deserve it.
