View Full Version : SD of the Week Vol 3 - Demonstration of Blind Quantum Computing

02-02-2012, 12:32 PM
I would be remiss if I didn't apologize for being absent of late. Much travel and little time to get things done.

This installment deals with a demonstration of secure cloud computing. Obviously, this issue will be key since one would ideally like to utilize remote servers while keeping a clients information hidden.

Blind quantum computing (BQC) algorithms have come about as as the realization that single-qbit measurements suffice in deterministic universal quantum computations. The basic principle of BQC is measurement based computations used in one-way quantum computing. The use of different algorithms in this paradigm requires, simply, that differing single qbit measurements patterns be used. Successful cloaking of those measurements and their patterns is essential for hiding quantum computations and hence client data.


In case the PDF link does not work:


Abstract: Quantum computers, besides offering substantial computational speedups, are also expected to preserve the privacy of a computation. We present an experimental demonstration of blind quantum computing in which the input, computation, and output all remain unknown to the computer. We exploit the conceptual framework of measurement-based quantum computation that enables a client to delegate a computation to a quantum server. Various blind delegated computations, including one- and two-qubit gates and the Deutsch and Grover quantum algorithms, are demonstrated. The client only needs to be able to prepare and transmit individual photonic qubits. Our demonstration is crucial for unconditionally secure quantum cloud computing and might become a key ingredient for real-life applications, especially when considering the challenges of making powerful quantum computers widely available.

02-02-2012, 12:35 PM