View Full Version : Pop's quotes for argentinean newspaper (translated)

06-19-2005, 07:43 PM
The reporter is a moron, asking some really dull questions, but's Pop manages to make it interesting.

(Another shitty altavista translation)

"He is executive vice-president of operations of basketball and main trainer of the Spurs. He lead to the team that both obtained only titles of the tax exemption (1999 and 2003), in the 8 seasons that take to position. It is Gregg Popovich, the man who coaches Emanuel Ginóbili. -

What differentiates has between the Ginóbili that knew in the beginning and the one of now?

I saw Manu for the first time in Preolímpico of the 99, in Puerto Rico. He made an impression to me because he was very thinny. Now he continues being skinny, but more strong. And he maintains the same talent. Manu is the player more competitive than I saw and that I directed 30 years in the last. Their desire to win turn him into a player very different from the others.

- Why, being so good, Manu is the fourth player in minutes of field?

- Because he plays so hard, so hard, that he cannot be active ten minutes followed. For that reason I put him between six and seven minutes. In addition, sometimes he is in problems of faults, and lack and that forces so he goes to the bank.

- He is the leader of the equipment? -
He has always felt like a leader. But every year feels more comfortable and its leadership increases. Now he speaks more with his companions. For that reason they respect so much.

- That leadership would have to appear today to plenary session?
- In this game, it is very important that Duncan, Ginóbili and Parker appear to plenary session and that the bemch also responds optimally.

- How it is to face Manu?
- To face it in the Olympic Games was a pleasure. I am very contented of which it has gained the gold medal.

- Did you copy strategies of the Argentine Team to be able to apply them in the Spurs?
- Yes, surely. Still more with the arrival of Manu to the Spurs. He brought his experience to us of other trainers, as much of the Argentine Selection as of the Italian team in which he played.

- It can become happens of Luis Scola to San Antonio?
- Scola is our main objective. We are going to speak much with him this summer. We will do all the possible so that he comes the sooner, with a contract that leaves according to everybody.

- They have other Argentine players in folder?
- Yes, we are hit by several Argentine players whose names I reserve myself. But it is not easy to bring them here, by questions of contractual clauses.

- What knows of Argentina? - When I arrived at the Spurs, approximately 16 years ago, the owners of the equipment said to me that he is one of the best places of the world to go of fishing or hunting. With Manu I learn many more things of its country

- When you think to go here?
- I could not do it the three last summers, because I was with the Team of the U.S.A.. But now I am free of that function.

- Until when you think to continue training?
- I do not know it. Surely until I have desire to raise me early to go to the training or loses the enthusiasm by the competition.

Gregg Popovich, or simply Pop. The teacher of the strategy for the Spurs.