View Full Version : It could still be Christie, Rubio or Bush

02-10-2012, 10:09 AM
The Billionaires' Brokered GOP Convention

The Plan is working.

Mitt Romney's biggest backer didn't want him to win.

We know that Paul "The Vulture" Singer, Romney's Daddy Warbucks, organized the "grassroots" campaign to replace Romney with Gov. Chris Christie back in September.

That flopped, so Singer and the billionaire boys' club that courted Christie moved over to Romney. Not that they had a choice. They knew Moonrocks Gingrich, who thinks he's running for Master Jedi, and Saint Santorum who thinks he's running for pope, would end up road kill in November.

But despite their million-dollar checks for Romney's campaign, the billionaires are handling the ex-governor with very long and slippery tweezers. The fact that Singer and the Koch brothers went on bended knee to Christie means they are just nauseated over Romney, a man losing a war with the English language and his own tax returns, carrying their standard against President Obama.

These billionaires are smart men. Devious men. I've followed them for years, and they do nothing in a straight line. The super PAC that Singer and the gang control, Restore Our Future, is supposed to be for Romney. But it's not; it's for Singer and Bill Koch. The future they want to restore is their own, not yours or mine - or Romney's.

Now, if your ultimate goal is to beat Obama and you need Christie to do it, you want the GOP race to end in a brokered convention. Then, the billionaires become the brokers. In the best of all worlds for these super PAC men, no candidate gets the 1,144 delegates needed to win. Restore Our Future can then restore the nomination to Christie (or, say, Sen. Marco Rubio, or both), someone who can win.

So, think about it. The Singer-Koch super PAC has access to more money than Fort Knox. It has raised over $30 million and has left as much as half sitting unspent. Yet, they didn't bother to run major ads in cheap media markets like Grand Junction, letting Romney go down in Colorado by less than 4,000 votes.

For a few bucks, they could have sealed it for Governor Romney this week. But they chose not to. Why?

By moving money in and out of selected primaries like a piston, Restore Our Future can shoo Santorum and Gingrich away from the nomination - and, with a bit of luck, the Romney campaign ends up in Tampa dead on arrival.

Then the Vulture and the Richie Rich Club can gnaw at Romney's political corpse and regurgitate the nomination for the cat's paw of their choice.

02-10-2012, 10:15 AM
Mitt Romney's Struggles Take Republican Angst To New Heights

WASHINGTON -- The angst within the Republican Party about Mitt Romney's candidacy has risen to such levels that some of the most experienced, influential members of the party are still talking about a late entry into the GOP primary.

"Now normally that's a joke," said a longtime party leader who spoke to The Huffington Post about the possibility of a late candidacy on the condition that he not be identified. "I mean normally that just can't go anywhere. But could it go somewhere now, if [Rick] Santorum continues to be unable to raise money from anybody but Foster Friess, if Newt [Gingrich] won't give Santorum a passing lane, if Romney continues to under-perform? If Ron Paul's 10, 12 or 20 percent just stays static as I expect it to?"

"Now, is that likely to happen? Hell no, it ain't likely to happen. But it's the first time in my life time where there's a real chance," the Republican said.



Repugs shit in their extremist bed, now they must lie in it.

02-10-2012, 10:56 AM
Christie doesn't have the stomach for it...err, well you all know what I mean. Rubio needs to stew a few more years and elections before he is ready.

02-10-2012, 12:10 PM
The GOP field is struggling, but to me these are all moot arguments. Come November Republicans will line up behind whoever is the nominee. Democrats will do the same for Obama. I think the independent vote will come down to how the economy does over the course of the year. If it keeps getting better at the pace it is moving Obama crushes whoever lines up against him. If the economy trudges along and we stay at current level without much improvement it will be a tight race. If the economy takes a dip before election day Obama gets trounced. The election will be a referendum on Obama. The GOP chatter is really just noise.

02-10-2012, 12:56 PM
"Come November Republicans will line up behind whoever is the nominee"

the Repug risk is that they won't get out enough votes.

the Repugs are covering their asses by disenfranchising Dem voters (blacks, poor, old, disabled) with voter ID bullshit and no doubt lots of lying and distracting and intimidating just before and on voting day.

02-10-2012, 01:34 PM
The GOP should win by a landslide come November.

Spurs da champs
02-10-2012, 06:00 PM
Fuck Rubio, damn coconut.

02-10-2012, 06:54 PM
Obama by a landslide if things continue the way they are economically....

{besides a slight hick up in the market, things are expected to progress alright}

02-10-2012, 06:58 PM
Santorum is the key to a brokered convention, if he can win enough states from Romney and Ron Paul fever stays strong, I've posted before that the GOP may be headed for a brokered convention and nominate Jeb Bush or some other Neocon....

02-10-2012, 07:01 PM
No one seriously thinks Santorum is a viable candidate, they are just using him to block a Romney nomination..

Wild Cobra Kai
02-10-2012, 09:57 PM
The GOP field is struggling, but to me these are all moot arguments. Come November Republicans will line up behind whoever is the nominee. Democrats will do the same for Obama. I think the independent vote will come down to how the economy does over the course of the year. If it keeps getting better at the pace it is moving Obama crushes whoever lines up against him. If the economy trudges along and we stay at current level without much improvement it will be a tight race. If the economy takes a dip before election day Obama gets trounced. The election will be a referendum on Obama. The GOP chatter is really just noise.

The Christians will not line up behind Romney. They don't have to vote for Obama, they just have to stay home, and not very many of them have to do so to tip the election. The danger about recruiting "true believers" into your base is that when they truly believe he is an apostate, they will not make a pragmatic decision to vote for him to beat Obama.

Capt Bringdown
02-10-2012, 11:44 PM
Obama is the best Republican president since Clinton. Wall Street has their man already, hence the primary circus.

02-10-2012, 11:57 PM
:lol at Obama being a Republican.....wars end under Obama...

02-11-2012, 12:08 AM