View Full Version : LeBron James: I can see myself returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers

02-16-2012, 05:02 PM

LeBron James says he could see himself returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers

Schmitt Boyer, The Plain Dealer (http://connect.cleveland.com/user/mschmitt/index.html)
http://media.cleveland.com/cavs_impact/photo/lebron-james-1464141ea7c767c9.jpgAPLeBron James says he could a day that he'd return to play for the Cavs. But would Cavs fans have that same vision?
Updated at 3 p.m.
CLEVELAND -- LeBron James said he made a mistake in the way he left Cleveland and could see himself playing for the Cavaliers again.
"I think it would be great,'' James said, responding to a question after the Miami Heat's practice at The Q on Thursday afternoon. "It would be fun to play in front of these fans again.
"I had a lot fun times in my seven years here. You can't predict the future, and hopefully I continue to stay healthy. I'm here as a Miami Heat player, and I'm happy where I am now, but I don't rule that out in no sense.
"And if I decide to come back, hopefully the fans will accept me."
Although he has hinted at this in the past and at other venues, for the first time in Cleveland, James said he erred in the way he left. That admission came in response to a question about whether he'd tried to patch things up with Cavs owner Dan Gilbert, who blasted James in an open letter to Cavs fans -- in comic sans type -- after James' defection.
"I don't have any hard feelings,'' James said. "He said what he said and I've moved on. But there's been no attempt to patch things up .... I don't hold grudges. I hold them a little bit, but I don't hold them that long.
"He said what he said out of anger and he would probably want to take that back. But I made a mistake, too, and there are some things I would want to take back as well. You make mistakes and move on."
Asked specifically if he could play for Gilbert again, James said, "Would I play for Dan again? Dan is not the coach. I can play for any coach. We'll see what happens.''
This will be James' third visit to The Q with the Heat, and he senses that fans have mellowed a bit.
"There's nothing like the first time I visited,'' he said of the vicious reaction he elicited in his first game here Dec. 2, 2010. "I didn't expect it to be as hostile as it was before, the first time. I understood, time has definitely moved on.''
He said he has moved on as well, admitting that the move was more difficult than he'd expected.
"I'm back to how I was in Cleveland, having fun with the game, appreciating the game, loving the game and playing at a high level,'' said James, who is under contract to the Heat through 2014, with options for two more seasons. "I got away from that last year. It was a difficult year for me last year, making the whole transition, on and off the floor, going through everything I went through. I just got back to how I got to this point, back to playing the way I know how to play.
"I am comfortable. I feel good. This is the best I've felt on the court in about 14 months. I feel great, trying to play at a high level, trying to help this team every night to win ball games. Love the game, appreciate the game, don't take it for granted.''
His goal remains the same.
"No matter where my career ends up, my goal is still the same and that's to win an NBA championship,'' he said. "It hasn't changed. I've accomplished everything you can as an individual ... I've got all the awards. That stuff don't matter to me. All I want to do is win a championship. I want to do it in Miami. that's the team I'm with. Hopefully I can finish my career ... if it's in Cleveland, I make it to Cleveland, I want to win a championship here. That's my goal .... make it happen this year.''
As James finished his interview and walked away, teammate Dwyane Wade stepped into the void. Could he ever imagine James returning to play in Cleveland? "
Anything is possible,'' Wade said. "Hopefully I'm retired"

02-16-2012, 05:23 PM
Lebron is one dumb motherfucker.

02-16-2012, 05:41 PM
Lebron is one dumb motherfucker.

But Delonte is the real motherfucker.

02-16-2012, 05:51 PM
But Delonte is the real motherfucker.


02-16-2012, 06:04 PM
Lebron is one dumb motherfucker.


You have to wonder with this guy if he has his senses in order.

He sure is giving the Heat Organization and fans something to look forward to. Dumbshit. :lol

02-16-2012, 06:13 PM
Attention Whore much?

02-16-2012, 06:15 PM
:lol When Lebron is a champion in June, none of this will matter.

02-16-2012, 06:18 PM
Ouch. Cleveland will never win a title

02-16-2012, 06:47 PM
Look up narcissistic in the dictionary and should see a picture of Lebron.

02-16-2012, 07:11 PM

Its all for ratings; Stern told him to do that to build up hype before Heat face the Cavs

02-16-2012, 07:13 PM
I'd hate LBJ less if he just admitted he was an egotistic gorilla instead of trying his best to appear humble.

02-16-2012, 07:25 PM
If I were a Cleveland fan Id say fuck him still and to not come back buttttttt, since im not a cavs fan I think itd be cool if LBJ went back and possibly bring them a title.

02-16-2012, 07:30 PM


02-16-2012, 07:55 PM



02-16-2012, 07:59 PM



He trying to deceive the Cavs fans, so he doesn't get booed.

02-16-2012, 09:33 PM
This dude is a trip, isn't he?

02-16-2012, 09:37 PM
I think it would be kinda cool if the Heat failed to win, so Lebron goes back to Cleveland and gets a title for the city... as much as I hate him, it would be a nice thing for Cavs fans.

02-16-2012, 09:58 PM
What a piece of caca he is.

02-16-2012, 10:10 PM
Can you believe Bron was born in 1984? Marthafocker is getting old. He's going to need to get back to the Cavs quick before he is reduced to role player status.

02-16-2012, 10:12 PM
He's just trolling Cleveland, tbh.

02-16-2012, 10:18 PM
He's just trolling Cleveland, tbh.

Very f ed up if you ask me.

02-16-2012, 10:19 PM
He's just trolling Cleveland, tbh.

He already trolled them once, why do it again??

02-16-2012, 10:31 PM
He already trolled them once, why do it again??

attention whore

02-16-2012, 10:35 PM
He already trolled them once, why do it again??

When a city's that desperate for a championship you can always toy with their emotions.

02-16-2012, 11:00 PM
He just trying to abate some of the boos and vitirol he will get tomorrow night.
I don't get why he cares so much what the rank and file think of him ... Lebron needs to be more Darth Maul or Darth Vader but he wants to be Obi-wan or Luke

02-16-2012, 11:23 PM
Lebron is like A-Rod.. Desperate for attention and needing everyone to like him.. He also comes off as mentally weak..

02-16-2012, 11:45 PM
Lebron is like A-Rod.. Desperate for attention and needing everyone to like him.. He also comes off as mentally weak..

That's why he can't close and refuses to shoot free throws in the 4th quarter of close games.

02-16-2012, 11:49 PM
He's just trolling Cleveland, tbh.

I think he wants people in Cleveland to like him.

LeBron isn't comfortable being a villain, imo.

I still can't decide if LBJ trolled Cleveland w/the Decision intentionally, or if he just kind of blundered into it.

02-16-2012, 11:56 PM
In addition his hairline is receding to a ridorkulous extent.

02-17-2012, 12:18 AM
:lol the haters desperately trying to relieve their urges before it's June..before it's too late..

02-17-2012, 03:10 AM
he's just trolling..

02-17-2012, 08:37 AM
I think people are making too big a deal of this. We all know, there ain't no way in hell LeBron is going back to Cleveland. I think he was just saying that instead of being disrespectful.

02-17-2012, 10:35 AM
:lol the haters desperately trying to relieve their urges before it's June..before it's too late..

We all know he should and probably will win in June, I just dont get why he says stuff like this. If lebron would just shut his piehole and just play ... he would have far less "haters". As a player you can disparage the crab dribble, the faall away 3's or the back to the basket game, but the guy pretty much does EVERYTHING ELSE (pass, finish at the rim, mid-range drive, defend rebound) at an ELITE level ... but he keeps feeding the haters ...that is on him.

Simmons brings up a great point, more accurately he gets hated because his LLR or whatever it is called management team sucks. They have consistently steered Lebron wrong and he is the one suffering for it. Now i get some will say it's still his fault because they work for him, but if you look at the Decision, the Nike campaigns and not reigning in his public speaking, they have failed him. And if they werent his buddies and cronies he would probably fire them.

Lebron needs ARI Gold truth be told ...:rollin

02-17-2012, 11:34 AM
He admitted to a mistake. Shoot him.

Cleveland before/after Lebron. Yeah right Gilbert and CavsFan at large.

02-17-2012, 06:48 PM
Wojo taking another hit at LeBron here but the story apparently is more complicated than just a simple declaration

http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=Aq0I5Ko1FLtNjV.PlEfkHEG8vLYF?slug=aw-wojnarowski_lebron_james_opt_out_cavaliers_gilbert _021712

02-17-2012, 11:07 PM
Wojo taking another hit at LeBron here but the story apparently is more complicated than just a simple declaration

http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=Aq0I5Ko1FLtNjV.PlEfkHEG8vLYF?slug=aw-wojnarowski_lebron_james_opt_out_cavaliers_gilbert _021712

I was just about to post that. If true, that's just incredibly bizarre and LeBron has learned nothing from his media shenanigans of the last two years or so.

Kewni Leonard
02-18-2012, 12:09 AM
I think more than a couple of things are at play here, but here are a couple that I'm fairly certain of:

1) He feels remorse for doing what he did and regrets going to Miami, to an extent. He legitimately thinks going back to Cleveland would rectify the wrongdoings.

2) He assumes Wade will be done a lot sooner than he is, and that the team could be weak(er) by the time he could go back to Cleveland. He could be putting this information out so the Cavs set themselves up with a shit ton of salary space so he can recruit the players of his liking, again. Preferably a much younger nucleus, so he can continue winning rings for years to come.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
02-18-2012, 12:18 AM
so he can continue winning rings for years to come.


Kewni Leonard
02-18-2012, 12:20 AM

He's going to win a ring for at least the next 2 years. That's pretty apparent.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
02-18-2012, 12:23 AM
He's going to win a ring for at least the next 2 years.

I believe he should definitely win this year, but they were the favorites last year as well, so...

Kewni Leonard
02-18-2012, 12:27 AM
I believe he should definitely win this year, but they were the favorites last year as well, so...

Yes, you never know. Stern could call it in for the opposing team to be able to play a zone defense and pack the paint without guarding anyone again, like he did for the Lakers when Shaq was on the team. However, I don't see that happening, because the venom for Miami is not what it was last year, and there will not be a white superstar in the NBA finals again this year.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
02-18-2012, 12:30 AM
and there will not be a white superstar in the NBA finals again this year.
