View Full Version : Made it to #5 on Grantland's Most Embarrassing Sports Moments! (reader submitted)

03-05-2012, 10:58 AM
My 15 minutes of pathetic glory. Surprised it made it tbh, but if you scroll towards the bottom of the article you can see the Top 10:


03-05-2012, 11:04 AM

Good stuff, Amused.

03-05-2012, 11:28 AM
I read it =]

03-05-2012, 11:30 AM
I know that feel bro. When I was in 7th I was also goalie for my school team, there was a corner kick and I was trying to deflect it away from the goal but didnt make contact the way I intended to and it ended up going straight into the net for an own goal. Felt like shit all the opposing fans were thanking and laughing at me in the bleachers. :(

03-05-2012, 11:43 AM
Well, were the girls hot?

03-05-2012, 11:45 AM
Well, were the girls hot?

They were cute no doubt, mostly british chicks, but not something I should've blown my "athletic integrity" over :lol

Ever since then I always check out the opposing chicks crowd from the stands now :depressed

03-05-2012, 11:49 AM
Look on the bright side. At least you weren't in Colombia.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
03-05-2012, 11:50 AM
My HS Football coach would not let any us play soccer...he called them Commie Roundballers and said we'd be kicked off the team if we joined them. In hindsight I'm kinda glad he did that. It's probably why i have no interest in the sport today.

Still though, good stuff Amused:tu

03-05-2012, 01:18 PM
Ah my first kiss. There was this guy friend of mine when I was in high school and we were pretending to be actors, and we were filming this short film where we had to kiss. We didn't do an open mouth kiss or anything, just lips to lip for a few seconds and that was that, but yeah, technically that was my first kiss.

My first kiss with a girl was with a treo of girls, kissing all three of them because they were friends and shared everything, but that's my thang ya know?


03-05-2012, 03:02 PM
^ :lmao

03-05-2012, 03:36 PM
I didn't read that laka. =]