View Full Version : Santorum win Tennesee Primary

03-06-2012, 08:40 PM
But it won't be enough but it still is important to keep his campaign to continue.

03-06-2012, 09:14 PM
Breaking News: Rick Santorum will win the Oklahoma Republican primary, CNN projects based on exit polls.

03-06-2012, 09:15 PM
Whoah! Santorum takes a very slight lead in Ohio.

03-06-2012, 09:43 PM
Taking Tennessee and Oklahoma from Newt is big. If Newt can't even prove to be a legitimate regional candidate then the dollars and support should dry up.

03-06-2012, 09:44 PM
I wonder if he'd have taken Virginia.

03-06-2012, 10:22 PM
It's not the Santorum voters that should worry the GOP as much as it is the anti-Romney vote..

03-06-2012, 10:39 PM
It's not the Santorum voters that should worry the GOP as much as it is the anti-Romney vote..

Disagree. Outside of Newt's home state this has been a Santorum v. Romney...two legitimate candidates for the nomination.

03-06-2012, 10:46 PM
You don't get it....the fact that Santorum is considered a 'legitimate candidate' at all is the concern for the GOP...

03-06-2012, 10:52 PM
You don't get it....the fact that Santorum is considered a 'legitimate candidate' at all is the concern for the GOP...

I get that you don't think he's a legitimate candidate. I also don't value your opinion.

03-06-2012, 10:53 PM
Who cares.....he's still not a legitimate candidate...

03-06-2012, 10:56 PM
I get that you don't think he's a legitimate candidate. I also don't value your opinion.

Do you think Santorum is a legimate contender in the general?

03-06-2012, 10:57 PM
Even Paul polls better than Santorum against Obama


Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Santorum (R) Spread
RCP Average 2/10 - 3/5 -- 50.1 43.3 Obama +6.8
Rasmussen Tracking 3/3 - 3/5 1500 LV 48 41 Obama +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 2/29 - 3/3 RV 53 39 Obama +14
Politico/GWU/Battleground 2/19 - 2/22 1000 LV 53 42 Obama +11
USA Today/Gallup 2/20 - 2/21 881 RV 46 49 Santorum +3
Associated Press/GfK 2/16 - 2/20 1000 A 52 43 Obama +9
Quinnipiac 2/14 - 2/20 2605 RV 47 44 Obama +3
CNN/Opinion Research 2/10 - 2/13 937 RV 52 45 Obama +7

Source: Realclearpolitics

03-06-2012, 10:57 PM
Who cares.....he's still not a legitimate candidate...

Again, says you.

03-06-2012, 11:00 PM
Ok, he's a legitimate candidate


03-06-2012, 11:00 PM
Do you think Santorum is a legimate contender in the general?

Sure. As much as the media Wants to pigeon-hole him as a social issues candidate, he's got a good economic message and credibility (against bailouts, cap-and-trade, etc.). He appeals to blue-collar voters across party lines.

03-06-2012, 11:02 PM
Even Paul polls better than Santorum against Obama


Source: Realclearpolitics

Those polls are useless this early in the process. Not enough people care enough at this point to get to know the non-Obama candidates.

03-06-2012, 11:07 PM
Santorum's candidacy would be dead without the help of a few wealthy backers, in the general, once the 'population' learns who, it's over...

03-06-2012, 11:14 PM
Santorum's candidacy would be dead without the help of a few wealthy backers, in the general, once the 'population' learns who, it's over...

Disagree, again. He has won several contests while being outspent. One state like Iowa may be a fluke, but he's only gotten stronger since then.

03-06-2012, 11:16 PM
Santorum is winning with two crowds, social conservatives and the anti-Romney crowd, that's not gonna win you a general...

03-06-2012, 11:20 PM
Santorum is winning with two crowds, social conservatives and the anti-Romney crowd, that's not gonna win you a general...

Carrying democrats in Ohio. And I didn't see the anti-Romney vote in the exit polling...curious to get your source.

03-06-2012, 11:21 PM
Carrying democrats in Ohio. And I didn't see the anti-Romney vote in the exit polling...curious to get your source.

This could be seen two ways AF.

Goran Dragic
03-06-2012, 11:23 PM
Sure. As much as the media Wants to pigeon-hole him as a social issues candidate, he's got a good economic message and credibility (against bailouts, cap-and-trade, etc.). He appeals to blue-collar voters across party lines.
The media didn't make him a nut job who plays with dead fetuses tbh

03-06-2012, 11:26 PM
At this point, any vote not for Romney is an anti-Romney vote, it's
romney or brokered convention..no other candidate can win...

I don't see a Santorum economic plan either, certainly no viable deficit reduction plan....

03-06-2012, 11:26 PM
Sure. As much as the media Wants to pigeon-hole him as a social issues candidate, he's got a good economic message and credibility (against bailouts, cap-and-trade, etc.). He appeals to blue-collar voters across party lines.

He doesn't have credibility as a fiscal conservative, just check his voting record. And the media absolutely would pigeon-hole him as a radical christian social conservative as well as a warmonger because that's what he is. I've heard him for years on various opinion shows and there's no shortage of material to use against him. You can bet Obama gets a hard on at the thought of Santorum being the nominee.

03-06-2012, 11:27 PM
This could be seen two ways AF.

Not denying that.

03-06-2012, 11:30 PM
At this point, any vote not for Romney is an anti-Romney vote, it's
romney or brokered convention..no other candidate can win...

I don't see a Santorum economic plan either, certainly no viable deficit reduction plan....

16% of delegates committed to any of the candidates.

As for his economic plan, here's a few tidbits...


Goran Dragic
03-06-2012, 11:31 PM
I don't see a Santorum economic plan either, certainly no viable deficit reduction plan....
Santorum's claim during the Arizona debate was that out of wedlock child births and single parent homes were the root of all American problems.

His plan for reducing single parent homes and reducing out of wedlock child births.....outlawing abortion :lmao:lmao

03-06-2012, 11:33 PM
16% of delegates committed to any of the candidates.

As for his economic plan, here's a few tidbits...


My point is that Santorum cannot win 1144 of the 2,286 needed for the nomination as long as Romney is still in the running..

03-06-2012, 11:38 PM
He doesn't have credibility as a fiscal conservative, just check his voting record. And the media absolutely would pigeon-hole him as a radical christian social conservative as well as a warmonger because that's what he is. I've heard him for years on various opinion shows and there's no shortage of material to use against him. You can bet Obama gets a hard on at the thought of Santorum being the nominee.

You're referring to what exactly...earmarks?

As for the media and Obama machine portrayal, any candidate will be portrayed negatively...Santorum th social nut, Romney the flip-flopper, etc.

Goran Dragic
03-06-2012, 11:40 PM
:lol Republicans already blaming the media for their shitty ass group of candidates not being able to run against Obama

Ryan Fitzpatrick
03-06-2012, 11:43 PM
:lolHoly shit, this Jim-Jones motherfucker is still going strong, eh?

03-06-2012, 11:51 PM
ha, ha, it's coming down....it's coming down..


Goran Dragic
03-07-2012, 12:58 AM
:lmao being an incumbent and not even getting 40% of the vote
:lmao him being taken seriously as a presidential candidate

baseline bum
03-07-2012, 02:01 AM
I love how he thanks god for only getting 38% of the vote.

03-07-2012, 11:02 PM
FYI, saw a CNN exit poll that Santorum won independents and young voters in Ohio. Just more ammo against those who believe he doesn't appeal to anyone outside of tea-party republicans.

Goran Dragic
03-07-2012, 11:19 PM
FYI, saw a CNN exit poll that Santorum won independents and young voters in Ohio. Just more ammo against those who believe he doesn't appeal to anyone outside of tea-party republicans.
There were also reports that Democrats in Ohio and Michigan organized in a unified effort to vote for Santorum (Democrats can vote in the Republican primary in both states) hoping that he gets to nomination because Obama would destroy him.

My guess is some of those Democrats were "young voters"

03-08-2012, 10:20 AM
Carrying democrats in Ohio. And I didn't see the anti-Romney vote in the exit polling...curious to get your source.

You don't honestly believe that the democrates that voted for Santorum in Ohio and Michigan would vote for him in the general? That vote is to keep Romney from wrapping up the nomination.

03-08-2012, 10:24 AM
There were also reports that Democrats in Ohio and Michigan organized in a unified effort to vote for Santorum (Democrats can vote in the Republican primary in both states) hoping that he gets to nomination because Obama would destroy him.

My guess is some of those Democrats were "young voters"

This is exactly whats going on. Republicans did this in the last election once McCain had it wrapped up. They voted for Hill-Dawg to try to beat Obama.

Goran Dragic
03-08-2012, 10:33 AM
It's funny that Santorum's supporters claim that he's more than just a social issues guy when they are his supporters because of social issues :lol

03-08-2012, 12:51 PM
You don't honestly believe that the democrates that voted for Santorum in Ohio and Michigan would vote for him in the general? That vote is to keep Romney from wrapping up the nomination.

He appealed to blue-collar voters in both Ohio and Michigan with a pro-manufacturing economic proposal to bring jobs back to the rust belt. I think it's entirely possible that Santorum could get independents (which he took in Ohio) and even some democrats in the general election with that appeal. And BTW, I'm not denying there was an effort by democrats to prolong the process by voting for the Romney contender. Both can and probably did coexist.

03-08-2012, 12:54 PM
It's funny that Santorum's supporters claim that he's more than just a social issues guy when they are his supporters because of social issues :lol

I usually ignore your ignorant (and racist) drivel, but I thought I'd object to this comment specifically because it's wrong. I support Santorum and am a social moderate when it comes to public policy.

Goran Dragic
03-08-2012, 01:03 PM
He appealed to blue-collar voters in both Ohio and Michigan with a pro-manufacturing economic proposal to bring jobs back to the rust belt. I think it's entirely possible that Santorum could get independents (which he took in Ohio) and even some democrats in the general election with that appeal. And BTW, I'm not denying there was an effort by democrats to prolong the process by voting for the Romney contender. Both can and probably did coexist.
Democrats showed up in droves to vote for him in both states. You're even more retarded than I thought if you think that's any indication whatsoever he has support from Democrats. They voted for him because he's a nut who plays with dead fetuses who'd be an easy target for Obama.

Goran Dragic
03-08-2012, 01:04 PM
I usually ignore your ignorant (and racist) drivel, but I thought I'd object to this comment specifically because it's wrong. I support Santorum and am a social moderate when it comes to public policy.
So you're saying you're not pro-life and anti-gay marriage?

lol I doubt that

03-08-2012, 01:06 PM
"Santorum could get independents (which he took in Ohio) and even some democrats in the general election"

fantasy :lol :lol :lol

Willard Gecko has the delegates wrapped up. there won't be any "general election" for InSaneTorum and the other freaks.


The other candidates are now obviously pimping their celebrity and cred with their tiny weirdo, ignorant bases, looking towards speaking fees.

03-08-2012, 01:11 PM
Santorum will win some Southern States for sure.

03-08-2012, 01:14 PM
So you're saying you're not pro-life and anti-gay marriage?

lol I doubt that

Pro-choice, though I'm against federal funding for abortions. And yes, pro-gay marriage.

Iranian BoogeyMan
03-08-2012, 01:18 PM
Look guys, it's not that hard to figure out why Santorum is performing so well in the primaries: The fact is, he's a firm believer in me and I'm absolutely crucial in order to further the interests of big oil and the military industrial complex. Yeah you could vote for guys like Ron Paul who run based on the principles of freedom and liberty, but then who would save you whenever I'm under your bed at night while you sleep? Who would save all the unborn children while they are inside the womb?

Guys, make the right choice. Vote Santorum/Boogeyman 2012.

03-08-2012, 02:18 PM
Look guys, it's not that hard to figure out why Santorum is performing so well in the primaries: The fact is, he's a firm believer in me and I'm absolutely crucial in order to further the interests of big oil and the military industrial complex. Yeah you could vote for guys like Ron Paul who run based on the principles of freedom and liberty, but then who would save you whenever I'm under your bed at night while you sleep? Who would save all the unborn children while they are inside the womb?

Guys, make the right choice. Vote Santorum/Boogeyman 2012.

People tend to tie Santorum's electability to his stance on social issues, but I think IB is his top negative. This country's appetite for another conflict is non-existent, no matter how serious the threat. And Santorum has issued the toughest rhetoric of any of the candidates.

Goran Dragic
03-08-2012, 02:59 PM
I think the Iran propaganda is slowly getting more Americans to buy in. Yesterday I had a huge argument with two friends just as atheist and liberal as I am who were crying about Iran being a threat we need to deal with.

03-08-2012, 03:15 PM
Well the international community showing concern with Iran's lack of transparency lends credence to the argument that they're a threat. I just think Santorum is so much further along on the use of military force than are the international community and frankly most Americans.

I could be wrong though.

Goran Dragic
03-08-2012, 03:16 PM
I think you're right that he's too far along in it and is way more open to military action than most of America, but I think a lot of Americans are headed in the same direction he's headed regarding Iran.

03-08-2012, 03:17 PM
You're referring to what exactly...earmarks?
.Medicare Part D comes to mind

03-08-2012, 05:10 PM
Medicare Part D comes to mind

Fair enough.

03-09-2012, 09:44 PM
Wow...just wow...


03-10-2012, 11:47 AM
Wow...just wow...


I stopped listening at god gave us the bill of rights... wtf?

03-13-2012, 09:16 PM
He could sweep tonight.

baseline bum
03-13-2012, 09:36 PM
He could sweep tonight.

Great showings from Ron Paul tonight tbh.

03-13-2012, 09:38 PM

03-13-2012, 09:59 PM


03-13-2012, 10:24 PM
Great showings from Ron Paul tonight tbh.

Massive voting fraud, tbh

03-13-2012, 10:57 PM
Massive voting fraud, tbh

both were open voting so its not unexpected that paul got alot of votes

baseline bum
03-13-2012, 11:03 PM



What a moron. Does he plan to subsidise it like we're Iran or something?

03-14-2012, 12:57 AM
Massive voting fraud, tbh

According to some counts, Paul is now 1 for 135 in career primary or caucus wins.

Paul was able to win 29% of the vote in the Virgin Islands to Romney’s 26%. Out of 384 votes cast, Paul took 112, while Romney received 101.

The Paul campaign has lambasted the media for favoring Romney (i.e. through “Romney Wins Virgin Islands” headlines) and not giving the libertarian his fair share of coverage.

“The media is reporting that Mitt Romney won the U.S. Virgin Island Caucus when Ron Paul actually won the popular vote,” wrote the Paul presidential campaign in an email to supporters. “If the popular vote means you’ve won, then Ron Paul just won the U.S. Virgin Island Caucus. If collecting delegates equals victory, then Paul stands to do well there too.”

03-14-2012, 09:27 AM
Oh please oh please, let ol' Frothy get the nomination.

A candidate who doesn't believe in evolution, thinks climate scientists are hoaxing us all in a secret conspiracy, and people who value education are "snobs".

As a Democrat, I can't think of a more entertaining election than Obama v. Santorum.

03-14-2012, 09:35 AM
Was that the group who made that "Please stay, Dwight Howard" song?

03-14-2012, 09:59 AM
Oh please oh please, let ol' Frothy get the nomination.

A candidate who doesn't believe in evolution, thinks climate scientists are hoaxing us all in a secret conspiracy, and people who value education are "snobs".

As a Democrat, I can't think of a more entertaining election than Obama v. Santorum.


Probably not going to happen. He wins two states and still loses 6 delegates to Romney. I know Santorum does not like to talk about math as he panders to people who frown on education. However, Romney is right when he says that he is the inevitable candidate. Its on Romney to get people excited about him, but CEOs just don't have a lot of flame. He will probably need an exciting running mate on the ticket to counter his boring character.

03-14-2012, 10:09 AM

Probably not going to happen. He wins two states and still loses 6 delegates to Romney. I know Santorum does not like to talk about math as he panders to people who frown on education. However, Romney is right when he says that he is the inevitable candidate. Its on Romney to get people excited about him, but CEOs just don't have a lot of flame. He will probably need an exciting running mate on the ticket to counter his boring character.

I don't think he is trying to win, he is trying to prevent Romney from hitting 1114 going into the convention. I heard yesterday on NPR that brokered conventions generally favor the conservative candidate.

03-14-2012, 11:23 AM
I think Santorum IS in it to win. If he can control his extreme, far right comments and if Newt drops..err, suspends his campaign, he can seriously give Willard a run for his money.

03-14-2012, 11:54 AM

Where's the massive voting fraud?

03-14-2012, 12:04 PM
none that I can tell

03-14-2012, 12:04 PM
was just intrigued by RP's returns from the USVI.

03-14-2012, 12:06 PM
(fixated on RP. alleged electoral fraud, not so much)

03-14-2012, 12:10 PM
Luckily we don't have to suffer from media conspiracies, since we have a constant stream of RP youtubes around these places...

03-14-2012, 12:20 PM
conspiracy, no; counter-conspiracy, yes, unavoidably.