View Full Version : My experience at the AT&T Center

03-08-2012, 08:41 PM
"The Wave" and "The Dot Race" have had a love child using very strong fertility drugs, and its name is The AT&T Center of San Antonio, TX.

Is there a worse venue for a basketball fan to watch a live game? (Well, a fan over the age of 12 that is...)

From the mic'd rims to the plastic clappers given free with every seat, watching a Spurs game live is the equivalent of watching basketball on television while someone pokes your forehead with their finger repeatedly for 2 and a half hours. The Arena seems to be a laboratory for ADD. It's as though they set it up to distract as many people from the actual game as possible, which is curious since the Spurs are actually a good team and entertaining in their own right. You have movie clips (sponsored, of course, by Blockbuster) during the game, sound effects, and the most obnoxious PA announcer in the history of human competition (imagine a Texas A&M Yell Leader with a microphone). The only time he stops talking long enough to take a breath is when he announces a player on the opposing team... I'm convinced he is actually inhaling as he reads their name when they make a basket or substitution.

Fans can look out for one of the 800 carnies throwing frisbees, slinging T-shirts, tossing basketballs or hyping up the crowd. It's enough to make you wish they would just show the commercials from the TV broadcast during timeouts. The costumed stunt dunker (Coyote) seems like a welcome return to classic basketball normalsy by comparison. They have a drum line. They have dancing fat guys.

But maybe the fans deserve it.

Watching a game with Spurs fans is like sitting in a calculus lecture with 20,000 emotionally unstable (often schitzophrenic) people talking themselves through each problem, trying desperately to understand how it works. They booed a goaltending call that had clearly occurred after the ball hit the backboard. One fan behind me uttered the phrase, "Knock him down harder next time" seven times during the first three quarters (seriously, I counted). This same fan could be heard before the game bemoaning what a dirty player Jason Terry is. The same fans who were gone 2 1/2 quarters through the last game the Mavericks played in in San Antonio could be seen taunting Mavs fans as they left the arena with 6 minutes to go in the game.

And then there is the whining. It's normal for fans to boo calls against their teams, but I've been to many arenas and stadiums in my life and no fans (except for perhaps Sacramento fans, but I've never been to Arco) whine as loudly as Spurs fans. Peter Holt, for everything he has done for the Spurs team, has created a "Culture of Bitching" at Spurs games. Every semi-controversial call is replayed on the jumbotron. Every foul is either a flop or a mugging, depending on the recipient's team. A movie clip was shown from "A Christmas Story" where Scott Farcas badgers Ralphie with the taunt of "What, are you gonna CRY now? Come on, baby, CRYYYYYY..." and not five seconds later, fans were hysterical over an offensive foul call.

I believe a lot of this stems from the David Robinson era... perhaps this new team will provide some levity. For all the rampant homerdom present among Spurs fans, they are also irrationally critical of their own players. Tim Duncan deserves better. Hell, Matt Bonner deserves better.

Fortunately, about 40% of the fans at any given Mavs/Spurs game in San Antonio are Mavs fans, so the overwhelming fatuity is diluted somewhat.

Perhaps this rant stems from sour grapes... I can't lie, the fact that the Mavs lost by 70 points only enhanced the annoyance of the experience. Like having to listen to a ten year old take drumming lessons while you're already hungover. But next time I visit the AT&T Center for a game, I may prefer to stand outside by the concessions and watch it on the monitor... only to return to my seat when the Spurs are down by 20 and all of their fans have left the arena, and the PA announcer has quieted to a constant whisper. I'll still have to watch my head for T-shirts parachuting from the rafters, but I suppose I could live with that.

03-08-2012, 08:55 PM

03-08-2012, 09:03 PM
lol blump ur dumb

03-08-2012, 09:41 PM
All that shit you listed is done at every other NBA arena in the league.

03-08-2012, 09:48 PM
Too long, read first 3 lines, scrolled down, then stopped.

Goran Dragic
03-08-2012, 09:52 PM

03-08-2012, 09:54 PM

Of course

Solid D
03-08-2012, 10:14 PM

The Truth #6
03-08-2012, 10:23 PM
That was pretty funny. I agree about the ADD aspect, but this is true for every NBA arena that I know about.

03-08-2012, 10:24 PM
Of course


03-08-2012, 10:31 PM

03-08-2012, 10:45 PM
the only thing i know watchin plenty of spurs games....they love to play zombie nation....lol

03-09-2012, 09:00 AM
I apologize in advance the rambling post.

As a resident of San Antonio, I'm ashamed of the Spurs fans here; the environment has been cultivated and encouraged by Peter Holt. He is a microcosm of them. They know nothing about the rules, cry to the officials on every whistle and are sorer winners than they are losers. Last night was a new low, even for them. Very classless display. The fans here remind me of the 1994-1996 Houston fans.

Fortunately for the rest of us, it's why we'll always have the satisfaction of seeing the Spurs, their rotten fans, their homer media, and their petulant owner, eliminated from competition each year. Remember that Holt, however, gets the last laugh in the money that comes rolling in.

Stan Kelley was great for nearly 20 years as the voice of the Spurs and was fired by Holt and replaced with "Annoying" Billy Hayes. I believe that was about the same time Dennis Rodman was signed to disrupt team chemistry.

I'm obviously biased, having previously lived in a city whose fans never ever chant "airball" or "ref you suck". They just root for their team and remember that it's just a game.

03-09-2012, 09:03 AM
Nothing to do here

03-09-2012, 10:18 AM
Spurs fans aren't always perfect, and I can admit that the attitude of many of them is pretty poor. However...

I'm obviously biased, having previously lived in a city whose fans never ever chant "airball" or "ref you suck". They just root for their team and remember that it's just a game.

I find this funny, and it's not because I think Mav fans are the worst, or even that Cuban probably does all of the things that you don't like about Spurs fans every game...It's because all fan-bases have obnoxious, class-less people. Don't put your homer glasses on and exclude your own fan base from criticism.

03-09-2012, 10:45 AM

03-09-2012, 11:09 AM

03-09-2012, 11:19 AM

03-09-2012, 01:42 PM
You just described every arena in the NBA...enlightening.

03-09-2012, 01:57 PM
Sweet Jesus some of you are fucking retarded.

Then go back downstairs fucknut.

03-09-2012, 02:07 PM
I find this funny, and it's not because I think Mav fans are the worst, or even that Cuban probably does all of the things that you don't like about Spurs fans every game...It's because all fan-bases have obnoxious, class-less people. Don't put your homer glasses on and exclude your own fan base from criticism.

Cuban is a class act and knows that it is best to leave the refs alone. Holt, on the other hand, can be seen nonstop whining like a baby expecting his team to always get the calls. He should take notes on how to be classy from Mark

03-09-2012, 02:22 PM
I know this is a joke Bump but I actually enjoy the mic rims at the AAC and Toyota Center feels like your involved a lot .ore in the game especially If your in the lower level, hearing our shitty PA announcer scream 3333333333 after every 3 pointer. I went to game 1 against the Mavs 2 years ago, and it seemed like the arena music was down that night, but its a awesome arena compared to the TC and At&t center.

Buddy Holly
03-09-2012, 06:50 PM
Holy shit are people on this forum are mentally dense. How is the shit BUMP is saying going over your heads? People are reading the posts and taking them serious than getting upset. For fucks sake the reading comphrension of people on this forum is shockingly bad.

Goran Dragic
03-10-2012, 09:05 AM
How's SAmetrodaily.com going? you up to 5 members yet?

03-10-2012, 05:17 PM