View Full Version : Top Ten Spurs Trade Possibilities

03-13-2012, 07:30 PM
With Thursday's NBA trade deadline fast approaching, here's a look at the top ten trade possibilities for the Spurs. However, it should be noted that the most likely trade the Spurs will be involved in is a salary dump in which they trade away James Anderson or TJ Ford plus cash in exchange for a highly protected second round pick -- with the goal of lessening their luxury tax burden.

If the Spurs look to make a trade that would actually impact the team, these are the top ten possibilities that I see that are somewhat realistic for all parties involved.

10. Ben Wallace
for James Anderson, TJ Ford and cash

Why the Pistons would do it: There's really no point of having Ben Wallace on a team looking to maximize its number of lottery balls. If Wallace wants to go to a contender for one final playoff push, the Pistons wouldn't have any reason to object. In this deal, they'd get cash and a free look at James Anderson.

Why the Spurs would do it: San Antonio could do worse than Ben Wallace as their fifth big. If their defensive-challenged bigmen get overwhelmed in the playoffs, Wallace could be counted on to -- at the very least -- not get pushed around. The future Hall of Famer played well against the Spurs earlier this season so that had to help his stock in the Spurs' eyes. Plus, the cost would be minimal.

Why it probably won't happen: Wallace hasn't talked about wanting to be traded; he's probably happy spending his final season in the place where he experienced his most success. And while his defense is still a strength, the Spurs will probably be scared off by his woefully inept offense.

9. Chris Andersen
for Matt Bonner

Why the Nuggets would do it: Denver has a ton of bigmen and trading away Chris Andersen would open up room for younger talent such as Kenneth Faried, Kosta Koufos and Timofey Mozgov. This trade would also end up saving the Nuggets in excess of $5 million. With Bonner, they could address their three-point shooting woes. As a team, the Nuggets are shooting 32.3% on threes -- their lowest mark in that category since the 2002-03 season when their record was 17-65.

Why the Spurs would do it: Going from Bonner to Andersen would be a huge upgrade defensively. Even though he's 33, he doesn't appear to have lost anything when it comes to rebounding and blocking shots. And while Andersen costs more than Bonner, his contract ending in two years makes it a moderately low risk situation.

Why it probably won't happen: The Nuggets may be able to trade Andersen for nothing, which they probably would like more than receiving Bonner. And Bonner doesn't exactly fit their up-and-down, frenetic ways. For the Spurs, besides their love for Bonner, it's unlikely they view Andersen as having the necessary "Spurs character". The added money on the books is probably something they want to avoid, especially given Andersen's iffy past.

8. Andris Biedrins
for Richard Jefferson

Why the Warriors would do it: Andris Biedrins has lost his starting spot and continues to play worse and worse. He's a shell of his former self and is barely playable at this point. If the Warriors want to move Biedrins, this is one of the few viable ways to get it done. Golden State also lacks some depth at the swingman positions, which Jefferson could help fill.

Why the Spurs would do it: Depending on what the Spurs' plans are for the future, amnestying Jefferson might not make too much sense. Instead of paying him not to play, the Spurs might instead prefer to flip him for a reclamation project like Biedrins. A few years ago, Biedrins appeared to be one of the best young centers in the league. His defense would instantly help even while the Spurs look to help him regain his confidence offensively.

Why it probably won't happen: The timing. The Spurs probably want to wait until the offseason before figuring out whether to amnesty Jefferson. And even if they wait, this trade will probably still be available. Plus, if Biedrins loses even more stock between now and the end of the season, San Antonio could ask for a draft pick to be included in such a swap. As for the Warriors, getting Jefferson is hardly enough motivation to sweeten the pot at this point.

7. DJ White
for James Anderson, TJ Ford, cash and a second round pick

Why the Bobcats would do it: If DJ White isn't in their long-term plans, the Bobcats can pocket the cash and the draft pick while getting a glimpse of Anderson's potential.

Why the Spurs would do it: White can play power forward and fits offensively due to his ability to knock down perimeter jumpers. Though he's not much of a defender or rebounder, he has reasonable upside and his skillset would likely allow him to contribute right away in a pinch.

Why it probably won't happen: The Bobcats probably won't view the second rounder as enough of a draw to let go of White … and the Spurs won't want to offer anything more. Plus, since White has an expiring contract, it could turn out to be a relatively costly short-term rental for San Antonio.

6. Jordan Hill
for James Anderson, TJ Ford and a second round pick

Why the Rockets would do it: The Rockets declined to pickup the Jordan Hill's option, so he's in the same boat as Anderson. One way or another, it makes a lot of sense for Houston to trade Hill to the highest bidder at the trade deadline.

Why the Spurs would do it: The Spurs have gotten a lot of chances to scout Hill this season and have seen the former 8th overall pick have a couple good games against Tim Duncan. Hill, though unrefined, can rebound, block some shots and play reasonably good post defense. And at 24, there is room for him to grow into something more.

Why it probably won't happen: Houston would probably want more if they are going to help out an instate rival. Anderson is especially useless to their team because their roster is stacked with mediocre talent. The Spurs won't want to give up anything more since Hill is unlikely to be ready to help come playoff time and they could lose him in the offseason.

5. Robin Lopez and Ronnie Price
http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/.e1d/img/4.0/global/basketball/nba/players/4477.jpg http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/.e1d/img/4.0/global/basketball/nba/players/3990.jpg
for DeJuan Blair, James Anderson, TJ Ford and a second round pick

Why the Suns would do it: Robin Lopez doesn't play much for the Suns anymore; Marcin Gortat has won the starting center gig and won't lose it anytime soon. With Lopez headed to free agency, it's unlikely that the Suns will keep him. In Blair, the Suns get a cost-controlled, productive power forward who plays well in the pick-and-roll. And while most teams would get scared away by his lack of ACLs, the Suns medical staff is regarded as the best in the league and could be up for the challenge of keeping Blair upright for the next decade.

Why the Spurs would do it: Lopez is a young center who has shown a lot of ability on the defensive end of the court. He'd be an instant upgrade defensively who could theoretically pair with Bonner off the bench and allow Splitter to start next to Duncan.

Why it probably won't happen: The Suns, like most teams in the league, would probably be scared away by Blair's knees and would probably prefer a first round pick from another team. The Spurs likely don't want to shake things up this much this close to the playoffs. I doubt Ronnie Price, though supposedly a point guard, is someone the Spurs are interested in.

4. Gustavo Ayon
for James Anderson, cash, a first round pick and a second round pick

Why the Hornets would do it: While Gustavo Ayon is having a good rookie season so far, flipping him for a pair of draft picks and cash could be an attractive offer for a rebuilding team that is in the midst of being sold. And as good as Ayon is, he's turning 27 in a few weeks and projects to be a solid role player rather than a building block.

Why the Spurs would do it: At one point this summer, the Spurs were reportedly interested in signing Ayon. That didn't happen, but now that he's proven he's a legit NBA player, the Mexican born bigman is likely even more attractive. The haul of picks and cash isn't too much of a gamble since Ayon appears very capable of being a plug-and-play bigman in San Antonio's rotation.

Why it probably won't happen: The Hornets aren't in any rush to trade away Ayon; he's been one of their few bright spots this season. Plus, Dell Demps and Monty Williams are looking to save their jobs. Demps can point to Ayon as a reason why he shouldn't be fired. Trading him away would make the Hornets even worse, so even if it technically might be a good deal, the current Hornets brain trust probably isn't in a position to make such a deal.

3. Luke Babbitt
for James Anderson and a first rounder

Why the Blazers would do it: Luke Babbitt is so buried on their bench that it appears unlikely he'll play anytime soon. And sending him to D-League doesn't make sense because he's proven to be too good for that level of play. If the Blazers want to open up a roster spot and add a relatively valuable asset, this is an easy way to do so.

Why the Spurs would do it: RC Buford went on record to say he's a big fan of Luke Babbitt after watching him play in summer league. And while Babbitt is definitely a SF/PF tweener, he might be tall enough (6-foot-9) and long enough (6-foot-11 wingspan) to play the stretch four in the Spurs system.

Why it probably won't happen: The Blazers are in so much turmoil right now they probably don't even know what they want to do. Plus, a late first round pick isn't as valuable to the Blazers since they routinely just purchase draft picks when it comes down to it. For the Spurs, a first round pick for Babbitt at this point is probably too much even if they like him.

2. JJ Hickson
for James Anderson, TJ Ford and a second round pick

Why the Kings would do it: JJ Hickson has been a failure on the Kings. He's been a bad fit since Day 1. He has talent but his shortcomings as a player are magnified on their team full of me-first ballers.

Why the Spurs would do it: Danny Ferry drafted JJ Hickson when he was the general manager of the Cavaliers. According to urban legend, Ferry once turned down a trade for Amare Stoudemire because he didn't want to part with Hickson. If Ferry is indeed that high on Hickson, this would be a small price to pay.

Why it probably won't happen: The Kings could possibly get more for Hickson and I doubt the Spurs would give up a first rounder for a player whose stock has plummet so much over the last year. And though Hickson still has decent long-term potential, it's unlikely he's in any condition to help the Spurs this year.

1. Omri Casspi
for James Anderson and a first round pick

Why the Cavs would do it: After acquiring him in the offseason (for JJ Hickson, ironically), the Cavs had big hopes for Omri Casspi. Unfortunately, the Israeli has been a major disappointment. After being in the starting lineup all season, the Cavs benched him earlier in the month. They may be ready to move on and could be interested in San Antonio's first rounder.

Why the Spurs would do it: Outside of Nicolas Batum, there's no player the Spurs have gone after harder in recent years than Casspi. For whatever reasons, they apparently love his game. Previously, they probably wanted him as a potential long-term fit at small forward. But even though the Spurs now have Kawhi Leonard, Casspi could fit as a stretch four since he's 6-foot-9 and a good rebounder. Plus, this could be a good chance to buy low on one of their favorite players.

Why it probably won't happen: The Cavs probably aren't ready to give up on Casspi. And like the Blazers, the Cavs are another team that doesn't value first round picks as highly as most due to their spend-happy owner. As for S.A., even if this is a good time to buy on Casspi, he doesn't really address any of their glaring needs.

03-13-2012, 07:39 PM
Gustavo would sell a lot of jersies here in San Antonio.

03-13-2012, 07:53 PM
The Bogut to the Warriors trade probably makes Biedrins even more available ... then again Stephen Jackson could have filled their overpaid swingman quota.

03-13-2012, 08:01 PM
Great write-up L.J.

I'm really intrigued by the Jordan Hill scenario. I wasn't aware that the Rockets neglected to pick up his option. He's certainly got qualities the Spurs need - length, shotblocking and rebounding ability. As you've stated, he's HAD some decent games versus Duncan. Even though he's not developed much since his rookie season, he's not exactly been in ideal team situations (Knicks, Rockets).

Given his current suite of skills, his youth and combine all that with the quality coaching and change of scenery he'd get in San Antonio, He could be a very good fit. I'd love to see him here now, and the trade scenario you've outlined is certainly a feasible wash for both teams. However, if the Spurs are really interested, they could bite the bullet on him, for free, this offseason.

Thanks for doing this research!

03-13-2012, 08:02 PM
Thanks! I still think we're standing pat and, if anything, pulling the salary dump to save some luxury bucks...

03-13-2012, 08:06 PM
If Spurs want Chris Anderson, Blair+JA+Joseph makes more sense than a Bonner trade. Spurs like Bonner more than Blair and Denver saves more money.

I don't think it will take a first round mick to get Babbitt. He has done nothing with Portland and they may be motivate to move him to clear more cap space this summer.

I also think Spurs aren't interested in a lot of these moves because they want to keep their potential cap space.

03-13-2012, 08:09 PM
2, 4, 5, 8 and maybe 10, would improve the Spurs..the rest of the moves would not make a short-term difference IMO..

Casspi is worse than Jefferson, at this point..it's possible that he needs motivation, and I wouldn't mind moving him for a shitty James Anderson, but my expectations would be low..

The rest of those bigs would not surpass Blair in the rotation..

03-13-2012, 08:18 PM
If Spurs want Chris Anderson, Blair+JA+Joseph makes more sense than a Bonner trade. Spurs like Bonner more than Blair and Denver saves more money.I thought of that trade but I think it makes less sense.

1. The Nuggets have 14 players under contract plus Wilson Chandler. Their only spare part is Julyan Stone but they actually like him. Literally no one else on their roster is someone who they would just want to give away, so doing a 3-for-1 is pretty unlikely for them.

2. Buford still loves Joseph.

3. Blair has no value to them since he's basically Faried minus athleticism.

I don't think it will take a first round mick to get Babbitt. He has done nothing with Portland and they may be motivate to move him to clear more cap space this summer.You're right that it might not take a first rounder for most teams in the league. But if the Spurs came knocking for Babbitt, I doubt the Blazers hand him over for anything less. The Blazers have a bad habit of doing things just to spite the Spurs, tbh.

I also think Spurs aren't interested in a lot of these moves because they want to keep their potential cap space.Could be true but perhaps they have a better idea of what Duncan is going to cost and could move their goal of creating salary cap space from this summer to an upcoming summer.

03-13-2012, 08:20 PM
2, 4, 5, 8 and maybe 10, would improve the Spurs..the rest of the moves would not make a short-term difference IMO..

Casspi is worse than Jefferson, at this point..it's possible that he needs motivation, and I wouldn't mind moving him for a shitty James Anderson, but my expectations would be low..

The rest of those bigs would not surpass Blair in the rotation..

Yeah Casspi has been really, really bad this year. It's surprising how much he's fallen off. And as mentioned, he doesn't really address a need. The Spurs don't need a SF who masquerades as a stretch-4, they need a real, honest-to-goodness, bonafide, kick-ass PF.

03-13-2012, 08:28 PM
Of the trades that could help now(Harlem outlined those), I think the Hickson trade is the only one that has potential to truly happen. I don't see how Sacto could do much better for him...especially with him headed to free agency over the summer.

03-13-2012, 08:30 PM
1. The Nuggets have 14 players under contract plus Wilson Chandler. Their only spare part is Julyan Stone but they actually like him. Literally no one else on their roster is someone who they would just want to give away, so doing a 3-for-1 is pretty unlikely for them.

Anderson could be salary dumped to a third team. It complicates a little the trade but it's relatively easy to do.

2. Buford still loves Joseph.


Could be true but perhaps they have a better idea of what Duncan is going to cost and could move their goal of creating salary cap space from this summer to an upcoming summer.

IMO, the most likely scenario with Duncan is that he is ready to take a paycut only if it helps the Spurs to be again a true contender.

I don't think a Harvey article is enough to forget about the whole cap space scenario. Harvey had written Parker Eulogy just before the draft while Spurs traded Hill and while they weren't even considering a Parker trade.

03-13-2012, 08:30 PM
Casspi cant play 4. As far I remember him from Maccabi he was mobile SF, something like Batum, even Green. I would say he is SF/SG rather than tweener. It isnt good idea to give 1st rounder for him.

I do like Hickson trade. He`s glued to bench, and could be acquire rather cheap.

Is Gustavo Ayon worth 1st round pick ? Or is it marketing move ?

Capt Bringdown
03-13-2012, 08:48 PM
Birdman would be the best fit, IMO. I'd take him over Blair or Bonner most certainly.

03-13-2012, 09:05 PM
Casspi cant play 4. As far I remember him from Maccabi he was mobile SF, something like Batum, even Green. I would say he is SF/SG rather than tweener.He had his most success in Sacramento as a rookie when playing stretch four.

Here is Hollinger's scouting report on him heading into this season:

Casspi took a step back in his second pro season, struggling with his midrange game in particular and adjusting to playing the wing full-time. He can also play as a smallball 4, but given his lack of strength and skill set he seems a much better fit as a 3.

I agree with Hollinger that small forward is his best long-term position. Unfortunately for Casspi, his perimeter skills just aren't there yet.

Is Gustavo Ayon worth 1st round pick ? Or is it marketing move ?

He's a solid player. Per 40 minutes, he's averaging more than 12 points, more than nine rebounds, nearly two blocks and more than two steals while shooting 56% from the floor. He's basically projects to be like a middle class Dale Davis.

03-13-2012, 10:04 PM

I noticed that you didn't include any point guards as rumored. So is it your contention that the Spurs will not pursue a pg or that it isn't the primary need for this Spurs team?

03-13-2012, 10:05 PM
He's a solid player. Per 40 minutes, he's averaging more than 12 points, more than nine rebounds, nearly two blocks and more than two steals while shooting 56% from the floor. He's basically projects to be like a middle class Dale Davis.

Arent Spurs looking for 12-18 minutes big men ? I dont think such player is worth 1st round pick.

He could take Blair starting five gig, but not this season. Tiago spent whole year with Spurs, and had DNPs in playoffs.

03-13-2012, 10:08 PM
Casspi :tu
Ayon :tu
Lopez/Price :tu

Jordan Hill :vomit:

Paranoid Pop
03-13-2012, 10:21 PM
5. Robin Lopez and Ronnie Price
http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/.e1d/img/4.0/global/basketball/nba/players/4477.jpg http://i.cdn.turner.com/si/.e1d/img/4.0/global/basketball/nba/players/3990.jpg
for DeJuan Blair, James Anderson, TJ Ford and a second round pick

Lopez is a young center who has shown a lot of ability on the defensive end of the court. He'd be an instant upgrade defensively who could theoretically pair with Bonner off the bench and allow Splitter to start next to Duncan.

4. Gustavo Ayon
for James Anderson, cash, a first round pick and a second round pick

These 2 would be great, was instantly sold at the bold part.

03-13-2012, 11:12 PM
Can we have any possibility to have guys like Pau Gasol. Ron Artist.Boozer and any elite Big man whosoevr?

03-13-2012, 11:21 PM
Can we have any possibility to have guys like Pau Gasol. Ron Artist.Boozer and any elite Big man whosoevr?

Hell no this is San Antonio, get real

03-13-2012, 11:47 PM
I'm guessing there was originally a chance for a Gus /Anderson trade but I think hes played his way out of that(gus in a good way and anderson in a bad way). I remember when a poster said he saw james anderson in NY with RC and Demps. That might have been the case but then Kaman was out a couple of weeks and GUS showed the type of player he can be. I say no chance at this, and if we made this trade I would be soooo happy and gladly eat crow.

Spurs da champs
03-13-2012, 11:54 PM
That seems like a lot to give up for Gustavo Ayon, Lopez is trash but he's 7ft & he'd allow Splitter to play with Duncan which is defiantly a plus.

03-14-2012, 12:43 AM
I wouldn't want Ron Artest. Good defender but I think he would cost us more games with his antics than he's worth.

Of all those people, Lopez and Price are the ones I would like.

But no, we aren't getting any marquee names.

03-14-2012, 12:51 AM
Lopez/Price makes the most sense but no way in hell the suns do that.

Either Anderson or Hickson would also be a welcome addition, but can't see Pop parting with his beloved ginger, especially for a guy with more hair on his face than Pop has on his head.

That leaves Hickson as the best possibility.

03-14-2012, 12:51 AM
I like Biedrins for Dicky Jeff. Biedrins is still young and I bet he's coachable. Nothing to lose, do it.

03-14-2012, 12:54 AM
I like Biedrins for Dicky Jeff. Biedrins is still young and I bet he's coachable. Nothing to lose, do it.

Ahh ya forgot about that one. I don't know if Holt would agree to give up on any chance of amnestying Dick but the team could defenitely use Biedrins' size (as long as Pop uses him) and losing RJ is addition by subtraction, so it's a win-win all the way around.

Spurs da champs
03-14-2012, 01:05 AM
Ahh ya forgot about that one. I don't know if Holt would agree to give up on any chance of amnestying Dick but the team could defenitely use Biedrins' size (as long as Pop uses him) and losing RJ is addition by subtraction, so it's a win-win all the way around.

But it leaves a big hole at small forward, with Kawhi being the only one on the team, it will also guarantee more playing time for shitty green. :nope

03-14-2012, 01:16 AM
But it leaves a big hole at small forward, with Kawhi being the only one on the team, it will also guarantee more playing time for shitty green. :nope

How do you figure Green isn't at least capable of backing up Leonard after he started and had several good games... that's just irrational hate tbh.

Pop still has Anderson too as I recall. That's plenty of bodies behind Leonard.

Even if I play devil's advocate and agree with your stupidity, addressing the teams' lack of size is by far the bigger of the two issues to have. If Pop ignores this problem, it's almost a certainty that other teams are going to hammer away at this weakness in the playoffs, thus Duncan will almost certainly get run down quickly (since Pop refuses to play Tiago with him) and we can expect this team's ceiling will be folding somewhere in the 2nd round.

Spurs da champs
03-14-2012, 01:23 AM
How do you figure Green isn't at least capable of backing up Leonard after he started and had several good games... that's just irrational hate tbh.

Pop still has Anderson too as I recall. That's plenty of bodies behind Leonard.

Even if I play devil's advocate and agree with your stupidity, addressing the teams' lack of size is by far the bigger of the two issues to have. If he doesn't, it's almost a certainty that other teams are going to hammer away at this weakness in the playoffs, Duncan will almost certainly become run down quickly (since Pop refuses to play Tiago with him) and we can expect this team's ceiling will be folding somewhere in the 2nd round.

Irrational hate, sorry but any rational person would realize Danny green is trash & deserves 10-15 mins at most of playing time, I see the Price & Lopez trade being more realistic & more beneficial. It gives the Spurs a serviceable 7 footer to come off the bench & a decent backup pg. And come play off time if we manage to pull off a miracle and play the thunder who's gonna guard Durant, if Leonard is in foul trouble? Danny Green? :lol Don't be stupid.

03-14-2012, 01:27 AM

I noticed that you didn't include any point guards as rumored. So is it your contention that the Spurs will not pursue a pg or that it isn't the primary need for this Spurs team?

I think they need to sign another point guard. But I just don't see a trade that really makes sense that involves a point guard. The available point guards are either overpaid or aren't much better than what's available on the open market.

03-14-2012, 01:33 AM
Irrational hate, sorry but any rational person would realize Danny green is trash & deserves 10-15 mins at most of playing time, I see the Price & Lopez trade being more realistic & more beneficial. It gives the Spurs a serviceable 7 footer to come off the bench & a decent backup pg. And come play off time if we manage to pull off a miracle and play the thunder who's gonna guard Durant, if Leonard is in foul trouble? Danny Green? :lol Don't be stupid.

If Leonard was a foul prone guy I might lend some credence to your concern. But he's not. In fact, he commits the fewest fouls of any player in the league.

And even if I play devil's advocate again, I'd just tell you that if George Hill could handle guarding Durant, then the bigger Danny Green I'm sure can do it too.

Spurs da champs
03-14-2012, 01:37 AM
If Leonard was a foul prone guy I might lend some credence to your concern. But he's not. In fact, he commits the fewest fouls of any player in the league.

And even if I play devil's advocate again, I'd just tell you that if George Hill could handle guarding Durant, then the bigger Danny Green I'm sure can do it too.
With the way they call fouls for Durant left & right, I doubt you can justifiably say Leonard will never be in foul trouble against him. And the bold really just shows how stupid you are.

03-14-2012, 01:39 AM
I think the Lopez and Price trade will be very big to us but then again, Pop's not doing anything this week

03-14-2012, 01:50 AM
With the way they call fouls for Durant left & right, I doubt you can justifiably say Leonard will never be in foul trouble against him. And the bold really just shows how stupid you are.

So you're calling Pop stupid too? I'm guessing George Hill didn't just decide to check himself into the games and start guarding him. :rollin

Anyway, Durant is not a bruising guy who is going to bully guys in the paint or post up on the low block, his game is out on the perimeter facing up and working his way in to the basket that way. Any guy with decent length and quickness can stay in front of him, the problem is he can shoot over damn near everybody so it really doesn't matter. That's why Hill was able to do it, he has length and quickness. So does Leonard. So does Green. Really doesn't matter, none of those guys are going to bother Durant's shot, although Leonard probably has the best chance out of the 3.

03-14-2012, 02:54 AM
I like the Lopez and Hickson deals.. Hickson is a great young talent and should be a good fit here IMO. People forget he practically averaged 14 and 9 for the Cavs last year in less than 30 minutes a game. Lopez would be nice as it gives us another big body, good defender, and he can finish at the rim like Splitter.

And I'm all for any trade that ships RJ's ass outta SA, so the Biedrins deal is good too.

Spurs da champs
03-14-2012, 03:24 AM
You're an idiot for thinking just because dumb ass Pop puts George on Durant, means that he can guard him. And the way Leonard played defense on Durant, here was very physical which is why I'd caution trading RJ away because he's the only other viable defender on Durant. Unless we get a decent SF in Free Agency or another Trade then I'm all for it, but that looks unlikely. And Green's not very a smart player, he bites on fakes all the time & his overall decisions aren't very good, which is why putting him into defend the other teams best perimeter player isn't very smart.

03-14-2012, 07:27 AM
I like Biedrins for Dicky Jeff. Biedrins is still young and I bet he's coachable. Nothing to lose, do it.

I like that too!

would we still be able to amnestize (yeah, thats the proper spelling) Biedrins, if we want to later? (not sure if the contract just had to be active prior to this season, or if it also has to be with the team it was signed)

03-14-2012, 08:29 AM
I like that too!

would we still be able to amnestize (yeah, thats the proper spelling) Biedrins, if we want to later? (not sure if the contract just had to be active prior to this season, or if it also has to be with the team it was signed)

No, won't be able to, which makes such a deal highly unlikely. It seems like the Spurs value the potential available cap space very highly, but we'll see what happens tomorrow by the trade deadline, it'd prob be a very good indication of their future plans.

03-14-2012, 08:43 AM
Minn is a likely trade partner. They have some good trade targets.

timvp: You see nothing possible trading with Minn ?

03-14-2012, 10:09 AM
Robin Lopez is overrated here at ST it seems.

03-14-2012, 10:25 AM
We all know a trade won't happen. This is SA

03-14-2012, 10:26 AM
We all know a trade won't happen. This is SA

03-14-2012, 11:00 AM
Timvp, what about the possibility of getting anthony randolph from T'wolves?

03-14-2012, 11:03 AM
4. Gustavo Ayon
for James Anderson, cash, a first round pick and a second round pick

Make it happen R.C. :downspin:

03-14-2012, 12:04 PM
I'd like Gustavo Ayon, but he's not worth Anderson, cash, a first, and a 2nd.

03-14-2012, 01:04 PM
Now that Anderson is pretty much officially a bust, spurs can't give up any first round picks. We need to keep hoping we get draft lucky

03-14-2012, 01:07 PM
Minn is a likely trade partner. They have some good trade targets.

timvp: You see nothing possible trading with Minn ?

None of the players the T'Wolves are shopping really make sense. Anthony Randolph isn't a horrible idea but he's still a couple years away from being ready to help a contender. With that in mind, he's much more valuable to an up-and-coming team than a win-now team like the Spurs.

Players like Beasley, Ellington, W. Johnson and Webster aren't enough of a fit for the Spurs to give up their few assets.

03-14-2012, 01:49 PM
I'd prefer Randolph, but I'd guess it's probable that the t-wolves don't work with the spurs on a deal

Say what you want, but I think this trade works for both teams. The advantage to the spurs is that they get more athletic with this trade and the warriors get consistent offensive players with decent contracts (Jefferson - Biedrins is a wash)


03-14-2012, 02:11 PM
yeah alot of these just dont seem realistic alot of these guys are future rotation guys no one wants james bust anderson and a low first rounder

03-14-2012, 02:33 PM
I don't think the Spurs will trade for a big man. It's very simple if they acquire a bigman who's out of the rotation? Pop is only going to play a 4 bigman rotation at most. I don't see him giving up his love for Bonner. He also doesn't want to hurt Blair's feelings. If he stopped playing Splitter people would call him out on it.

03-15-2012, 12:03 AM
The Spurs are standing pat. Book it.

03-15-2012, 04:37 AM
looks as if Hickson is going to Boston.

03-15-2012, 05:19 AM
Don't know why people respect timvp's opinion so much, god they're all silly trades. How do you have 10 trades that bad? You'd think they would strike something respectful at least once.

Ben Wallace is finished, Chris Anderson plays crap defence (flying over the top from the weak is not good defence, he can't play man defence). Andris Biedrins is scared of shooting free throws, it has ruined and will continue to ruin his career. Jordan Hill is unobtainable that cheaply, Robin Lopez is a bad fit - who plays the 4 when he's at the 5?? Tim? too slow. Bonner? too slow. Splitter? too slow. Casspi?? Have you seen him play? He can't shoot, if only that was his only problem.

03-15-2012, 05:23 AM
How about Bledsoe for Anderson? Do the Clippers bite?

03-15-2012, 05:27 AM
Don't know why people respect timvp's opinion so much, god they're all silly trades. How do you have 10 trades that bad? You'd think they would strike something respectful at least once.

Ben Wallace is finished, Chris Anderson plays crap defence (flying over the top from the weak is not good defence, he can't play man defence). Andris Biedrins is scared of shooting free throws, it has ruined and will continue to ruin his career. Jordan Hill is unobtainable that cheaply, Robin Lopez is a bad fit - who plays the 4 when he's at the 5?? Tim? too slow. Bonner? too slow. Splitter? too slow. Casspi?? Have you seen him play? He can't shoot, if only that was his only problem.

Well, you think those players from other teams are craps ? Well, have to break in the news for you, our assets are craps too, craps for craps works in the trade machine, so here they go. :toast

03-15-2012, 05:43 AM
Well, you think those players from other teams are craps ? Well, have to break in the news for you, our assets are craps too, craps for craps works in the trade machine, so here they go. :toast

If you're going to trade picks and James Anderson for crap, why not just go out and sign Rasheed Wallace? Not saying he is at all the answer, or an ideal addition but I would probably rather keep James and sign Sheed than trade James and for Birdman. You can get creative with a third team too, I'll back up my criticism by suggesting my own trade;


Why for the Spurs?
Get an excellent much needed backup PG, Spurs material and a nice bench scorer capable of putting up 20 on any given night. Bit of an X-Factor guy. This trade is more about getting Jack though

Why for the Hornets?
They downgrade Okafors contract for Jefferson saving them $10m. They get a young player in James Anderson and most likely an extra draft pick from somewhere. Maybe Spurs send their first rounder, although that might be too high of a price to pay.

Why for the Raptors?
It's obvious. They have no chance at attracting any FA's, Okafor is the perfect player to put next to Bargnani and teach Valanciunas when he comes over.

Hoops Czar
03-15-2012, 06:39 AM
Oh wow, another trade that involves Jefferson. NO is owned by the NBA and they aren't going to want anything or anyone that doesn't include draft picks. The certainly don't want any part of Jefferson regardless of the net savings. He's completely useless and NO isn't gonna want any part of the 10.1 mil he's owed next year.

03-15-2012, 06:42 AM
So instead of "crap for crap", you want the Hornets to give away a solid backup PG on a cheap contract for crap.


03-15-2012, 06:44 AM
lol talking shit about "silly" trade ideas then immediately suggesting one

03-15-2012, 07:04 AM
They aren't huge moves in the timvp post, but they're all reasonable. I wouldn't do all of them(Not giving up a 1st for Casspi or Babbitt) but they're not the RJ for Varejao crap that usually gets posted here. The best move would probably be a 3 team trade, Anderson, Ford and 3 million to one team under the cap/with exception, a top 55 pick from that team to Rockets or someone similar, a depth big to us(e.g, Jordan Hill).

03-15-2012, 08:11 AM
How about Bledsoe for Anderson? Do the Clippers bite?

Dont think so. Bledsoe played great lately, maybe that`s why there are selling him. Sell when price is high.

03-15-2012, 11:51 AM
god they're all silly trades. How do you have 10 trades that bad?

You can get creative with a third team too, I'll back up my criticism by suggesting my own trade;


:lmao Richard Jefferson for Emeka Okafor and Jarrett Jack. Looks like we have a Trade Machine expert on our hands.

03-15-2012, 11:54 AM
I can't figure out how it would work but with the Blazers imploding, you can bet the Spurs are trying to figure out a way to get Marcus Camby in San Antonio.

And, no, before our resident Trade Machine experts chime in, the Blazers aren't trading Camby for Richard Jefferson.

03-15-2012, 11:57 AM
Trade machine expert :lol

03-15-2012, 12:00 PM
I can't figure out how it would work but with the Blazers imploding, you can bet the Spurs are trying to figure out a way to get Marcus Camby in San Antonio.

And, no, before our resident Trade Machine experts chime in, the Blazers aren't trading Camby for Richard Jefferson.

There's probably a scenario that works out there for both teams.

But then the Blazers will remember its the Spurs and back out of it just to spite them.

F Portland, tbh.

03-15-2012, 02:04 PM

03-15-2012, 02:16 PM
Canny to Houston

03-15-2012, 02:26 PM
:lmao Richard Jefferson for Emeka Okafor and Jarrett Jack. Looks like we have a Trade Machine expert on our hands.

Did you see Emeka going to Toronto? I guess not. Trade machine is simply an easy way to illustrate a deal rather than writing out 6 lines of Spurs Give Spurs Receive, Hornets Give Hornets Receive etc. etc. Hornets want out of the Okafor deal.

At least I gave legit reasons as to why nearly all those trade targets were silly instead of simply poking fun at the method used to illustrate the idea.

03-15-2012, 02:45 PM
I think you left out Stephen Jackson in your list... lol