View Full Version : S. Jackson: Always wanted to come back

03-19-2012, 11:16 PM
Are you happy to be back in San Antonio?

I’m very happy to be back. It’s been a long career, I’ve always wanted to come back after I left. I won a championship here. Being back is great.

Did you know that the Spurs wanted you?

I had a clue but I didn’t know for sure. I talked about it with Timmy (Duncan) earlier but I didn’t know it was going to happen, because we were so close from the deadline. I’m glad it did.

You played in San Antonio nine years ago. What do you think about the Spurs this season? Can they win a championship?

I think so. The team core is basically the same, with Tony (Parker), Tim (Duncan) and Manu (Ginobili). There are a couple of new faces but a lot of things haven’t changed here. And I think anytime you have those three guys on your team, winning a championship is always a goal. So I’m happy to be a part of it.

You were still a rookie when you first arrived in San Antonio. Gregg Popovich was crazy, do you think he is calmer now?

I think Pops is still crazy! (laughs) But in a good way. He helped us become the players we are today. Without a crazy coach, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

You didn’t play a lot in Milwaukee. How long before you get your rhythm back?

I’m going to give myself two weeks. The good thing is that we have a lot of games and not too much practice. So it shouldn’t take long.

What do you think you can bring to the Spurs?

I’m a guy that can hit big shots, and I can guard anybody. I will also bring some more veteran leadership. We’ve got some great veterans in the big three, I’m just another add. Eventually, I can bring leadership and experience.

What is your best NBA starting five all-time position by position?

Point guard: Magic Johnson. 2-guard: Michael Jordan. 3-guard: Larry Bird. At the 4: Tim Duncan. And at center: Wilt Chamberlain.

What is your best memory as a basketball player?

Being able to grab that trophy in 2003! If you’re a real basketball player and you love the game, I think the ultimate goal is to win a championship. I was blessed to be a part of it in 03. So that’s my favorite memory.

What did you think about Tony Parker when he arrived in San Antonio in 2001? And what do you think about his evolution and his career now?

At first, I had no idea who this kid was. I really didn’t know what to expect. But the fact that he was able to win a championship in his second year, it’s unbelievable. Where he is now doesn’t surprise me. That's a kid who came in and automatically won an NBA championship so I’m not surprised to see him among the MVP candidates now. He is growing into the player that everybody expected.


03-19-2012, 11:34 PM

03-19-2012, 11:47 PM
I think this might be a different interview, but heres his shootaround interview on video:
