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06-20-2005, 08:23 PM
Anybody catch Robert Horry's dad being interviewed on NBATV after the game?

Obviously, he's a proud man and he struck me as the same cool, calm, customer that his son is - just a bit older. He indicated Robert inherited his father's ability to not get worried and to stay cool under pressure.

He also stated when Robert Jr. complained to him during the season that he "wasn't playing enough", he told his son to "wait his time because the team would need him in May and June".

A good man.

06-20-2005, 08:55 PM
Anybody catch Robert Horry's dad being interviewed on NBATV after the game?

Obviously, he's a proud man and he struck me as the same cool, calm, customer that his son is - just a bit older. He indicated Robert inherited his father's ability to not get worried and to stay cool under pressure.

He also stated when Robert Jr. complained to him during the season that he "wasn't playing enough", he told his son to "wait his time because the team would need him in May and June".

A good man.

If this is true it might bode ill for Horry reupping next year.