View Full Version : Liberals' worst nightmare...

03-24-2012, 07:44 PM
...has come true!

Dick Cheney receives heart transplant (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57403969-503544/dick-cheney-receives-heart-transplant/)

03-24-2012, 08:09 PM
a waste of taxpayer money

Cheney Receives Heart Transplant; Bush Still on Waiting List for Brain
Halliburton Performs Reconstruction of Former VP

FALLS CHURCH, VA – Former Vice President Dick Cheney received a heart transplant today, but former President George W. Bush remained on a waiting list for a brain, hospital officials confirmed.

As part of a government contract signed while he was still Vice President, Halliburton performed the reconstruction work on Mr. Cheney’s circulatory system at a cost to taxpayers of $14.2 billion.

The doctor who performed the surgery called the procedure “extremely invasive – just the way the Vice President wanted it.”

A hospital spokesman said that Mr. Cheney was expected to make a full recovery, but that he was “somewhat disoriented” coming out of anesthesia: “When we asked him who the President of the United States was, he said, ‘Is it still me?’”

Former President Bush made an appearance at the former Vice President’s hospital, hanging a “Mission Accomplished” banner in Mr. Cheney’s room hours before the operation was completed.


03-24-2012, 11:46 PM
Cheney Receives Heart Transplant; Bush Still on Waiting List for Brain


admit it, you laughed...

03-24-2012, 11:54 PM
Cheney got a heart implant not a hear transplant...

in other news, don't these guys only last a year or so?

Wild Cobra
03-25-2012, 12:11 AM
My question would be this.

Is he the only good match from the donor, or did his status as former VP make a difference?

I have a problem with the elderly getting organ transplants over younger people. I don't care who they are. It shouldn't matter.

Not saying it did, but I have a strong suspicion...

03-25-2012, 12:36 AM
Gotta love the childish "us vs. them" mentality that Yoni possesses.

03-25-2012, 12:46 AM
Why only liberals? And why is it a nightmare? He's no longer manning the ship...

jack sommerset
03-25-2012, 06:30 AM

admit it, you laughed...

Maybe 10 years ago. Those jokes do get old. God bless.

03-25-2012, 08:35 AM
Actually, I think liberals would want Cheney, an enduring symbol of the Bush administration, to stick around as long as possible.

03-25-2012, 08:51 AM
They have to keep him alive until the revision of Mount Rushmore is completed.

03-25-2012, 10:13 AM
the evil that dubya and dickhead visited upon the planet will live on for decades.

Note how wonderfully the Repug candidates are constantly referring to the fantastic record and successes of 8 years of Repug rule under dubya and dickhead.

03-25-2012, 10:14 AM
Frankly I'm okay with putting off the televised Cheney memorials and tributes as long as possible.

03-25-2012, 10:30 AM
I heard that Trayvon was a match for Cheney and Halliburton hired Zimmerman to harvest him. They stole the heart during the autopsy.

03-25-2012, 10:39 AM
cheney doesn't even matter anymore.

03-25-2012, 11:52 AM
I actually agree with the observation that after a certain point in time, the elderly don't get to get in front of anybody else for a heart.

There is no way to enact that, however, without the true death panels, but it seems to me that a guy ought to take a back seat to somebody once in a while.

So I guess what I'm saying is that Cheney would have to have made that decision himself (not to take a heart before someone else), and there is absolutely nothing in the man's past that would indicate a willingness to do something like that.

03-25-2012, 12:06 PM
...has come true!

Dick Cheney receives heart transplant (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57403969-503544/dick-cheney-receives-heart-transplant/)

It's certainly a waste of a heart...I'm tired of seeing that dude's face..He's killed enough people in his lifetime and he should be satisfied with that already...why does he want to stick around? to espouse more of his bullshit ideas....go rot in hades please...

baseline bum
03-25-2012, 12:09 PM
So I guess what I'm saying is that Cheney would have to have made that decision himself (not to take a heart before someone else), and there is absolutely nothing in the man's past that would indicate a willingness to do something like that.

Are you telling me you would reject a heart in his place?

jack sommerset
03-25-2012, 12:09 PM
I heard that Trayvon was a match for Cheney and Halliburton hired Zimmerman to harvest him. They stole the heart during the autopsy.

I'm sure buttons the troll would agree. God bless.

03-25-2012, 01:00 PM
Are you telling me you would reject a heart in his place?

Yes!! Absolutely.

Not only am I saying it in here, but I have the living will and health care directives on file to say that. They were part of my will that my lawyer took care of a few years ago.

I have a heart condition and was asked the last time I was in the cardiac unit, before I went in to surgery, if I had such directives, and when I said did, I was asked if I knew where they were. I said yes, they are the safe in my house.

I even made sure that my sibling could make the decisions for 'no heroic measures' to avoid my spouse or children having to make a decision that might be difficult for them. My sister knows exactly how I feel, has the right to make the decision for me if I am incapacitated, and I know has the guts the make the decision in accordance with my written directives.

So, yes, I would make that decision. I already have done so.

baseline bum
03-25-2012, 01:09 PM
Wow, with all due respect, you're nuts bro.

03-25-2012, 01:26 PM
how so? doesn't seem nuts to me.

03-25-2012, 01:31 PM
to take but one example, after the fourth course of chemo and multiple surgeries my sweetie's granny threw in the towel, made a DNR, no heroic measures were taken, all according to her wishes.

survived cancer four times, but didn't want to survive the fifth. who can blame her? and what's so crazy about that?

03-25-2012, 01:42 PM
I am in no way nuts. But I have watched multiple members of my family die lingering deaths. Like your sweetie's mother, WH, my mother decided that another round of combined chemo plus radiation just wasn't something she was willing to go through (again), so she went into hospice with pain relievers. My brother did a similar thing by deciding to stop taking his heart medication in order to die before cancer made him die more painfully.

Personally, I think it is TOTALLY rational, and I hope it is something that more of us baby boomers decide on our own.

Because you can't ask someone else to make that decision for you...you gotta gut it out yourself.

03-25-2012, 01:43 PM
I have lived a full, useful life. I do not fear death, but I do fear the PROCESS of dying...having it drawn out for little or no good reason.

03-25-2012, 02:04 PM
Personally, I think it is TOTALLY rational, and I hope it is something that more of us baby boomers decide on our own.

Because you can't ask someone else to make that decision for you...you gotta gut it out yourself.mega dittos

03-25-2012, 02:05 PM
I'm with EVAY. If I get a terminal illness I'm punching out on my own terms before my wife/kids have to change my diaper and wipe the shit off my ass.

baseline bum
03-25-2012, 02:14 PM
Cancer vs heart disease is an apples and oranges comparison. I can understand not wanting to go through cancer treatments over and over, knowing that you're never going to be rid of the disease once it has metastasised. I'd personally take the 70% shot at an extra 5 years with the heart transplant every time though.

03-25-2012, 02:19 PM
I'm with EVAY. If I get a terminal illness I'm punching out on my own terms before my wife/kids have to change my diaper and wipe the shit off my ass.


There is no dignity in living too long and simply using up resources.

Go out on your own terms, if possible.

03-25-2012, 02:20 PM
Cancer vs heart disease is an apples and oranges comparison. I can understand not wanting to go through cancer treatments over and over, knowing that you're never going to be rid of the disease once it has metastasised. I'd personally take the 70% shot at an extra 5 years with the heart transplant every time though.

You are probably young enough that this makes sense.

I'm not.

I certainly support your right to make whatever choice you want to make, though.

baseline bum
03-25-2012, 02:27 PM
Is a heart transplant patient only capable of staying in a bed and being a burden to his family? Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I don't know. If that's what those next 5+ years would be then I would understand the stance better. If I could drive, walk short distances, and do simple tasks like that then I would take the years.

03-25-2012, 02:35 PM
Is a heart transplant patient only capable of staying in a bed and being a burden to his family? Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I don't know. If that's what those next 5+ years would be then I would understand the stance better. If I could drive, walk short distances, and do simple tasks like that then I would take the years.

Then you have made an informed decision...at least you have now considered it. Again, I really believe you have a right to make that decision.

I didn't take your comments as sarcasm...these are some of the most important decisions any of us will ever make in our lives.

03-25-2012, 02:43 PM
Is a heart transplant patient only capable of staying in a bed and being a burden to his family? Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I don't know. If that's what those next 5+ years would be then I would understand the stance better. If I could drive, walk short distances, and do simple tasks like that then I would take the years.

It's the odds. But once you put yourself back in the system and you get bad results (lets say one throws a clot and strokes out to vegetative state) you have taken away your control of the situation...you are stuck in life support purgatory/hell and your family is along for the ride.

03-25-2012, 02:46 PM
It also depends on your financial situation. if I had to exhaust my retirement savings to extend my life marginally a few years of less than quality life leaving my wife penniless I would probably refuse to do it.

baseline bum
03-25-2012, 03:00 PM
It's the odds. But once you put yourself back in the system and you get bad results (lets say one throws a clot and strokes out to vegetative state) you have taken away your control of the situation...you are stuck in life support purgatory/hell and your family is along for the ride.

I would definitely want the plug pulled if the surgery goes wrong and that's the result, and would let it be known to everyone before the surgery.

It also depends on your financial situation. if I had to exhaust my retirement savings to extend my life marginally a few years of less than quality life leaving my wife penniless I would probably refuse to do it.

Yeah, that's an objection I would understand, especially if there is little to no chance of a reasonable quality of life after.

baseline bum
03-25-2012, 03:13 PM
Then you have made an informed decision...at least you have now considered it. Again, I really believe you have a right to make that decision.

I didn't take your comments as sarcasm...these are some of the most important decisions any of us will ever make in our lives.

Alright, EVAY. :toast

I support one's right to die or to be euthanized (though definitely after a cooling off period in the second case).

03-25-2012, 03:50 PM
It also depends on your financial situation. if I had to exhaust my retirement savings to extend my life marginally a few years of less than quality life leaving my wife penniless I would probably refuse to do it.

Agree. I leave the pot for my family if it came down to it. My worst fear is a situation where my last years are spent being dependent on others for my ADLs. I'll pass on that.

03-25-2012, 05:50 PM
My question would be this.

Is he the only good match from the donor, or did his status as former VP make a difference?

I have a problem with the elderly getting organ transplants over younger people. I don't care who they are. It shouldn't matter.

Not saying it did, but I have a strong suspicion...
Vice President Cheney was on the transplant list for 20 months. In an article I read, more than 380 people, over the age of 65, received heart transplants annually. The procedure has improved dramatically and is not as risky as it once was. 88% survive a year, 75% over 5 years, at 10 years it drop to about 55%.

If he was shown preferential treatment you can bet your ass there's no evidence of it but, since he waited 20 months, I'm thinking they jumped through all the right hoops and he waited like everyone else.

03-25-2012, 05:55 PM
Is a heart transplant patient only capable of staying in a bed and being a burden to his family? Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I don't know. If that's what those next 5+ years would be then I would understand the stance better. If I could drive, walk short distances, and do simple tasks like that then I would take the years.
Actually, his health is probably going to improve dramatically with the new heart. Especially if it was his heart failure that was the most significant health issue.

(Jeb) Bush/Cheney in 2016!

03-25-2012, 08:15 PM
I'm a cracker for Cheney!

03-25-2012, 08:59 PM
(Jeb) Bush/Cheney in 2016!

I would absolutely love to see them run together!

03-26-2012, 12:05 AM
Is a heart transplant patient only capable of staying in a bed and being a burden to his family? Not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I don't know. If that's what those next 5+ years would be then I would understand the stance better. If I could drive, walk short distances, and do simple tasks like that then I would take the years.

If everything goes well, people live normal lives post-transplant.

As for Cheney, I thought you actually had to have a heart in the first place to get a transplant.

03-26-2012, 02:28 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/306159_10150646846114580_636629579_9506451_1264871 191_n.jpg

Wild Cobra
03-26-2012, 03:10 AM
Actually, his health is probably going to improve dramatically with the new heart. Especially if it was his heart failure that was the most significant health issue.

(Jeb) Bush/Cheney in 2016!

How about Cheney/Bush, J.

03-26-2012, 08:52 AM
As for Cheney, I thought you actually had to have a heart in the first place to get a transplant.
