View Full Version : Homeowners....this ever happen to you?

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 01:22 PM
Woke up this morning after a nice late night...watching the Lakers get punked and whatnot....off for the weekend and feeling all relaxed...

Walked through my dining room to get to the kitchen and get the coffee started,etc....and then...


The carpeting in my dining room flooded...WTF?

Turns out the water heater took a royal shit overnight and my dining room,living room,garage, entryway,etc...is water damaged...walls fuckin' ruined...damage everywhere!!!!!

Plumber is telling me I am looking at thousands $$$... Insurance company is taking their sweet fuckin' time getting here....

Good times.....

How do you homeowners deal with this shit...I thought my A/C crapping out last summer in 112 degree temps was a blast...this might fuckin' top that!!!!

Any words of encouragement?

Any tips, ideas, suggestions?

Any trolls wish to take a shit on me today...welcome to my nightmare weekend...


silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 01:25 PM
oh yeah...almost forgot...thank christ the wifey is out of the country for a couple of weeks...all I needed was to have her here panicking & shit...

03-30-2012, 01:28 PM
big money. lots of work, will take lots of time to repair. tell wife to extend her trip.

William Hung
03-30-2012, 01:28 PM
Insurance companies make a lot of money. It's their problem now. You are the victim.

03-30-2012, 01:30 PM
how long before your next thread: "How insurance companies screw you"

03-30-2012, 01:30 PM
You do anything lately to fuck with karma?

03-30-2012, 01:34 PM
Woke up this morning after a nice late night...watching the Lakers get punked and whatnot....off for the weekend and feeling all relaxed...

Walked through my dining room to get to the kitchen and get the coffee started,etc....and then...


The carpeting in my dining room flooded...WTF?

Turns out the water heater took a royal shit overnight and my dining room,living room,garage, entryway,etc...is water damaged...walls fuckin' ruined...damage everywhere!!!!!

Plumber is telling me I am looking at thousands $$$... Insurance company is taking their sweet fuckin' time getting here....

Good times.....

How do you homeowners deal with this shit...I thought my A/C crapping out last summer in 112 degree temps was a blast...this might fuckin' top that!!!!

Any words of encouragement?

Any tips, ideas, suggestions?

Any trolls wish to take a shit on me today...welcome to my nightmare weekend...


Couldn't have happened to a better person

03-30-2012, 01:36 PM
kitchen sink had a burst pipe smack under the house last summer. Fist quote was 9k.....second quote 3k....wtf?!?!?!?

made the obvious choice. Jackhammered the tile through to the slab. Surprisingly only took one day once they started.

have fun!

03-30-2012, 01:42 PM

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 01:48 PM
Couldn't have happened to a better person

:lol..." Deserve's got nothing to do with it." (Big Clint Eastwood)

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 01:50 PM
how long before your next thread: "How insurance companies screw you"


This is actually my biggest fear...the fact those fuckers haven't called me back...is starting to worry me...being the weekend and whatnot...

only good thing so far (I guess) is that I actually got a claim #....

03-30-2012, 01:57 PM
they need to give a claim number for their denial records.

03-30-2012, 01:57 PM
its the first step in building a case against you.

03-30-2012, 01:59 PM
It's Pop's fault.

03-30-2012, 02:00 PM
It's Pop's fault.

Thought it was LeBron's fault

Mike D.Brown
03-30-2012, 02:04 PM
PM me.

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 02:09 PM
It's Pop's fault.


Still butthurt because I am not a Popsucker!


03-30-2012, 02:18 PM
My sister had this happen to her in a two story condo, and the water heater was on the second story. It was a tremendous pain, but the insurance covered it. She had USAA, so I don't believe it was too much of a hassle.

03-30-2012, 03:57 PM
Who are you insured with?

03-30-2012, 04:03 PM
i think i'd honestly rather switch places with you right about now, it won't be so bad you were insured man

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 04:05 PM
Who are you insured with?

Fidelity...something or other...

I finally heard from them....now I am REALLY worried.

They were really helpful and basically stated that the way I described things...everything should be covered...and if I want to get a hotel or anything to go right ahead because it should all be covered....


03-30-2012, 04:06 PM
nothing tops having no electricity for 5 days in 12 inches of snow

03-30-2012, 04:06 PM
Your water heater likely won't be covered but the ensuing damage should be including the cost of mitigation.

03-30-2012, 04:11 PM
Fidelity...something or other...

I finally heard from them....now I am REALLY worried.

They were really helpful and basically stated that the way I described things...everything should be covered...and if I want to get a hotel or anything to go right ahead because it should all be covered....


That's just how insurance companies speak because of estoppel. Until they confirm coverage through an inspection they can't confirm coverage. They know the policy though and can give you guidance.

This is a pretty standard loss so I wouldn't worry too much.

Just save receipts for expenses (they will ask you about what you normally spend on food and such and only pay the difference because it's only incurred expense if it's more than you normally pay )

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 04:12 PM
Your water heater likely won't be covered but the ensuing damage should be including the cost of mitigation.

Yeah...that is what I was told already...but the plumbers were awesome...already installed the new one...and my hot water should be back within another 30 minutes....had to pay but...oh well...

the drying people, they put fans all over my living room and started pumping shit out and clearing shit,etc...

plumber guy told me to be a prick and demand the entire carpeting to be re-done...and other juicy info....he says if you don't that the insurance will try to screw you or only replace a small section,etc...but he said all my carpeting was one piece it wasn't cut in sections,etc...so be sure I get the same thing...not some half-ass solution...

03-30-2012, 04:21 PM
The plumber is dumb IMO and part of the reason rates go up. Most good insurance companies do what's right. If the carpet can be salvaged, there shouldn't be replacement. If it needs to be replaced they'll replace it.

03-30-2012, 04:26 PM
Shut up

03-30-2012, 04:31 PM
Yah, since it's simply water, worst case would be them salvaging the carpet and maybe replacing the padding underneath.

I'm sure you've been told to make sure the windows stay open and the central unit fan to stay on as well to avoid mold and the mildew funk smell.

03-30-2012, 04:40 PM
Yup, a good mitigation company should help a lot and they will tell you if the carpet can be saved or not.

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 04:52 PM
The plumber is dumb IMO and part of the reason rates go up. Most good insurance companies do what's right. If the carpet can be salvaged, there shouldn't be replacement. If it needs to be replaced they'll replace it.


To be perfectly fair, the plumber does this everyday and he probably has run into...less than reputable insurance companies.
He did say that some insurance companies will try very hard to screw the insured and will try to pay for the least...I can understand this..also--again to be fair...

so far-the insurance co. seems like they will do what's right...but as somebody else mentioned...this is what they pretty much have to say until they actually send in their adjuster to photo the damage and give an estimate...

So, for now...everything is on the up and up...

On the other hand,regarding the carpeting, he did have a valid point...because if you replace only a portion of a whole carpet...whose to say that the colors/shades/fabric will match exactly...and whose to say that two different carpets won't make the whole living/dining/entry area look kinda shabby?

03-30-2012, 05:11 PM
If the carpet can't be reasonably matched and it's a line of sight issue, most companies replace it all.

silverblk mystix
03-30-2012, 05:15 PM
If the carpet can't be reasonably matched and it's a line of sight issue, most companies replace it all.

...maybe a silver lining somewhere here...

03-30-2012, 05:15 PM
:lol because you need to do everything in your power to ensure the big insurance companies save some pennies because they, unlike you, AREN'T enjoying obscene profits


2011 will be the year with the highest insured earthquake losses in history
2011 ranks already as the second costliest year for insured catastrophic losses
According to preliminary sigma estimates, total insured losses for the global insurance industry from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters reached an estimated USD 70 billion in the first half of 2011. This is more than double the figure of USD 29 billion for the first six months of 2010. Claims from natural catastrophes alone reached USD 67 billion in the first half of 2011, compared to USD 27 billion in the same period of last year.

There are plenty of companies losing money, especially last year with some of the worst catastrophes ever. Sure some make money too, but plenty got hit financially.

03-30-2012, 05:25 PM
A lot of people lack understanding of the industry; not your fault. That's why you should get your insurance through an independent agent IMO and look for consultation vs just price.

03-30-2012, 05:26 PM
cool stats from a nonbiased source scroh, a reinsurance group

Use Google, search it from any source.

03-30-2012, 05:30 PM
what about the drywall and base trim?

03-30-2012, 05:38 PM
Same rules, if it can't be salvaged (too wet, expansion...) it will be included in the damages.

03-30-2012, 05:39 PM
Obviously this is all predicated on the policy you have. I'm speaking about normal full coverage policies by good companies.

03-30-2012, 05:45 PM
Good consumer group in area?
If not sure ask local news station.

Also, document document document.
Every phone call, every word.
Get name of Fidelity emplyee.

03-30-2012, 05:55 PM
lol or ask your agent

03-30-2012, 06:17 PM
lol or ask your agent

could be an independent broker.

03-30-2012, 06:21 PM
That was the point; go with a consultant, not something else.

silverblk mystix
05-09-2012, 11:52 AM
Just wanted to give an update and thank the posters that chimed in with info and suggestions,etc.

The insurance adjuster did his thing and aside from the water heater which was not covered-everything else was covered. I paid for the water heater and of course paid the deductible.
The adjuster filed his report and because of the open layout of my house the coverage included the entire garage wall where the water heater busted-connected to the dining room. The entire dining room floor/carpet and adjoining wall, the entire living room floor, up the stairs all the way up the upstairs hallway and stopping at the bedrooms. The coverage stopped before the bedrooms because the bedrooms have doors. I guess this is what insurance companies have to cover. If the area is open they keep going until they hit a door. This also included repairing the walls, painting,etc.

Since the walls on the stairs and up the upstairs hallway weren't damaged-I made a plan to use those funds to repair the flooring downstairs.

I received pretty astronomical estimates from local companies as you might guess and I wasn't sure where to go next.

I was talking to the guy that does my lawn/landscaping one day and when he heard my predicament he told me that he could refer a friend of his.

To make a long story-longer, this friend did everything and I mean he did everything for a little less than my actual insurance payout--but with a bonus!

The bonus was that he ended up installing Marble tile in my kitchen, entryway/foyer, foyer guest bathroom and completely installing hardwood floors in my entire dining room and living room!

I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the work. He fixed my walls, floors, water heater platform-everything.

It looks like a new house. The floors are super gorgeous, wifey is happy and thinks i am her hero (as if I did much) and I think the value of the house itself will increase. This past Saturday the work was completed around 5 pm and for the first time in a few weeks-we had privacy and quiet and just in time to enjoy the Spurs/Jazz game.

If anyone near Austin needs some flooring and wants to save a bundle I can refer this contractor if you PM me.

The wood is a 3/4'' x 3 1/2 Natural Maple Solid Hardwood and it is gorgeous-it looks like the freaking Spurs home court (except for the natural markings, birdseyes,etc.)

Thanks for all the advice/suggestions. :toast
Finally, I'd like to add that I was probably lucky that my insurance company is a fair and reputable one.

05-09-2012, 12:15 PM
About 10 years ago, the wife and I come home from dinner and notice water pouring out of our garage. We see the water coming out of our door that leads into the house. Our pipe came off of attachement to our kitchen sink, and our whole lower floor had 1-2 inches of water. Our dogs were outside, but cats were standing on bottom stairs stairing at the lake and saying "WTF?" :lol

Wood floor ruined, carpet ruined, sheetrock ok, but baseboards had to be replaced. StateFarm insurance paid for everything minus the deductable.

Was a mess living in house for the time it took to do the work though. We stayed upstairs mostly.

We survived though, just so much better that it was clean water like yourself that flooded your house, unlike people that have outside floods do that damage to their stuff....that is so much worse.

05-09-2012, 12:24 PM
oh yeah...almost forgot...thank christ the wifey is out of the country for a couple of weeks...all I needed was to have her here panicking & shit...

Oh it's get worse, wait till you're wife's water heater breaks 9 months from now.

silverblk mystix
05-09-2012, 12:27 PM
Oh it's get worse, wait till you're wife's water heater breaks 9 months from now.

Amazing. Another fantastic and creative troll. How do you guys come up with some brilliant creative stuff that has never been said before.

I have never seen such accomplished, witty and ground-breaking trolls.

You should be very proud of yourself. Is this your full time occupation?


silverblk mystix
05-09-2012, 12:29 PM
About 10 years ago, the wife and I come home from dinner and notice water pouring out of our garage. We see the water coming out of our door that leads into the house. Our pipe came off of attachement to our kitchen sink, and our whole lower floor had 1-2 inches of water. Our dogs were outside, but cats were standing on bottom stairs stairing at the lake and saying "WTF?" :lol

Wood floor ruined, carpet ruined, sheetrock ok, but baseboards had to be replaced. StateFarm insurance paid for everything minus the deductable.

Was a mess living in house for the time it took to do the work though. We stayed upstairs mostly.

We survived though, just so much better that it was clean water like yourself that flooded your house, unlike people that have outside floods do that damage to their stuff....that is so much worse.

Yeah, we spent a lot of time upstairs. I naively thought that I would have all of this done while the wife was out of town and surprise her upon her arrival.

I would have never guessed that it takes so much longer.

But is is all worth it now.

05-09-2012, 12:36 PM
so how much will premiums go up then? a lot? a little? just enough? :lol

Depends on interest rates.

Remember companies get money from two sources:

Investing reserves



If their investments tank, they have to make it up with premiums.

Generally reserves account for the occasional bad year.

05-09-2012, 12:41 PM
Just wanted to give an update and thank the posters that chimed in with info and suggestions,etc.

The insurance adjuster did his thing and aside from the water heater which was not covered-everything else was covered. I paid for the water heater and of course paid the deductible.
The adjuster filed his report and because of the open layout of my house the coverage included the entire garage wall where the water heater busted-connected to the dining room. The entire dining room floor/carpet and adjoining wall, the entire living room floor, up the stairs all the way up the upstairs hallway and stopping at the bedrooms. The coverage stopped before the bedrooms because the bedrooms have doors. I guess this is what insurance companies have to cover. If the area is open they keep going until they hit a door. This also included repairing the walls, painting,etc.

Since the walls on the stairs and up the upstairs hallway weren't damaged-I made a plan to use those funds to repair the flooring downstairs.

I received pretty astronomical estimates from local companies as you might guess and I wasn't sure where to go next.

I was talking to the guy that does my lawn/landscaping one day and when he heard my predicament he told me that he could refer a friend of his.

To make a long story-longer, this friend did everything and I mean he did everything for a little less than my actual insurance payout--but with a bonus!

The bonus was that he ended up installing Marble tile in my kitchen, entryway/foyer, foyer guest bathroom and completely installing hardwood floors in my entire dining room and living room!

I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the work. He fixed my walls, floors, water heater platform-everything.

It looks like a new house. The floors are super gorgeous, wifey is happy and thinks i am her hero (as if I did much) and I think the value of the house itself will increase. This past Saturday the work was completed around 5 pm and for the first time in a few weeks-we had privacy and quiet and just in time to enjoy the Spurs/Jazz game.

If anyone near Austin needs some flooring and wants to save a bundle I can refer this contractor if you PM me.

The wood is a 3/4'' x 3 1/2 Natural Maple Solid Hardwood and it is gorgeous-it looks like the freaking Spurs home court (except for the natural markings, birdseyes,etc.)

Thanks for all the advice/suggestions. :toast
Finally, I'd like to add that I was probably lucky that my insurance company is a fair and reputable one.

Good to hear that it worked out ok.

Remember that every state has an insurance department (no federal regulation for the most part) that can act as an advocate if a company is really fucking with you.

Texas is big geographically, so its department is generally taken pretty seriously, if you complain to them about a company not living up to its promises. Most reputable companies do not want to lose access to Texas.

There should be a phone number on the back of your policy, and I'm sure it can be found on the internet.

silverblk mystix
05-09-2012, 12:47 PM
Good to hear that it worked out ok.

Remember that every state has an insurance department (no federal regulation for the most part) that can act as an advocate if a company is really fucking with you.

Texas is big geographically, so its department is generally taken pretty seriously, if you complain to them about a company not living up to its promises. Most reputable companies do not want to lose access to Texas.

There should be a phone number on the back of your policy, and I'm sure it can be found on the internet.
