View Full Version : McMillan next Pistons coach?

06-21-2005, 06:46 PM
Anyone else hear this rumor?

Maybe somebody should ask Rasheed and Chauncey about it, before they get caught up in the game and all.

Pistons < Spurs
06-21-2005, 06:49 PM
I believe the rumors are saying that if LB leaves, it would be between Flip, and McMillian.

I would prefer to see Flip, to possibly work with and nuture Darko's game as he did w/ KG...though it may have had more to do with his assistants.

Big Pimp_21
06-21-2005, 06:51 PM
I still think that the Piston's are gonna make a suprise move and hire Bill Laimbeer to coach next year. The Knicks are either gonna hire Larry Brown (if he leaves and turns down Cleveland) or re-sign Herb Williams. Then again, I'll bet Rasheed would play harder if the pistons brought in Herb.

06-21-2005, 06:52 PM
Then again, I'll bet Rasheed would play harder if the pistons brought in Herb.

06-21-2005, 06:53 PM
I believe the rumors are saying that if LB leaves, it would be between Flip, and McMillian.

I would prefer to see Flip, to possibly work with and nuture Darko's game as he did w/ KG...though it may have had more to do with his assistants.

McMillan is the defense orientated coach the Pistons need to continue their run in the East... I am pretty sure Joe Dumars has a very good relationship with McMillan that we'll learn more about should Brown leave...

Pistons < Spurs
06-21-2005, 06:53 PM
I still think that the Piston's are gonna make a suprise move and hire Bill Laimbeer to coach next year. The Knicks are either gonna hire Larry Brown (if he leaves and turns down Cleveland) or re-sign Herb Williams. Then again, I'll bet Rasheed would play harder if the pistons brought in Herb.

Oh god, I hope not. I personally don't want to see Lamb ever get near the Detroit coaching staff. I know he means alot to the franchise......but I just don't like him. I heard that he's had a second interview w/ the Knicks, and was considered a frontrunner for that job....but that was a couple of weeks ago.

Marklar MM
06-21-2005, 06:57 PM
He is friends with Isiah. He won a WNBA championship, albeit not NBA, but still commemorable. I would rather he be an assistant with Detroit, rather than Head Coach. I would have loved to have Maurice Cheeks as coach, but those plans are foiled. McMillan and Saunders are the top two out there at the moment tho. We may also make a surprise move and try for Izzo.

06-21-2005, 07:18 PM
McMillan is the best coach available. He showed me a lot during the seattle series.

06-21-2005, 07:20 PM

Flip has no excuses for so many failures with Garnett...and he used up the talent excuse last season.

McMillan got a halfway complete team and it was the toughest series we played...up till this one.

On top of that...Flip says stupid stuff sometimes while Nate is pretty classy if you ask me.

Nate wasn't whining during that Seattle series.

06-21-2005, 07:23 PM
Are the Pistons even seriously considering Flip?

Flips knows absolutely nothing about coaching defense...his idea of defense is a zone...

He'd be a horrible fit for Detroit...all he knows is offense and the Pistons will not succeed as that type of team.

If you guys hire Flip you can kiss your title era goodbye.

06-21-2005, 07:28 PM
I'd like to see McMillan short term, with Laimbeer as an assistant for a year or two before he takes the head coach job. The one think I'm sure of is that Joe will bring in somebody damn good.