View Full Version : I got one of those damn itches in my mouth.

04-15-2012, 04:07 AM
You know the kind that is in the back of your throat but you can only scratch it a few times before it'll become raw but it feels so damn good to scratch. I know some others get that same itch but will make those ugly sounds trying to get to it without actually scratching the surface and they make me want to gag.
Another one of those itches is the one inside my brain and the only way to get to it is to stick your finger in and give it a good wiggling for about 10 seconds. But you can only do it for a few seconds or your ear canal skin will get all jacked up. The sensation and satisfaction you get from both of these is great in a bad way- kinda like smelling manure.

William Hung
04-15-2012, 11:07 PM
The worst is when you got a sliver of a popcorn kernel caught in your throat and you can't quite reach it :bang