View Full Version : who is the old man in the black leather cowboy hat ?

04-18-2012, 12:04 AM
hes at like all the big games and i see him at spurs games a lot
i saw he shook tps hand at the end of the game

04-18-2012, 12:07 AM
James Goldstein (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Goldstein).

I met him after Game 2 of the 2007 Finals -- a very nice guy.

04-18-2012, 12:08 AM
hes at like all the big games and i see him at spurs games a lot
i saw he shook tps hand at the end of the game

One of those L.A freaks :lol

But who is that annoying old man always sitting next to the Lakers bench, always holding a program ?

04-18-2012, 12:11 AM
He is a Laker's fan but comes to lots of the the Spurs games and is just a huge basketball fan. Has always liked the Spurs so roots for them if they are not playing L.A.

04-18-2012, 12:29 AM
Yeah man, Jim is a badass guy.

04-18-2012, 12:33 AM
To be able to buy over 100 courtside seats per season, and not even feel the expense. Damn.

04-18-2012, 01:44 AM
To set the record straight, Goldstein, from what I've been told, is not necessarily a Fakers fan nor a Clippers fan. He is just an NBA fan - probably the biggest fan there is. He does, however, have season tickets to both Clippers and Fakers (he's got it like that).

The guy is extraordinarily wealthy, which allows him to travel exclusively to his choice of playoff games in any major NBA city. As a matter of fact, he hit the road in April and usually will not return to his L.A. mansion until after the NBA Finals. You'll see him in Boston one night for a playoff game, and the next he could be in Miami or Houston. The guy has been doing this so long and has such respect from the NBA office, that he somehow gets access to the post-game playoff press conferences. He doesn't make a scene, he doesn't ask questions. He just sits there and listens.

He is very well-liked by players, coaches and of course, Commissioner Stern.

04-18-2012, 01:45 AM
Parker better take a shower after touching that mofo

04-18-2012, 05:09 AM
To set the record straight, Goldstein, from what I've been told, is not necessarily a Fakers fan nor a Clippers fan. He is just an NBA fan - probably the biggest fan there is. He does, however, have season tickets to both Clippers and Fakers (he's got it like that).

The guy is extraordinarily wealthy, which allows him to travel exclusively to his choice of playoff games in any major NBA city. As a matter of fact, he hit the road in April and usually will not return to his L.A. mansion until after the NBA Finals. You'll see him in Boston one night for a playoff game, and the next he could be in Miami or Houston. The guy has been doing this so long and has such respect from the NBA office, that he somehow gets access to the post-game playoff press conferences. He doesn't make a scene, he doesn't ask questions. He just sits there and listens.

He is very well-liked by players, coaches and of course, Commissioner Stern.

Pretty much the dream situation for anybody on this forum (except maybe the choice of season tickets :D)

04-18-2012, 05:41 AM
If someone were to ask me what heaven was like, the description would be something like this.

04-18-2012, 06:51 AM
this guy has so much money toburn, why not buy a franchise

04-18-2012, 09:15 AM
This guy is living the dream. That is a good use of having a lot of money to burn.

04-18-2012, 09:21 AM
He is a Laker's fan but comes to lots of the the Spurs games and is just a huge basketball fan. Has always liked the Spurs so roots for them if they are not playing L.A.

Actually, he's a Clipper fan (always has been). His second favorite team is the Suns according to him.

He kinda likes the Spurs but he doesn't like the Lakers all that much.:flag:

04-18-2012, 09:49 AM
As another side note, according to locals, he usually adorns his game night attendance with a veritable assortment of young blondies. Big playa!

04-18-2012, 09:51 AM


04-18-2012, 10:17 AM
Fuck buying a franchise. I'll take this guy's life over any franchise owner. Every day is a day off. Franchise owners have to worry about shit.

This dude is a fucking stud.

He posts here as Giuseppe.

04-19-2012, 10:40 AM
2008 Playoffs


04-19-2012, 10:41 AM

04-19-2012, 10:49 AM
Thanks for the laugh. That guy freaked me out when I was a kid. This gentleman was actually dying of cancer while filming this movie, which made it all the more eerie.

yup. He freaks me out even now.

He was agonizing of stomach cancer while filming the movie and died weeks later, that is why he looks half dead.

04-19-2012, 01:44 PM

mostly talks about fashion, the last page he gets to basketball

sounds like a cool, very fortunate guy

05-25-2012, 04:22 PM

05-25-2012, 04:54 PM

Here's part 1

How do I get playoff tickets? It's different each night. For example, in Memphis, Chris Wallace is a very good friend of mine, so he always has a ticket for me in Memphis. When I go to Dallas, I am very well known through the Dallas organization. When he first bought the team, the first Dallas game that I attended in L.A., Mark Cuban came over and introduced himself and referred to me as a legend, which was very nice. So ever since then, we've been friends. In the case of Denver, even though I'm very good friends with the owner of Denver, he doesn't arrange a ticket for me. I'm getting a ticket through a fan that I've met in previous years. I have a terrific relationship with the entire Spurs organization. Peter Holt on down to everyone who works for the team to the players to the people in San Antonio. I've been going there for many years. In San Antonio, they set up a special seat for me whenever I go to the games there that doesn't exist the rest of the season.

Certain players I'm closer to than others. Tony Parker and I have been good friends. We run into each other in France and we always have a little chat before the games. He opened a nightclub in San Antonio now that he wants to take me to after the games, that kind of thing.

Read More http://www.gq.com/blogs/the-q/2012/05/jimmy-speaks-the-goldstein-chronicles-part-i.html#ixzz1vvBA2Kf8

I'm sure he's looking forward to this years WCF and I've seen him at the airport several time back when I use to work there.

05-25-2012, 05:41 PM
He showed up in Bill Simmons' latest NBA column too. Definitely seems like a good cool guy... made his money, does what he wants now.


My favorite L.A. Live story before last weekend: A few months ago, a Kings home game at Staples Center started at the exact same time as a Wiz Khalifa concert at the Nokia Theatre, inadvertently creating the single funniest swarm of congestion that's ever happened. Let's just say there wasn't a ton of overlap between the two fan bases. That story got supplanted by my new favorite story about L.A. Live, which happened Saturday during the first of two doubleheaders: Two of my friends caught the Clippers-Spurs game, then found themselves with three hours to kill before the Lakers-OKC game. Hmmmmm … three hours … MOVIE!

They checked out movie theater times and found a perfect window to see The Dictator. So they walk over to the Regal Cinemas, buy tickets, sit down … and who do they see in another row killing time like them? That's right, Jimmy Goldstein, the stylish millionaire who sits courtside for seemingly every NBA playoff game, wears colorful leather jackets, sits next to long-legged blondes and always looks like he just smoked the biggest bowl on the planet. You know, this guy (http://espn.go.com/blog/truehoop/post/_/id/43123/jimmy-goldstein-gets-good-seats). Did Jimmy bring one of those long-legged blondes to The Dictator? Of course he did! I'm anointing this L.A. Live's greatest moment ever, narrowly edging former Grantland editor Lane Brown ordering a cobb salad from The Farm of Beverly Hills for 38 days in a row last summer.

05-25-2012, 05:48 PM
In a thread about him a couple weeks ago, something said he roots for anyone who is playing the Lakers.