View Full Version : Defending Dejuan

04-19-2012, 09:31 AM
I do agree that a Duncan/Splitter starting line-up is best particularly against long teams like the Lakers. However, I do take exception to some posters who dump on Dejuan - here are my key points:

Expectations - He is an undersized (6'7") 'center' without ACLs - 2nd rounder with inexpensive contract.

Results - Although he can and has struggled against the true bigs (Bynum), he can 'beast', he does hustle and on some nights, he can be a major factor.

Bottom line - Spurs are short on Bigs and need Blair. Even against the Lakers, he can be key in the 2nd rotation - beasting McRoberts and making Bynum/Gasol hustle by running the court and covering him. With that being said, I would like him to improve on his defensive mechanics.

He is who he is, he has heart, and he adds value.


04-19-2012, 09:47 AM
I think Blair is an asset against certain teams. Definitely. Teams with two legit bigs and he gets in some trouble. But he has a lot of energy and sometimes goes nuts.

Our bigs are all situational outside fo Duncan, we need them to play against different teams.

I think they all know what the deal is.

04-19-2012, 09:54 AM
The problem with Dejuan is being able to play smart, consistent ball. He really does seem to be a "feast or famine" guy who lets mistakes compound and pile up.

04-19-2012, 09:59 AM
Dejuan gets bagged on way too much. He's exceeded his contract, player a role in winning a lot of games and for the most part has been a very good citizen. He shown flashes of excellent potential but he's obviously a somewhat limited player.

04-19-2012, 10:08 AM
Blair can be a very productive player against most NBA teams, but the problem is that the teams he doesn't match up well against are the ones standing between you and the Finals. Basically, he's a guy who makes your regular season easier, but won't be nearly as helpful in the playoffs.

For the money he's being paid he's giving the Spurs excellent value, but he'll deserve a raise and I don't think he Spurs will be the ones to give it to him. He's probably trade bait this offseason.

04-19-2012, 10:09 AM
circus shots, whottaburger, rap video cameos > nba ring

silverblk mystix
04-19-2012, 10:09 AM
I would take Blair over Bonner anyday...I just would not start Blair...I would put him in the Malik Rose role and get rid of Bonner and the team would be much better off.

Blair has heart and passion and I don't think he deserves the bashing he gets here but wait til Bonner chokes again and all those bashing Blair and praising Bonner will change their tune again...

until next regular season when Bonner fools them again.

04-19-2012, 10:11 AM
Blair has a role to play, but it's somewhat limited now. I can't understand why he hasn't developed a outside shot. He's been in the league long enough to understand his strengths and weaknesses. He could be a "Oakley" type player if he wanted too!! I just don't understand what drives him! He could be a really good role player in the league if he wanted to be.

04-19-2012, 10:12 AM
I like our bigs. Tim obviously is great no matter who we play. Splitter, the same, but to a lesser degree. But Blair, Bonner, and Diaw all add different things to the team and allow Spurs to create match up issues for other teams.

Not only is this roster deep, it's flexible. Lots of people can play multiple positions.

04-19-2012, 10:19 AM
The problem with Blair is that he thinks he is better then he is

04-19-2012, 10:47 AM
Blair sucks. You'd think the least he could was hit the glass on both ends consistently but he simply has dropped off a cliff in that regard. He's become a one trick pony and he only does that trick beneath the opposing basket.

04-19-2012, 10:57 AM
I actually like Blair for his heart, hustle and desire to get better and do what Pop and the team wants. I think he has probably overachieved a bit from what was originally projected for him. At the same time, I believe his mammoth rebounding ability, that he demonstrated so often during his first two seasons, has regressed.

He's obviously is and always will be a limited player - especially against some teams. His size and stature will continue to be a disadvantage against taller matchups. While he certainly has done enough to warrant a raise, I'm really unsure as to just how the Spurs brass feels about him. Seeing him getting benched - and rightfully so - certainly isn't a good sign. Therefore, I'm very curious as to see if he has a future with this team.

Having said that, if the Spurs want to rid themselves of Blair, they should also do the same for Bonner. Go ahead and revamp the frontline by infusing more size, youth and athleticism.

Keepin' it real
04-19-2012, 11:06 AM
Nobody's really hating Blair.

Really?? You must have missed the hundreds of posts on ST this season. He's been ripped and dissed like a mutha.

Anyway, Blair will be the X Factor in the conference finals vs. OKC. He will be getting a lot of ass kissing then, from the same punks who've dissed him all season.

04-19-2012, 11:20 AM
Seeing him getting benched - and rightfully so - certainly isn't a good sign. Therefore, I'm very curious as to see if he has a future with this team.

He got benched but I think it was a choice based on the situation rather than something we should come to expect for every game. Offensively, Tiago can't be that much worse than Blair and you get some additional height on defense and a fair chance to keep it close and wear down the other team until the Spurs can start making their run simply because of all the depth they have.

As for his future I'm very curious too.

04-19-2012, 11:22 AM
It's all about matchups. Our biggest threats are frontcourts like Gasol/Bynum, Gasol/Randolph, Perkins/Ibaka - Blair would be a horrible option for the Spurs against these bigs.

Having said that, there are situations where Blair is a good option as a starter.:
- Jazz: Millsap is a tough, energetic tweener who would likely outhustle Diaw or Bonner.
- Suns: Blair has done well vs the Suns this year, and has outplayed Frye every time
- Nuggets: Blair did well in the 2 Spurs wins, and was hurt (played 5 mins) in the only loss
- Clippers: As timvp noted earlier, somehow Blair did OK vs the Clippers, although I'd be open to starting Diaw or Splitter given LAC's size

But against the WC teams with real size, there is no way Blair's energy makes up for his lack of height.

04-19-2012, 11:23 AM
Don't hate Blair.

Just don't want Blair to play.

04-19-2012, 11:29 AM
The problem with Blair is that he thinks he is better then he is

The truth has been spoken.

If only he plays within his limits, and work on his strongest aperture as a rebounder rather than trying to be the "MAN", he would be outstanding. Alas, the rebounding beast that we have seen earlier has gone, and he's not professional enough to keep his conditioning on top. To make it worse, he's the kinda guy who needs coddling ala Hedon't in 2004 as a starter to keep on producing, what a headcase !

04-19-2012, 11:42 AM
If you read the comments, it's pretty obvious that people like DeJuan - it's his performance they have a problem with.

Look, when DeJuan was a rookie people expected that by his third year he was going to be kicking ass and taking names. But for whatever reason, DeJuan has regressed in some important areas, instead of improving. Look at his Per-36 minute numbers this year vs his rookie year.

Rebounds - 9.2 vs 12.7
Blocks - .3 vs .9
FTA - 3.2 vs 3.9
He also improved his FT shooting for his second year, but has fallen back on that now, too.

Bottom line, he is slightly improved in some areas since his rookie year, but he's gone backwards the things that you really need out of a C. No matter how you slice it, that's a problem.

Maybe the expectations for DeJuan were too high. But one of the things you look for in a young player is steady improvement. DeJuan hasn't shown that. And when that happens, it usually means he's hit an early ceiling. We were hoping for another Paul Millsap. DeJuan's a long way short of that, and doesn't show much upside. And this is a team with championship aspirations.

04-19-2012, 11:47 AM
you've got it all wrong, buddy..i don't hate blair. i hate pop for playing blair.

04-19-2012, 11:50 AM
I do agree that a Duncan/Splitter starting line-up is best particularly against long teams like the Lakers. However, I do take exception to some posters who dump on Dejuan - here are my key points:

Expectations - He is an undersized (6'7") 'center' without ACLs - 2nd rounder with inexpensive contract.

Results - Although he can and has struggled against the true bigs (Bynum), he can 'beast', he does hustle and on some nights, he can be a major factor.

Bottom line - Spurs are short on Bigs and need Blair. Even against the Lakers, he can be key in the 2nd rotation - beasting McRoberts and making Bynum/Gasol hustle by running the court and covering him. With that being said, I would like him to improve on his defensive mechanics.

He is who he is, he has heart, and he adds value.


Last season in the middle of the 1st rd in the playoffs, Dejuan said this summer is going to be huge w/ me. Well it wasn't, and every reasonable fan knew that. His number are going down instead of up. I think he knows what's holding him back. It's work ethic and maturity.

04-19-2012, 01:05 PM
Without regressed rebounding Blair is basically a SG playing center. You can play your shooting guard at center but it just doesn't make sense. Add to the fact that he can't actually shoot.

04-19-2012, 01:13 PM
We'll need him against OKC. He usually plays well against them.

Man In Black
04-19-2012, 01:22 PM
There will be a role for him. It's just not against teams that have 2 7foot post players that do NOT bite on head and shoulder fakes.

3 minute stretches at most, primarily to defend against cheap fouls on primary bigs, against teams like that. Against the PHX, DEN, and even OKC, I think he'd do alright. He needs to learn how to get into the legs of opposing bigs like Malik Rose used to do when he played for the Spurs. Unfortunately, he still thinks he can pull it off the way he did at Schenly High and Pitt.
I had hoped he'd use the summer smartly and watch and learn from some of the best small bigs like HOF Wes Unseld, and 70's star Truck Robinson, Larry Smith the Rebound Machine, and even Malik Rose and to some extent Charles Barkley but outside of an added spin move in the lane, that's fine but he needs balanced footwork, the drop step is lacking, I mean even an up & under would be nice .

04-19-2012, 02:07 PM
Blair needs to cut out the boneheaded plays, but low basketball IQ may be his ceiling there.

Aside from that, the main issue I see is he has regressed in rebounding. If there is one reason he is out there, it is to rebound. Fail.

04-19-2012, 02:44 PM
Nobody's really hating Blair. Blair has trouble defending big low post players that can score with their backs to the basket, Period. That is why most Spurs fan know Blair shouldn't be seeing minutes against teams like the Lakers and Grizz.

And teams like OKC, which have Perkins at 6'7" as well, who isn't a low post scorer, Blair actually does quite well against those teams. Those teams the Spurs are afforded the flexability of Rotated Duncan and Splitter out of the lineup interchangably. But against the Lakers/Grizz, they need both on the court at the same time.

? Perkins is 6'10.

04-19-2012, 03:08 PM

I think what might be holding DB back from being a great post defender like Hayes
and Rose are his knees. Hayes has some monstrous calves and you can tell rose has a very strong lower body, you can tell that both guys do squats. Their very strong legs allowed them to become very good post defenders since guys had such a hard time backing them down.

As you can see in the pic above, DB's calves have almost no muscle at all, they look very strange. I think he avoids squats due to his knees, either that or he's got really bad genetics.

04-19-2012, 03:20 PM
Don't hate Blair at all. Just think he shouldn't be starting or seeing significant minutes in the playoffs unless we're playing a team he normally does really well against. Even at that I don't want him out there during crunch time if it's close.

04-19-2012, 06:25 PM
Dejuan has an important role on this team. He has decent touch around the rim and scores for us in the interior. Something that Duncan does not do as much anymore especially since his jumper has become so consistent this season. Splitter can also provide this interior scoring but is more valuable coming the bench because he can relieve 2 positions both Pf and C if either Duncan or Blair need to come out of the game.

04-19-2012, 06:31 PM
^^ Or we could start Diaw and give Splitter more minutes while reducing Bonner's time and dropping Blair altogether unless we're playing OKC or someone similar.

04-19-2012, 06:53 PM
Blair has been crucial against OKC. There are plenty of cons about him as a player... but it would seem illogical to sit him outside of games against LAL/MEM... he has proven to be a contributing part in several of the victories recorded against playoff caliber teams.

04-19-2012, 07:38 PM
Blair's a good guy and all, I like his personality.But, he is the worst player on the team,imho.

04-19-2012, 07:43 PM
Blair has been crucial against OKC. There are plenty of cons about him as a player... but it would seem illogical to sit him outside of games against LAL/MEM... he has proven to be a contributing part in several of the victories recorded against playoff caliber teams.

How many points does he give up? There's more than one way to win.

04-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Dejuan needs to grow up and actually pay attention to the mistakes he makes on the floor, and fix them. Without that, he's never going to amount to more than he already has. When you peak in your rookie year, you're not doing well by most NBA standards. Sure there are a lot of players in the league who are worse, but they aren't our problem.

He's not slapping at the ball any more like he used to, now he brings it down and it goes from there. That's an improvement.

I think he's hit a developmental wall.