View Full Version : per Woj - NBPA Executive Committee has called for Derek Fisher's resignation

04-19-2012, 09:44 PM
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏ @WojYahooNBA

With Billy Hunter pushing, the NBPA Executive Committee has called for Derek Fisher's resignation as president, sources tell Y! Sports.

Adrian Wojnarowski ‏ @WojYahooNBA

After Fisher pushed for audit of union's business, power struggle ensued. Fisher's refusing to step down, vowing a fight, sources tell Y!

04-19-2012, 09:45 PM
Bonner getting promoted?

Venti Quattro
04-19-2012, 09:47 PM
:lol Billy Hunter

04-19-2012, 09:48 PM
What the fuck is wrong with billy hunter.

Venti Quattro
04-19-2012, 09:53 PM
NBPA executive director Billy Hunter pushing for Derek Fisher to resign as union president (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--nbpa-executive-director-billy-hunter-pushing-for-derek-fisher-to-resign-as-union-president.html)

At the urging of executive director Billy Hunter, the National Basketball Players Association’s executive committee has voted to seek the resignation of union president Derek Fisher, sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Fisher has flatly refused to step down and has been working to gather a coalition of players to challenge Hunter’s business and financial practices, sources told Yahoo! Sports. Fisher has told peers he will not resign, but rather fight Hunter for further transparency regarding the NBPA.

This showdown has been building for months and escalated in the past week when Fisher initially convinced the executive committee to vote for an independent auditor to look into Hunter’s regime.

Nevertheless, Hunter helped to convince the eight members of the committee to change course and turn on Fisher. Hunter has been unpopular with many players and agents for his lockout strategies, which led to unprecedented givebacks in last summer's labor battle with the league.

Hunter had his legal team send a brief memo to players Tuesday night, telling them the audit – that had initially been voted upon Friday – had been cancelled. Y! Sports obtained the memo.

"The executive committee recognized that the review was unnecessary since there had been a recent independent audit of the NBPA's finances which raised no issues," the memo said.

Mistrust grew between Hunter and Fisher during the lockout, with players choosing sides between the two. A person with knowledge of the dispute told Yahoo! Sports that Hunter convinced the executive committee – which includes, among other players, Los Angeles Clippers guard Chris Paul, Washington Wizards guards Maurice Evans and Roger Mason, Boston Celtics guard Keyon Dooling and San Antonio Spurs forward Matt Bonner – that Fisher's push for an audit had no merit, and that it was inspired by personal animus.

Fisher, a veteran guard with the Oklahoma City Thunder, has more than two years left on his appointment as NBPA president. Hunter has three-plus years left on his contract.

04-19-2012, 10:33 PM
Gotta give Billy Hunter credit. Despite coming out on the losing end of three consecutive CBA negotiations, he manages to keep his job and his multimillion dollar salary.

04-19-2012, 10:46 PM
Gotta give Billy Hunter credit. Despite coming out on the losing end of three consecutive CBA negotiations, he manages to keep his job and his multimillion dollar salary.

Do you love Billy Hunter like Ozzie loves Castro?

04-19-2012, 10:53 PM
Do you love Billy Hunter like Ozzie loves Castro?


Clever. I suppose so.

04-19-2012, 11:01 PM
Gotta give Billy Hunter credit. Despite coming out on the losing end of three consecutive CBA negotiations, he manages to keep his job and his multimillion dollar salary.

You aint lying dude gets his shit pushed in, and he keeps coming back. My guess is Hunter threw Fish under the bus, because the players caved. But hunter was the leader ... he should be the one to fall on his sword. Horrible deal for the players. And the players wont start feeling it's full impact for another year. Come 2013 they realize what a shitty deal they brokered.

baseline bum
04-19-2012, 11:25 PM
I don't understand how Hunter is still employed and how any player can take his side. This guy's accomplishments leading the NBAPA:

- 1996: Allows owners to put caps on rookie salaries

- 1999: Allows owners to limit contracts to 7 years Bird, 6 years Non-Bird, allows caps on individual salaries and raises at 12.5% of base for Bird, 10% of base for non-Bird, allows teams to put draft picks in restricted free agency in year 3. Accepts a dollar for dollar luxury tax. "Wins" the MLE and LLE exceptions.

- 2005: Allows owners to limit contracts to 6 years Bird, 5 years non-Bird, caps on raises drop from 12.5% Bird to 10% Bird (can't remember what the non-Bird was... something like 10% to 8%), allows 19 year-old age limit, allows teams to have first round picks for two years of team options while only being on the hook for paying 2 years -- so now 4 years before the player can hit free agency. Players forced to pay into an escrow fund. Teams lose the LLE exception the year after using it.

- 2011: Allows the owners to drop the players' slice from 57% BRI to as little as 49% BRI, and never more than 51.5%. Contracts are limited to 5 years Bird, 4 years non-Bird. Raises are dropped to 7.5% Bird, 4.5% non-Bird. Hunter bends over and takes an extremely punitive luxury tax. The MLE is shredded into a mini-MLE for teams paying tax. The LLE is gone for taxpaying teams. Even the full MLE has a year chopped off and $750k of base salary removed also.

Seriously? How is this motherfucker Hunter not standing in the county line right now?

04-19-2012, 11:27 PM
I think Fish just wants to take over the job, now that retirement is nearing for him. The not so funny part is that Fish would probably be even worse for the players (if that's even possible), seeing he apparently is more buddy-buddy with Stern.

baseline bum
04-19-2012, 11:30 PM
In 1998 Jordan was making $30 million salary (or ~ $42 million in today's dollars), and today the max salary is Kobe at $25 million. Unbelievable how much the players have lost under Hunter's inept leadership since the 99 lockout.

04-19-2012, 11:32 PM
I think Fish just wants to take over the job, now that retirement is nearing for him. The not so funny part is that Fish would probably be even worse for the players (if that's even possible), seeing he apparently is more buddy-buddy with Stern.

Wouldn't mind him taking over for Stern and buttfucking the Spurs, Celtics & Pistons tbh

04-19-2012, 11:37 PM
I don't understand how Hunter is still employed and how any player can take his side. This guy's accomplishments leading the NBAPA:

- 1996: Allows owners to put caps on rookie salaries

- 1999: Allows owners to limit contracts to 7 years Bird, 6 years Non-Bird, allows caps on individual salaries and raises at 12.5% of base for Bird, 10% of base for non-Bird, allows teams to put draft picks in restricted free agency in year 3. Accepts a dollar for dollar luxury tax. "Wins" the MLE and LLE exceptions.

- 2005: Allows owners to limit contracts to 6 years Bird, 5 years non-Bird, caps on raises drop from 12.5% Bird to 10% Bird (can't remember what the non-Bird was... something like 10% to 8%), allows 19 year-old age limit, allows teams to have first round picks for two years of team options while only being on the hook for paying 2 years -- so now 4 years before the player can hit free agency. Players forced to pay into an escrow fund. Teams lose the LLE exception the year after using it.

- 2011: Allows the owners to drop the players' slice from 57% BRI to as little as 49% BRI, and never more than 51.5%. Contracts are limited to 5 years Bird, 4 years non-Bird. Raises are dropped to 7.5% Bird, 4.5% non-Bird. Hunter bends over and takes an extremely punitive luxury tax. The MLE is shredded into a mini-MLE for teams paying tax. The LLE is gone for taxpaying teams. Even the full MLE has a year chopped off and $750k of base salary removed also.

Seriously? How is this motherfucker Hunter not standing in the county line right now?

All great points, Bum. Not sure if you took Econ and Micro econ at UCLA, but Im pretty sure when I did they would consider that to be CRUSHING the competition at the negotiating table ...

04-19-2012, 11:51 PM
Billy Hunter is a joke. The fact that he's so scared and adamant about avoiding the audit, means he's doing some dirtbag shit.

baseline bum
04-20-2012, 12:01 AM
All great points, Bum. Not sure if you took Econ and Micro econ at UCLA, but Im pretty sure when I did they would consider that to be CRUSHING the competition at the negotiating table ...

If he's still there for 2018 the NFL-style one way contracts are coming.

Goran Dragic
04-20-2012, 12:05 AM
Until the players union realizes the only way to win against a gang of Jewish lawyers is to assemble their own gang of Jewish lawyers, they'll continue to get railed every CBA negotiation.

04-20-2012, 12:05 AM
What the league needs is a player union focused mostly on what's best for the Lakers.

Venti Quattro
04-20-2012, 12:11 AM
What the league needs is a player union focused mostly on what's best for the Lakers.

Another one of your retarded 46-year old takes.

HarlemHo 37
04-20-2012, 01:37 AM
Another one of your retarded 46-year old takes.

Thank you for stating the obvious.

04-20-2012, 03:06 AM
clearly something is going on if they dont wanna perform an audit

surprise this clown still holds the job after a fail representation this last summer

Venti Quattro
04-25-2012, 06:31 PM
NBPA executive director Billy Hunter sought union investment for bank with ties to son (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--nbpa-executive-director-billy-hunter-sought-union-investment-for-bank-with-ties-to-son.html)

On the weekend of the 2009 All-Star game in Phoenix, Pat Garrity, the treasurer of the National Basketball Players Association, walked into a conference room inside the Sheraton Phoenix determined to make one final stand in his decade of service to the union. Garrity had warned peers and NBPA executive director Billy Hunter prior to the '09 executive committee meeting that he planned to challenge Hunter on business practices, and several players purposely steered clear of the confrontational scene.

NBPA compensation: By the numbers (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--nbpa-compensation--by-the-numbers.html)


NBPA family matters (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--nbpa-family-matters-hunter-union.html)

Four of Billy Hunter's family members – including daughter Alexis and son Todd – have profited from jobs awarded them in law firms, financial management institutions and NBPA staff positions. Over the past five years, Billy Hunter received more than $13.3 million in total compensation. During that same timeframe he oversaw the distribution of more than $3.9 million to four members of his family and their related corporate entities.


This shit goes deeper than it is. But clearly, Fisher was on to something here, Billy sensed danger and that's why he called for Fisher's resignation.

04-25-2012, 06:36 PM
This shit goes deeper than it is. But clearly, Fisher was on to something here, Billy sensed danger and that's why he called for Fisher's resignation.

I don't feel sorry for Fish...he knew for a long time Hunter was dirty and yet he said nothing...now he wants to speak out because Hunter flipped the script on him...Fisher just pulling a Nino Brown: "If I'm going down I'm taking a whole lot of people with me." - Nino Brown

In the aftermath of the U.S. banking crisis in 2008, Garrity had grown increasingly suspicious of an investment bank project that Hunter had been pitching to the executive committee and player representatives. For Garrity and some peers in the NBPA, the investment made no sense.
Hunter had sought a $7 million to $9 million investment from the union into Interstate Net Bank of Cherry Hill, N.J., a financial institution that federal and state banking regulators had slapped with debilitating "cease-and-desist" orders, sources said.

Garrity discovered information online that left him feeling obligated to confront Billy Hunter: Hunter's son, Todd, had a seat on the board of directors of Interstate Net Bank.

Finally, witnesses said, Hall – who died on May 11, 2011 – told Garrity that he was a retired player, no longer welcome on the executive committee, and that security would be called to remove him unless he left on his own. With executive committee members Keyon Dooling and Adonal Foyle appearing uncomfortable – and NBPA president Derek Fisher refusing to use his authority to demand Garrity be allowed to speak over Hall's yelling – Garrity left the room, left the NBPA and never returned again. Fisher declined comment.

Here's the full update:


baseline bum
04-25-2012, 06:51 PM
What a parasite.

04-25-2012, 08:43 PM
definitely looks like hunter is up to something, but I was more surprised by the difference between total budgets of the three unions. I think the bigger issue than the money spent, is the results obtained.

Mark in Austin
04-26-2012, 12:23 PM
This shit goes deeper than it is. But clearly, Fisher was on to something here, Billy sensed danger and that's why he called for Fisher's resignation.

Now that this has come to light, if the players don't get rid of him they deserve to lose all their money.

04-26-2012, 12:42 PM
Dude- You article is soo last week…Here is something current…Hunter is a fraud…Fisher is the ONLY player to call Hunter out on his unethical behavior…


Hunter's family has several connections to the union. Billy has a daughter and a daughter-in-law working directly for the NBPA. A son, two daughters and a daughter-in-law have worked for the NBPA or companies that did business with the NBPA. Hunter also sought a $7 million investment from the union into a failing New Jersey bank, which had ties to Billy's son, Todd.

The one player speaking out loudest about the need for audits and cries about nepotism is NBPA president and Oklahoma City Thunder guard Derek Fisher. He's been at odds with Hunter since the lockout began, embroiled in a bitter battle that's gone public complete with spin and accusations.

It was a circus. It remains a circus.
Fisher's basic point calling for an independent investigation seems rather reasonable at this juncture. Except the NBPA executive committee, made up of players, just voted 8-0 for him to resign.

"I have tried to convey the legal and moral obligations we have as union officers," Fisher said recently in a statement. "Sadly, the executive committee has now waged a personal character attack on me to divert attention from the real issue."

baseline bum
04-26-2012, 12:51 PM
And here are the jackasses who have Hunter's back (Fisher excluded obviously) in that 8-0 vote.



And how many fucking VPs does the NBAPA need? The real life Pierce & Pierce?

04-26-2012, 12:57 PM
As posted...I am happy to learn that Derek Fisher has been at odds with Billy Hunter…For over ten years I have heard nothing but good things about Fish…The negotiating tactics of Billy Hunter really ticked me off…Pulling the race card, threatening to disband the union, all the rhetoric, all the B.S, the nepotism…The rest of the players committee are a bunch of cement heads...

baseline bum
04-26-2012, 01:05 PM
But he didn't disband the union in time, which is why the players got cornholed in negotiations. They should have decertified in the summer.

04-26-2012, 01:21 PM
But he didn't disband the union in time, which is why the players got cornholed in negotiations. They should have decertified in the summer.

I just read about that angle this morning…Something about following the NFL player committees lead to get the owners back to the negotiating table…