View Full Version : Here's a bit of good...

04-19-2012, 10:05 PM

York:Obama faces defeat on pipeline as Dems defect (http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/article/yorkobama-faces-defeat-pipeline-dems-defect/491396)

In the House...

[O]n Capitol Hill, more and more Democrats are joining Republicans to force approval of the pipeline, whether Obama wants it or not.

The latest action happened Wednesday, when the House passed a measure to move the pipeline forward. Before the vote, Obama issued a veto threat. The House approved the pipeline anyway — by a veto-proof majority, 293 to 127. Sixty-nine Democrats abandoned the president to vote with Republicans. That’s a lot of defections. …

GOP leaders expect even more Democrats to join them.

In the Senate...

In a vote last month, 11 Senate Democrats stood up against Obama to vote in favor of the pipeline. Add those 11 to the Republicans’ 47 votes, and the pro-pipeline forces are just a couple of votes away from breaking Harry Reid’s filibuster.

“We’re right around the corner from actually passing it,” says a well-informed Senate source. “Two-hundred-ninety-three votes in the House is a gigantic number. People want this thing.”
Will Obama veto if it passes the House overwhelmingly and beats out Reid's filibuster? York doesn't think so in an election year:

The odds are overwhelming that the Keystone pipeline will become a reality. In the end, Barack Obama has mostly hurt himself by trying to stop it.

04-19-2012, 10:50 PM


04-19-2012, 11:49 PM


From your article...

Mr. Obama’s first appearance here near Cushing, Okla., an oil town known in the industry as the nation’s pipeline crossroads, was intended to blunt two months of criticism of his decision in January to reject for now construction of the pipeline’s northern leg from Alberta, Canada, to Cushing. Those attacks from Republicans in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail gained resonance as gasoline prices spiked.
“Today, we’re making this new pipeline from Cushing to the gulf a priority,” he said, while the northern portion requires additional review.
The Cushing to Gulf portions were already well underway and not subject to Obama's authority.

He opposed then, and still does, the Canada to Cushing portion -- the subject of legislation that is probably going to be on his desk for a signature soon.

04-20-2012, 12:31 AM
Opposed for good reason...

04-20-2012, 12:32 AM
...and the pipeline will do shit for gas prices, yoni.

04-20-2012, 12:36 AM
It will help European gas prices.

04-20-2012, 12:36 AM

04-20-2012, 12:36 AM

04-20-2012, 01:21 AM

I could respect the GOP if they would take that stance: hey guys we can either send it to China or our allies and then talk about European financial instability and how the world financial system is interrelated etc. Instead they lie to us and try to link it to domestic gas prices and try to sell us that shit.

it works because there are too many people like yoni and snc that are good minions and don't bother to research shit before taking a position that their overlords tell them.

04-20-2012, 06:37 AM
Midwestern refineries are already shipping US oil products overseas.

The Canadian XL pipeline oil is going down to the TX free enterprise zone to escape all US taxes before being shipped to central/south America.

04-20-2012, 08:03 AM
...and the pipeline will do shit for gas prices, yoni.

But, But, But it will help the oil companies! And Yoni lives to help Big Oil since he'll never be rich himself. :cheer

04-20-2012, 08:54 AM
But, But, But it will help the oil companies! And Yoni lives to help Big Oil since he'll never be rich himself. :cheer
20,000 jobs.

We need those too.

04-20-2012, 09:02 AM
20K jobs is a huge lie, PussyEater willingly suckered again by Fox Repug/oilco propaganda.

Fox Still Pushing Discredited Keystone XL Pipeline Jobs Claims

Cornell University Global Labor Institute: Based On TransCanada's Numbers, "The Project Will Create No More Than 2,500-4,600 Temporary Direct Construction Jobs." From Cornell University Global Labor Institute's report:

Cornell University Global Labor Institute: "Based On The Figures Provided By TransCanada For The Canadian Section Of The Pipeline, The New Permanent US Pipeline Jobs In The US Number As Few As 50." From Cornell University Global Labor Institute's report:


04-20-2012, 09:04 AM
It will be 40,000 by the end of the week.

04-20-2012, 12:47 PM
But, But, But it will help the oil companies! And Yoni lives to help Big Oil since he'll never be rich himself. :cheer
Found this gem:

GAS-BAGS (http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/04/gas-bags.php)

One of Reagan’s first acts upon entering office was to complete the decontrol of oil prices begun tentatively by Jimmy Carter. Liberals seemed to compete with each other for the most risible expression of economic illiteracy in response. In the annals of public policy prognostication it is difficult to find such a wide assembly of wrongheadedness. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio said took to the Senate floor the day after to predict that “we will see $1.50 gas this spring, and maybe before. And it is just a matter of time until the oil companies and their associates, the OPEC nations, will be driving gasoline pump prices up to $2 a gallon.” Sen. Don Riegle of Michigan said that “It will hurt our people within a matter of days.” Sen. Dale Bumpers of Arkansas had previously predicted that “without rationing, gasoline will soon go to $3 a gallon,” and added that “Decontrol is designed to see how much we can squeeze out of the American people before they take to the streets.” Maine’s Sen. George Mitchell said “Every citizen and every family will find their living standards reduced by this decision.” Democratic Congressman Ed Markey said “I believe that decontrol as a cure will prove to be worse than the disease of oil addiction.” A Naderite advocacy group predicted that oil prices might go as high as $870 a barrel “under assumptions which many experts believe are realistic.” Instead oil prices started falling almost immediately; gasoline pump prices fell from an average high of $1.41 in February 1981 to a national average of 89 cents a gallon in the spring of 1986.

Worth keeping in mind when liberals today say increased domestic production will make little difference to oil markets, as well as prattling on about “speculators.” As if we really needed any more evidence that liberals do not get markets, and are inherently hostile to the private sector.
If you wonder why you're ignored it's because you've been wrong so much about so much.

89 cent a gallon gasoline! I had almost forgotten how cheap it was then...

Fuck! Now, I'm pissed all over again. Better buy another pack of "Post-It" notes.

04-20-2012, 12:55 PM
Has the revised proposal for the pipeline even been submitted to the state department? So the house passed a measure to move the pipeline forward even thought the proposal has not be submitted to the State department? I'm not sure it is prudent to preemptively approve a proposal that has yet to be submitted for approval. Am I missing something here?

04-20-2012, 12:56 PM
89 cents?


I paid 25 cents at the Shamrock when I was a senior in high school.

Of course, minimum wage was $1.25 then.

Still, relatively speaking a lot cheaper than today.

04-20-2012, 02:16 PM

04-20-2012, 03:01 PM

So, you are okay with the house preemptively approving a plan that has not even been proposed? You do realize it was the Republican governor of Nebraska that took issue with the initial plan, correct?

04-20-2012, 03:30 PM

2000 jobs is a lie

domestic energy is a lie (the oil products will be exported to c/s America)

got anything else that right-wing hate/lie media dictates to you?

04-20-2012, 04:26 PM
20K jobs is a huge lie, PussyEater willingly

You've been calling him "pussyeater" since I got on this site 7 years ago......can you please, for the love of God, explain how this is an insult?

Can you also please explain why you think it's funny, or fitting, or anything for that matter?

Please boutons, IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.......I need answers.

04-20-2012, 04:33 PM
You've been calling him "pussyeater" since I got on this site 7 years ago......can you please, for the love of God, explain how this is an insult?

Can you also please explain why you think it's funny, or fitting, or anything for that matter?

Please boutons, IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.......I need answers.
Yoni... is a euphemism for pussy. ...vore is self explanatory. I'm not bothered.