View Full Version : Manu interview in Basquetplus, talking about the PO.

04-24-2012, 08:05 PM

Manu Ginóbili: "Ninguno es mucho mejor que nosotros"
Ginóbili habló con Básquet Plus el domingo pasado para una entrevista que saldrá en la edición revista de abril, la semana próxima. Aquí, adelantos de algunas de sus frases más jugosas.

Manu confía en poder pelear por el campeonato de la NBA
[Ver galería de fotos]

El domingo pasado pudimos hablar con Manu Ginóbili para realizarle la entrevista central del próximo número de Básquet Plus, que saldrá en unos 10 días a la calle. Aquí, algunas de sus frases más destacadas.

Sobre San Antonio

"El año pasado para mí no caímos tanto. Bajamos el nivel los últimos 10 o 15 juegos, pero porque habíamos tenido un rendimiento por arriba de lo esperado toda la temporada. Y en los playoffs jugamos de igual a igual contra un equipo que estaba para jugarnos de igual a igual".

"Cuando volví de la primera lesión me costó mucho, porque después de dos meses de lockout jugué dos semanas casi sin pretemporada, vino la primera lesión y después perderme otro mes y medio... evidentemente mi cuerpo no llegó a ponerse en forma. Y todos los días me dolía algo. No veía la forma en la que todo se iba a arreglar, porque muscularmente estaba muy mal, físicamente estaba mal, y no hay tiempo casi para entrenar".

"Hoy no podés ni siquiera pensar en la segunda rueda, porque nada te garantiza que vas a pasar la primera".

"No creo que nadie sea mucho mejor que nosotros, y nosotros no somos mejores que nadie. Ninguno saca una diferencia que digas que no le podés ganar una serie. Puede pasar cualquier cosa".

Sobre los mejores de hoy en cada puesto

"Me gusta mucho Deron Williams, pero está en un equipo malo. Es un tremendo jugador. Westbrook es un base más moderno, muy explosivo, una bestia. Mucha facilidad para anotar y complica mucho en defensa. Como escolta sigue siendo el mejor Kobe o Wade, aunque creo que Kobe merece crédito todavía. El tres LeBron, o Durant...está complicado el cinco inicial. Durant es terrible, pero LeBron te hace jugar a todo el equipo. Si tuviera que elegir entre ellos dos sería muy complicado. De cinco, Howard, porque no hay muchas variantes. De cuatro hay varios: Duncan, Nowitzki, Love es muy bueno. Nowitzki viene de ser determinante en la final, me quedo con él".

Sobre la situación de Nocioni

"Me generó impotencia y bronca lo que tuvo que vivir durante toda la temporada. Me pareció totalmente injusto, me dio fastidio y me ponía mal. Pero una vez que tuvo la posibilidad de salirse del contrato y buscar un nuevo horizonte, no me sorprendió que haya ido a España, aunque uno nunca sabe. Por ahí iba a San Antonio, o Chicago y encontraba un lugar y en un mes resurgía, pero la mejor oportunidad que le salió fue ir a España, a jugar, a ser protagonista, y es lo que decidió".

Sobre Londres y Oberto

"Darnos el lujo de perder al Chapu faltando varios partidos en el Preolímpico lo podés llegar a disimular momentáneamente, pero en un Juego Olímpico es imposible. Lo mismo con Carlitos, Luifa, yo, Pablo o cualquiera del grupo principal. La salud es clave y, obviamente, jugar mejor de lo que lo hicimos en Mar del Plata".

"Fabricio tiene todo el crédito del mundo, al menos de sus compañeros. Ahora, si el cuerpo por todo el tiempo que estuvo parado no le permite aguantar el ritmo de competencia, es mejor que no esté, pero ninguno lo va a poder saber hasta que no se lo pruebe y veamos en qué condición está. Si Fabri hace 0 puntos en todos los partidos del Sudamericano, pero se muestra ágil, sano y demás, para mí es un jugador de selección, sin dudas".

La Liga, Estudiantes, Espil

"Te diría que hay mucho por mejorar a nivel organizativo. El nivel de juego es bueno, me parece que se juega muy físico. Deberían encontrar la forma de agilizarlo un poco, que no sea tan trabado para que se corra más. Creo que la parte de comunicación podría mejorar mucho. Por ejemplo, en medios predominantes hay poca información de la Liga. La web oficial atrasa".

"Si el lockout hubiese suspendido toda la temporada, no hubiera descartado por completo jugar en Estudiantes, aunque no hubiese sido la primera opción".

"Lo de Pepe es asombroso. Yo soy poco imparcial, porque lo estimo, porque es de mi ciudad, porque lo viví de adentro un mes y me hice fan. Me compró, me conquistó. Con lo que hizo, con la preparación, con el trabajo, las reuniones, con lo que me fue contando. Y poder vivir el partido 3 y 4 de los playoffs contra Peñarol por radio, me sentí hincha por primera vez en muchos años. Me pone muy contento que la gente lo haya vivido con la pantalla gigante, las presentaciones, el video de la capital del básquet...son cosas que le dan mucho valor agregado al espectáculo. Es muy valioso".

"No hay palabras para describir lo de Espil. Lo admiro de chiquito y lo sigo admirando ahora a los 35. Para mí es un milagro de la naturaleza. No lo ví una sola vez ponerse hielo en una rodilla después de un entrenamiento. Es asombroso. Unió muchas cualidades, tanto las genéticas como las de su carácter propio y terminaron haciendo lo que es hoy: un grande de la Argentina, rivales que lo respetan y le piden la camiseta. Un estadio que pide que salga de nuevo a saludar después del partido".

04-24-2012, 08:12 PM
Wait, so Manu's favorite power forward is Duncan but his favorite point guard is Deron Williams?


04-24-2012, 08:23 PM
Wait, so Manu's favorite power forward is Duncan but his favorite point guard is Deron Williams?


Actually Manu said Dirk > Duncan

04-24-2012, 08:49 PM
SomeOne going to translate for us other idiots?

Here is google's translation. No I'm not bothering to break it up into paragraphs.

Manu Ginobili: "None is better than us,"
Ginobili Basketball Plus spoke last Sunday for an interview due out in April's edition magazine, the week next. Here, advances in some of his most juicy. Manu hopes to fight for the championship of the NBA [View photo gallery] Last Sunday we spoke with Manu Ginobili for the central interview Give you the next issue of Basketball Plus, which will in about 10 days into the street. Here, some of his most prominent. About San Antonio "Last year we did not fall for me so much. We lower the level the last 10 or 15 games, but because we had a performance above expectations throughout the season. And in the postseason play as equals against a team that was to play us as equals. " "When I returned from the first injury cost me much, because after two months of lockout played preseason almost two weeks, came the first injury and then miss another month and a half ... obviously my body did not get in shape. And every day I was in pain. I did not see how everything would work out, because muscularly was very wrong, was wrong physically, and almost no time to train. " "Today you can not even think in the second round, because nothing guarantees that you'll spend the first". "do not think anyone is better than us, and we are no better than anyone . None brings a difference that you can say you did not win a series. Anything can happen. " On top of each post now "I like Deron Williams, but is on a bad team. It's a tremendous player. Westbrook a modern base, very explosive, a beast. lot easier to score and very complicated defense. As is still the best guard Kobe or Wade, but I think Kobe deserves credit yet. Three-LeBron or Durant ... is complicated the starting five. Durant is terrible, but LeBron makes you play the whole team. If I had to choose between them would be very complicated. Five, Howard, because there are many variations. Four there are many: Duncan, Nowitzki, Love is very good. Nowitzki comes from being decisive in the end, I am with him. " On the situation of Nocioni "I caused impotence and anger he had to live throughout the season. It seemed totally unfair, I got annoyed and I getting bad. But once you had the chance to get out of the contract and seek a new horizon, I was not surprised that he went to Spain, although you never know. For there was going to San Antonio, and Chicago and found a place and a resurfaced months, but the best opportunity that came out was to go to Spain, to play, to be a protagonist, and he decided ". About London and Oberto "not afford to lose the Chapu missing several matches in the Olympic qualifiers so you can get to hide momentarily, but in an Olympic game is impossible. Same with Charlie, Luifa, I, Paul or any of the main group. Health is key and obviously play better than they did in Mar del Plata ". " Fabricio has all the credit in the world, at least from their peers. Now, if the body around the time he was stopped lets not keep up with the competition, you better not be, but none will be able to know until not try it and see what condition it is. If Fabri ago 0 points in every game of the South American, but he is agile, healthy, and others, to me is a player selection, no doubt. " The League, Students, Espil "I would say there is much room for improvement in their organization. The level of play is good, I think he plays too physical. should find a way to streamline a bit, not be so stuck to being pushed. I think the of communication could improve a lot. For example, in mainstream media there is little information of the League. delayed the official website ". "If the lockout had suspended all season, had not completely ruled out playing for Estudiantes, although it was not the first choice. " "The Pepe is amazing. I am not very fair, because what I believe, because it is my city, because I lived inside a month and I became a fan. I bought, I conquered. With what he did, with preparation, work, meetings, with what I was told. And to live the match 3 and 4 of the playoffs against Peñarol radio, I was swollen for the first time in many years. It makes me very happy that people I have lived with the big screen, presentations, video of the capital of basketball ... are things that give you much added value to the show. It is very valuable. " "No words can describe what the Espil. I admire I still admire tiny and now at 35. For me it is a miracle of nature. saw not once put ice on his knee after a workout. It's amazing. He united many qualities, both genetic and those of his character own and ended up doing what it is today: a large Argentina, rivals respect him and ask him the shirt. A stadium that calls out to say hello again after the game. "

04-24-2012, 09:06 PM
He didn't acutally said: Dirk > Duncan.
He said that he'd pick Dirk over TD today, especially with dirk being so key in the finals.

04-24-2012, 09:07 PM
give me a few mins

04-24-2012, 09:17 PM
"Hoy no podés ni siquiera pensar en la segunda rueda, porque nada te garantiza que vas a pasar la primera".

"You can't even think in Conference Semi Finals before you start the PO, because nobody guarantees you'll get past the first round"

"No creo que nadie sea mucho mejor que nosotros, y nosotros no somos mejores que nadie. Ninguno saca una diferencia que digas que no le podés ganar una serie. Puede pasar cualquier cosa".
"I don't think anybody is that much better than us, and we're not much better than anybody. Nobody gets a huge advantage over other teams so you can assume it would be an easy win. Anything can happen"

Manu bringing Spurs fans down to earth...

04-24-2012, 09:33 PM
I skipped the local league stuff (last paragraph).. here's the rest:

Manu Ginóbili: "No other team is much better than us"

Ginóbili talked with Básquet Plus last Sunday for an interview that will be available in the April edition of the magazine. Here are some of the more juicy answers.

About San Antonio

"In my opinion last season we didn't fall that much. We did drop a few notches in the last 10 or 15 games, but because we played at a very high level all season long. And during the playoffs we played at the same level against a team that was ready to play at our level".

"It was really hard to get back in shape when I came back after the first injury, because after the two months of the lockout, I played for two weeks without training camp, I had my first injury and then I was out another month and a half… evidently my body couldn't get in shape. And every day something hurt. I couldn't see how everything was going to fix itself, because muscularly I was really bad, physically bad, and there's no time to practice".

"Nowadays you can't even think about the 2nd round, because you're not guaranteed to get past the 1st round".

"I don't think there's any team much better than us, and we're not better than anybody else. No other team has such an advantage that would make you think you can't beat them in a series. Anything can happen".

About today's best players at each position

"I really like Deron Williams, but he's on a bad team. He's a tremendous player. Westbrook is a more modern point guard, more explosive, a beast. He can score easily and complicates any defense. As far as shooting guard, they're the same guys, Kobe or Wade, although I think Kobe still deserves the top spot. The wing is Lebron, or Durant… it's difficult to put together the top 5. Durant is terrific, but Lebron makes the whole team play. If I had to choose between them it would be complicated. Center, Howard, because there's just not a lot of options. Power Forward there's quite a few: Duncan, Nowitzki, Love is very good. Nowitzki was just the key to the finals, so I'll stick with him"

About Nocioni's situation

"It kind of pissed me off what he had to put up with throughout the season. I thought it was totally unjust, bothered me and made me sad. But once he had a chance to get out of that contract and look for a new horizon, I wasn't surprised he headed to Spain, although you never know. Maybe he would have headed to San Antonio, Chicago, found his niche and surge again in a month or so, but the best opportunity that came up was to go to Spain, play, be important on his team and that's what he decided".

About London and Oberto

"We lost Chapu Nocioni with quite a few games left in the olympic qualifier, and you can survive at that level, but at the Olympics it's impossible. Same thing with Carlitos (Delfino), Luifa (Scola), me or Pablo (Prigioni) or any other of the main guys. Health is key and, obviously, play better than we did in Mar del Plata".

"Fabricio (Oberto) has all the credit in the world, at least from his teammates. Now, if the body can't handle the level of competition because of the time he's been out, then it's best if he's not there, but nobody will know until he tries, he's tested and everyone can see where he is physically at. If Fabri scores 0 points in every game of the South American tournament, but he looks fresh, healthy, etc, in my opinion he's a national team player, no doubt".

04-24-2012, 11:03 PM
thanks, el nono, op.

04-24-2012, 11:52 PM

04-25-2012, 12:31 AM
Thank you!