View Full Version : New footage of Zimmerman vs Trayvon released

04-27-2012, 01:10 AM
wow sons saw this on another board ...


04-27-2012, 01:29 AM
You're not a black reverend are you BR?

04-27-2012, 01:48 AM
reaction from gun control faggots all across the country: "I don't think his HP bar was low enough to warrant shooting him"

Wild Cobra
04-27-2012, 02:56 AM
Poor taste.

Shame on you.

04-27-2012, 03:48 AM
Poor taste.

Shame on you.

you serious?

then you probably wouldn't like the pic of Zimmerman's mugshot with the caption "Taste the rainbow, motherfucker" or the pic of a bag of skittles with Trayvon's face on it and below it saying "Trayvon collector's edition"

saw those on 4chan so they're impossible to find now

04-27-2012, 08:52 AM
Post the skittles one dah

04-27-2012, 10:12 AM
I am trying not to laugh at this stuff…A 17 year old un armed young man was gunned down….

04-27-2012, 10:22 AM
As if there wasn't already enough cause for outrage, now they've got Stryker actually winning something? Fuck that.

04-27-2012, 10:41 AM
Really haven't paid much attention to this situation. My uninterested/ignorant opinion was a smartass black kid tried to play thug with the wrong guy.

04-27-2012, 02:06 PM
I am trying not to laugh at this stuff…A 17 year old un armed young man was gunned down….

wow, gunned down? That's a bit of colorful language. So it didn't matter that Trayvon was supposedly beating the hell out of Zimmerman? I'm not going to speculate at all, I'm seriously just putting this as a question.

04-27-2012, 02:16 PM
Bullies don’t always win the fights that they start…Unless of course they are wannabe cops who stalk 17 year olds & then shoot them after they start to lose the fight that they started...

04-27-2012, 02:18 PM
Bullies don’t always win the fights that they start…Unless of course they are wannabe cops who stalk 17 year olds & then shoot them after they start to lose the fight that they started...

there you go speculating. How do you know he started a fight? As far as we know he just confronted him and asked him some questions

04-27-2012, 02:39 PM
NASCAR forum slow today is it?

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkgGQFRUgP0OjfoMtUv4w5wQvJY2HYv rIpi-KJtlAGCKuGc_WL

04-27-2012, 02:55 PM
Apparently it's still too early.

04-27-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm offended.

04-27-2012, 03:59 PM
NASCAR forum slow today is it?

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkgGQFRUgP0OjfoMtUv4w5wQvJY2HYv rIpi-KJtlAGCKuGc_WL

:lol catty name calling, never a good sign. You might as well have just come out and said it

"Oh yeah...well..uh...YOU'RE A RACIST!!!!!!!!"

04-27-2012, 06:25 PM
NASCAR forum slow today is it?

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkgGQFRUgP0OjfoMtUv4w5wQvJY2HYv rIpi-KJtlAGCKuGc_WL
Not nearly as slow as the Cavs "drive for the ring" forum.

04-27-2012, 06:33 PM
Neighborhood watch has every right to question someone walking around.

Trill Clinton
04-27-2012, 07:03 PM
NASCAR forum slow today is it?

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkgGQFRUgP0OjfoMtUv4w5wQvJY2HYv rIpi-KJtlAGCKuGc_WL


04-27-2012, 08:05 PM
I prefer the Bonnie Blue, TBH.

2pac > Kobe
04-27-2012, 08:14 PM