View Full Version : Amazon.com to Start Collecting Taxes in Texas

04-28-2012, 09:30 AM
Don't get me wrong, I love not paying taxes on Amazon, but it is unfair competitive advantage for them. Also, it denies to state legitimate tax revenue.


Wild Cobra Kai
04-28-2012, 09:39 AM
Why are Texas GOPers so in love with taxes!!!

04-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Why are Texas GOPers so in love with taxes!!!

They are in love with lobbyist and lobbyist are pushing for this.

04-28-2012, 02:39 PM
They are in love with lobbyist and lobbyist are pushing for this.


I LOVE Amazon. But on this one, I think the lobbyists have a point.

04-29-2012, 10:09 AM
I know I buy a ton of shit off of Amazon that I used to buy locally. Not paying sales tax usually more than pays for shipping. Gonna have to crunch the numbers now before just automatically doing it.

04-29-2012, 10:13 AM
I know I buy a ton of shit off of Amazon that I used to buy locally. Not paying sales tax usually more than pays for shipping. Gonna have to crunch the numbers now before just automatically doing it.

Me too. Shipping on Amazon is almost always free unless you're buying less than $25 dollars worth of stuff.

04-29-2012, 10:26 AM
With the free shipping, I will still shop Amazon. If nothing else, it saves me gas, time, and the aggravation of shopping, and it shows up on my front porch.

04-29-2012, 10:40 AM
With the free shipping, I will still shop Amazon. If nothing else, it saves me gas, time, and the aggravation of shopping, and it shows up on my front porch.

The prices are often cheaper too, but no sales tax was always a deal maker.

04-29-2012, 02:50 PM
I think federal regulation on internet sales is a good thing, all companies shoul play by the same rules. I have no skin in this, but i think this interstate war for sales tax in usa is not going to do any good for american economy in the long term. I mean Amazon will be fine either way, the ones getting hurt will be the small business, who have it hard to sell over internet all over the states. Internet shopping is the future and not having one simple legislation just makes it harder for the smaller players. (same goes for EU)

04-30-2012, 06:11 AM
a bit tangential, but amazon has shown the future of purchasing non-perishable items.

it's obvious that with the advent of the internet paying retail is becoming obsolete. the reason: it isn't necessary to pay a brick-and-mortar outfit's rent, electricity, water, maintenance, employees, CEOs, shareholders, etc. there is so much overhead in operating a retail store that amazon can absolutely fucking slay them even with shipping costs.

now that scads more average people have started to discover that price difference out we see lots more retail stores going under, which has led to this legislation.

i think it's just more of the same shit we have seen all along. failing business models use their clout to stifle whatever technology will force them out of the marketplace, and this is no different. there are thousands of examples of this.