View Full Version : Fire Pop after this series?

06-22-2005, 12:53 PM
That was the worst coaching I have ever seen in a play-off basketball game.

The game was the Spurs' to lose, and with Pop's game plan, they did. How are you not going to run plays for the MVP?!?!?

For the greatest power forward to ever play the game??!??!?!??

For your top scorer???!!!?!?!

For a guy who's shooting around 60% !?!?!?!?

You're not ging to run the offense through him?!?!??!!

You're going to relegate him to setting picks 20 feet from the basket, for lesser players?!?!?!?!

You're going to be content with your other players passing the ball around frantically until one of them loses it or takes a wild, low-percentage shot??!?!!

Instead of pounding the ball into the MVP in the post??!?!?!

Does anyone think the Bulls would've won a single championship if Jordan were not taking the lion's share of the shots?

Does anyone think that the Rockets would've won back-to-back championships if they hadn't run the offense through Hakim the Dream?!?!?

This is not rocket science, Pop!!! Draw up a game plan where the offense runs through your MVP!!! Let Tim decide if he should take a shot or pass it back out.

All I can think is that Pop either had money riding on the Pistons, or he's got some subconscious fear of beating Daddy (Larry Brown).

06-22-2005, 12:56 PM

Then he can come to Detroit after Brown leaves! :rollin

06-22-2005, 12:58 PM
I agree with you but honestly, with the way tim is playing now, so tenative, and passive, i would have done what pop did last night and run the offense through manu.

06-22-2005, 12:59 PM
did Tim suddenly become unable to talk?
he must demand the ball from his teammates...that's what jordan did
blaming it on the coach is just the latest head in the sand mentality that it must be everyone else's fault but Duncan's
bullshit...when Duncan shows up the Spurs win, when he's Timiduncan like last night the Spurs loose. If Tim is hurt then he needs to admit it to Pop so that they can use him as a decoy. If Tim's not hurt then he needs to take the ball right down detroit's throat.

but you guys go ahead and blame everyone else expect Duncan if it makes you feel better. that thinking will only lead to one more loss


Aggie Hoopsfan
06-22-2005, 12:59 PM
Fired? No.

Get someone to take care of his offense for him (new assistant)? Yes.

Get someone to kick him in the ass the next time he thinks taking the day off before game 6 of the NBA Finals is a good idea? Absofreakinglutely.

06-22-2005, 12:59 PM
Oh God, please take all the undeserving Spurs fans and move them to Atlanta.

Thanks in advance!

(directed at pesyPesky, not AHF, BTW)

06-22-2005, 01:01 PM
Yea! Let's fire the man largely responsible for getting the Spurs to the Finals in the first place. Brilliant! ( eyes roll)

06-22-2005, 01:02 PM
Well, I watched the whole game. And, granted, Tim got his hands on the ball a lot more often during the first half than he did the second half. But, every time I saw him with the ball, he was dragging two or three Pistons around with him. No opportunity to shoot. He did do a better job than he has of late of not letting the ball get stolen when he had it down low, but no way he could shoot. He had to pass it back out. Where were the Spurs who were supposed to be guarding those Pistons hanging all over Timmy? Why were they loose and hanging on? And if Timmy moved the wrong way, yep, sure enough a foul was called...ON TIMMY!

If you want Tim to shoot, you're gonna have to figure out a way to get him some help. I think that's why Pop regrouped in the second half. See if Tim can get loose and help someone else get the ball to the hole...but it didn't work. Pop will come up with something else, I guarantee it.

06-22-2005, 01:03 PM
Get someone to kick him in the ass the next time he thinks taking the day off before game 6 of the NBA Finals is a good idea? Absofreakinglutely.I guess Pop thought the players could be treated like adults and be responsible for being professional. I guess he was wrong and the players are like little children who need to be told what to do every minute of the day or fooled into aggressiveness like the trick Larry played with the parade quote on the chalkboard.

06-22-2005, 01:03 PM
Brown's as good as gone after tommorrow, so sure.. fire Pops. We'll take him in a heartbeat.

06-22-2005, 01:03 PM
Tim was not making free throws, so all Detroit had to do was foul him and take their chances on the line. Duncan took himself out of the game by not making his FT's, not POP.

They will both bounceback and have great game 7!!

Some people push the panic button way too early. Thank God Holt makes the decisions and not some of the idiots in here!

T Park
06-22-2005, 01:04 PM
And replace him with whom?

06-22-2005, 01:04 PM
Pop aint/shoulnt be going anywhere. He aint out there guarding or passing the ball. The teams lack of execution (FT's and turnovers) are to blame. And oh yeah Detroit came to play too.


06-22-2005, 01:06 PM
No Rasho in games with Detroit , if he would play for all would be easily and Tim would play better Gino and parker would easily drive in and no no Pop wont give a chance to Rasho the starting Center for Spurs in last 2 years, no that is sick coaching sorry that is to sick :pctoss :pctoss :pctoss
How could not even give him a chance for one game damit that pop is blind :pctoss :pctoss

06-22-2005, 01:10 PM
No Rasho in games

True that! Pack youir bags Pop. You are the weakest link!!!!!!!! :lol

06-22-2005, 01:10 PM
Just kidding! () = )

06-22-2005, 01:13 PM
And replace him with whom?

Oh my God! Do I detect a hint of loyalty?

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-22-2005, 01:14 PM
I guess Pop thought the players could be treated like adults and be responsible for being professional. I guess he was wrong and the players are like little children who need to be told what to do every minute of the day or fooled into aggressiveness like the trick Larry played with the parade quote on the chalkboard.

Fucking A.

It's not about whether they're adults or children. It sends a psychological message to your team that the series is over. And they played like it.

It's the FINALS. Pop has done this (give the team off) 4 times now in the playoffs. They are 1-3, with an average margin of defeat of 18 points. 18 POINTS. How many times do we have to lose before someone would think maybe that's not working out so well?

They win the game, they can have the next month off. Taking a day off in the middle of the Finals is stupid. That's one whole day you gave the opponent to prep while everyone was at home "not thinking about basketball." One whole day where your team wasn't getting some reps on offense. One whole day where Detroit was breaking down film and making adjustments based on what they saw in game 5 while players at home dealing with the wife, kids, PS2, or whatever else they do on their day off.

But hey, if you think that's great coaching by P_p, I really don't have anything else to say.

06-22-2005, 01:40 PM
Well, I watched the whole game. And, granted, Tim got his hands on the ball a lot more often during the first half than he did the second half. But, every time I saw him with the ball, he was dragging two or three Pistons around with him. No opportunity to shoot. He did do a better job than he has of late of not letting the ball get stolen when he had it down low, but no way he could shoot. He had to pass it back out. Where were the Spurs who were supposed to be guarding those Pistons hanging all over Timmy? Why were they loose and hanging on? And if Timmy moved the wrong way, yep, sure enough a foul was called...ON TIMMY!

If you want Tim to shoot, you're gonna have to figure out a way to get him some help. I think that's why Pop regrouped in the second half. See if Tim can get loose and help someone else get the ball to the hole...but it didn't work. Pop will come up with something else, I guarantee it.

Bingo! He has the 2 Wallace bro's and sometimes even Prince on him when he catches the ball. Pistons are purposefully denying him the ball. I have to disagree with u on the last thing, however. Pop has had 3 games now to make an adjustment to this and find a way to get Tim deeper into the post and/or free and he still hasn't found a way.

06-22-2005, 01:54 PM
Fucking A.

It's not about whether they're adults or children. It sends a psychological message to your team that the series is over. And they played like it.

It's the FINALS. Pop has done this (give the team off) 4 times now in the playoffs. They are 1-3, with an average margin of defeat of 18 points. 18 POINTS. How many times do we have to lose before someone would think maybe that's not working out so well?

They win the game, they can have the next month off. Taking a day off in the middle of the Finals is stupid. That's one whole day you gave the opponent to prep while everyone was at home "not thinking about basketball." One whole day where your team wasn't getting some reps on offense. One whole day where Detroit was breaking down film and making adjustments based on what they saw in game 5 while players at home dealing with the wife, kids, PS2, or whatever else they do on their day off.

But hey, if you think that's great coaching by P_p, I really don't have anything else to say.
That's WAY too simplistic an analysis. The fact is, the Spurs arrived home early Monday a.m. (3:00 or so local time), after spending a looong week on the road and having to gut out a tough OT win Sunday. You honestly think running them through a practice on Monday afternoon was going to do anything? Do you think after seeing the same opponent for the last 10 days, every other day, they were going to find some new wrinkle or have a 'Eureka' moment? At THIS POINT IN THE SEASON, it's simply a matter of who executes the game plan on game day. And to think the Spurs (and the coaching staff) didn't have a game plan because they didn't hold a practice on Monday afternoon or whatever is just plain nuts.

Detroit didn't win last night because they "prepped an extra day." They won because they outshot us and outrebounded us at key moments in the game, pure and simple. Run as many practices as you like, but the stats say the Spurs will be more likely to win when they hold their opponents to a low shooting percentage, and when they don't jack up 28 3 point attempts per game.

06-22-2005, 02:05 PM
Fire Pop after this series? fuck no . :pctoss

Mr.Vas Deferns
06-22-2005, 02:40 PM
Be careful what you wish for Spurs fans. Pop is a FANTASTIC coach. Shit, I'd take him in L.A. in a heart-beat. The players play the game..........not the coach.

He brought you your FIRST championship ever!! Come on now.

I predict the Spurs WILL win it all and I can't wait to see the written hypocritical comments about Pop ON THIS THREAD. You guys have no idea what you have in Pop.

06-22-2005, 02:44 PM
You guys have no idea what you have in Pop.

Some of us do.

T Park
06-22-2005, 02:46 PM
Im still waiting for Pesky to offer an alternate coach.

Mr.Vas Deferns
06-22-2005, 02:46 PM
Some of us do.

......you know what I mean.

06-22-2005, 03:10 PM
Oh my God! Do I detect a hint of loyalty?I was just thinking the same thing......along with AHF....they have been Pop bashers since before Al Gore invented the internet.

I have constantly been reading how ANY COACH we could get would be better than Pop.....plus didn't T-Park lose confidence during the Seattlte series?.....In fact I recall the 2 (T park,AHF) saying we would not go anywhere in the playoffs....this during the stretch run of the regular season.

Under Pop:

We are consistenly title contenders every year.
Are "D" is among the best in the NBA and makes us title contenders.
He develops young players to contribute in the long run.

If we lose game 7...I don't think we will....I am still a true fan....those of you who want to piss and moan can become fans of teams like the Clippers, Bobcats, Hornets, etc.....then you can always complain about the poor lottery picks and complain about hardly ever making the playoffs and not winning if you do happen to make it.

You Fire Pop and he would be a top candidate for any head coach position in the NBA including the Lakers and Pistons.....you people dont' know how to appreciate a good thing when you have it.....you are not true Spurs fans

06-22-2005, 03:11 PM
So if the Spurs win game 7 do we still fire Pop?

06-22-2005, 03:23 PM
So if the Spurs win game 7 do we still fire Pop?

Sure! Maybe we can replace him with Bob Weiss.

06-22-2005, 03:28 PM
A good point from ESPN today:

Tim Duncan only had one more shot than Rasheed Wallace even though he played 41 minutes to Wallace's 23. Duncan is supposed to be the best player in the league, and for him to have only 14 shot attempts is ludicrous. You can't expect to win when your best player is not getting the ball.

It wasn't as though he was being faced with tremendous defensive pressure, because the guy who does the best job on him, Rasheed Wallace, was out for most of the game with foul trouble. In that situation Duncan is supposed to be fed the ball. He should have had 25-30 shots, not 14.

– Greg Anthony, from the SBC Center in San Antonio

06-22-2005, 03:32 PM
That stat is misleading...Duncan only got that many shots because he pulled down 5 offensive rebounds...he probably only got about 10-11 shots out of the offense.

I'd understand it and even applaud it if Duncan was being doubled...but he wasn't doubled that much...the Pistons were playing the three and were soft in the middle all night(until the final minutes of the game). Duncan shot about 60% from the field too...The Guards need to realize that Duncan is an option off their penetration.

06-22-2005, 03:33 PM
I predict Duncan gets 30 shots, we lose, and the next Fire Pop thread bemoans the overuse of the 4-down offense.

Nospurmdamus has spoken.

06-22-2005, 03:36 PM
Who says the only way Duncan can score is off of posting up? Duncan can score anyway you want too...he can score off picnrolls. He's Tim Duncan...he can do it anyway it can be done(except at the FT line, sometimes).

And if the paint isn't clogged then posting Duncan up is a great option..it's just when we go to it 5- 6 times in a row, when it's obvious the d is set to jump him, that it's a liability.

06-22-2005, 03:37 PM
Doesn't matter. If Duncan gets a lot of shots and we lose, 4-down was the culprit. Even if "4-Down" proper was never utilized.

Kori Ellis
06-22-2005, 03:42 PM
In that situation Duncan is supposed to be fed the ball. He should have had 25-30 shots, not 14.

Interesting question and answer to Pop concerning why Duncan did get more shots.

Q. Tim talked about last night how you guys all year have not force fed the ball into him, but I'm wondering in Game 7, do you need him to step up and be a bigger factor, get more shots or do something different or extra?
COACH POPOVICH: There were a lot of opportunities there were more opportunities to get him the ball in the fourth quarter. He's obviously somebody who accepts that responsibility and can do that.
I don't know if you know this or not, but the first time he touched the ball in the fourth quarter was with 7:23 left on the clock. After that he had about 10 touches, 10 or 11 10 touches. We were in motion; meaning not specifically calling a play, to go to Tim or to Manu or to Tony, just playing motion basketball. There were many opportunities where he was in position and getting into position where he needed to get the ball and it didn't happen.
So I think our perimeter has to be a lot wiser in situations when we get a rebound and we go up the floor without a called play to know where Timmy Duncan is on the court and to remember that that's how we played all year long.

06-22-2005, 03:42 PM
It's dangerous to do it against Detroit...but looking at the way they were defending last night...even Brent Barry was driving..Manu and Parker were living in the paint...There is nothing wrong with posting Duncan up or looking for him off of penetration.

I rip the play when we do it 7 times in a row, half of which are TO's or forced shots...

It's a great option...but only when it's not the only option. This isn't 1999 anymore...

06-22-2005, 03:44 PM
It amazes me how many people think Pop is the one who led the Spurs to 2 championships amaze me. They must be the ones who think Phil Jackson led the Bulls to 6 championships!

People, get this straight. Michael Jordan is the one who led the Bulls to those championships, not Phil Jackson. You don't think so? Then how well did they Bulls do in those 2 seasons that Jordan took off? How many championships did Jackson lead the Bulls to when there was no MJ? Zero.

And Tim Duncan is the one who led the Spurs to those 2 Championships, not Poppavitch.

06-22-2005, 03:48 PM
By the way...firing Pop is a stupid idea...he's like Democracy...he's the worst coach in the NBA...except for every other coach.

06-22-2005, 03:48 PM
That stat is misleading...Duncan only got that many shots because he pulled down 5 offensive rebounds...he probably only got about 10-11 shots out of the offense.

I'd understand it and even applaud it if Duncan was being doubled...but he wasn't doubled that much...the Pistons were playing the three and were soft in the middle all night(until the final minutes of the game). Duncan shot about 60% from the field too...The Guards need to realize that Duncan is an option off their penetration.

Thanks for pointing that out. When my brother said, "Well Tim took like 14 shots, that ain't so terrible", I pointed out the same thing. For much of the game, the only way he could get to touch the ball on offense was to pull down an offensive rebound. That is inexcusably bad coaching. I'm sorry. It just is.

Kori Ellis
06-22-2005, 03:50 PM
For much of the game, the only way he could get to touch the ball on offense was to pull down an offensive rebound. That is inexcusably bad coaching. I'm sorry. It just is.

You don't understand that the Spurs were running motion (not set plays) and a lot of the blame is on Manu and Tony who didn't get the ball into Tim. It's not like Pop was calling plays that didn't include Tim. It was bad decision making on the part of the guards for the most part.

06-22-2005, 03:55 PM
I fear that because of this, now in Game 7, we will start force feeding the ball to Duncan just to get him "more touches."

06-22-2005, 03:56 PM
You don't understand that the Spurs were running motion (not set plays) and a lot of the blame is on Manu and Tony who didn't get the ball into Tim. It's not like Pop was calling plays that didn't include Tim. It was bad decision making on the part of the guards for the most part.

This only proves my point. Bad coaching. Instead of "running motion" (which really seems to mean running around like frantic chickens), Pop SHOULD have been calling plays that included Duncan.

The stats don't lie. Even with Ben Wallace and Rasheed Wallace hanging all over him, Tim Duncan shot just about 60% from the field. That's more than any other Spur.

So tell me again, why is it smart to not run the offense through your best scorer?

T Park
06-22-2005, 03:59 PM

when you have Pop fired, who do you want to replace him!!!????

06-22-2005, 03:59 PM
Don't forget that LA raised the bar on coaching salaries with Jackson's $10M a year deal. That $4M a year Holt pays Pop is peanuts for a guy with two rings.

Houston is paying Jeff "Leg Humper" Van Gundy $5M, and the Celts are dishing out $5M for Doc Rivers. Rick Adelman gets something like $6.5M and Jerry Sloan is paid $5.5M annually.

And those four guys have no hardware. Do you think the notoriously cheap Spurs are going to go get Coach K, Bill Self, or Jim Boeheim for $4M or so? This ain't 1988 and Larry Brown's not sick of coaching in Lawrence, Kansas.

Dance with who brought you, guys.

Kori Ellis
06-22-2005, 04:00 PM
They ran 4-Down through Tim for parts of the game. Some of those plays Tim converted on, some were broken and he dished off. Other times they didn't run set plays. They mix it up between set plays and running motion. You can't just run 4-Down over and over all night. Your offense will be too predictable and easily defended.

I know you are dying to blame Pop and find some justification for firing him. But you can find something better than this to pin on him. This is just not a strong argument.

06-22-2005, 04:30 PM
Hell no.. Keep pop.. worry about players that can perform well every night..

Pop is not broken.. other than he needs to put a foot up some players ass like 2003.

IN 2003 finals pop had game face on .. he only relaxed at the river parade

06-22-2005, 04:36 PM
Here comes a fresh blast of sarcasm:

Yeah, fire him. Pop took a team to game 7 of the NBA finals that lost its starting power forward to sprains THREE times, and its starting center twice (who never made it back into the rotation by the way).

Pop had a good game plan--force Detroit to score from the perimeter, deny penetration.

This loss is squarely on the players' shoulders--turnovers, missed free throws and wimpy rebounding spelled disaster.

Spurs in 7.

06-22-2005, 04:43 PM
I don't agree with all of Pop's rotations, but Pop is the coach of the team with the HIGHEST WINNING PERCENTAGE OF ALL 4 MAJOR SPORTS LEAGUES OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS.

And we're just fans talking on a message board. Pop must be doing SOMETHING right.

T Park
06-22-2005, 04:47 PM
Im still wondering who Pesky would like Pop replaced with....

06-22-2005, 04:51 PM
Im still wondering who Pesky would like Pop replaced with....

I'll bet pesky thinks the Patriots should fire Bill Belichick. :smokin

06-22-2005, 04:51 PM
Hell yes! Terry Porter is available! (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/06/22/sports/s132731D03.DTL) :rolleyes

Cannot believe people want to fire a guy who led the Spurs over the team with the best record in the NBA, who had home court advantage, the MVP, the Coach of the year, etc., just to get TO the Finals. Two rings (for a franchise which had never even made it to the Finals before), best record in all of professional sports over the last how many years, etc. etc. etc. You know, these are the defending champions that we're playing. They're not going to roll over just because you think they should.

Who would you hire to replace him? PhilJ's already taken (like he would ever consider coming to media-deprived SA), Brown's about to retire, and those are the only two coaches in Pop's league. Don't even begin to think about people like Krzyzewski. (A) SA can't afford him, (B) he'd never come, (C) he'd probably do what most successful college coaches do - crater in the NBA.

If the Spurs would ever find someone who could consistently hit a mid-range jumper, though, we probably wouldn't need to have this sort of discussion. The most dangerous guy in the league at PF and nobody who can hit a stupid 16-foot J consistently to pass it to.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-22-2005, 06:14 PM
Detroit didn't win last night because they "prepped an extra day."

Coulda fooled me. They completely ditched their inside-out offense and worked outside-in. And that in turn opened up the lane for Rip. Hence, coaching.

Eight three pointers and a 19 point, 6 assist, zero turnover game from Chauncey later, we're staring game 7 in the face.

This is so weak. You could give the Spurs over half of the day off and have them come in at 3-4 in the afternoon to break down film and make some tweaks for game 6.

I am not oversimplifying things. Pop has given the team the day off prior to four playoff games this year, and they're 1-3 with an average margin of defeat of 18 points.

There is nothing positive anywhere in those stats, especially when you're trying to kill off the defending world champions, who you know are going to bring everything they've got in game 6.

All you can say is it's a fucking stupid thing to do for one of the supposedly greatest coaches in the league.

BTW, I have to laugh when people say Pop's great because he has us in the playoffs every year. That has very little to do with Popovich and very much to do with one Tim Duncan.

Here's some more to chew on: if we blow this tomorrow it will be two straight years where a Gregg Popovich coached team has dropped a series after going up 2-0 in the series. What good is a coach if he can't finish off series when it matters?

06-22-2005, 06:18 PM

Then he can come to Detroit after Brown leaves! :rollin

My sentiments exactly! :elephant

06-22-2005, 06:26 PM
All you can say is it's a fucking stupid thing to do for one of the supposedly greatest coaches in the league.

BTW, I have to laugh when people say Pop's great because he has us in the playoffs every year. That has very little to do with Popovich and very much to do with one Tim Duncan.

I agree with you there. The question for me that always comes to mind on this subject is, who's out there that's better?

When PJ first came on board, I figured it was just a matter of time before Pop kicked himself upstairs. Then when Carlesimo started interviewing for other jobs this year, I then cleverly deduced that I was wrong.

Anyway, Mike Brown's busy. Same with Doc Rivers, and AJ. Is Terry Porter our new answer to start throwing around?

06-22-2005, 06:28 PM
Rumor has this is a totally stupid thread and question.

06-22-2005, 06:39 PM
Rumor has this is a totally stupid thread and question.

My friend Hunter S. Thompson would've thought the same thing.

06-22-2005, 06:41 PM
I hear Bill Laimbeer is available.


06-22-2005, 06:42 PM
My friend Hunter S. Thompson would've thought the same thing.

WAY OT: Have they fired his ashes from that big-ass cannon yet? R.I.P. Doc.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-22-2005, 06:44 PM
I'm not saying to fire the guy. I'm saying he needs to be fluid enough within his "system" to realize when shit isn't working out.

Like taking the day off. You were 1-2 in the playoffs, with both losses being by 20+ points, when you did that earlier in the playoffs. In what way, shape, or form does that seem like something that should be a regular occurance, particularly preceding the most important game of your season.

I'd just like to see someone in the media with the balls to ask Pop about it, instead of licking his boots and parroting out every excuse or change of subject that gets doled out to them.

06-23-2005, 04:14 AM

Your soooooooooooo on the $
and Thank You Kori because any other so-called SPURS Site would have banned
AHF by now, along with several others.

If we loose game 7 I could go along with getting rid of Pop
Promote PJ and maybe bring in Mario E as an assistant

Horry For 3!
06-23-2005, 04:24 AM
I like Pop and believe he is the best coach. I wouldn't want to fire him.

06-23-2005, 04:46 AM
That was the worst coaching I have ever seen in a play-off basketball game.

The game was the Spurs' to lose, and with Pop's game plan, they did. How are you not going to run plays for the MVP?!?!?

For the greatest power forward to ever play the game??!??!?!??

For your top scorer???!!!?!?!

For a guy who's shooting around 60% !?!?!?!?

You're not ging to run the offense through him?!?!??!!

You're going to relegate him to setting picks 20 feet from the basket, for lesser players?!?!?!?!

You're going to be content with your other players passing the ball around frantically until one of them loses it or takes a wild, low-percentage shot??!?!!

Instead of pounding the ball into the MVP in the post??!?!?!

Does anyone think the Bulls would've won a single championship if Jordan were not taking the lion's share of the shots?

Does anyone think that the Rockets would've won back-to-back championships if they hadn't run the offense through Hakim the Dream?!?!?

This is not rocket science, Pop!!! Draw up a game plan where the offense runs through your MVP!!! Let Tim decide if he should take a shot or pass it back out.

All I can think is that Pop either had money riding on the Pistons, or he's got some subconscious fear of beating Daddy (Larry Brown).


06-23-2005, 05:11 AM
i think that do the right thing is FIRE
we can not waiting
pop have a lot chance for win...
if spurs lose.....(i hope no)
trade parker (stop say age 23) he is not good mix with tim for always
fire pop
go spurs go
but i'm worry