View Full Version : Birdman was being extorted by underage poontang

05-13-2012, 06:31 AM
Denver Nuggets center Chris "Birdman" Andersen, embroiled in a local child-exploitation inquiry, was threatened with retaliation by a woman who represented herself as being of legal age, and he was asked to give her money and lingerie, an attorney for the athlete said Friday.
Douglas County authorities seized property including electronics from Andersen's Larkspur home Thursday as part of the Internet Crimes Against Children unit's ongoing investigation.
The elaborately tattooed, fan-favorite Andersen, 33, has not been arrested, and the agency has not provided information regarding any allegations against him.
A statement released Friday by Denver attorney Colin Bresee offers a glimpse of a flirtatious relationship that developed between Andersen and a young woman from California.
Documents reviewed by The Denver Post confirm that she repeatedly represented herself to be of legal age and that her family later demanded payment from Andersen.
"I want him to pay for everything on her Amazon wishlist and 5k for her bedding stuff and her victoria secret wishlist," wrote a person purporting to be the young woman's mother.
In 2010, Andersen began receiving letters and photos showing the young woman "scantily clad," Bresee said. In 2011, she flew to Colorado for a visit. She later became upset when Andersen no longer showed interest in her, according to the statement.
"In 2012, she then threatened to retaliate if he did not provide financial remuneration," Bresee wrote. "Professional athletes are routinely targeted by these types of individuals. The media has been speculating that he is a suspect, and not a victim, in a criminal investigation."
Douglas County officials clarified Friday that they have not named Andersen as a target of their investigation.
We have "recovered property from Mr. Andersen's residence that we believe is connected to this case," said Sgt. Ron Hanavan. "We want to reiterate that a search warrant was executed and no arrests have been made. No individual(s) are being identified as the focus of this investigation."
The Sheriff's Office has sealed the search-warrant affidavit, which would lay out probable cause and offer more information about the allegations in this case.
Colorado Springs Sgt. Bill Dehart assists law enforcement agencies with Internet crimes against children cases, but he is not involved with the Andersen investigation.
He said that police departments are generally responsible for determining whether an alleged victim was underage and whether illegal sexual activity occurred.
As for whether a suspect knew or should have known the victim was underage? "Ultimately, it's for a court to look at those circumstances," Dehart said.
The Denver Post could not find records indicating the age of the person believed to be Andersen's accuser. The newspaper is not identifying her because she might be underage.
Her Facebook page and other social media outlets present a picture of a young-looking person made to appear older with heavy makeup and adult clothing.
Images show her posing in numerous sports T-shirts, including a Nuggets jersey emblazoned with No. 11, Andersen's number. On Twitter, she sends messages to other high-profile sports figures and celebrities.
Andersen has been under investigation since February, when a California law enforcement agency tipped off Douglas County authorities. The Nuggets have "indefinitely excused" him from team-related activities until the investigation wraps up.
It's likely to continue for three weeks, according to Bresee's statement.
"Mr. Andersen has been fully cooperating with the authorities," he said. "We are confident it will be shown that Chris did not engage in any criminal conduct."


05-13-2012, 06:37 AM
Because you know I love it young, fresh and green, with no hair in between, tbh..

05-13-2012, 06:38 AM
"Poontang" :lol

05-13-2012, 06:57 AM
Because you know I love it young, fresh and green, with no hair in between, tbh..


05-13-2012, 08:49 AM
Birdman is the victim, and the law is the criminal.

05-13-2012, 09:46 AM
Authorities got Birdmans house mixed up with Lefty's in the investigation tbh

05-13-2012, 09:49 AM
Old enough to pee, good enough for Birdman.

05-13-2012, 10:05 AM
Bird does have a small resemblance to uncle Ted tbh.

05-13-2012, 10:33 AM
That's why I like them high school girls. I get older. They stay the same age. Yes they do.

05-13-2012, 11:01 AM
What can Birdman do now that he couldn't do in HS? Date HS girls.