View Full Version : What are the future plans of these guys?

05-18-2012, 12:11 AM
De Colo

Any chance we will see any of them in a Spurs uniform? If so, who and how soon?

Thank you in advance for any knowledge on the subject.

05-18-2012, 12:26 AM
Lorbek is 'free agent' this summer so I guess if he doesn't come this year, he never will. He is already 28 and I think the clock is ticking.

Bertans played for my hometown club for past few years, then moved to Partizan Belgrade this year. Imo he is not appropriate for nba, he has a lot of problems with his knees. He didn't impress me tbh. All he did was shoot 3's, but not very successful.

05-18-2012, 03:21 AM
De Colo and Lorbek are strong possibilities to come over this season. Hanga, Richards and Bertans are all projects and may or may not develop the requisite talent.

05-19-2012, 09:42 AM
awesome thanks guys.....

too bad on Bertans, from what I read before the draft, I was real high on him. I thought he could be a future Matt Bonner type for us, but if those knees are bad, nevermind.

I still have hopes to see de Colo and Richards in the next few years.

Lorbek would be a nice addition to our bench.

05-19-2012, 10:14 AM
The best thing would be able to sign Lobrek and Diaw......as far as who would be next that would be Richards but only to play for the Toros. The next one is Adam Hanga will come over after next season. I was surprised when they asked Pop about drafting Hanga he said "He will come over in two years" Pop usually doesn't say things like that on foreign drafted players. He is our next starting SG after Manu hangs it up.

Bertrans is probably in the same boat the CJ is in....wait and see.

Nando will probably be traded.

05-19-2012, 01:30 PM
for any of that to happen, duncan has to really take a huge paycut

then gino, jax playin for half if the spurs are going to extend them next season

05-19-2012, 01:37 PM
last i heard Richards is having a hard time grasping the language in the US.

05-19-2012, 01:40 PM
last i heard Richards is having a hard time grasping the language in the US.
not sure if serious

british english and usa english is no different besides slang word definitions

05-19-2012, 02:14 PM
I don't see any of them on our roster next season. Spurs will probably keep it safe and keep the same players.