View Full Version : Funny series prediction trivia

05-21-2012, 07:28 AM
Between ESPN (14 "analysts") and Yahoo (5), all of them picked the Spurs to win the Spurs-Clippers series.

Looking at the number of games necessary:
- 7 games: 4 (Arnovitz, Broussard, Ford, Gutierrez)
- 6 games: 6 (Spears, Ludden, Anthony, Ball Don't Lie, Legler, Wilbon)
- 5 games: 8 (Woj, Abbott, Adande, Bowen, Hollinger, Markazi, Stein, Thorpe)

Only one of them picked the Spurs in 4, and who?

Jon Barry :rollin:lmao

05-21-2012, 07:46 AM
To be honest, a sweep is always hard to predict especially in the case of the Clippers who despite the sweep are a decent and talented team.

Most analysts would stick to the safer "in 5" rather than boldly predict a sweep, especially in the semifinals where it is not so common to have sweeps. Spurs in 5 makes them look alright whether the Spurs win in 4 or in 6, effectively it makes them look like they're not that far off so they feel safer as evidenced by the 8 analysts who predicted Spurs in 5 and only 1 analyst predicted Spurs in 4. Same goes for the Jazz series, where 7 ESPN analysts predicted Spurs in 5 and only 2 ESPN analysts predicted Spurs in 4 (David Thorpe, Michael Wilbon).

05-21-2012, 07:59 AM
Predicting Spurs in 6 was stupid. Clippers hadnt any chance to win at SA or to win both b2b at home. 5 was reasonable bet. Sweep was brave one.

05-21-2012, 07:59 AM
cue tasteless Parker joke here...

05-21-2012, 09:09 AM
cue tasteless Parker joke here...

That was actually my point. Of all analysts, I would have guessed the less likely to predict a sweep by the Spurs was a member of the Barry family.

05-21-2012, 09:14 AM
lol @ spurs in 6/7