View Full Version : Spurs so far...The Good, Bad, and Ugly

05-21-2012, 12:53 PM
Hey folks, my observations from having watched every game of the 2012 Spurs, beyond the routine blah blah.

Tim Duncan
The Good: A testimony to the benefits of losing weight as you get older. If Shaq had done this he could still be playing. But what do I care about Shaq.
The Bad: His bank shot appears less reliable this year (thankfully masked by the improved consistency of his jump shot and hook).
The Ugly: None.

Tony Parker
G: I've been pleasantly surprised by his defense. He used to be like Nash where a simple pick and roll would be sufficient to finish off any interest he might have in the proceedings. Now I see him trying to direct the other player in his non-preferred direction. Never thought I'd see that. His double-teaming of the opposing bigs has been quite good. Also, his FT shooting has been pretty clutch. All hail Chip Engelland.
B: I'd be interested to see what the stats say, but I don't remember him missing so many (relatively speaking, for him) routine layups and tear drops. He's made more circus shots though.
U: Way too much complaining to the refs about missed calls. Tony, the ball is in play going the other direction. Go find your man.

Manu Ginobili
G: His assists. The 2nd unit is so much better when he runs the point instead of Gary. He has gotten some great and timely rebounds all year.
B: His 3 point shooting. Also, his FT shooting has been less clutch. I really wonder why he doesn't shoot the mid-range jumper more often.
U: In the last month or so, it appears he's (temporarily I believe) lost his clutch ability of stoking a run with a timely shot. But, I don't think he should be trying to take over games anymore. His playmaking ability is much more useful with the shooters he has this year.

Kawhi Leonard
G: His ball handling under pressure and decision-making on fast breaks. I did not expect this from a 20 yr old rookie.
B: Could use a tad more bulk. Maybe he should talk to Shaq.
U: None whatsoever. Well, maybe that smile of his. Stay stoic my friend.

Danny Green
G: Clutch shooting. And I'm surprised he's this good on defense because his footwork always seems awful to me. Watch Bowen's footwork in denying spots on the floor. Danny seems to prefer the reach around and strip ball method. I don't know how long it will last, but what the hell do I know.
B: See above about footwork.
U: His tweets. Complete gibberish.

Gary Neal
G: His passing on the pick and roll with Splitter has become really good in the last couple months. I remember early in the season he almost never passed the ball to the roller. Also, his tear drops and layups have become stellar. Maybe he stole from Tony.
B: His shot arc seems much flatter this year than last. His shooting % is still good though, which I think speaks to his natural ability more than anything else. I think he regressed a bit this year shooting-wise, but thankfully we haven't seen the RMJr collapse syndrome when Pop makes 2-guards into PGs.
U: His ball handling under pressure. Also, his ability to foul in completely nonsensical situations. U.G.H. Pop, leave him be. Don't make him into a PG. Anyone else miss TJ Ford?

Tiago Splitter
G: His finishing at the rim seems better this year. Also, I think he's waiting a fraction of a sec longer before rolling to the basket during the PnR, which is helping give a better angle for the incoming pass.
B: Defensive consistency. And jump hook form. I think Timmy needs to spend time tutoring him this summer instead of Roy Hibbert.
U: FT shooting. Good Golly he's been awful in the last month. Vinny Del Negro was an idiot for not intentionally fouling him. But we knew that already. Sorry for stating the obvious but I couldn't resist.

Boris Diaw
G: Of late, he's begun looking for his shot, which keeps his defender honest. Paul Silas must be going mad.
B: Still has a tendency of not even pretending to look for his shot when driving and passing. At least pretend, Boris.
U: None. What an addition. I never thought I'd say this, but I really hope we keep him.

Stephen Jackson
G: Not Richard Jefferson. His ability to defend, and his ability to defend multiple positions. I'm looking forward to him playing Durant.
B: Turnovers at key moments. C'mon Jack. You're better than that.
U: None. I give him a pass for the Clippers series because he didn't match up with anyone. I expect him to have a much bigger impact going forward, with defending Durant/Pierce/Granger. Or Lebron, I guess. If they make it. As Larry the Cable Guy might say, "Heat r donnne."

Matt Bonner
G: Yes, he has the athletic ability of a knock-kneed stick insect. But, I've actually been pleasantly impressed with his defense and rotations this year. His shooting has been good enough. He no longer is the only deep threat. I feel he's made more timely shots than he did last year even though his percentages may be down.
B: See athletic ability above. My wife thought his first name was Lord, because every time he drove to the basket, I would yell, "LORD...Bonner."
U: See athletic ability above. Also, I have no earthly idea why he's ever the one inbounding the ball.

DeJuan Blair
G: Man, what a fall from grace and playing time since Diaw arrived. It's a pity, because I thought his interior passing was superb. And how about that new floater of his!
B: Dude needs some serious layup drills this summer. His layups look like a hot potato chucking contest.
U: Defense. No one should be able to back him down in the post.

Patty Mills
G: Apart from scoring ability, his defense!
B: Where is Patty Mills?
U: None. Hope he comes back next season, but I guess it's unlikely.

James Anderson
G: Nothing. Well, maybe his good attitude given the lack of playing time.
B: This year, everything. Hope he finds a good home next year.
U: Sayonara.

05-21-2012, 02:16 PM
Don't agree with everything but good effort. Welcome to ST, tbh.

05-21-2012, 02:18 PM
I think Diaw could lose a few LB's but other than that I'm fine with everything.

05-21-2012, 02:42 PM
Nice write up.

05-22-2012, 03:03 PM
This is a great post, you put a lot of time into it to make it good. Hope others read it. thank you.

05-22-2012, 04:22 PM
Thanks. Just random observations that I simply had to write down. This year has been the most fun I've had watching the Spurs in some time. You never know how they're going to win any given game, but you just believe they will.

A few things I'm wishing for in the OKC series: More of those quick curl routes off screens for Neal. I think that's an underutilized play for our best shooter. More Bonner corner threes. I think he can make those in his sleep. Some Patty Mills playing time when we go through an offensive drought. And of course, Jack having a huge game or two would be great.

Not to hijack this into a Spurs-OKC thread, but I think the Spurs will pull it off in 6. I think we will lose one of the first two games at home, thereby sending this forum into a deep dark depression before Manu/Jack save the day in game 3. Main reason I think we'll win, beyond our superior depth, is that OKC lacks a reliable post game to get easy points. Obviously Durant is a beast though. I wish he weren't so likeable.

05-22-2012, 04:34 PM
Great post. Agree with you on Duncan but the great thing about him is that he makes sure if one area isn't working, it's working in another. He's Mr. Consistency so that's why I like him!

05-22-2012, 06:24 PM
Nice write up! Many thanks.

05-22-2012, 07:18 PM
U: His tweets. Complete gibberish.


05-22-2012, 07:40 PM
Manu will be fine. I think he'll look to drive to the rim more than he has been. He has been getting there when he wants to, but he's been reluctant. I think he knew he didn't have to in the previous series for the Spurs to win and there was no need to risk injury. Now, he needs to drive. Spurs aren't beating OKC if Manu is not averaging around 15 ppg. He has got to put it all on the line this series, and I think we will see him at his best because of that.