View Full Version : TP's life on video

JP le Requin
05-24-2012, 07:10 AM
If you want to know some stuff about TP's life...he opens his house to a french journalist...10 years after when he came to spurs...
since...many things have changed


ps: sorry but its in french...go to school learn it ;-)


05-24-2012, 07:35 AM
Merci beaucoup. J'ai regardé quelques minutes, et je regarderai tout le video ce soir. Il est très long (!), mais il me semble intéressant.

05-24-2012, 08:04 AM
Parker is for sure living large with a huge house and nice cars. His new girlfriend is hot too.

The part about how he has rebuild his jumpshot around his tear drop was interesting. Pop is too damn great coach. Details such as giving Parker books on leadership or introducing him to a financial adviser shows how great he is.

The biggest news about Parker was what he said about his left ankle. On the 3 main ligaments that hold the ankle, he only have one left. The good news that he seems to do fine with that given that he hasn't sprained it this past couple of years. Let's hope it will continue that this fucked up ankle won't shorten his career.

05-24-2012, 08:11 AM
Quand tu vois la baraque qu'il s'est construite le salaud... on sent poindre une petite melonite. Ceci dit, j'aime bien son discours, très down to earth et emprunt d'une certaine humilité.
Il y a comme une contradiction entre l'image et le son !

05-24-2012, 09:01 AM
The biggest news about Parker was what he said about his left ankle. On the 3 main ligaments that hold the ankle, he only have one left. The good news that he seems to do fine with that given that he hasn't sprained it this past couple of years. Let's hope it will continue that this fucked up ankle won't shorten his career.

Holy sh*t. Since when?:depressed

05-24-2012, 09:04 AM
well all we need is his ligament to hold for 2 more seasons

05-24-2012, 09:14 AM
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing. Always nice to see a player from another perspective. A true professional.

05-24-2012, 09:16 AM
Holy sh*t. Since when?:depressed

He didn't seem too worried though. He's committed to keep working on it by doing specific strength exercices around his ankle.

05-24-2012, 09:16 AM
well all we need is his ligament to hold for 2 more seasons

not a joking matter! :td :lol

05-24-2012, 11:09 AM
Really nice video!

Thanks for posting.

My favorite parts:
- Tony talking about his physical preparation
- About how much he likes San Antonio, not just the Spurs but the city itself.
- His answer to NBA title or Olympic medal? (he says Olympic medal, but immediately goes on: "you know me in reality I want both")
- the whole section with Chip
- How Pop is always giving him books to read on leadership
- His "contract negotiation room" in his new house is in the wine cellar, because Pop likes wine :lol

05-24-2012, 11:50 AM
I hate being a monoglot. :depressed

05-24-2012, 12:30 PM
Holy sh*t. Since when?:depressed

Parker sprained regularly his ankles since he plays basketball. He has had about 20 ankle sprains in his career. With all these sprains, his ankles are screwed. Parker is able to play at a high level by taking really care of his ankles but it's a sword of Damocles over his head. One day, he could get a huge ankle sprain that will basically end his career. His health situation is a big reason why the last year of his contract is only $3.5M guaranteed on a $12.5M salary.

05-24-2012, 12:33 PM
Really nice video!

Thanks for posting.

- His "contract negotiation room" in his new house is in the wine cellar, because Pop likes wine :lol


I wonder if he has any of Pop's labels.

05-24-2012, 01:06 PM
Nice video about TP's private life. thanks for sharing

I did not know Tp has such a nice house and cars. On the other hand, I notice that Timmy and his wife Amy participed in his party in the video.

Is this possible for us to watch a video about Timmy's life like this TP's?

I would love it if some people from the Virgin Islands came over a did a similar documentary about Timmy. Not quite the same media market as France though, so dream on. Though the ESPN (?) doc with Timmy back at his neighborhood basketball court is one of my favorites.

05-24-2012, 02:16 PM
I'm surprised no one's commented on Tony's remarks at the end of the video (46:27mark), while he and Pop are celebrating the 2003 title, Tony says "it's only the beginning, we've got 3 or more, 4 championships to go".

Who needs the 3 Kings when you have "Tony Le Prophet" actually coming through on his proclamations. If he and the Spurs able to wrap up another title this year, that would give Parker his "3 or more" since he made that comment.

Tony and les Spurs have inherently been blessed.

And is that Danny Green near the end of the video (45:40mark) saying "woo, that's a lot of cameras for a naked guy" as he steps out of the locker room showers and into a wall of media awaiting TP... too funny.

I'm liking how loose this team is.

05-24-2012, 02:20 PM
In Tony's rap video, at the 27:39 mark, I see Horry and Timmy, but who are the two middle guys flanking TP? Barry?

JP le Requin
05-24-2012, 02:52 PM
Quand tu vois la baraque qu'il s'est construite le salaud... on sent poindre une petite melonite. Ceci dit, j'aime bien son discours, très down to earth et emprunt d'une certaine humilité.
Il y a comme une contradiction entre l'image et le son !

glad everybody like this video..

Romain, je pense que toi aussi tu profiterais de la vie avec son salaire et avec toujours la possibilité d'avoir les pieds sur terre comme il a... on a vu bien pire ds mtv cribs avec les methodman, ice T etc....lol et de mauvais gout!
après il a ses problèmes de riches ;-)

mais sinon qu'est ce que j'ai hâte de les voir soulever le trophée!!! je le sens bien cette année!!!
j'ai vu une stat tout a l'heure disant que avec TP sur le terrain les spurs en sont a 43 victoires pr 4 defaites!!!!!!!!!!
mais vu que pop a décider de le reposer 2/3 games pendant la saison....c'est hallucinant..

05-24-2012, 02:56 PM
Can someone add english subtitles to this video, that would be awesome and much appreciated.

05-24-2012, 03:12 PM
Any idea what him and Diaw were talking about on the phone while Parker was getting treatment on his legs, around 4:38 mark

05-24-2012, 03:13 PM
In Tony's rap video, at the 27:39 mark, I see Horry and Timmy, but who are the two middle guys flanking TP? Barry?
definitely Barry and I think Nazr on his right

05-24-2012, 03:19 PM
Any idea what him and Diaw were talking about on the phone while Parker was getting treatment on his legs, around 4:38 mark
Diaw wants to see this ostheopath as well but TP tells him he's with him and he's treated Joakim Noah earlier in the afternoon and he takes off at 4am, so he can't treat him. Diaw (who calls the osteopath a bastard lol) tells him to come by his hotel which is close to the airport, then the osteopath offers Diaw to pay for the taxi if he comes to them, but accepts to come and see Diaw and sleep in his room before taking off
basically all french athletes in the US seem to be fighting for his services (they say he's based in LA)

05-24-2012, 03:23 PM
Diaw wants to see this ostheopath as well but TP tells him he's with him and he's treated Joakim Noah earlier in the afternoon and he takes off at 4am, so he can't treat him. Diaw (who calls the osteopath a bastard lol) tells him to come by his hotel which is close to the airport, then the osteopath offers Diaw to pay for the taxi if he comes to them, but accepts to come and see Diaw and sleep in his room before taking off
basically all french athletes in the US seem to be fighting for his services (they say he's based in LA)

Cool, also awesome trophy room Parker has at his house

Lady M
05-24-2012, 03:37 PM
In Tony's rap video, at the 27:39 mark, I see Horry and Timmy, but who are the two middle guys flanking TP? Barry?

Brent was in the video

Canal+ send 2 cameras for the video

05-24-2012, 05:53 PM
glad everybody like this video..

Romain, je pense que toi aussi tu profiterais de la vie avec son salaire et avec toujours la possibilité d'avoir les pieds sur terre comme il a... on a vu bien pire ds mtv cribs avec les methodman, ice T etc....lol et de mauvais gout!
après il a ses problèmes de riches ;-)

mais sinon qu'est ce que j'ai hâte de les voir soulever le trophée!!! je le sens bien cette année!!!
j'ai vu une stat tout a l'heure disant que avec TP sur le terrain les spurs en sont a 43 victoires pr 4 defaites!!!!!!!!!!
mais vu que pop a décider de le reposer 2/3 games pendant la saison....c'est hallucinant..

Tout à fait d'accord avec toi. C'est ce que je voulais dire.
TP a parfois l'image du mec un peu prétentieux (c'est l'impression que ça peut donner quand on voit la façon dont il a aménagé sa baraque) alors que son discours est toujours très humble et simple. J'ai le même âge que lui et je suis vraiment impressionné par sa maturité et la façon dont il gère tout ce qui se passe autour de lui.

J'ai toujours adoré le joueur et je commence à vraiment aimer l'homme qu'il est devenu (rap mis à part!)

Entre Diaw qui débarque au Texas comme un lord, Parker qui rentre dans la division MVP, les Spurs qui joue la gagne NBA et les JO qui se profile... je crois qu'on vit une année 2012 pas dégueulasse hein !

05-24-2012, 06:12 PM
Guys try to speak in English ! There is in the international forum a thread in French that is a bit dead. I'd love to discuss in French there !

For the rest, it is a really really nice video that helps to understand better TP but also the Spurs. Too bad there is no translation for English speaking people.

05-24-2012, 06:55 PM
Subtitles anyone?

05-24-2012, 07:14 PM
Subtitles would be a heck of a lot of work but it would be nice because this video would help people who don't like him have a different view of TP.

Although I am French TP was never one of my favorite players (although I like him too since he is a Spurs) because I thought he was a bit pretentious. This video put him a new, better light, much better!

05-24-2012, 07:47 PM
Thanks for this video, I enjoyed it even though I don't speak French.

It would be awesome though if someone could try and summarize the important points of each little section ( like physic part, club part, wine cellar, etc.).

From what I understood from this video though, is that Tony Parker is incredibly conceited haha... Does he really hang up pictures of his basketball accomplishments on the wall and have 'P' inscribed in gold on his marble floors? I think he is really lucky to have been drafted on the spurs because I think it tempers that personality a little bit and taught him to be a more responsible person (pops insistence on the leadership books and financial advisor and just general spurs values). I could easily see him become an insufferable prima Donna on another team that doesn't actually care much about the future of their players but only what they produce on the court. I guess it's worked out well for both parties in that sense.

Still, very cool to be able to see into the life of a basketball player like this and also a bit into the spurs organization and how Tony values that.

Buddy Holly
05-24-2012, 07:53 PM
Subtitle that sumbitch now!

05-24-2012, 08:07 PM
It would be a hell of work to translate that. I'll to complete the points some posters have reported in the thread.

05-24-2012, 08:30 PM
My wife and I are building in Tony's neighborhood, and a friend of ours who already lives there has a home that backs up to Tony's place (which, not surprisingly, is far larger and nicer than any other home in the neighborhood). He's seen Tony a few times on what he described as some "crazy golf cart / off-road vehicle" ... it was funny to see that it's actually some kind of transformed mini-Escalade. I'd never seen a baller golf cart before. (17:00 mark)

05-24-2012, 08:40 PM
Damnit I wish French was close to Italian, Italian is so close to Spanish it can be understandable most of the time.

Kool Bob Love
05-24-2012, 09:01 PM
Thanks for this video, I enjoyed it even though I don't speak French.

It would be awesome though if someone could try and summarize the important points of each little section ( like physic part, club part, wine cellar, etc.).

From what I understood from this video though, is that Tony Parker is incredibly conceited haha... Does he really hang up pictures of his basketball accomplishments on the wall and have 'P' inscribed in gold on his marble floors? I think he is really lucky to have been drafted on the spurs because I think it tempers that personality a little bit and taught him to be a more responsible person (pops insistence on the leadership books and financial advisor and just general spurs values). I could easily see him become an insufferable prima Donna on another team that doesn't actually care much about the future of their players but only what they produce on the court. I guess it's worked out well for both parties in that sense.

Still, very cool to be able to see into the life of a basketball player like this and also a bit into the spurs organization and how Tony values that.

I agree with this post 100%. :toast

05-24-2012, 10:23 PM
Some random stuff to complete what have been commented already

- His mother used to send him very young to an osteopath so he has the body prepared for that.

- His osteopath is sayin' TP is very serious with his conditioning, diet and he just needs with TP to do some maintenance.

- He hired a chef in 2010 because his body fat went up to 10% during his injuries. Pop wants his PG being below 8%, TP is now at 6%.

- His dad and FNT coach think he is playing the best bb of his career

- The last book Pop gave him is an autobiography of Joe Montana

- He spent 1 year on the plan of his house with an architect, he has planned/imagined everything in his house. 3 years of construction. He is sayin' he will never sell it

- He wanted to wait until his first all star game selection to buy his first luxury car to keep motivation but in 2006, he didn't buy it to be sure he will confirm. So in 2007 he bought his first one

- Baby Fish (? a rapper buddy of Fat Joe) gave him a nickname: the finisher

05-24-2012, 10:36 PM
- His buddy cut killer told him his rap album is not that good and he should do that but after his career

- He is very careful with his money and doesn't spend too much except for his house and his cars, the rest is for his family and his investments

- When he invites people at the restaurant he always checks the bill before paying. He is generous but he doesn't want to be stolen

- He is liking a lot the city of San Antonio and he is thinking he will stay after his career is over like D Robinson, Finley, Bowen etc...

05-24-2012, 10:54 PM
All the part in the nueve / with Chip is in English

05-24-2012, 11:55 PM
Hey Brazil,

Thanks a lot for summarizing all that.

I really think its great that Tony is careful with his money since I hear so many sad stories of bankrupt athletes (Terrel Owens poster child). In the video it looked like he lived a crazy lavish lifestyle (I suppose with that kind of money though its just regular) so its good to hear he is cautious.

I always find it interesting to read or watch these kind of videos about Spurs players. I wanted to add that I find the relationship between Pop and Tony is very interesting. When most people think about the relationship of the coach and a player on the Spurs it is between Pop and Tim, but I think the relationship between Tony and Pop might be even closer. Tim was already a very mature individual when he joined the league (the recent article on SI.com describes it fantastically) but Tony was quite a bit younger and I feel like Pop had a much bigger influence with him then anyone else. The last scene in the video, I think after the 2003 championship shows what Tony thinks of Pop. I'm sure that sentiment has evolved since then, and its truly visible on the court now. It's rare to see something like that in professional sports and i'm glad to be able to watch it first hand.

05-24-2012, 11:56 PM
Also, I didn't realize Tony was so fond of San Antonio. It's always nice to hear that :P

05-25-2012, 02:01 AM
So we will have Argentina, France, Brazil, Australia, The Virgin Islands and San Antonio watching I would have to say all those markets are bigger than anything in the USA.

05-25-2012, 04:43 AM
Also, I didn't realize Tony was so fond of San Antonio. It's always nice to hear that :P
That's the thing that surprised me the most, I didn't know Tony loves the city so much and that he planned to live there when he retires.
I also liked when he explained why he waited for his 2nd all star selection to buy his first luxury car, shows how driven and motivated he has always been.

JP le Requin
05-25-2012, 07:35 AM
So we will have Argentina, France, Brazil, Australia, The Virgin Islands and San Antonio watching I would have to say all those markets are bigger than anything in the USA.

if only david stern could read this quote....

me too i will go to san antonio for my retreat when i will be 60 or 65...so it will be in almost 35 years...with the grond son of David robinson, TP and gino's twins in san antonio team ;-)

05-25-2012, 08:00 AM
Thanks for this video, I enjoyed it even though I don't speak French.

It would be awesome though if someone could try and summarize the important points of each little section ( like physic part, club part, wine cellar, etc.).

From what I understood from this video though, is that Tony Parker is incredibly conceited haha... Does he really hang up pictures of his basketball accomplishments on the wall and have 'P' inscribed in gold on his marble floors? I think he is really lucky to have been drafted on the spurs because I think it tempers that personality a little bit and taught him to be a more responsible person (pops insistence on the leadership books and financial advisor and just general spurs values). I could easily see him become an insufferable prima Donna on another team that doesn't actually care much about the future of their players but only what they produce on the court. I guess it's worked out well for both parties in that sense.

Still, very cool to be able to see into the life of a basketball player like this and also a bit into the spurs organization and how Tony values that.

The wine cellar part he just talks about how a lot of his friends get him bottles from his birth year, so he has a lot of 82's (I think that's when he's born...).

As for hanging up pictures of his basketball accomplishments, he does do it, but it's mentioned that it serves as a form of motivation, to see his accomplishments and victories. When the DJ dude speaks after the pickup game, he talks a bit about the hard work you need to put into it to succeed and how you should be proud of your accomplishments and show them, talk to kids about them in hopes to motivate them to dream big and work hard.

That's the gist of it...

JP le Requin
05-25-2012, 08:10 AM
il ike the part when Bruce Bowen bought his first suit and told to TP ...next time there is a new spurs on the team..offer him a suit
i really love the relationship have the spurs players between them...really simple and they enjoy it///NO EGO!!!

05-25-2012, 11:10 AM
Subtitles would be a heck of a lot of work but it would be nice because this video would help people who don't like him have a different view of TP.

Although I am French TP was never one of my favorite players (although I like him too since he is a Spurs) because I thought he was a bit pretentious. This video put him a new, better light, much better!

Subtitles are doable (I've subtitled a few SLO videos about Rasho and Beno in the past) but the problem is you need permission from the video authors/copyright holders. So if anybody can get approval from Canal+...

Damnit I wish French was close to Italian, Italian is so close to Spanish it can be understandable most of the time.

:lol Just in case you are serious. French IS extremely close to Italian (both are Latin languages).

il ike the part when Bruce Bowen bought his first suit and told to TP ...next time there is a new spurs on the team..offer him a suit
i really love the relationship have the spurs players between them...really simple and they enjoy it///NO EGO!!!


I have no idea who Cut Killer is but he had quite a few nice and very honest things (like how Tony's rap was not good) to say. It's always a good sign when somebody's friends say things like that about them.

JP le Requin
05-25-2012, 11:17 AM
CUT KILLER is THE BEST DJ in france and even around the world he is famous...not like Guetta (lol) because Cut killer do more hip hop than house music...
i worked for his society a few years ago...and he said TP's album was bad...but like he said..TP did it only for fun, for himself...he has money and contacts to do it..so why shouldnt he pass? its a big own present/ dream which come true for TP

05-25-2012, 11:21 AM
OFF TOPIC QUESTION for the Parisian.

I'll be in Paris the whole of next week (Roland Garros) and was wondering if there are any sports bars in Paris where I could watch the Spurs games?

I already asked a few years back and there was none, hopefully things have changed.....?

05-25-2012, 11:29 AM
Great video. Managed to comprehend the parts thanks to your summaries. Thanks for sharing. :toast

05-25-2012, 07:20 PM
Thanks for posting!

That was a really good video about Tony even though I don't speak French!

I LOVE that Spurs players went to TP's club opening! That was really nice to see!

I saw Manu/Tim/Bruce/Robert Horry at the club opening with possibly a lot more Spurs there, too! Nice team support! And TP was obviously very appreciative of seeing them there!

Also, the Bruce story about him buying TP his first suit is quite awesome!

05-25-2012, 08:38 PM
OFF TOPIC QUESTION for the Parisian.

I'll be in Paris the whole of next week (Roland Garros) and was wondering if there are any sports bars in Paris where I could watch the Spurs games?

I already asked a few years back and there was none, hopefully things have changed.....?

Well, it's still hard to find a sports bar open in the midle of the night...:depressed

Welcome to Paris though! Its summer time these days, you'll enjoy your stay!! :toast

05-26-2012, 04:59 PM
Well, it's still hard to find a sports bar open in the midle of the night...:depressed

Welcome to Paris though! Its summer time these days, you'll enjoy your stay!! :toast

c'mon guys, i'm sure somebody could make some room on his couch ;)

05-26-2012, 05:10 PM
Where's the part where he bangs Erin Barry?

Can't say I blame him, she is smoking hot even if she is a whore.

05-26-2012, 05:39 PM
c'mon guys, i'm sure somebody could make some room on his couch ;)


Actually finding a couch is easy. I'm in Paris once or twice per month - I actually lived there for quite a bit (12 years). The problem is that in general hotels limit the bandwidth (or in some cases multicasts) on their wifi networks, which kills ILP.

Now I know my way around Paris quite well, but I have never heard of a sports bar where you could watch NBA games live. It's especially strange since I found those in Munich and in Vienna without problems, but never in Paris - and you can't really compare the size of those cities. So I was hoping for some insider info on the subject.

05-26-2012, 06:36 PM
Canadian bar: the moose
16 rue des 4 vents
Paris 6eme

went to see a soccer game. Not a big bar but they show north american sports. You should call them to check.

05-26-2012, 06:40 PM
Canadian bar: the moose
16 rue des 4 vents
Paris 6eme
www.mooseparis.com (http://www.mooseparis.com)

went to see a soccer game. Not a big bar but they show north american sports. You should call them to check.

Nice! My hotel this time is in the 7eme, I'll call them.
