View Full Version : Bring balance to the Force

05-25-2012, 08:50 AM
There is a great disturbance in the Force...

For far too long the, basketball has been moving towards the daaaaark siiiiiiide. Selfish stars have been jumping from team to team to create super teams. Selfish stars have been demanding trades, holding their teams hostage and taking no responsibility when things go wrong. Fringe players have been demanding trades and more money than they deserve.

If the Spurs win this year, I believe GMs will take notice and move back towards creating teams with only one or two superstars max. They will begin looking to fill rosters with good, unselfish, team first players, even if it means letting go of a few better players. They will look to stress offenses that have better ball movement the way the San Antonio Spurs run their offense.

It's time to bring balance to the Force. Its time to right all that is wrong with basketball and the way it is played today. It's time for a team like the Spurs to come along and reset the course of NBA basketball.

May the Force be with you....

That is all...

05-25-2012, 08:55 AM
Your avatar gives power to your post

05-25-2012, 09:04 AM
Unfortunately, stars sell tickets. Team ball doesn't - at least not as quickly or efficiently. So while I agree that a few teams may take notice and comply, most teams will continue to follow the Miami model.

Dingle Barry
05-25-2012, 09:08 AM
There are only so many midichlorians to go around.

05-25-2012, 09:13 AM
There are only so many midichlorians to go around.


05-25-2012, 09:16 AM
This is what us spurs fans believe in. We believe in the underdog and go against the chosen and frozen ones. We live to piss in sterns cornflakes and take the cake from under the bakers thumb. :flag: and we do this without having the most starpower ala wade james and bosh on the same team smh.

05-25-2012, 09:18 AM
OKC and Spurs: the only 2 real teams remaining

San Antonio Thunder All The Way Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-25-2012, 09:29 AM
"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"


05-25-2012, 09:33 AM
"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"


If he picks up Wade and throws him down a pit, we'll know that there was still good in him all along.

05-25-2012, 09:54 AM
This is what us spurs fans believe in. We believe in the underdog and go against the chosen and frozen ones. We live to piss in sterns cornflakes and take the cake from under the bakers thumb. :flag: and we do this without having the most starpower ala wade james and bosh on the same team smh.

Teams with smart FOs like the Spurs and Thunder are more likely to succeed long term because it isn't talent alone but a system that produces results.

OKC and Spurs: the only 2 real teams remaining

San Antonio Thunder All The Way Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever wins the west is the one I will support to win it all.

05-25-2012, 10:25 AM
LeBron Vader won't rule the galaxy this year.

05-25-2012, 10:36 AM
"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"


Would that make Pat Riley the emporer? D wade darth maul? And Bosh a velociraptor looking dorky storm trooper?! I believe so...

05-25-2012, 10:39 AM
OKC and Spurs: the only 2 real teams remaining

San Antonio Thunder All The Way Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remaining teams
OKC- 3 top 5 picks in the last 5 years
Miami- cleared cap, allure of bright lights big cities to land mega stars
Boston-Traded multiple overpriced expiring contracts for 2 big name stars
Spurs- No top twenty pick of their own since 1997. No big free agent signings

Southwest Texas Fan
05-25-2012, 11:13 AM
Remaining teams
OKC- 3 top 5 picks in the last 5 years
Miami- cleared cap, allure of bright lights big cities to land mega stars
Boston-Traded multiple overpriced expiring contracts for 2 big name stars
Spurs- No top twenty pick of their own since 1997. No big free agent signings

Kawhi Leonard?

05-25-2012, 11:15 AM
I read the entire OP in Alec Guinness' voice for extra awesomeness.

If only it were true. GMs need to keep their jobs, and the average basketball fan knows superstar names and that's it. There's far more potential energy in a lineup of names the ticket buyers recognize than there is in role players. The Miami Heat just set the model for the next 20 years, regardless of whether or not the Spurs win the next two championships.

The Lakers will trade for at least one, maybe two max superstar players. Wouldn't be surprised if next year's roster is Kobe, Howard, Williams, Ebanks and Hill with whatever free agents are willing to play for the minimum scrambling to Juwan Howard their way into a free ring.

05-25-2012, 11:16 AM
Kawhi Leonard?

"of their own" = The KL pick was Indiana's.

05-25-2012, 11:16 AM
Kawhi Leonard?

Traded for the pick-was not their own.
Hill for the pick plus some potential goodies

Southwest Texas Fan
05-25-2012, 11:18 AM
I read the entire OP in Alec Guinness' voice for extra awesomeness.

If only it were true. GMs need to keep their jobs, and the average basketball fan knows superstar names and that's it. There's far more potential energy in a lineup of names the ticket buyers recognize than there is in role players. The Miami Heat just set the model for the next 20 years, regardless of whether or not the Spurs win the next two championships.

The Lakers will trade for at least one, maybe two max superstar players. Wouldn't be surprised if next year's roster is Kobe, Howard, Williams, Ebanks and Hill with whatever free agents are willing to play for the minimum scrambling to Juwan Howard their way into a free ring.


Southwest Texas Fan
05-25-2012, 11:22 AM
Traded for the pick-was not their own.
Hill for the pick plus some potential goodies

I stand corrected, but it's nice to have Kawhi on the team.

05-25-2012, 11:26 AM
I read the entire OP in Alec Guinness' voice for extra awesomeness.

If only it were true. GMs need to keep their jobs, and the average basketball fan knows superstar names and that's it. There's far more potential energy in a lineup of names the ticket buyers recognize than there is in role players. The Miami Heat just set the model for the next 20 years, regardless of whether or not the Spurs win the next two championships.

The Lakers will trade for at least one, maybe two max superstar players. Wouldn't be surprised if next year's roster is Kobe, Howard, Williams, Ebanks and Hill with whatever free agents are willing to play for the minimum scrambling to Juwan Howard their way into a free ring.

Unfortunately, I think you are right.
Teams with deep pockets, can go substantially over the cap then utilize expiring contracts to get small market teams big player whom they can afford to keep and or surround with talent. (see Boston, LA) Or if they are in a desirable location unload and sign stars.
OKC gets some Kudos, but how often are you going to get 3 top 5 picks in a short period of time.

05-25-2012, 01:43 PM
Pat Riley == Sith Lord?

05-25-2012, 01:49 PM

Yea D. Wade = prancing around D. Maul

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeWy_0YxDFPrwwiBtuH_KYK1XS_6H1o PogOZdyeMA8oye3FcLVaE8HRAY8