View Full Version : Your team is really amazing....

Durant 35
05-30-2012, 02:00 AM
I know spurs only held serve but the way spurs move the ball inside and out... The depth is unreal

Our big 3 scored 88 points last night and still lost by 9. There havnt been many teams like this spurs team. One of those years where you have to enjoy as a fan as it is beautiful basketball to watch.

Just hope we manage to win at least a game at home as getting swept would be terrible heading into the summer but I fully expect us to get 1 game but right now spurs look amazing and seems it was written that spurs win it all.

Anybody can kill you which makes them unstoppable to stop.

Anyway... Back to the loud city....

05-30-2012, 02:03 AM
As you said ... we only protected our home court ... but your Big Three have to continue to play like this to have a chance

05-30-2012, 02:06 AM
Every young team core that has won multiple titles has always suffered multiple heart breaks.

05-30-2012, 03:30 AM
The Spurs will pick teams apart. It wasn't just the Thunder. I know a lot of Thunder fans were scoffing at the Spurs since they haven't been "tested" in the playoffs. Now the OKC fans are starting to see why, and also why Spurs fans are so damn confident (and sometimes obnoxious) this year. The Spurs can attack from multiple positions and from any range. They are a cerebral team that will be able to counter pretty much anything. I would wish your team luck, but the series isn't over yet.

05-30-2012, 03:32 AM
little brother....your time will come

05-30-2012, 03:34 AM
Every young team core that has won multiple titles has always suffered multiple heart breaks.


05-30-2012, 03:35 AM
In any other year the Spurs vs. Thunder might end up going the opposite direction, meaning the Thunder can win the series. However having said that I really think what we're witnessing now is something truly special, an epic run that might end up in the record books as one of the best ever (assuming the spurs win it all).

05-30-2012, 03:36 AM
I saw an OKC that got their best from their players and a Spurs team that did what they have been doing throughout the streak... however if OKC does this for game 3 and our 3's stop dropping, I don't see us winning game 3.

I do expect Duncan to step up in game 3 though, Parker to continue to play at this level or at least get himself 20.

If OUR big 3 step up, our role players will too.. I just hope one of OKC's big 3 has a bad game in game 3.

I'm confident in the Spurs, but mentally they aren't the strongest.

05-30-2012, 03:36 AM
The Thunder remind me of the Spurs before Duncan came along. Always right in the cusp but never quite able to get over the hump.

05-30-2012, 03:37 AM
Youre a really classy thunder fan tbh. Not just talking about this post either.

05-30-2012, 04:18 AM
The holding serve analogy is becoming lame tbqh.

05-30-2012, 04:35 AM
Your team would be amazing too if Westbrook wouldn't be part of the team. Watching the Olympics with Westbrook and Lebron in the same team will be very fun (and ugly). This guy always shots more than the best shooter in the league. That's all the difference between Spurs and OKC. You change Westbrook by Fisher or Harden and that's a different story. You can't win against Spurs with a baroque and low IQ point guard. As long as he makes bad decisions, stupid shots, shadows Durant, the thunder is far from they should be. He does'nt compete against other teams; he competes against his own teamate... Harden for instance is far far more useful than he is. So thanks to him to be so dumb/selfish.

Westbrook on 6th baroque man, it's ok, not Harden who's a top player. OKC needs to trade him for one or two versatile bigs.

Durant 35
05-30-2012, 06:56 AM
Your team would be amazing too if Westbrook wouldn't be part of the team. Watching the Olympics with Westbrook and Lebron in the same team will be very fun (and ugly). This guy always shots more than the best shooter in the league. That's all the difference between Spurs and OKC. You change Westbrook by Fisher or Harden and that's a different story. You can't win against Spurs with a baroque and low IQ point guard. As long as he makes bad decisions, stupid shots, shadows Durant, the thunder is far from they should be. He does'nt compete against other teams; he competes against his own teamate... Harden for instance is far far more useful than he is. So thanks to him to be so dumb/selfish.

Westbrook on 6th baroque man, it's ok, not Harden who's a top player. OKC needs to trade him for one or two versatile bigs.

It's not all on Westbrook, he does make bad decisions at times but he is a big reason for why we are where we are.

We need more depth and a post option... I don't think we should move the big 3... Just need to add to the roster

05-30-2012, 06:57 AM
A scoring post would go a long ways for the Thunder. If Perkins had an offensive game you had to respect then a lot of things would be different.

05-30-2012, 07:06 AM


Depth of Understanding.

And the desire to return to paradise.

05-30-2012, 07:08 AM
I know spurs only held serve but the way spurs move the ball inside and out... The depth is unreal

Our big 3 scored 88 points last night and still lost by 9. There havnt been many teams like this spurs team. One of those years where you have to enjoy as a fan as it is beautiful basketball to watch.

Just hope we manage to win at least a game at home as getting swept would be terrible heading into the summer but I fully expect us to get 1 game but right now spurs look amazing and seems it was written that spurs win it all.

Anybody can kill you which makes them unstoppable to stop.

Anyway... Back to the loud city....

:toast You're a wise man. Enjoy the juggernaut! :D

But also, the series isn't over yet. Hold serve and it's down to best of 3. I, for one, hope it doesn't come to that. Closing it out in 5 sounds about right to me.

05-30-2012, 07:23 AM
It's not all on Westbrook, he does make bad decisions at times but he is a big reason for why we are where we are.

We need more depth and a post option... I don't think we should move the big 3... Just need to add to the roster

Yes, you do need a post option.

Earlier in the year I thought a Westbrook for Rondo swap would have helped both teams: given the Celts a young star to build around, and a more steady PG for OKC. Didn't happen, and both teams have made out well anyway, but would you rather have Rondo or Westbrook right now?

05-30-2012, 07:28 AM
We don't need anything but SA to not be so damn good! No seriously, OKC's system works. There's improvements to be made for sure, but I do NOT subscribe to this whole deal that RW is holding us back, we need a big man scorer, etc, etc, etc. Whatever. Look at the game.
OKC played a good offensive game. They played good enough to win (offensively). This is what OKC does and does well. We don't assist the ball much. We give it to 1 of 3 guys and say here, go score. And they did it well. 55% or something, 88 pts for those 3 guys. SA wasn't stopping that. Many games, Ibaka will hit 4-5 outside jumpers when he has it going, Thabo a 3 or 2. I mean offensively, OKC was not far from being superb in this game. 111 pts wins 9 games out of 10 for OKC. So what gives? SA is just THAT GOOD on offense. They're good defensively...but offensively they are just flat out ridiculous. That's the difference. They are so versatile with so many options and run their offense with such precision that it's impossible to stop when they are on their A game.

So what's this that we need a diff PG and a big man that can score? We scored 111 damn points guys! Look on what you gotta do to stop SA offensively.

05-30-2012, 07:37 AM
We don't need anything but SA to not be so damn good! No seriously, OKC's system works. There's improvements to be made for sure, but I do NOT subscribe to this whole deal that RW is holding us back, we need a big man scorer, etc, etc, etc. Whatever. Look at the game.
OKC played a good offensive game. They played good enough to win (offensively). This is what OKC does and does well. We don't assist the ball much. We give it to 1 of 3 guys and say here, go score. And they did it well. 55% or something, 88 pts for those 3 guys. SA wasn't stopping that. Many games, Ibaka will hit 4-5 outside jumpers when he has it going, Thabo a 3 or 2. I mean offensively, OKC was not far from being superb in this game. 111 pts wins 9 games out of 10 for OKC. So what gives? SA is just THAT GOOD on offense. They're good defensively...but offensively they are just flat out ridiculous. That's the difference. They are so versatile with so many options and run their offense with such precision that it's impossible to stop when they are on their A game.

So what's this that we need a diff PG and a big man that can score? We scored 111 damn points guys! Look on what you gotta do to stop SA offensively.

True! That's what we've been telling people for months, no-one believed us! :lmao

IMHO you could do with a post scorer. It would allow you to play inside-out more often and take the pressure off always having to make jumpers.

But yeah, you have a great team, ours has simply been even better the past two games.

05-30-2012, 07:40 AM
We don't need anything but SA to not be so damn good! No seriously, OKC's system works. There's improvements to be made for sure, but I do NOT subscribe to this whole deal that RW is holding us back, we need a big man scorer, etc, etc, etc. Whatever. Look at the game.
OKC played a good offensive game. They played good enough to win (offensively). This is what OKC does and does well. We don't assist the ball much. We give it to 1 of 3 guys and say here, go score. And they did it well. 55% or something, 88 pts for those 3 guys. SA wasn't stopping that. Many games, Ibaka will hit 4-5 outside jumpers when he has it going, Thabo a 3 or 2. I mean offensively, OKC was not far from being superb in this game. 111 pts wins 9 games out of 10 for OKC. So what gives? SA is just THAT GOOD on offense. They're good defensively...but offensively they are just flat out ridiculous. That's the difference. They are so versatile with so many options and run their offense with such precision that it's impossible to stop when they are on their A game.

So what's this that we need a diff PG and a big man that can score? We scored 111 damn points guys! Look on what you gotta do to stop SA offensively.

I agree. OKC would have won that game against any other team. The Spurs are just on another level right now. They have the talent, execution, hunger, chemistry and are on a roll at the right time.

05-30-2012, 07:44 AM
The holding serve analogy is becoming lame tbqh.

says the guy with the Federer avatar :lol

... just kidding

05-30-2012, 08:35 AM
It's not because the Spurs has been more effective these two games that OKC can't improve (or the Spurs fail). It's just my opinion of course, but I'm quite certain they would play better with Fisher on PG, Harden in the starting five, and KD having a lot more the ball (some says he's not agressive, you can't be agressive if your pg monopolises the ball). And Westbrook from the bench to score and be aggressive.

But it's the same with Parker, sometimes I would like he passes the ball more to Boris Diaw, in preference to dribbling. Every time the ball is moving, it's easer. The difference is that Parker is better on that (dribbling and taking contested shot) than Westbrook in these two games.

05-30-2012, 08:43 AM
Okc also needs a true point. Durant should never be 2nd fiddle.

05-30-2012, 09:08 AM
OKC has become my second favorite NBA team.

05-30-2012, 09:22 AM
I work at EA video games and there are a lot of people there who talk sports, probably because the company makes all the sports games except NBA and MLB 2K. But everyone at work was saying the Spurs squeaked out a win in Game 1 and were very lucky. That may very well be but if these same people are all like "OKC cut it to six, your boys are in trouble!" today like I know they will, I'm just going to smile and keep walking.

These same people said the Heat would steamroll the Spurs in the Finals if both make it that far. The Heat are very good but steamroll? People who didn't go to high school are funny. The "I Want Some Nasty" Spurs are one win away from tying the 2001 Lakers, which blows my mind because I watched that team murder the Spurs.

05-30-2012, 09:26 AM
OKC is a great WCF loser, again. Becoming a fixture, really. Go For It!

05-30-2012, 09:26 AM
OKC fan classy:tu

This series ain't over though. I'm not sure the league will let the Spurs defeat the heat TBH

05-30-2012, 09:27 AM
I'm confident in the Spurs, but mentally they aren't the strongest.

Yes, this 20-game winning streak shows just how mentally fragile they are. :bang

I. Hustle
05-30-2012, 09:29 AM
You are very classy. Have you ever considered bringing your classiness over to the Dark side?

Durant 35
05-30-2012, 09:33 AM
OKC is a great WCF loser, again. Becoming a fixture, really. Go For It!

Maybe for now... But there is no reason why we can't be the team to beat out west for years to come when spurs time does actually run out.

I. Hustle
05-30-2012, 09:41 AM
well let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet

Then when?

05-30-2012, 10:17 AM
OKC has become my second favorite NBA team.

Same here.(of course if they lose this series...)

05-30-2012, 10:21 AM
OKC has become my second favorite NBA team.

Considering they're basically Spurs-Midwest, is that a surprise? :king

05-30-2012, 10:34 AM
Classy post from the OP. Your team is not too bad either and your time will come sooner or later.

05-30-2012, 12:39 PM
Classy post from the OP. Your team is not too bad either and your time will come sooner or later.

That is what Tim told Lebron in 2007... where are we all now?

Vito Corleone
05-30-2012, 01:08 PM
OKC reminds me of the Pistons when they were trying to get over the hump against the Celtics and also the Bulls when they were trying to get over the hump against the Pistons. I would even compare them to the Spurs when we were trying to get over the Lakers. When they get over us they are going to be the next champions if they can keep to their plan and keep the team together.

I also think the critisism of scott brooks is a bit premature, great coaches are not born they are made through their experences, this is as new to Brooks as it is to his team, give him time and he will be a good coach. No one was critical of him in the 1st two rounds but he is now a bad coach because the Spurs are so good. I don't think so.

This spurs team is special, nothing agains the rest of the league, but this team is just special.

05-30-2012, 01:21 PM
Sorry, but I really can't stand opposing team fans coming in here and fawning all over the Spurs "you guys are great!" "what an amazing team the Spurs are" "we will be lucky to win a game!" "Let's all join hands and sing kumbaya and gush how great the Spurs are"

It makes me feel dirty. Like it's not okay to think of you as the enemy anymore :lol Don't get me wrong, Thunderfans with smart analogies and knowledgeable takes are awesome, it makes it interesting around here. But watching the suckfest going on right now by most of them is just plain pathetic IMO. :(

Don't give up on your team! The majority of us Spurfan posters have always had that BELIEVE mentality. Anything is possible because the Spurs are our team and we believe that they can do anything. Don't count your team out just because the Spurs did what they were supposed to do and took care of home court. Have faith.

Excuse me while I go shower after giving that pep talk to Thunderfan. Eww. :vomit:

05-30-2012, 01:30 PM
Sorry, but I really can't stand opposing team fans coming in here and fawning all over the Spurs "you guys are great!" "what an amazing team the Spurs are" "we will be lucky to win a game!" "Let's all join hands and sing kumbaya and gush how great the Spurs are"

It makes me feel dirty. Like it's not okay to think of you as the enemy anymore :lol Don't get me wrong, Thunderfans with smart analogies and knowledgeable takes are awesome, it makes it interesting around here. But watching the suckfest going on right now by most of them is just plain pathetic IMO. :(

Don't give up on your team! The majority of us Spurfan posters have always had that BELIEVE mentality. Anything is possible because the Spurs are our team and we believe that they can do anything. Don't count your team out just because the Spurs did what they were supposed to do and took care of home court. Have faith.

Excuse me while I go shower after giving that pep talk to Thunderfan. Eww. :vomit:


05-30-2012, 01:46 PM
Your team would be amazing too if Westbrook wouldn't be part of the team. Watching the Olympics with Westbrook and Lebron in the same team will be very fun (and ugly). This guy always shots more than the best shooter in the league. That's all the difference between Spurs and OKC. You change Westbrook by Fisher or Harden and that's a different story. You can't win against Spurs with a baroque and low IQ point guard. As long as he makes bad decisions, stupid shots, shadows Durant, the thunder is far from they should be. He does'nt compete against other teams; he competes against his own teamate... Harden for instance is far far more useful than he is. So thanks to him to be so dumb/selfish.

Westbrook on 6th baroque man, it's ok, not Harden who's a top player. OKC needs to trade him for one or two versatile bigs.

Tony had same knock on his early in his career. He was too much a shoot first PG, never quite knowing when to pass at the right time, and sometimes getting himself to poor position with his dribbling and only passing as a last resort and then to a player that was not ready for the pass because he was not the correct player to get the pass.

Westbrook will learn, he is still young and with good coaching, he will become a quality PG who makes right decisions. To be fair, his bigs are not great options at this time either.

05-30-2012, 01:48 PM
OKC has become my second favorite NBA team.


I agree. I love Durrant. How can Spurs steal him in the future?