View Full Version : Spurs' top 3 scorers for 9 straight years

05-30-2012, 01:40 PM
TD, Tony and Manu have been the Spurs' top 3 scorers for 9 straight years. That is a NBA record by 4 years, over 3 teams, the last of which are Garnett, Allen and Pierce.

How spoiled have we Spurs' fans been to have such consistency on our team? Most fans have to deal with their favorite and best players leaving for other teams every few years. I thank the Spurs' organization and coach Pop for keeping these three players together, and I thank these players for them wanted to be Spurs for life. This is so rare nowadays, the Spurs are truly a throwback to the pre freeagent days when all sports teams stayed together for years and years.

I salute Peter Holt and the whole organization.


05-30-2012, 03:24 PM
On same Dan Patrick show where I got this tidbit, McLovin on of the Danettes, gave 5 reasons why Spurs are boring and nobody cares about them nationally.

1. They never do interviews, therefore nobody knows anything about them.

2. They have 6 players not born in the US, so people do not know them from college, etc.

3.They play below the rim

4. No up and down, they never have been down and out, always one of the best teams, no drama.

5. Market size.

Only TP has been on their show and then only twice, so people just never hear from they players.

People are ambivalent towards the Spurs.

So, I guess it is only reasonable that only us SA fans watch the Spurs when they are in Finals each time and they always have lowest rated Finals.