View Full Version : The biggest difference between Spurs & Pistons...

06-23-2005, 12:39 PM
Both are very similar in style of play. Both preach defense. Both can play the slow-temp halfcourt game. But there is one huge glaring difference between the teams and I think this difference is the reason why Detroit is poised to repeat as champions is this:

Pistons use personal motivation and take the game to a more personal level while the Spurs don't use any personal motivation and don't tend to take the game to a personal level.

I think it's the reason why the Pistons, a team that has far less talent than the Spurs, have been able to tie the series and force a game 7.

The Pistons used everything, from being "underdogs" and disrespected, to "officiating", to "Spurs plans for Celebration", and now it's "Larry Brown".

I played sports while I was younger, soccer and basketball. One thing that really got me up for games was taking matchups and games personally. When I lost, I felt I failed the team. When I got beat, it was embarrassing that I got beat.

Sometimes the old "this is for the championship" doesn't always work. Sometimes it gets old. Sometimes it just doesn't light a fire under guys like taking it personal does. You may say it's sad that the Pistons have to use personal motivation besides the championship itself to win. Think what you want. If you think it's sad and pathetic, well I got news for you...

Pistons forced a game 7 on the road and are defying history.

Personally, that's one of the things I dislike about Pop. He does not light a fire under the guys like he should. Forget that "One team, one goal" poop. He probably got that off of some 3rd grade Kickball poster or something.

Guys got to start taking it personal.

Parker has got to take the raping he's getting from Billups personal. Billups has been ragdolling Parker ever since game 1. If I was Parker, I would've thrown atleast a cheapshot by game 3. There'd be absolutely NO WAY I would let Billups run all over me without some payback. If I get a flagrant, oh well. Maybe the flagrant may take Billups out of his game much like how the Denver flagrants & the Seattle flagrants took Manu out of his game.

I don't know about you guys, but if I was Parker, I would've been playing Billups much more physical and if I had to I would throw a cheap shot or two, even a flagrant. If he got his points, so be it. But Billups would not be getting the pts without a little "compensation", that's for sure.

Duncan needs to man up at the line, or he will end up like Shaq...a liability down the line. Shaq had been known as a liability down the stretch because of his FTs, and Tim Duncan has become a huge liability in the 4th of the last 2 games because of his FTs.

Bowen better play smarter or better, or else I would not at all be opposed to starting Glenn Robinson next year @ SF. BTW, Glenn Robinson has been a very fine defender, even in one game leading the Spurs in blocks. Again, if Bowen can't do the only job he's in San Antonio to do, bring in Big Dog. Atleast Big Dog would be able to average 15pts. His defense would not be as good as Bowen's, but his offense more than makes up for that since Bowen is pathetic offensively.

The Spurs need to start taking things personal. They need to get rough, play like men and not like the WNBA. Spurs are way too passive and soft. If the Spurs are going to win, they have got to find it within themselves that extra personal motivation to light a fire under them.

The exact reason why Detroit are set to make history tonight.

Prediction: If the Spurs lose, Parker would have had a bad game and you can count on "Kidd for Parker" rumors swirling even before he leaves the building...

06-23-2005, 12:48 PM
Pistons use personal motivation and take the game to a more personal level while the Spurs don't use any personal motivation and don't tend to take the game to a personal level.

I think it's the reason why the Pistons, a team that has far less talent than the Spurs, have been able to tie the series and force a game 7.

Spurs aren't a "beat their chest like Tarzan" type team despite the fact that popular culture encourages such egoism (probably for ratings). The masses eat it up like a bunch of star-struck lemmings.

Being from SA, I think it's possibly something to be proud of, actually. I'm not sure.

I know what you mean, though. It'd be nice to see a dunk of pure anger...like the two-hander Timmy threw down after Malone knocked #50 out with his elbow. Remember that?

06-23-2005, 12:49 PM
Beleive me, Spurs are taking this game very personally

06-23-2005, 12:56 PM
Spurs aren't a "beat their chest like Tarzan" type team despite the fact that popular culture encourages such egoism (probably for ratings). The masses eat it up like a bunch of star-struck lemmings.

Being from SA, I think it's possibly something to be proud of, actually. I'm not sure.

I know what you mean, though. It'd be nice to see a dunk of pure anger...like the two-hander Timmy threw down after Malone knocked #50 out with his elbow. Remember that?

Or like Malik's over Mt. Mutombo in 2003....

06-23-2005, 12:56 PM
I physically choked on my lunch when I read this. The runner up for DPOY should be replaced with Glenn Robinson?

Wow. No one in their right minds would trade a premier 23 year old point guard for Kidd, nor replace Bowen with Glenn Robinson. Pop shouldn't have to explain the importance of Game 7 of the NBA Championship Finals to his players. If they don't know already, they don't deserve to win.

This is unreal. Taking it personally is fine, but going out there and doing the job professionally is more important.

06-23-2005, 12:59 PM
this is the biggest "I'm jumping off the bandwagon fan cause my team lost and didnt behave like a bunch of jerks" post I have ever seen

06-23-2005, 01:02 PM
Spurs aren't a "beat their chest like Tarzan" type team despite the fact that popular culture encourages such egoism (probably for ratings). The masses eat it up like a bunch of star-struck lemmings.

Being from SA, I think it's possibly something to be proud of, actually. I'm not sure.

I know what you mean, though. It'd be nice to see a dunk of pure anger...like the two-hander Timmy threw down after Malone knocked #50 out with his elbow. Remember that?

Yeah, I remember. I also remember earlier in TD's career he used to take some things personal, like the Portland game that DRob got tossed in. Duncan went to town on the Blazers.

You don't have to hollar, beat your chest, jump up and down to take things personal.

Infact, you don't have to say a word.

All you have to do is have more pride in yourself, and I don't think the Spurs have as much pride in themselves as the Pistons do.

C'mon, let's be honest. We got Tim Duncan, a 2 time MVP who is averaging as many rebounds as both wallaces combined probably in this series, a much better offensive player, we got Manu who can shoot the 3 and drive the hoop, and Parker, who should be abusing Billups with his speed much like Iverson did to Billups in Round 1.

Spurs have a MUCH deeper bench as well.

This series will come down to who has the most pride in themselves. If the Spurs have more pride, then their will to win will drive them at all cost, even if it means taking it 'personal'.

If the Pistons win, well I have to question the heart and maturity of several players starting with Tony Parker.

Pop can't continue to scream and yell at Parker to get results. Parker has to learn that he is not 5 years old anymore and should be maturing on the court better.

So far, even as a Spurs fan, I have seen much more pride come out of the Pistons locker-room. The Pistons have elevated their game and gained confidence.

Rip was right...they are "licking their chops".

Spurs are in serious trouble unless they take it personal.

The "Passive/Agressive" quality can be admired...if you'e a buddhist or some monk.

But this is basketball, this is competition. You can't be passive/aggressive in physical competition.

Spurs should've gone to the Finals last year, but because of their "passive/aggressive" nature, they didn't.

Speedy and Manu off the bench won our championship for us in 2003 because they were not passive aggressive, contrary to Pop's preference.

06-23-2005, 01:03 PM
tom, just fuckin say you think the pistons got more heart.

you are wrong.

06-23-2005, 01:06 PM
Beleive me, Spurs are taking this game very personally

I don't know. I still don't know.

They choked last year losing 4 straight after being up 2-0.

Choking is starting to become a trademark of Gregg Pop.

06-23-2005, 01:07 PM
Parker is 23. He's one of the best on the court. He's done just fine. Would I mind seeing more consistency? No. Is he far better than a counterpart that age? Hell yeah.

Question whatever you want. The Pistons have a stellar defense which has been seriously compromising our inside-outside play. That's the real issue, not 'heart' or 'maturity' - this is by far the best team we've seen in the playoffs, and will probably see in the playoffs in awhile. They are fucking beasts, friend.

06-23-2005, 01:09 PM
Long story short...the West is soft. Has been for some time. The only advantage the West has had is that they were far more superior talent wise. That is the only reason the Lakers won. D.Rob had heart, guts and good 'ol fashion hardwork bleeding from every pore. SA doesnt have even one of those players any more.

06-23-2005, 01:12 PM
You are full of shit. No one has that heart guts and good ol' fashion hardwork? Please. What the hell do you think Tim Duncan is doing on those bad ankles? Why the hell do Tony and Manu keep taking those hard fouls? Why does Bruce Bowen show up in the off season and during down time to practice his free throws and improve from a 40% FT shooter to 63% FT shooter.

Fuck off.

06-23-2005, 01:13 PM
I physically choked on my lunch when I read this. The runner up for DPOY should be replaced with Glenn Robinson?

Wow. No one in their right minds would trade a premier 23 year old point guard for Kidd, nor replace Bowen with Glenn Robinson. Pop shouldn't have to explain the importance of Game 7 of the NBA Championship Finals to his players. If they don't know already, they don't deserve to win.

This is unreal. Taking it personally is fine, but going out there and doing the job professionally is more important.

Kinda like losing 4 straight games to the Lakers?

I'm not saying I am willing to trade Bowen, but if you do the math, Bowen "does his job" by limiting the opposing team's best offensive player by maybe 5pts below their average. At the same time, Bowen may only average 6pts(what is he averaging this series?). Big Dog will most likely average 15pts, which is a net of 7-10pts or a +5pts in differential.

Now that I think about it, it may not be a bad idea considering the point differential would be greater with Big Dog in the lineup. Also, Glenn's defense has really been good. I also believe a big reason why Bowen is highly-regarded defensively is because of Tim Duncan's shot-blocking. When Bowen's guy beats him, he still has to get past Tim's shotblocking.

Don't be fooled by the media. Just watch the games.

I think Kidd will still be better for the next 3 years than Parker will be. You also have to take into consideration Tim Duncan's age. In another 3 years, his game will probably slide downward too. Might as well maximize Duncan & Kidd's longevity if you can.

Besides, if you think Parker is going to lead the Spurs when Duncan retires, you have to be on drugs. Put Parker on say, the Clippers and watch his game fall apart. Parker needs Pop to yell and scream at him to get results. Pop's not going to want to do that for the rest of Parker's career.

06-23-2005, 01:15 PM
Long story short...the West is soft. Has been for some time. The only advantage the West has had is that they were far more superior talent wise. That is the only reason the Lakers won. D.Rob had heart, guts and good 'ol fashion hardwork bleeding from every pore. SA doesnt have even one of those players any more.

On the one hand I'm shocked and awed that someone outside of SA has actually praised DRob and not called him soft. But I have to disagree that we lack guys with heart, guts, and hardwork. Ginobili? Have you watched this guy play? And Duncan has the same work ethic that Robinson had, he just has more talent around him and thus much higher expectations every night.

06-23-2005, 01:18 PM
You are full of shit. No one has that heart guts and good ol' fashion hardwork? Please. What the hell do you think Tim Duncan is doing on those bad ankles? Why the hell do Tony and Manu keep taking those hard fouls? Why does Bruce Bowen show up in the off season and during down time to practice his free throws and improve from a 40% FT shooter to 63% FT shooter.

Fuck off.

I haven't seen Parker or Manu take a hard foul since like game 4.

They've been too scared to enter the paint.

check out the FTs.

Next thing you know, you'll probably blame "refs".


06-23-2005, 01:19 PM
I think it's the reason why the Pistons, a team that has far less talent than the Spurs, have been able to tie the series and force a game 7.

You wonder why the Pistons take things personally? When people say things like the "Pistons have FAR LESS TALENT than the Spurs," it's easy to take things personally and play with that fire and emotion of feeling disrespected.

Far less talent?


While your fellow Spurs fans are slamming on you for basically saying the Spurs don't have the heart the Pistons have, your opinion is obviously so skewed already if you can't at least see that the Pistons have as much talent as any NBA team, even the almighty Spurs. Spurs are an amazing team, and I've been on this board since before the first game of this series giving them their props.

And yet some Spurs fans continually want to nonchalantly discredit the Pistons. It started with the "SWEEP" talk and guys like SequSpurs and ducks who gave the Pistons absolutely no chance. And, it has continued all throughout the series.

Root for you team all you want. Cheer and believe you have the better team. But, show SOME respect.

06-23-2005, 01:22 PM
Kinda like losing 4 straight games to the Lakers?

If I recall, the Spurs couldn't buy a jump shot in those 4 games. Had nothing to do with Timmy's heart.

06-23-2005, 01:25 PM
First, that was not directed to you, it was to dark reign, and yeah, I saw Tony and Manu getting in the paint last game. I don't blame refs. Good teams play despite the refs.

And now I'm done. I don't know why I've wasted so much energy on you.

06-23-2005, 01:26 PM
If I recall, the Spurs couldn't buy a jump shot in those 4 games. Had nothing to do with Timmy's heart.

Have you ever heard of driving the lane?
