View Full Version : 50 Cent's Annual Matt Bonner Blows in the Playoffs thread

50 cent
06-01-2012, 12:48 AM
Pop, tonight was game #11 and Bonner's balls have officially shriveled.

Please let Blair (who has had great games against OKC) out of the doghouse, and put Bonner in it for the rest of the year.

Also, Neal is worthless and possibly Green.

The rotation needs to tighten.


That's it.

06-01-2012, 12:52 AM
Also, Neal is worthless and possibly Green.

Neal is not worthless.

06-01-2012, 12:55 AM
I agree that the rotations need to tighten a bit but Neal is not worthless.

06-01-2012, 12:56 AM
Neal will win you a tight game in the 4th... it's the other 3.5 quarters that you have to worry about...

06-01-2012, 12:58 AM
Regarding Bonner, you are spot on. I think overall people on this board overreact too much, but regarding Bonner, there is no overreacting. He gets lost on defense, he can't guard anyone, he can't shoot anymore, he ruins the offensive flow, and he can't rebound anymore either. I've been against Bonner playing for a while now, but today there was a 50/50 ball between Bonner and Sefolosha, and Sefolosha outfought Bonner for the ball, and it looked like he did it easily. Bonner was playing like a pussy, I hate to use that word, but I think it's the best word to describe how Bonner has been playing. Blair at least will never go out without a fight and can play physical. Bonner is a liability now and the Spurs might as well be playing 4 on 6 with him on the court.

06-01-2012, 12:59 AM
Bonner looked so lost on one play he was running around in circles like a scared little girl. Pretty damn pathetic...

06-01-2012, 01:02 AM
I try to be rational about Bonner but it's painfully obvious that his man-ovaries were just not meant for this level of competition. Great regular season player. Not someone you want to lean on in a tight situation.

06-01-2012, 01:03 AM
Bonner looked so lost on one play he was running around in circles like a scared little girl. Pretty damn pathetic...
I would ask if that was the same play where Bonner was nowhere to be found to get a rebound when the Thunder missed a shot, but the chances are probably yes with how often that happened tonight. There were times on defense he was in an area by himself. How he gets away with playing like this yet still gets significant minutes from Pop is beyond me.

06-01-2012, 01:05 AM
Neal is not worthless. You can't take him off the rotation or we don't have a back-up pg.

06-01-2012, 01:06 AM
Neal is not worthless. You can't take him off the rotation or we don't have a back-up pg.

Neal can't run the point, plain and simple. He HAS to be out there with Manu when he's on the court. And Neal needs to keep leaving shooters wide open also...

baseline bum
06-01-2012, 01:11 AM
Bonner is Jefferson lite. He just doesn't fit because literally the only thing he can do is hit the open three (if month <= February)

50 cent
06-01-2012, 01:12 AM
Neal is not worthless. You can't take him off the rotation or we don't have a back-up pg.
Neal has proven to be pathetic at the point. Manu is our backup point at this point in the playoffs. Great if Neal can hit a few shots, but if not, get his ass out of the game for good.

And Neal's D is pathetic. He's leaving Goddamn Derek Fisher open for Christ's sakes.

baseline bum
06-01-2012, 01:13 AM
I can't agree with squeezing Neal and Green out of the rotation though. They have gotten the Spurs this far and it would be lunacy to freeze them out now.

50 cent
06-01-2012, 01:15 AM
BB, I didn't say Freezing Out Green. I agree he's got us here and he looks more solid than Neal.

I want Bonner on the fucking bench and would actually like to see a little of the physicality with Blair instead of Splitter.

06-01-2012, 01:15 AM
gary neal turning back the clock for fisher...

Sean Cagney
06-01-2012, 01:19 AM
I try to be rational about Bonner but it's painfully obvious that his man-ovaries were just not meant for this level of competition. Great regular season player. Not someone you want to lean on in a tight situation.

See people say great regular season but... He starts his annual fade before the playoffs begin! Month by month he fades! Infact he will be in full playoff mode by LATE MARCH if not earlier! It's like he sees them coming and then just goes all out and nearly sucks every game!

I do not like that dude, I hate him infact! I mean thats a harsh word but as a ball player I hate him. Horry would suck most of the year but pick it up late, I would take that nowadays! I would love it nowadays infact, he played good D and rebounded or made a big play, BONNER JUST SUCKS.
Bonner is Jefferson lite. He just doesn't fit because literally the only thing he can do is hit the open three (if month <= February)

Shittt he can't even hit the open three in the playoffs man, he is just worthless then.
Bonner looked so lost on one play he was running around in circles like a scared little girl. Pretty damn pathetic...

LOL I see this here and then I see Jax and Believe in your sig, I am sorry that made me laugh there :lmao:lmao

06-01-2012, 01:38 AM
Also, Neal is worthless and possibly Green.

Neal's not worthless. He's a great shooter. He's just really bad at everything else.

06-01-2012, 01:41 AM
Bonner is Jefferson lite. He just doesn't fit because literally the only thing he can do is hit the open three (if month <= February)

He doesn't even do that anymore. He's doing what he always does, disappears in the playoffs. His defense and rebounding for a 6'10 guy is absolutely terrible. Pop just continues to play him cause they're good friends off the court. He loves the kid for some reason. He's a scrub though, no doubt about it.

06-01-2012, 01:47 AM
where is chazley at to defend bonner?

06-01-2012, 01:59 AM
what happened to the pop that pulled him when he passed up a shot?

50 cent
06-01-2012, 02:00 AM
Neal's not worthless. He's a great shooter. He's just really bad at everything else.

Sounds like Bonner.

Sean Cagney
06-01-2012, 02:02 AM
where is chazley at to defend bonner?

DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THAT CLOWN! Seriously I told him years ago about this, he argued over and over. I can't even say Bonners name now without ready to punch the couch I am near or the wall in lol. I instead drink another beer and wonder why he is played at all?

06-01-2012, 02:07 AM

06-01-2012, 02:09 AM
where is chazley at to defend bonner?

And a few others...
