View Full Version : It doesn't get any better - or worse - than this

06-23-2005, 05:01 PM
So the roller coaster finally comes to a stop tonight. After two months of alternating elation and depression, we'll finally be able to begin our recovery from this basketball-induced bipolar disorder. One group of fans will be celebrating the addition of another title, while the other will fall back on whatever individual coping mechanism gets them past the loss - be it excuse-making, trash-talking, prop-giving, previous-title-recalling, or simply avoiding the topic altogether.

We've heard the "expert" opinions from the TV talking heads ad nauseum - Pistons will win because of their big game experience, Spurs will win because of their home court dominance, etc., etc. - plus all the various statistics which support one side or the other. The only thing we can be sure of is that all of the opinions (the experts' as well as our own) and statistics will become absolutely meaningless once the ball goes up for the center jump.

As fans, we know in our heads that we are privileged that our team is about to play one game for the big prize. Our guts, however, tell another story, and as the game approaches, heart rates increase, stomachs become jumpier, mouths get drier, and minds become more distracted. For a fleeting moment, one small part of us almost (I said almost) envies the fans of other teams who can simply kick back tonight and enjoy the game.

We know in our heads that the outcome of the game SHOULD have no impact on our everyday lives, that we'll wake up tomorrow with the same family and job that we have today. We also know, however, that it just doesn't work that way, and when we wake up tomorrow (those that do go to bed tonight), our world will either seem sunny, rosy, and full of possibilities, or bleak, irritating, and under a fog of depression. We know this because we've already felt it, in varying degrees, after the earlier wins and losses of the series - and none of those were game 7.

We also know that, regardless of the who comes out victorious, Bill Walton will have predicted that outcome at some point during the game.

Enough - I need a beer.

06-23-2005, 05:02 PM
Good first post.

06-23-2005, 05:06 PM
I hate Bill Walton,

I already have butterflies and feel irritable bowel syndrome coming on.

Im off to the house to slam some beers before the game....

06-23-2005, 05:09 PM
Nice summation, but I'll still go with the Bard of St. Clair Shores....


06-23-2005, 05:19 PM
I was really messed up May 04 after the Spurs lost 4 straight.
Had been on a high since June 03. PTSD

I've put some emotional distance/dis-investment between my burned fingers and the Spurs this year. Still a rabid fan.

But with 3 hours to tipoff, I really have butterflies. I can't even comtemplate losing and all the months of shit and trash and smack and TV assholes that will come with it.

I'd much rather lose to the Suns than these Pistons assholes, esp Sheed and Rip. I'm ok with the rest of them.

06-23-2005, 05:24 PM
I was really messed up May 04 after the Spurs lost 4 straight.
Had been on a high since June 03. PTSD

I've put some emotional distance/dis-investment between my burned fingers and the Spurs this year. Still a rabid fan.

But with 3 hours to tipoff, I really have butterflies. I can't even comtemplate losing and all the months of shit and trash and smack and TV assholes that will come with it.

That is the worst part, especially here in LA where they all like to bash the Spurs anyway. If the Spurs lose tonight I will not be able to listen to the radio for at least a month. Even now all you hear is "soft", "choke", etc...

Today I heard things like, "manu, smanu," the French national anthem and talking about Parker surrenduring, etc.. It sucks. But, if they win.......they will all have to eat shit....and I will love every minute of it.

06-23-2005, 05:24 PM
Nice first post JC.

I used to take these games so damn seriously. But it's just a game. Both teams are great no matter what the outcome is tonight.