View Full Version : I still believe. who else?

ginobili fan
06-04-2012, 11:43 PM
Well it's 6 o'clock in the morning here in Paris, I have no more voice, I am a wounded man now but I don't feel like being dead yet.

I'm going now to quick analysis before goin' to bed.

First of all, you all know the Spurs always had and will have the heart of a champion,but we must admitt this OKC team is a hell of a good team.
They're simply a world champs caliber team, and I don't see any other team facing against them like the spurs did.
But in fact, the Spurs didn't play that well the whole series, to many TO,less assists, they only played part-time.
They never succeed in building a confortable lead at home, only counting on momentums...
We all know that this momentum is the Spurs force but taking that to maintain the deficit and not to build a lead is just complicated, very complicated, specially against a great team like OKC...
But that also gives me hope as we can still keep this close at game 6, we just have to play our game.

Tonight game was ours , easily.
We made 21 TO wich is bad, very bad for a spurs playoffs team.
TP started well the couple first minutes, being agressive, it seemed like he'd have one of those nights when going bad ass, but him and the rest of the crew mentally choked when OKC took the lead.
And add to this the terrible rotation made by Pop, the Spurs should never be down 8 at HT.
Fortunatly for us OKC didn't played that great otherwise we're down by 20...
TP and TD never stepped up in the 2nd half, when they did it was too late.
whatever, Manu was absolutly magnificient tonight, there is no excuse the Spurs loose...
Tonight they should have go to TD first, making him work early as usual, take Manu off the bench as we've been outscored at the benchpoints battle.
But overall, TP was very very bad, not being the regular season TP managing his teammates,not being a real floor general .
Pop was disappointing too.
But I repeat, this kind of rally or momentum we had in the early 3rd quarter makes me BELIEVE harder than usual.
To resume if we make some adjustments you guys have every right to believe till the end:
Play simple, shoot it when you're open , no need to extra pass each time,(especially to the young guns), make TD work early on Ibaka and Perkins , Manu comes off the bench(we need his scoring against OKC 2nd unit), start SJax, give Splitter some trust, no more Neal at PG, shorten the rotation with Diaw for 30 minutes.

Tonight even the gods of the basketball couldn't help us cause they thought it was violating the human rights so much we've been awful...
We've been there before, come on all spursfans need to believe and support their team.It's almost a fukin NBA title game!!!!

BELIEVE till the end!!!!!:lobt2:

06-04-2012, 11:44 PM
Count me in.

06-04-2012, 11:46 PM
I believe, it will be hard but I believe we can do it, all we have to do is steal the next one, then it is back in our house for game 7. But have no doubt the Thunder will be sky high confident but I believe the Spurs can do it but we have to put some doubt into their mind make them play from behind

I need 5
06-04-2012, 11:49 PM
I believe as well. We must take care of the ball and we will be fine. They have valued the ball. I agree that Neal shouldn't play the point as well. Tony has to play better but there's no doubt in my mind we can win. A strong aggressive 1st quarter to keep the crowd out of the game early is a must.

06-04-2012, 11:50 PM
We're winning this whole fucken thing! Championship number 5 on the way and it will be the oh so sweetest fucken thing ever

Southwest Texas Fan
06-04-2012, 11:51 PM
I'm a believer it isn't over till the fat lady sings, until the final buzzer of game six, seven whatever it takes I'm in, I believe.

06-04-2012, 11:54 PM
It's over when the first team wins 4 games in a 7 game series.
Just because the Thunder won in San Antonio doesn't mean the Spurs can't win in Oklahoma City.

Everyone needs to be optimistic.

Come on people. Support your team

06-05-2012, 12:04 AM
I still believe! It's not over, they won one over here, we can win one over there! Game 6, the surs are going to come out with everything they got! Guns ablazing! We need to force that Game 7! It's not over!

06-05-2012, 12:18 AM
Ain't over till its over man gotta support this team till the wheels fall off. Go out fighting spurs go out swinging that's all i ask.

The Reckoning
06-05-2012, 12:22 AM
lots of ppl believe in santa

06-05-2012, 12:25 AM
I believe it is possible because it is basketball and we have some proven winners.

I'm not convinced it can happen without a dreadful shooting night from OKC, though.

06-05-2012, 12:32 AM
I'll root for this team to show me a miracle but I wouldn't put a dollar on them even staying within 20.