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View Full Version : Fighting Back Death

06-06-2012, 03:38 AM
Exactly one year ago to the hour, I was dying (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189822). Unable to move and increasingly unable to breathe, I had just been taken to the hospital. As I was placed on the hospital bed, I remember telling myself that I couldn't let this be my death bed. That wasn't an option. I had to get up and walk out of this place on my own two feet. I had more life to live.

Within in a few days, I was in intensive care. The low point was when I was told there was nothing else the doctors could do. They told me I was about to die. Nothing could be done. My respiratory system had failed and it would just be a matter of time.

I remember feeling angry. But I also remember feeling an odd sense of calm. If death is all but certain, fighting with every last fiber of my being didn't seem like a daunting task. Either I die like they say I will or I prove the doctors wrong. Everything was so simple. No longer were a million thoughts running through my mind. There were just two: either I'm going to live or I'm going to die. That's it.

Today, I'm fine. The recovery wasn't always easy and I'm not quite 100 percent ... but I have no complaints. And although it's not something that can be explained or is logical in any sense, this great Spurs season has helped me along the way. No matter what side-effect or annoyance I was dealing with, how could I complain about anything when my family is perfect and the Spurs are playing so well? It's felt like a dream. (In fact, a couple times I've seriously had a conversation with myself wondering whether I actually did die in the hospital and I'm just in my personal heaven where I have an amazing wife, astonishingly genius kids and a Spurs team that never loses :lol)

On the one year anniversary, the Spurs are headed to Oklahoma City. Most agree that they won't make it out alive. Not only is this year's team dead, the Tim Duncan Era will die with it. After watching the Spurs lose Game 5 at home, I was ready to sign the death certificate. There's nothing to be done. It's just a matter of time; 48 minutes to be exact. Right?

After rewatching the game, I'm starting to piece together a few glimmers of hope. And while I know sports isn't comparable to life and death, if there was ever a sports version of death, that's what Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker are facing right now. This is the last legit opportunity for this squad to win another championship ring. There's no tomorrow. The Big 3 faces a reality where they either win Wednesday night or their championship contending life will be no more.

The Spurs have faced other elimination games in the past but nothing like this. Maybe these unique circumstances will bring out a level of fight and determination that we've never seen before. Instead of pressure, maybe they will feel calm -- realizing there are only two possible outcomes. Maybe now, with all that is on the line, they can look passed the tactics and strategies and see what is really important: heart, single-mindedness, desire and belief.

Maybe, just maybe, even we Spurs fans underestimate what this team is capable of doing when winning one game means more than it ever has.

I thought the Game 5 loss was a harbinger of death. As a Spurs fan, I gave up. It was over, I told myself. I gave them a token 2% chance of escaping Game 6 with a win.

But screw that. I should know that when one is facing a near certain demise, everything other than survival becomes a moot point. And in that state of mind, there is no obstacle that can't be overcome. Not just this team but this era is standing at the precipice. Knowing their character and knowing they understand what is at stake, I expect the most hellacious fight we Spurs fans have ever witnessed.

Sit back and enjoy.


As for the glimmers of hope basketball-wise, here's what I see:

1. Yes, Pop's rotation in Game 5 was horrendous in the first half. But he stumbled into a very workable rotation in the final two quarters. Start Duncan, Diaw, Leonard, Ginobili and Parker. Use Jackson, Splitter and Neal off the bench. Splitter plays when Duncan sits. Neal buys spot minutes for Parker and Ginobili. Jackson fills in all the rest of the time. It's not complicated but it should work well.

2. Parker needs to relentlessly pressure Westbrook. In Game 3 and Game 4, Parker mostly defended Sefolosha. Going into Game 5, he was back on Westbrook due to Ginobili being inserted into the starting lineup. I think it took awhile for Parker to remember how great he's been at pressuring the basketball during these playoffs. When he got back to it in the second half -- undoubtedly thanks to a stern reminder from Pop at intermission -- Parker once again was able to give Westbrook fits. San Antonio's defense has been poor this series but it's looked the best when Parker is harassing Westbrook. In Game 6, I expect Parker to force Westbrook to battle for every inch, which in itself could make a big difference.

3. In retrospect, Duncan's foul trouble played a huge role in Game 5. The Spurs were outscored by 22 points in the 15 minutes he was on the bench. If he wouldn't have been in foul trouble, Pop probably would have played him for about 40 minutes. Those seven additional minutes could have been enough to turn the loss into a win. On Wednesday night, we should see Duncan play 38 to 40 minutes. Considering the Spurs are +23 with Duncan on the court this series and -42 with him on the bench, that will be a huge help.

4. There's no reason to believe Ginobili's Game 5 offensive show was necessarily a fluke. When he's been bottled up this series, it's usually been when he's played with the impotent bench unit. Now that he's in the starting lineup, playing with Duncan and Parker makes life a lot easier. The Thunder can't switch pick-and-rolls involving Duncan and they have to gear their defense toward stopping Parker. That leaves Ginobili to wreak havoc -- and we all know how much havoc Ginobili can wreak.

5. Has there ever been a 20-year-old rookie starting in the playoffs that seems less like a rookie than Kawhi Leonard? He knows his job. He does his job. He did fine work against Durant in Game 5. Perhaps just as encouraging was the fact that he also defended Harden well plus was able to help control the defensive backboard. I don't worry about him at all.

6. Jackson returned to San Antonio with impossibly high hopes yet he's been able to fulfill those hopes this series. He's shooting the lights out. He's making plays. He's playing smart. He's defending his heart out. More than anything, you can see how much he wants to win and how he tries to do everything in his power to help the Spurs win. I expect more of the same out of Jackson in Game 6.

7. Diaw, Splitter and Neal all know what they have to do. Diaw understands that the Thunder will leave him open. He has seen it now for the better part of three games. In Game 6, I think he'll be ready to try to make OKC pay. Splitter has received his wakeup call and there were signs in Game 5 that he's ready to step up to this challenge. As for Neal, he can't shoot any worse than his 0-for-6 on Monday night. He's going to be looking for redemption. And considering that he shot much better on the road this season (and during his rookie campaign, for that matter), I would not be surprised if he makes the Thunder Neal with it.

8. At some point, don't the Thunder have to cool off? I know the Spurs aren't exactly a defensive force but OKC has been hitting long jumpers at a ridiculous rate these last three games. From 15-to-23 feet, the Thunder have hit 35-of-61 shots beginning in Game 3 for an astronomical 57.4%. On the season, the Thunder hit 42.6% from that range. In the playoffs versus the Lakers and Mavs, OKC had only two games better than 41% from that range. Regression to the mean will start Wednesday night and without those long jumpers finding net repeatedly, the Thunder will experience some hiccups in their offensive flow. And that, combined with the previous seven glimmers of hope, will give the Spurs the break they need to get this win.

One win.



06-06-2012, 03:44 AM
thanks for great analysis always, timvp and stay healthy. praying for ya !

06-06-2012, 04:09 AM

From 0:03 - 0:15 it's the Thunder during games 3-5

From 0:36 - 0:52 it will be the Spurs tonight.


06-06-2012, 04:12 AM
More on the Thunder's bullsh!t shooting on long two-pointers:

Game 3: 13-for-23
Game 4: 10-for-19
Game 5: 12-for-19

During the regular season, the Thunder made double-digit long two-pointers three games in a row only twice. They shot 52% or better from that range in back-to-back games only once all year. Now, they've done it three games in a row.

That's a hell of a fluke to run into in the WCF if you're the Spurs. But that worm has to turn. Making long twos at that rate and that frequency is definitely not sustainable.

That fluke shooting has to end in Game 6. It's been too long as it is.

06-06-2012, 04:16 AM
Epic shit.

I, too, have a feeling the spurs will experience a certain calm, perhap even a certain assassin like coldness, when they step onto the court tonight. A flood of memories from the distant, not so distant, and recent past will wash over them . . And inspire greatness.

06-06-2012, 04:23 AM
Great comparison and I too hope the spurs can find their "inner calm" just as you did and take care of business at hand. Refs be damned.

06-06-2012, 04:33 AM
Great post! It's good to see you thinking positively again.

06-06-2012, 04:37 AM
I agree with most of your points, but I think Pop has to give Green a chance atleast to give Manu a breather now and then. And I hope Green atleast takes care of the defensive end in his limited minutes.

06-06-2012, 04:40 AM
One of the best things I've read these past few months. :tu



06-06-2012, 04:41 AM
I almost gave up on the season too, tbh. But there's nothing you can do but just support your team. Your write-ups are a big part of why I still believe. Thanks and stay healthy bro.

06-06-2012, 04:48 AM
Its like that old saying goes in reference to a wild animal: when cornered with its back to the wall, a wild animal will either fight, run, or play dead.

Spurs are gonna fight. Fight till their basketball deaths. No way in hell do they go down without landing a couple of haymakers. I expect our team to play with a championship pedigree that will have once-doubters (like me) eat shit.

Lets get this shiz

06-06-2012, 04:53 AM
Thank you for that, timvp. I really needed it. :toast

That said, I'm not sure I can buy into your optimism. One of the biggest strengths of this Spurs team has also been one of their biggest weaknesses -- they're overly rational. They're acutely aware of the long odds facing them, and I think they're too smart to play with the reckless, carefree abandon needed in a desperation situation like this. As you yourself pointed out, when the Spurs have bowed out in the playoffs, they've tended to do so rather quickly, with little resistance.

That said, I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I'm coming into the game with no expectations, and I'll heartily accept whatever outcome may come, remaining grateful to the Spurs all the while for such a magical season.

06-06-2012, 04:56 AM
I forgot to add, it's interesting to witness how spoiled us Spur fans became during that amazing 20 game run.

Now, it's gotten to the point of relying on one game, one chance, one shot. It's a humbling feeling, tbh.

06-06-2012, 06:03 AM
stay healthy bro!

really inspiring read that I hope the spurs be able to read.

06-06-2012, 06:21 AM
f**k this game!

its more important that you (better said "we") are healthy! god bless you!

a W would be nice nonetheless :)

06-06-2012, 06:23 AM
Someone should forward this to our players!

Great read timvp! You have my utmost respect :toast


06-06-2012, 06:23 AM
:makemyday Let's do this.

06-06-2012, 06:31 AM

06-06-2012, 06:34 AM
Made so many bets with my friends that Spurs win the series AFTER Game 5. I believe. I truly do.

06-06-2012, 06:36 AM

Out of the pit that covers me
black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced or cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid

It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul!


06-06-2012, 06:41 AM
One of the few times I wish some players browse this forum.

:toast to your good health

06-06-2012, 06:43 AM
thanks timvp. I didn't feel that bad after game 5 because they went down fighting. But your words have ramped me up and ready to fight for life :fight


06-06-2012, 07:01 AM
I hate the Cowboys but the current situation of the Spurs made me reflect back on a quote by Nate Newton describing Ray Donaldson during their Super Bowl years in the 90's.

A reporter asked Newton what he thought attributed to the success of Donaldson at his advanced age. I think Donaldson was 37 at the time and performing at high level at center. Newton said Ray has "Old Man Strength." He described it as playing your old man in basketball on the driveway, one on one. Even if you were the same size as your pops, he would still be able to beat you because he had that old man strength.

Maybe TD and the Spurs can tap into their old man strength tonight.

06-06-2012, 07:01 AM

Out of the pit that covers me
black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced or cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid

It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul!





06-06-2012, 07:02 AM
Spurs 4 life I still believe and always will till the final buzzer.

06-06-2012, 07:15 AM

06-06-2012, 07:22 AM
Too many factors pointing towards the Spurs winning tonight.. Simple things need to be done and which had fucked us in Game 5. Turnovers, Duncan's foul trouble, and OKC's ridiculous shooting which simply cannot continue.

Top all that with the Spurs playing average bball at best these last 3 games and something has to give. As long as the team is focused and comes out with the proper amount of energy, I truly expect a Game 6 win.

06-06-2012, 07:30 AM
Wow. That's a great story man. That gave me a lot of inspiration and I hope the SPURS feel like this is it. Life or death. I too believe that we're going to see the biggest fight from this team we've ever seen. This is a huge test but adversity makes champions! Lets go show the world what we're made of.



06-06-2012, 07:31 AM
1. Yes, Pop's rotation in Game 5 was horrendous in the first half. But he stumbled into a very workable rotation in the final two quarters. Start Duncan, Diaw, Leonard, Ginobili and Parker. Use Jackson, Splitter and Neal off the bench. Splitter plays when Duncan sits. Neal buys spot minutes for Parker and Ginobili. Jackson fills in all the rest of the time. It's not complicated but it should work well.

Timvp, do you think Green will be completely out of the rotation in Game 6? I can't believe that, gotta think Pop has to give him a few minutes to see what he can do. If he can make a shot, I prefer him over Neal due to his size, defense, rebounding, etc.

06-06-2012, 07:33 AM
Great stuff Timvp. May god continue to grant you and your family strength. On another note the Celtics have set the stage for us with a road win in Mia. Hopefully this inspires us to duplicate.

06-06-2012, 07:39 AM
What the hell fuckface. Just yesterday you were saying we were done.

'I give the Spurs a 2% chance to win Game 6. Maybe I'll feel differently as this game gets further in the rear-view mirror but it'd take a got damn miracle, IMO.' timvp

'I just can picture it, tbh. I see Game 6 going down as an extended celebration for the Thunder's first trip to the Finals.'

'I just can't imagine the Spurs winning.'

'But in reality, I just don't think it works that way. Even if the Spurs get hot and the Thunder get cold, they've made hard-charging runs in every game. Without fail. OKC shrugs aside any hot streak by the Spurs and comes roaring back within a couple minutes.'

'I guess if the Spurs build a fluke-ish 30 point lead they may hang on but I just don't see it. Maybe I'm being emo but I just can't see it.'

'The Spurs have never really be a great back to the wall team ... even when they were great, tbh.'

All quotes from you timvp.. Every one of them. Negative prick. While me and only a few others were saying 'we got this shit we'll be right'

Massive loss of respect for you. Not cool man.

06-06-2012, 07:44 AM
Shit after reading that I'm back with ya. Lets do this! GSG :flag:

06-06-2012, 07:47 AM
Take care.

06-06-2012, 07:54 AM
Thanks for the great write-up of your amazing and humbling story. True, sports pales into insignificance by comparison, but that's what we do here, so:

In the old days, this team only played well with its back to the wall. If there's any spark of that old Spurs scratch-and-claw team left, it better show up tonight.


OKC is a hell of a squad, but they can't shoot lights out EVERY night. Right!?!


What were the odds of Tony, Green, Neal, Splitter, AND Bonner all going cold at the same time?! (OK, Bonner is a 100% choker, but everyone else?) They can't ALL lay eggs again tonight! Someone will get hot!!




That's how is see it.


ginobili fan
06-06-2012, 08:11 AM
Tnx a lot for this!
I was waiting for this.
One game.

06-06-2012, 08:12 AM
"Game 3: 13-for-23
Game 4: 10-for-19
Game 5: 12-for-19"

aka, Championship basketball.

Remember Tony' quote that Spurs won't win NBA without Manu.

Well, Tony, Spurs won't win without you, either.

06-06-2012, 08:24 AM
I started reading this looking for some inspiration for the Spurs struggle with their backs to the wall facing elimination.

Then I read of timvp's toughness in the face of literal death and ended up thinking that the Spurs' struggle isn't that important.

So is this analogy a failure? Only in a limited sense.

Thanks again for making it easier to take whatever outcome happens tonight. (And Go Spurs, anyway.)

Southwest Texas Fan
06-06-2012, 08:38 AM
That was an inspiring story man. You know I believed even after we lost game five but after reading your post that feeling just went up ten-fold. :lobt2: And here's to your health :toast

Keepin' it real
06-06-2012, 08:38 AM
What the hell fuckface. Just yesterday you were saying we were done. ... Massive loss of respect for you. Not cool man.


06-06-2012, 08:40 AM
What the hell fuckface. Just yesterday you were saying we were done.

'I give the Spurs a 2% chance to win Game 6. Maybe I'll feel differently as this game gets further in the rear-view mirror but it'd take a got damn miracle, IMO.' timvp

'I just can picture it, tbh. I see Game 6 going down as an extended celebration for the Thunder's first trip to the Finals.'

'I just can't imagine the Spurs winning.'

'But in reality, I just don't think it works that way. Even if the Spurs get hot and the Thunder get cold, they've made hard-charging runs in every game. Without fail. OKC shrugs aside any hot streak by the Spurs and comes roaring back within a couple minutes.'

'I guess if the Spurs build a fluke-ish 30 point lead they may hang on but I just don't see it. Maybe I'm being emo but I just can't see it.'

'The Spurs have never really be a great back to the wall team ... even when they were great, tbh.'

All quotes from you timvp.. Every one of them. Negative prick. While me and only a few others were saying 'we got this shit we'll be right'

Massive loss of respect for you. Not cool man.

Critical, self-righteous prick. He was being honest and looking at the situation from a purely logical standpoint. Now he's bring the heart.

06-06-2012, 08:45 AM
I like this epic speeches

06-06-2012, 08:46 AM
More on the Thunder's bullsh!t shooting on long two-pointers:

Game 3: 13-for-23
Game 4: 10-for-19
Game 5: 12-for-19

During the regular season, the Thunder made double-digit long two-pointers three games in a row only twice. They shot 52% or better from that range in back-to-back games only once all year. Now, they've done it three games in a row.

That's a hell of a fluke to run into in the WCF if you're the Spurs. But that worm has to turn. Making long twos at that rate and that frequency is definitely not sustainable.

That fluke shooting has to end in Game 6. It's been too long as it is.

On the other hand, OKC has shot poorly from the 3-point line -- less than 30% in the games 3 through 5 wins.

06-06-2012, 08:48 AM
Awesome post TIMVP! Very inspiring! Glad you are ok! God bless you! Not giving up on the Spurs! They will win Game 6! Never underestimate the heart of a champsion! Go Spurs Go!:toast

06-06-2012, 08:50 AM
in 1999 just before game 5 of the finals I was at dave and busters and started choking on a nacho. I thought "my God I am going to die before the spurs win a championship". I spit it out and the rest is history.

06-06-2012, 08:52 AM
I like to believe in the law of averages. The Thunder have to cool down at some point. The Tim Duncan era can't end yet. Not with Garnett having a huge game. And Durant needs to be schooled in a little heartbreak.

06-06-2012, 09:01 AM
More on the Thunder's bullsh!t shooting on long two-pointers:

Game 3: 13-for-23
Game 4: 10-for-19
Game 5: 12-for-19

During the regular season, the Thunder made double-digit long two-pointers three games in a row only twice. They shot 52% or better from that range in back-to-back games only once all year. Now, they've done it three games in a row.

That's a hell of a fluke to run into in the WCF if you're the Spurs. But that worm has to turn. Making long twos at that rate and that frequency is definitely not sustainable.

That fluke shooting has to end in Game 6. It's been too long as it is.

tbh this is why I think the Spurs are still alive. OKC can't keep hitting at this rate. Long twos are the most inefficient shot in basketball and they have been drilling them with ease which won't continue imo.

All the pressure is on OKC tonight, most people have the Spurs dead in the water already.

It's going to be SA vs. Miami in the Finals, book it.

06-06-2012, 09:03 AM
Also, turnovers. This series has been marred by careless mistakes by the Spurs. 20+ turnovers in the playoffs in unacceptable. If they can hold onto the ball they should win.

Trill Clinton
06-06-2012, 09:06 AM
:makemyday Let's do it:makemyday

06-06-2012, 09:06 AM

06-06-2012, 09:07 AM
"Great moments... are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here, tonight, boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game. If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them." - Herb Brooks, Miracle

06-06-2012, 09:11 AM
Also, turnovers. This series has been marred by careless mistakes by the Spurs. 20+ turnovers in the playoffs in unacceptable. If they can hold onto the ball they should win.

^ this, in a nutshell. Turnovers are why the Spurs lost Game 5.

SPURS IN 7. BOOK IT. :toast

06-06-2012, 09:13 AM
jeez, this is just basketball

06-06-2012, 09:27 AM

06-06-2012, 09:29 AM
Damn you all. I was just going to skip Game 6 to save myself the stress and just read about the inevitable outcome afterwards. Now I think I'm going to watch it after all. :ihit

06-06-2012, 09:32 AM

Dr. John R. Brinkley
06-06-2012, 09:33 AM
I agree this is their last chance. Hopefully a calmness overtakes them and they rise to the opportunity at hand. Hopefully this is what it takes for some of the cerebral players, like Duncan, to stop thinking and "just do it".

06-06-2012, 09:34 AM
Damn you all. I was just going to skip Game 6 to save myself the stress and just read about the inevitable outcome afterwards. Now I think I'm going to watch it after all. :ihit

I'll be watching too. and I won't drink today. I'll be watching like a man goes to a family member's funeral. Supportive, but somber.

06-06-2012, 09:39 AM
Hi timvp. I too battled death 8 years ago - had a ruptured aortic aneurysm. I too felt that unbelievable sense of calm. And I predict that the Spurs, having nothing to "lose" at this point, will come out and battle death. I too expect a game for the ages with a Spurs win. :flag:

Exactly one year ago to the hour, I was dying (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189822). Unable to move and increasingly unable to breathe, I had just been taken to the hospital. As I was placed on the hospital bed, I remember telling myself that I couldn't let this be my death bed. That wasn't an option. I had to get up and walk out of this place on my own two feet. I had more life to live.

Within in a few days, I was in intensive care. The low point was when I was told there was nothing else the doctors could do. They told me I was about to die. Nothing could be done. My respiratory system had failed and it would just be a matter of time.

I remember feeling angry. But I also remember feeling an odd sense of calm. If death is all but certain, fighting with every last fiber of my being didn't seem like a daunting task. Either I die like they say I will or I prove the doctors wrong. Everything was so simple. No longer were a million thoughts running through my mind. There were just two: either I'm going to live or I'm going to die. That's it.

Today, I'm fine. The recovery wasn't always easy and I'm not quite 100 percent ... but I have no complaints. And although it's not something that can be explained or is logical in any sense, this great Spurs season has helped me along the way. No matter what side-effect or annoyance I was dealing with, how could I complain about anything when my family is perfect and the Spurs are playing so well? It's felt like a dream. (In fact, a couple times I've seriously had a conversation with myself wondering whether I actually did die in the hospital and I'm just in my personal heaven where I have an amazing wife, astonishingly genius kids and a Spurs team that never loses :lol)

On the one year anniversary, the Spurs are headed to Oklahoma City. Most agree that they won't make it out alive. Not only is this year's team dead, the Tim Duncan Era will die with it. After watching the Spurs lose Game 5 at home, I was ready to sign the death certificate. There's nothing to be done. It's just a matter of time; 48 minutes to be exact. Right?

After rewatching the game, I'm starting to piece together a few glimmers of hope. And while I know sports isn't comparable to life and death, if there was ever a sports version of death, that's what Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker are facing right now. This is the last legit opportunity for this squad to win another championship ring. There's no tomorrow. The Big 3 faces a reality where they either win Wednesday night or their championship contending life will be no more.

The Spurs have faced other elimination games in the past but nothing like this. Maybe these unique circumstances will bring out a level of fight and determination that we've never seen before. Instead of pressure, maybe they will feel calm -- realizing there are only two possible outcomes. Maybe now, with all that is on the line, they can look passed the tactics and strategies and see what is really important: heart, single-mindedness, desire and belief.

Maybe, just maybe, even we Spurs fans underestimate what this team is capable of doing when winning one game means more than it ever has.

I thought the Game 5 loss was a harbinger of death. As a Spurs fan, I gave up. It was over, I told myself. I gave them a token 2% chance of escaping Game 6 with a win.

But screw that. I should know that when one is facing a near certain demise, everything other than survival becomes a moot point. And in that state of mind, there is no obstacle that can't be overcome. Not just this team but this era is standing at the precipice. Knowing their character and knowing they understand what is at stake, I expect the most hellacious fight we Spurs fans have ever witnessed.

Sit back and enjoy.


As for the glimmers of hope basketball-wise, here's what I see:

1. Yes, Pop's rotation in Game 5 was horrendous in the first half. But he stumbled into a very workable rotation in the final two quarters. Start Duncan, Diaw, Leonard, Ginobili and Parker. Use Jackson, Splitter and Neal off the bench. Splitter plays when Duncan sits. Neal buys spot minutes for Parker and Ginobili. Jackson fills in all the rest of the time. It's not complicated but it should work well.

2. Parker needs to relentlessly pressure Westbrook. In Game 3 and Game 4, Parker mostly defended Sefolosha. Going into Game 5, he was back on Westbrook due to Ginobili being inserted into the starting lineup. I think it took awhile for Parker to remember how great he's been at pressuring the basketball during these playoffs. When he got back to it in the second half -- undoubtedly thanks to a stern reminder from Pop at intermission -- Parker once again was able to give Westbrook fits. San Antonio's defense has been poor this series but it's looked the best when Parker is harassing Westbrook. In Game 6, I expect Parker to force Westbrook to battle for every inch, which in itself could make a big difference.

3. In retrospect, Duncan's foul trouble played a huge role in Game 5. The Spurs were outscored by 22 points in the 15 minutes he was on the bench. If he wouldn't have been in foul trouble, Pop probably would have played him for about 40 minutes. Those seven additional minutes could have been enough to turn the loss into a win. On Wednesday night, we should see Duncan play 38 to 40 minutes. Considering the Spurs are +23 with Duncan on the court this series and -42 with him on the bench, that will be a huge help.

4. There's no reason to believe Ginobili's Game 5 offensive show was necessarily a fluke. When he's been bottled up this series, it's usually been when he's played with the impotent bench unit. Now that he's in the starting lineup, playing with Duncan and Parker makes life a lot easier. The Thunder can't switch pick-and-rolls involving Duncan and they have to gear their defense toward stopping Parker. That leaves Ginobili to wreak havoc -- and we all know how much havoc Ginobili can wreak.

5. Has there ever been a 20-year-old rookie starting in the playoffs that seems less like a rookie than Kawhi Leonard? He knows his job. He does his job. He did fine work against Durant in Game 5. Perhaps just as encouraging was the fact that he also defended Harden well plus was able to help control the defensive backboard. I don't worry about him at all.

6. Jackson returned to San Antonio with impossibly high hopes yet he's been able to fulfill those hopes this series. He's shooting the lights out. He's making plays. He's playing smart. He's defending his heart out. More than anything, you can see how much he wants to win and how he tries to do everything in his power to help the Spurs win. I expect more of the same out of Jackson in Game 6.

7. Diaw, Splitter and Neal all know what they have to do. Diaw understands that the Thunder will leave him open. He has seen it now for the better part of three games. In Game 6, I think he'll be ready to try to make OKC pay. Splitter has received his wakeup call and there were signs in Game 5 that he's ready to step up to this challenge. As for Neal, he can't shoot any worse than his 0-for-6 on Monday night. He's going to be looking for redemption. And considering that he shot much better on the road this season (and during his rookie campaign, for that matter), I would not be surprised if he makes the Thunder Neal with it.

8. At some point, don't the Thunder have to cool off? I know the Spurs aren't exactly a defensive force but OKC has been hitting long jumpers at a ridiculous rate these last three games. From 15-to-23 feet, the Thunder have hit 35-of-61 shots beginning in Game 3 for an astronomical 57.4%. On the season, the Thunder hit 42.6% from that range. In the playoffs versus the Lakers and Mavs, OKC had only two games better than 41% from that range. Regression to the mean will start Wednesday night and without those long jumpers finding net repeatedly, the Thunder will experience some hiccups in their offensive flow. And that, combined with the previous seven glimmers of hope, will give the Spurs the break they need to get this win.

One win.



06-06-2012, 09:47 AM
Nobody can talk about the glimpse of hope the Spurs is now having in a better way than you, timvp, based on your personal experience. The fond memories of this season, e.g. the resilience of the team after Manu went down, the winning streaks, the hype on Captain Jack's return and Diaw's arrival, all seem so real but may vanish soon. I'm sure the players and coaching/front-office staff have more complicated feelings.

Let's play the game with full gear, and let the basketball god decides the outcome.

Have been enjoying reading the Game Thoughts throughout the season. We all hope there're still a few more to come this month, no matter how unlikely it is.

06-06-2012, 09:55 AM
:toast To your health.

I believe.

06-06-2012, 10:09 AM
and the Spurs are playing so well? It's felt like a dream
Trading Jefferson for Jackson is dreamish, tbh

ginobili fan
06-06-2012, 10:15 AM
Miracle happens in life, in sport too.
Believe till the end.



06-06-2012, 10:16 AM
Good stuff, Timvp. Here's to you and your family's health and knocking these mofos out.

06-06-2012, 10:28 AM
All in brothers and sisters. Like what my signature says - what are we waiting for....

06-06-2012, 10:28 AM
I hope we kick the shit out of death tonight, but dam this feeling inside that says we're going to get run off the floor tonight. :(

Really hope Pop doesn't try and "rest" guys tonight like it's the regular season and plays them as long as they can go and as long as the game is close.

06-06-2012, 10:48 AM
Aside of all the tactical considerations, the only thing I ask to Spurs players is to give everything they have on the court. Even if they are down by double digit at some point of the game, they should continue to fight hard until the game is over. If Spurs go down without playing as hard as they can, I will be angry and disappointed towards them. Unless you are a mental midget, you don't give up while being "only" down 2-3 in a conference finale.

06-06-2012, 10:51 AM
Can't wait for the game to begin!

06-06-2012, 10:54 AM
When I went to bed after the fifth game my thoughts were very similar to yours. I hardly ever think negatively.

It will 9 years ago on June 11 that I had a cancerous organ removed from my body. I remember telling my wife that I had no plans to die, that I knew my excellent doctor/surgeon knew what he was doing when he said "You aren't going to die." Unfortunately, he didn't have the same success with his particular cancer. He's been gone some 4 hears now.

My best reason for positive thoughts are from Rudy T. (Rudy Tomjonovich of the former NBA champion Houston Rockets: "Never underestimate the heart of a champion."

If the Thunder do so, they do it at their own risk.

06-06-2012, 11:06 AM

I am glad you made it my friend. Especially for the benefit of Kori and your kids. I am slightly older than you, but what freaks me out these days is how many people I know of all ages have died or get really odd diseases.

I knock on wood and look over my shoulder all the time.

Enjoy every moment with your kids. They are one of life's most wonderful blessings.

06-06-2012, 11:07 AM
Glad you're alive and kicking LJ. :toast

06-06-2012, 11:13 AM

06-06-2012, 11:41 AM
Ok now I fucking BELIEVE!

06-06-2012, 11:42 AM
Im way less nervous than the game 5 too, in fact i have no worry at all because Spurs have nothing to lose...

I know this is not a spurs style stuff but here listen and watch :)


06-06-2012, 11:49 AM
I was one who thought after that loss there is no way we can win in okc. I woke up today with the confidence that we can bring it back to san Antonio.

I believe.

06-06-2012, 11:52 AM
I was waiting for you timvp.

welcome back.

pressure is on them.

we have already lost, haven't we?

same non-pressure we all feel spurs players feel.

we do not die tonight. we live tonight.


Game 6.

Get the f*ck out of our way.

06-06-2012, 11:52 AM
That was a fantastic write-up Timvp! Thanks, I agree and have been thinking about your every point. We do indeed need to sit back and enjoy what is sure to be one of the greatest performance our Spurs have ever given!! You absolutely nailed it!

06-06-2012, 12:02 PM
I was one who thought after that loss there is no way we can win in okc. I woke up today with the confidence that we can bring it back to san Antonio.

I believe.

I was right there with you man. But I feel more confident today than I did leading up to Game 5 at home. Not ready for the season to be over yet. Lets get it back to San Antonio on Friday.



06-06-2012, 12:03 PM
fight, and take it spurs!

06-06-2012, 12:09 PM
Someone needs to read this ish to the Spurs players. Man up!

06-06-2012, 12:10 PM
Wonderfully wonderfully said....



06-06-2012, 12:11 PM
What the hell fuckface. Just yesterday you were saying we were done.

'I give the Spurs a 2% chance to win Game 6. Maybe I'll feel differently as this game gets further in the rear-view mirror but it'd take a got damn miracle, IMO.' timvp

'I just can picture it, tbh. I see Game 6 going down as an extended celebration for the Thunder's first trip to the Finals.'

'I just can't imagine the Spurs winning.'

'But in reality, I just don't think it works that way. Even if the Spurs get hot and the Thunder get cold, they've made hard-charging runs in every game. Without fail. OKC shrugs aside any hot streak by the Spurs and comes roaring back within a couple minutes.'

'I guess if the Spurs build a fluke-ish 30 point lead they may hang on but I just don't see it. Maybe I'm being emo but I just can't see it.'

'The Spurs have never really be a great back to the wall team ... even when they were great, tbh.'

All quotes from you timvp.. Every one of them. Negative prick. While me and only a few others were saying 'we got this shit we'll be right'

Massive loss of respect for you. Not cool man.

This post right here deserves a fucking pink slip. Do you know who the fuck you're talking to and what he went through? He was making an analogy between that real life or death experience and the Spurs being in a similar place. And you call him a fuckface? Fuck you.


06-06-2012, 12:19 PM
You had HCA (your own body) over your disease...the Spurs, not so much. Glad you're ok. Thunder by 23.

06-06-2012, 12:38 PM
Love the critical analysis and positive vibes. This is the LJ that I've come to appreciate over the years of lurking (and especially this year with your many write-ups). I was a little surprised and pissed when I read the 2% chance you were giving us. I was like, I guess that whole BELIEVE thing didn't last too long. Glad to see you've taken a step back from the cliff. The bottom line is we can do this. Take care of the ball and play defense like its the end of an era and we win this game.

We've seen too many great shots and great wins over the years to count this team out. I dusted off my 2003 western conference champions shirt today to give us luck. I'll be watching that same core of guys take the floor tonight. They are champions, they have the heart of champions. Lets take this.


(Glad to hear you're in good health and your family is doing well.)

ginobili fan
06-06-2012, 12:42 PM
"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger of faster man.
Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can."
-Vince Lombardi-

Best video ever.


06-06-2012, 12:57 PM
Nice writeup Tim.

06-06-2012, 12:59 PM

06-06-2012, 01:04 PM
Exactly one year ago to the hour, I was dying (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189822). Unable to move and increasingly unable to breathe, I had just been taken to the hospital. As I was placed on the hospital bed, I remember telling myself that I couldn't let this be my death bed. That wasn't an option. I had to get up and walk out of this place on my own two feet. I had more life to live.

Within in a few days, I was in intensive care. The low point was when I was told there was nothing else the doctors could do. They told me I was about to die. Nothing could be done. My respiratory system had failed and it would just be a matter of time.

I remember feeling angry. But I also remember feeling an odd sense of calm. If death is all but certain, fighting with every last fiber of my being didn't seem like a daunting task. Either I die like they say I will or I prove the doctors wrong. Everything was so simple. No longer were a million thoughts running through my mind. There were just two: either I'm going to live or I'm going to die. That's it.

Today, I'm fine. The recovery wasn't always easy and I'm not quite 100 percent ... but I have no complaints. And although it's not something that can be explained or is logical in any sense, this great Spurs season has helped me along the way. No matter what side-effect or annoyance I was dealing with, how could I complain about anything when my family is perfect and the Spurs are playing so well? It's felt like a dream. (In fact, a couple times I've seriously had a conversation with myself wondering whether I actually did die in the hospital and I'm just in my personal heaven where I have an amazing wife, astonishingly genius kids and a Spurs team that never loses :lol)

On the one year anniversary, the Spurs are headed to Oklahoma City. Most agree that they won't make it out alive. Not only is this year's team dead, the Tim Duncan Era will die with it. After watching the Spurs lose Game 5 at home, I was ready to sign the death certificate. There's nothing to be done. It's just a matter of time; 48 minutes to be exact. Right?

After rewatching the game, I'm starting to piece together a few glimmers of hope. And while I know sports isn't comparable to life and death, if there was ever a sports version of death, that's what Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker are facing right now. This is the last legit opportunity for this squad to win another championship ring. There's no tomorrow. The Big 3 faces a reality where they either win Wednesday night or their championship contending life will be no more.

The Spurs have faced other elimination games in the past but nothing like this. Maybe these unique circumstances will bring out a level of fight and determination that we've never seen before. Instead of pressure, maybe they will feel calm -- realizing there are only two possible outcomes. Maybe now, with all that is on the line, they can look passed the tactics and strategies and see what is really important: heart, single-mindedness, desire and belief.

Maybe, just maybe, even we Spurs fans underestimate what this team is capable of doing when winning one game means more than it ever has.

I thought the Game 5 loss was a harbinger of death. As a Spurs fan, I gave up. It was over, I told myself. I gave them a token 2% chance of escaping Game 6 with a win.

But screw that. I should know that when one is facing a near certain demise, everything other than survival becomes a moot point. And in that state of mind, there is no obstacle that can't be overcome. Not just this team but this era is standing at the precipice. Knowing their character and knowing they understand what is at stake, I expect the most hellacious fight we Spurs fans have ever witnessed.

Sit back and enjoy.


As for the glimmers of hope basketball-wise, here's what I see:

1. Yes, Pop's rotation in Game 5 was horrendous in the first half. But he stumbled into a very workable rotation in the final two quarters. Start Duncan, Diaw, Leonard, Ginobili and Parker. Use Jackson, Splitter and Neal off the bench. Splitter plays when Duncan sits. Neal buys spot minutes for Parker and Ginobili. Jackson fills in all the rest of the time. It's not complicated but it should work well.

2. Parker needs to relentlessly pressure Westbrook. In Game 3 and Game 4, Parker mostly defended Sefolosha. Going into Game 5, he was back on Westbrook due to Ginobili being inserted into the starting lineup. I think it took awhile for Parker to remember how great he's been at pressuring the basketball during these playoffs. When he got back to it in the second half -- undoubtedly thanks to a stern reminder from Pop at intermission -- Parker once again was able to give Westbrook fits. San Antonio's defense has been poor this series but it's looked the best when Parker is harassing Westbrook. In Game 6, I expect Parker to force Westbrook to battle for every inch, which in itself could make a big difference.

3. In retrospect, Duncan's foul trouble played a huge role in Game 5. The Spurs were outscored by 22 points in the 15 minutes he was on the bench. If he wouldn't have been in foul trouble, Pop probably would have played him for about 40 minutes. Those seven additional minutes could have been enough to turn the loss into a win. On Wednesday night, we should see Duncan play 38 to 40 minutes. Considering the Spurs are +23 with Duncan on the court this series and -42 with him on the bench, that will be a huge help.

4. There's no reason to believe Ginobili's Game 5 offensive show was necessarily a fluke. When he's been bottled up this series, it's usually been when he's played with the impotent bench unit. Now that he's in the starting lineup, playing with Duncan and Parker makes life a lot easier. The Thunder can't switch pick-and-rolls involving Duncan and they have to gear their defense toward stopping Parker. That leaves Ginobili to wreak havoc -- and we all know how much havoc Ginobili can wreak.

5. Has there ever been a 20-year-old rookie starting in the playoffs that seems less like a rookie than Kawhi Leonard? He knows his job. He does his job. He did fine work against Durant in Game 5. Perhaps just as encouraging was the fact that he also defended Harden well plus was able to help control the defensive backboard. I don't worry about him at all.

6. Jackson returned to San Antonio with impossibly high hopes yet he's been able to fulfill those hopes this series. He's shooting the lights out. He's making plays. He's playing smart. He's defending his heart out. More than anything, you can see how much he wants to win and how he tries to do everything in his power to help the Spurs win. I expect more of the same out of Jackson in Game 6.

7. Diaw, Splitter and Neal all know what they have to do. Diaw understands that the Thunder will leave him open. He has seen it now for the better part of three games. In Game 6, I think he'll be ready to try to make OKC pay. Splitter has received his wakeup call and there were signs in Game 5 that he's ready to step up to this challenge. As for Neal, he can't shoot any worse than his 0-for-6 on Monday night. He's going to be looking for redemption. And considering that he shot much better on the road this season (and during his rookie campaign, for that matter), I would not be surprised if he makes the Thunder Neal with it.

8. At some point, don't the Thunder have to cool off? I know the Spurs aren't exactly a defensive force but OKC has been hitting long jumpers at a ridiculous rate these last three games. From 15-to-23 feet, the Thunder have hit 35-of-61 shots beginning in Game 3 for an astronomical 57.4%. On the season, the Thunder hit 42.6% from that range. In the playoffs versus the Lakers and Mavs, OKC had only two games better than 41% from that range. Regression to the mean will start Wednesday night and without those long jumpers finding net repeatedly, the Thunder will experience some hiccups in their offensive flow. And that, combined with the previous seven glimmers of hope, will give the Spurs the break they need to get this win.

One win.



Great post, but I still say we are right back in the same position next year with basically the same story.

This is the third year in a row that our eulogy has been read in May/June. No reason to think a Duncan retirement is more immenent than any of those years, aside from simply saying he's a year older. He actually looks much better than he did last year.

As far as this being our "best chance": The Clippers will remain a dunderheaded band of athletes as long as VDN is at the helm. The Lakers will be in disarray next year. The Nuggets will always be the Nuggets. The Mavs: Posied to make a big move but no one knows for sure what will happen. The Thunder will improve but hell, an injury to the Big 3 is always possible.

But again, awesome heartfelt post.

06-06-2012, 01:11 PM
The road to survival seems daunting, but someone wise once said that championships aren't supposed to be easy. I won't believe they're dead until they're dead, no matter how grim things might seem.



baseline bum
06-06-2012, 01:16 PM
Hopefully the Cancun avatar can be retired longterm. I think the Thunder are that good though.

06-06-2012, 01:31 PM
Awesome post, timvp!

Life and sports prove 2 things: sometimes we know what will happen next and sometimes we don't. That is sometimes humbling. Sometimes glorious.
If we don't believe, though, what does it matter? Let's believe. It just might make a difference.

Thanks for the reminder, bro!!!

It's not over yet.......

06-06-2012, 01:39 PM
Strictly talking Xs and Os, I'm starting to feel confident. A whole game with Parker molesting Westbrook could make a huge difference in itself. And the Thunder are beyond due to start missing those long jumpers. When those hit iron, that young team could begin to crack.

Westbrook frazzled + Long jumpers missing = Uh oh, OKC

Offensively, the Spurs have been damn good in four of the five games. If the Spurs can cutdown on turnovers, which they did the last time they were in OKC, and push the pace, like they did in Game 5, the offense could explode.

The Spurs are going to have to weather the energy their fans will bring but if they can make this an actual game of basketball, it's entirely winnable.

06-06-2012, 01:43 PM
Strictly talking Xs and Os, I'm starting to feel confident. A whole game with Parker molesting Westbrook could make a huge difference in itself. And the Thunder are beyond due to start missing those long jumpers. When those hit iron, that young team could begin to crack.

Westbrook frazzled + Long jumpers missing = Uh oh, OKC

Offensively, the Spurs have been damn good in four of the five games. If the Spurs can cutdown on turnovers, which they did the last time they were in OKC, and push the pace, like they did in Game 5, the offense could explode.

The Spurs are going to have to weather the energy their fans will bring but if they can make this an actual game of basketball, it's entirely winnable.

You bumpin their chance to 5% bruh?

06-06-2012, 01:43 PM
Strictly talking Xs and Os, I'm starting to feel confident. A whole game with Parker molesting Westbrook could make a huge difference in itself. And the Thunder are beyond due to start missing those long jumpers. When those hit iron, that young team could begin to crack.

Westbrook frazzled + Long jumpers missing = Uh oh, OKC

Offensively, the Spurs have been damn good in four of the five games. If the Spurs can cutdown on turnovers, which they did the last time they were in OKC, and push the pace, like they did in Game 5, the offense could explode.

The Spurs are going to have to weather the energy their fans will bring but if they can make this an actual game of basketball, it's entirely winnable.

I'll have what he's having:toast

06-06-2012, 01:44 PM
Lets do this!!! Shit just got real!

06-06-2012, 01:45 PM
fighting death?? seriously?

calm down.

OKC are flying back to SA tomorrow

06-06-2012, 01:46 PM
I want to see Parker harass Westbrook from the tip the way he did the last 5 minutes of Game 5.

06-06-2012, 01:47 PM
Strictly talking Xs and Os, I'm starting to feel confident. A whole game with Parker molesting Westbrook could make a huge difference in itself. And the Thunder are beyond due to start missing those long jumpers. When those hit iron, that young team could begin to crack.

Westbrook frazzled + Long jumpers missing = Uh oh, OKC

Offensively, the Spurs have been damn good in four of the five games. If the Spurs can cutdown on turnovers, which they did the last time they were in OKC, and push the pace, like they did in Game 5, the offense could explode.

The Spurs are going to have to weather the energy their fans will bring but if they can make this an actual game of basketball, it's entirely winnable.

Westbrook has sucked and looked frazzled all series...

06-06-2012, 01:59 PM
Great post, timvp. Game 5 was pretty rough, but I'm glad you've recovered. :toast



06-06-2012, 02:10 PM
Glad you're still around timvp, your posts are awesome and you seem like a good guy

Spurs got this tonight, I believe in em

06-06-2012, 02:11 PM
Strictly talking Xs and Os, I'm starting to feel confident. A whole game with Parker molesting Westbrook could make a huge difference in itself. And the Thunder are beyond due to start missing those long jumpers. When those hit iron, that young team could begin to crack.

Westbrook frazzled + Long jumpers missing = Uh oh, OKC

Offensively, the Spurs have been damn good in four of the five games. If the Spurs can cutdown on turnovers, which they did the last time they were in OKC, and push the pace, like they did in Game 5, the offense could explode.

The Spurs are going to have to weather the energy their fans will bring but if they can make this an actual game of basketball, it's entirely winnable.
Yes!!! ONE!!!

06-06-2012, 02:19 PM
Also, I'd like to add how happy I am for your family and you! Love and will are powerful things. All the best to you, Kori, and your beautiful children!!!
And yes, this game is absolutely winnable. I expect them to be loose, poised, and focused.

Solid D
06-06-2012, 02:20 PM
Phenomenal thoughts, timvp! The only thing that can keep this series from going like it did vs. the Lakers in 2004 (2-0, then 0-4) is:
H-E-A-R-T for 48 minutes or however long the game goes.

The transition from the Game 2 clinic to the Game 3 facial was as though the Spurs and Thunder had exchanged uniforms. It had me scratching my head wondering if Derek Fisher had dialed-up the Jim Cleamons Hot-line for their 2004 defensive strategy and let Scotty Brooks listen-in...and then pulled out the Spurs' offensive spacing principles and implemented them to perfection.

Sheer will and heart will be the order of the evening.

Viva Las Espuelas
06-06-2012, 02:23 PM
Huurah!! I'm actually quite calm today. I have a very calming feeling that we're gonna be fine tonight


Walton Buys Off Me
06-06-2012, 02:27 PM
All day yesterday and today I was mentally prepared to sit this one out tonight. I have two young children and felt like a total ass when I woke both of them up yelling from the basement in game 5. My wife ripped me into me Gregg Popovich-style for that one :lol

I told myself I would sporadically follow online tonight and force myself to be distracted by the Stanley Cup Finals.

Now I log on and read this goose bump-inducing post by timvp and my outlook has changed.

If this is our 'last night on Earth" so-to-speak, let's go out with a bang.

I don't put our chances at more than 20% but it's a chicken shit move to abandon your team in possibly their darkest hour.

Ball So Hard, June 6, 2012

06-06-2012, 02:27 PM
I am glad your health has improved! Great Post as always!

Go Spurs GO!!:king:king:king

06-06-2012, 02:28 PM

06-06-2012, 02:52 PM
Apples and oranges, tbh.... for starters you're not French, which automatically means you have the fighting gene in you... If you would have told yourself in your deathbed "I'll try harder in the 2nd half" you would probably be dead now.

Thanks for the writeup though :tu

06-06-2012, 02:56 PM
Yesterday I got super drunk trying to forget game 5. I ended up fighting some guy twice my size and somehow whooped his ass. This was an omen, the Spurs are gonna pull it off.

1. :hat

06-06-2012, 02:57 PM
Great take, thanks :tu

T Park
06-06-2012, 02:57 PM
Theres two bad things of Parker hounding Westbrook,

1, foul trouble
2, fatigued and playing badly or worse on the offensive end.

06-06-2012, 02:58 PM
Yesterday I got super drunk trying to forget game 5. I ended up fighting some guy twice my size and somehow whooped his ass. This was an omen, the Spurs are gonna pull it off.

1. :hat

:lol Does "somehow" mean shot him with a gun?

06-06-2012, 03:08 PM
Inspiring, to say the least. Thanks! It sets the right mood for this game.
The Spurs will not go into this night quietly. They will rage.
They will show their desperation. They will show their heart.
They are aging champions, but champions none the less.
I pray that they can pull this game away from a young Thunder juggernaut that is on a roll.

06-06-2012, 03:11 PM
Thanks timvp for the awesome post! I was very down to see you give them 2% on a previous thread, but I understand the feelings game 5 brought to many of us fans. Your life or death experience put into words was truly moving, and makes me appreciate mine all that much more. Glad you and your fam are doing well:toast and tell Kori she is awesome for all the things she did to help you and your family get through that tough time.

With that said, calm and collective, tough-minded and physical, with a ton of heart and spirit and some good shot taking the Spurs will take game 6. I feel it.

B E L I E V E:lobt:

06-06-2012, 03:21 PM
:lol Does "somehow" mean shot him with a gun?

Haha I only emphasized the somehow because there was no way I should have won. It just happened.

06-06-2012, 03:32 PM
Theres two bad things of Parker hounding Westbrook,

1, foul trouble
2, fatigued and playing badly or worse on the offensive end.

1. If Parker can't avoid foul trouble in the biggest game of the year, then the Spurs don't deserve to win.

2. "Pop, I'm 29 years old!"

06-06-2012, 03:54 PM
Parker is playing average on offense anyways, he can offset that by wrecking Westbrook - which he has done consistently when he is guarding him.

Foul trouble is a concern, but we have to trust our best player to rise up to the challenge and play smart.

TP is dat playa.

06-06-2012, 03:54 PM
Parker is like the 4th least foul prone player in the NBA. If anyone can play pressure defense without fouling, it's him.

06-06-2012, 03:56 PM
Haha I only emphasized the somehow because there was no way I should have won. It just happened.

this makes you....cool?

lol fighting

06-06-2012, 03:58 PM
At some point, don't the Thunder have to cool off? I know the Spurs aren't exactly a defensive force but OKC has been hitting long jumpers at a ridiculous rate these last three games.

This. But I can't say they'll cool off in this series. I just don't see it. The Thunder have so much confidence right now that it may take more than one or two more games (unless we stomp the crap out of them in game 6) to take away their undeniable swag. And the Spurs always seem to get all random role players' unbelievable performances in the past. I hate that when I watch Spurs games.

Since the Spurs' game plan is usually to take away the opposing team's #1 and 2 options and make their role players win, I guess it's par for the course.

06-06-2012, 03:59 PM
That fluky "long two's" stat made me angry.

06-06-2012, 04:01 PM
timvp do you know how the Thunder shot in those long jumpers against the Spurs in the three games of the regular season?

06-06-2012, 04:08 PM
The Spurs know, that in the OKC arena, Western Conference Championship t-shirts are ready and waiting - let's hope that inspires them to play out of their minds and steal that championship!

06-06-2012, 04:10 PM
Luckily Westbrook tends to go for step back jumpers more than drive to the basket once they get into halfcourt sets, so it is easier for TP to harass not worrying about that.

06-06-2012, 04:19 PM
Damn, if reading that story doesnt get you fired up, nothing will. I'm glad all is well with you timvp. :tu Now lets get a W damn it....

06-06-2012, 04:29 PM
Keep Pounding the Rock!

06-06-2012, 04:31 PM

06-06-2012, 04:31 PM

Anything is possible. Let's get these two straight wins.

06-06-2012, 04:37 PM

This is last years elimination pre-game thread.

In going through it, there always that hope, optimism that comes out in most spurs fans. But for the most part you could sense that everyone knew that the spurs just were not good enough to win.

But this year it feels does feel different, I truly believe that Spurs will find their game in OKC and come back for a game 7.

I'm feeling anxious!

06-06-2012, 05:07 PM
I shared this post on my facebook.

06-06-2012, 05:20 PM
Ive been nervous all day but fuck this shit its time to STRAP IT ON

06-06-2012, 05:36 PM
Spurs will win this tonight by 9 points.

06-06-2012, 05:38 PM

06-06-2012, 05:52 PM
Really needed this. A lot to be proud of as a spurs fan. :flag: lets get this win. :ihit:ihit:ihit:ihit:ihit:toast

06-06-2012, 06:05 PM
Wonderful post, LJ!

I didn't realize the terrible ordeal you had gone through - or even how serious it was. After reading of your harrowing health experience, the fact that you're back seems more astonishing and improbable than if the Spurs were to win tonight.

Great perspective on the game tonight. There's always a chance. I believe, but after the past 3 games, I just can't get that optimistic. I don't know if it's because of the long odds or because OKC suddenly seems like an indomintable storm with hurricane force.

Part of me is sure to be sad because I know this is likely as close as the Spurs will get to Title #5 during the fading Duncan era. As unexpected and as pleasantly surprising as this run has been, it's not like we can expect it again next year. With an aging core of star players, the Spurs productivitiy needle is not on the uptick.

Of course, I will be watching and rooting with a careful eye.

I'm so very happy that you're back on your feet and back into your rightful place as Mayor of Spurstalk.

06-06-2012, 07:50 PM
believe fuckers!

06-06-2012, 07:58 PM
Spurs will win this tonight by 9 points.

06-06-2012, 07:59 PM
Tonight is what Believe is all about.

06-06-2012, 08:01 PM
Its now time to turn fan.


To hell with the reasoning. We have to somehow WILL ourselves to a win. We are up against superior athletes playing very well.

So what...

Horry Hipcheck
06-06-2012, 08:03 PM

Til the end.

06-06-2012, 08:11 PM
That fluke shooting has to end in Game 6. It's been too long as it is.

Have you ever wondered why this kind of outliers happen always to us? We can(should) do much better to invite the mean to regress to our opponents.