View Full Version : Congratulations to the Oklahoma City Thunder

06-06-2012, 10:32 PM
They played their heart outs and truly showed the poise I didn't think they possessed. The Spurs didn't lose this series...the Oklahoma City Thunder won it. They played with the heart of a champion, and hit all the big shots when they counted. Durant is going to be a great player for a long time to come in this league, and he's got all the pieces around him right now that he needs to succeed.

Normally, I am bitter against the Spurs opponents, and this time is no exception. But for once, not too bitter to tip my hat to them and say "Good series". They made it happen, even after facing a 0-2 hole.

Here's hoping OKC goes on to win it all, and deny either Lebron or KG another ring.

And forever....Go Spurs Go.

06-06-2012, 10:35 PM

06-06-2012, 10:40 PM
Mad props to the Thunder. Shaking my head over all the clutch shots they hit. This is arguable the best team the spurs have faced in the Tim Duncan era.