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06-06-2012, 10:39 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry

06-06-2012, 10:40 PM
We won tbh. Refs fucked us. We fucking won.

06-06-2012, 10:41 PM
Was a great season but OKC was the team of destiny as shown by them making every big shot when it counted.

Thanks to the Spurs for a great season and for not quitting like most other teams do.

We'll be back next year.

Spurs Brazil
06-06-2012, 10:41 PM
To begin the season I had no hope. But this was a very special run. Thanks for the great season. It was fun. I'm proud.

We lost to a better team. Good luck OKC

06-06-2012, 10:41 PM
We won tbh. Refs fucked us. We fucking won.:cry:cry

06-06-2012, 10:42 PM
We didn't deserve to win this series based on games 3-5, but goddammit, this game was ours and it was taken away by shoddy officiating.

06-06-2012, 10:42 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry

I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?


06-06-2012, 10:42 PM
I'm proud as hell of Tony and the rest of this team. They played great ball all season. Durant and the Thunder recognized they were a dynasty about 2 games too early for the Spurs to advance.

Tough loss man.

06-06-2012, 10:42 PM
OKC is a great team, no doubt. But it's hard not to be bitter after those last two quarters.

06-06-2012, 10:43 PM
We won tbh. Refs fucked us. We fucking won.

Let it go.

06-06-2012, 10:43 PM
There's always next year!

06-06-2012, 10:43 PM
I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?


Half-empty, meet half-full.

Darius Bieber
06-06-2012, 10:43 PM
Stop giving so much credit to OKC. They're a good team. Not a great team. Take out Durant, and the team crumbles to bits and pieces.

06-06-2012, 10:44 PM
As cliche as it sounds, OKC really did evolve in front of our eyes. I'm proud of our guys, disappointed in TP, especially after his off season comments. Sad. Good season gentlemen, I'm glad to have witnessed the streak we did.

06-06-2012, 10:44 PM
Time to reload and give it another go next season. Spurs still have a chance. I'm incredibly disappointed, yeah, but Im glad I was able to watch some of the best looking basketball in years with this team.

Bleeding that silver and black.

06-06-2012, 10:44 PM
Put this elsewhere, but it's appropriate here:

Yeah, they lost; and yeah, they blew a 2-0 lead in the conference finals; and yeah, they lost 4 straight after a 20 game win streak.

But the core of this team fought its ass off right to the very end. If this is the end of the road, at least they went out with pride and fight and gave the kind of effort that is expected of champions.

Thunder fans, you should hope that when your guys are 10-15 years in and facing a team that is its athletic superior by far, that it can muster that kind of effort, summon that kind of pride, and find that sort of will when everything is going against it.

As much pride as I've had in the Spurs in winning 4 titles, I've rarely felt as proud of my team as I do right now.

06-06-2012, 10:44 PM
OKC is a great team, no doubt. But it's hard not to be bitter after those last two quarters.

Pretty much this. I actually don't get too worked up over games (I tend to get depressed instead of angry when the Spurs lose), but that offensive foul on Manu when Kawhi hit that three had me cursing a blue streak. I hadn't done that in quite some time.

06-06-2012, 10:44 PM
This should have gone 7 games...

06-06-2012, 10:45 PM
Proud of my team as they fought against 8! OKC doesn't deserve anything, those bitches had the refs help to get them to the Finals! I hope whoever wins the East takes the Championship! I don't root for cheaters! Fuck you OKC!

06-06-2012, 10:45 PM
Great season. Thunder are the better team, hats off to them.

06-06-2012, 10:45 PM
Let it go.

What are your honest thoughts about the calls in the 2nd half. No need to dumb it down, what is your honest thoughts on the calls and their impact on the game?

06-06-2012, 10:45 PM
OKC will win the title.

Just can't see boston or miami beating them

UV Ray
06-06-2012, 10:46 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry


06-06-2012, 10:46 PM
Would love to give props to the Thunder tonight but honestly that was the worst officiated game I have ever seen. Spurs never really had a chance tbh...

06-06-2012, 10:46 PM
Only chance the Spurs had was to shorten their rotation. That meant tired players running out of gas. Superstars on our team are plus thirty. It was the risk we took and just couldn't get a big enough lead to hold it.

06-06-2012, 10:46 PM
I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?


If you can't tell that was a team that battled their hearts out but just didn't have enough legs at the end to pull it out, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Pop went with the guys who were ready to compete. He did what he had to do. It just wasn't enough.

It happens.

06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
Let it go.

Got no choice but that really was some bullshit.

06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
Let it go bros or you'll be Looooost in the twilight zone!

I was about to book all my flight and game tickets for San Antonio 2 min after the whistle if we won.. ahh I guess it will be for next year then!

Damn proud of my Spurs, I'll be bleeding black & silver for life!

it's me
06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
say it...... I said it for the first time..... it was so blatantly obvious the refs/stern fucked us bad..... the thunder is a terrific team but... come on, let them prove they can win without all the bullshit calls.

06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry

You are proud that the spurs played that intense in the last game?

what about game 3 4 5 ?

06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
On the whole, OKC didn't miss many shots, played better D and got to more loose balls. They played better. Sure we could have had a few more calls go our way but the mistakes, turnovers, poor showing by our bench were all factors leading to this loss. Good season nonetheless.

Quiet Strength
06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
OKC is a great team.. the refs shouldnt have had to carry them to win game 6 but yeah I'm proud of the spurs. They should have won tonight.

06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
I came to terms the Spurs weren't gonna get over the hump during the fourth quarter. But yeah, I'm damn proud of this team. They gave it their all enough for fans to know they left it all out on the court.

After watching this game though, I don't think I'll be able to take the NBA as seriously as before. Only games I will take seriously are in international competition like the Olympics.

06-06-2012, 10:47 PM
They hit amazing shots but damn, the refs were fucking disgusting

Before this I hoped the Thunder would go on to win, now I hope Boston rapes them.

06-06-2012, 10:48 PM
What are your honest thoughts about the calls in the 2nd half. No need to dumb it down, what is your honest thoughts on the calls and their impact on the game?

Road games are difficult to win in the NBA playoffs. Against a great team that is hitting on every single cylinder, it takes perfection from things you can control and things you can't control.

But, no, the refs didn't lose that game for the Spurs. The Thunder went out and did what they've done all series: respond with a hellacious run whenever the Spurs got on a roll.

06-06-2012, 10:48 PM
I'd weep if I wasn't so damn disgusted.

06-06-2012, 10:48 PM
Proud of collapsing?

The biggest one in history?

06-06-2012, 10:48 PM
Proud of this team. They left it all on the floor.

Man, I'm disappointed because we squandered an incredible performance by Jack. And this maybe it for us. The window is probably shut.

Fuck You Bill Kennedy.

J Mack
06-06-2012, 10:48 PM
I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?

:wakeup What he said! oh yea glad to be back after a loooong break from posting here. Games 3-5 done it for me. we need a coach that can make common sense adjustment and not just throw players in the dog house cause they make a mistake! what a confidence breaker.

06-06-2012, 10:48 PM
Let it go.

......and the big 3 era with it.

06-06-2012, 10:49 PM
I don't get people. Spurs choked. Really hard.

They had a 2 game lead. They won 20 straight. They had home court. They had minutes managed all year and in the playoffs. They played the bare minimum games in the playoffs as is humanly possible.

They stopped playing their way. They turned the ball over. They showed poor body language. They blew the biggest half time lead in their franchises history. They were the better team and lost a series they should have won, even with OKC playing great. If OKC plays the exact same way, but the Spurs don't have unforced turn overs and poor play for entire halfs of basketball, they still win.

I know that sounds negative, but it's my honest opinion. They went further than many of us thought they could; but that was before the trade. That was before the optimal playoff draw. That was before they had homecourt throughout. That was before they were up 2-0. They beat themselves because even if OKC played the same way, the Spurs could have played better for stuff they control and they didn't.

06-06-2012, 10:49 PM
Well said. This team far exceeded my expectations. I really thought we could win it all this year after the first two series but OKC's young guns were too much.

They made the proper adjustments and the Spurs just couldn't muster enough to over come it.

HUGE props to RC for getting Stephen Jackson back on this team. He'd played like the man he is. This season was a success just seeing him in the silver and black.

To make it to the next level, the Spurs will need to make some more additions and keep improving. We need an inside Defensive presence and a solid back pg. Poor Danny Green failed on the biggest stage but he certainly helped us get there. He improved tremendously. Great year for Leonard too. He'll only get better.

06-06-2012, 10:49 PM
I am with you guys. I am sad but yet proud of my Spurs. Go Spurs Go!

06-06-2012, 10:49 PM
Spurs almost did it - they played almost good enough. But time is not on their side against a young dynamic OKC team.

06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
I wonder how much interest will LJ have with his grades next season hyhy

06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
what can we look forward to for 12-13? We don't have a 1st round draft. We'd need to giveup talent again to get youth. Timmy and Manu probably have 2 more years left in them as productive borderline-all-star talent.

You going to make a thread for the offseason and future timvp?

06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
The Thunder have been getting calls all season long. No reason for that to change especially when they're 1 game away from the Finals.

Spurs had to play perfect ball to win this game and they came damn close when everything wasn't in their favor.

Let the shitty calls go. Be happy they made it this far and lost to the superior team.

06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
If you can't tell that was a team that battled their hearts out but just didn't have enough legs at the end to pull it out, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Pop went with the guys who were ready to compete. He did what he had to do. It just wasn't enough.

It happens.

How is it battling when you meltdown and don't respond to runs? OKC took haymakers and pushed hard. They battled. Spurs did not do what OKC did when faced with adversity. OKC's best players stepped up. They didn't disappear after having tremendous first halfs.

06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
Road games are difficult to win in the NBA playoffs. Against a great team that is hitting on every single cylinder, it takes perfection from things you can control and things you can't control.

But, no, the refs didn't lose that game for the Spurs. The Thunder went out and did what they've done all series: respond with a hellacious run whenever the Spurs got on a roll.


06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
I don't get people. Spurs choked. Really hard.

They had a 2 game lead. They won 20 straight. They had home court. They had minutes managed all year and in the playoffs. They played the bare minimum games in the playoffs as is humanly possible.

They stopped playing their way. They turned the ball over. They showed poor body language. They blew the biggest half time lead in their franchises history. They were the better team and lost a series they should have won, even with OKC playing great. If OKC plays the exact same way, but the Spurs don't have unforced turn overs and poor play for entire halfs of basketball, they still win.

I know that sounds negative, but it's my honest opinion. They went further than many of us thought they could; but that was before the trade. That was before the optimal playoff draw. That was before they had homecourt throughout. That was before they were up 2-0. They beat themselves because even if OKC played the same way, the Spurs could have played better for stuff they control and they didn't.

They are going to have to live with that all summer. Especially Danny Green and Matt Bonner. No shows.

06-06-2012, 10:50 PM
I don't get people. Spurs choked. Really hard.

They had a 2 game lead. They won 20 straight. They had home court. They had minutes managed all year and in the playoffs. They played the bare minimum games in the playoffs as is humanly possible.

They stopped playing their way. They turned the ball over. They showed poor body language. They blew the biggest half time lead in their franchises history. They were the better team and lost a series they should have won, even with OKC playing great. If OKC plays the exact same way, but the Spurs don't have unforced turn overs and poor play for entire halfs of basketball, they still win.

I know that sounds negative, but it's my honest opinion. They went further than many of us thought they could; but that was before the trade. That was before the optimal playoff draw. That was before they had homecourt throughout. That was before they were up 2-0. They beat themselves because even if OKC played the same way, the Spurs could have played better for stuff they control and they didn't.

A big AND 1

06-06-2012, 10:51 PM
They left it all on the floor. I was never comfortable with the lead because I knew it was going to be hard to maintain that level. OKC is a great team and they were able to overcome.

I'm still heartbroken because we only have so much longer with this team. I feel pretty curbstomped right now.

But at least I like the Thunder... Hope they win it all.

J Mack
06-06-2012, 10:51 PM
:wakeup oh yea, what Garrnett and teammates did last night was leaving it all out on the floor. not settling for jump shots but taking it to the rim!

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
Road games are difficult to win in the NBA playoffs. Against a great team that is hitting on every single cylinder, it takes perfection from things you can control and things you can't control.

But, no, the refs didn't lose that game for the Spurs. The Thunder went out and did what they've done all series: respond with a hellacious run whenever the Spurs got on a roll.

So, in your opinion, the refs did not play a significant role at all?

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
Let it go.

timvp, I agree with you that the Spurs left everything on the court tonight (and I'm so damn proud of that) but that 4th quarter officiating was worst then the 2006 Mavs series.

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
Damn proud to be a Spurs fan. I think we all saw this coming. They played a great game and you can't question their heart. Watching Jax hit those threes gave me the biggest fucking wood and I'm going to keep at least a half chub until the start of next year. Blaming the refs is a cop out. They made some shitty calls but what did you expect? They entertained us for 48 minutes and the only reason I'm pouting is because I have to wait until next year to watch them play again.

Spurs 2013 Champs. :flag:

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
Gosh, really tough way to end the season, but what we got to see over the last 2 months was something very rare. I love this team.

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
love my spurs....spurs fan for life

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
I'm very sad but proud of this team. I would have preferred a different ending but this is basketball. Thank you spurs. Thank you Timmy

06-06-2012, 10:52 PM
I too am proud of the Spurs run this season. I was hopeful of a fifth but we came up just short.

06-06-2012, 10:53 PM
I don't get people. Spurs choked. Really hard.

They had a 2 game lead. They won 20 straight. They had home court. They had minutes managed all year and in the playoffs. They played the bare minimum games in the playoffs as is humanly possible.

They stopped playing their way. They turned the ball over. They showed poor body language. They blew the biggest half time lead in their franchises history. They were the better team and lost a series they should have won, even with OKC playing great. If OKC plays the exact same way, but the Spurs don't have unforced turn overs and poor play for entire halfs of basketball, they still win.

I know that sounds negative, but it's my honest opinion. They went further than many of us thought they could; but that was before the trade. That was before the optimal playoff draw. That was before they had homecourt throughout. That was before they were up 2-0. They beat themselves because even if OKC played the same way, the Spurs could have played better for stuff they control and they didn't.

I can't believe you of all people with all your gushing about how OKC never dies says that the Spurs beat themselves.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-06-2012, 10:53 PM
Rodney the Durant dick sucker referee can suck my fucking dick. That sorry ass piece of shit boned us every way from Sunday. If it weren't for him we'd be getting ready for a game seven. Fuck the alternate ref for getting called in at tip off and getting caught up in the emotions of home court fandom.

That guy can die in a fucking fire for all I care. He fucked the spurs in what was likely their last title run. Every marginal call. Every 50-50 call. He fucked us every step of the way. Fuck that sorry ass piece of shit.

Prime Time
06-06-2012, 10:53 PM
Well said :whine
I'm not going to lie. I'm a pretty new aged spurs fan, considering the fact I'm in my mid-teens and all. I haven't been spoiled like most of you "old skool" fans have. Yes I did witness the Spurs winning it all in 2007 but at that time I was still young enough to have Michael Finley as one of my favorite players because "he could make 3's". I didn't get to witness Bowen's legendary defense or Tim Duncan's MVP madness back in 03, no I got to watch us get our asses handed to us by the Mavs, Suns, and Grizzlies. This year has been the most fun I've had as a fan and I feel blessed to have witnessed it, seeing how for the next decade I'll have to witness Leonard carry a pack of scrubs (well that's a little too harsh).
You guys should be happy you got to witness such greatness in the Alamo city.. and even more proud for getting to witness such beautiful basketball this season

06-06-2012, 10:54 PM
Thought the officiating was all in OKCs favor in the 2nd half. Any momentum spurs built was destroyed by the refs. Horrible officiating.

I felt like the spurs only played 24 mins in games 3-5 and tried to make come backs. In this game, I felt the refs made sure OKC went to the finals.

I haven't felt so disgusted by a bball game in a long time. Spurs played there heart out. But in the end, when the league wants what it wants, you can't win.

06-06-2012, 10:54 PM
So, in your opinion, the refs did not play a significant role at all?

then just agree to disagree. the Spurs lost, PERIOD. timvp has come to terms with it, let him have that. there's nothing we can do at all.

06-06-2012, 10:54 PM
I'm disappointed with what happened, and especially with the performance of a few members of the team.

That having been said, we're damn lucky to be able to support a team that has had a decent look at the title so many times over the past couple of decades. It is certainly painful to squander rare opportunties to make it to the finals, but we've been pretty blessed as Spurs fans over the past several years.

I feel the pain, but at the same time, I think the better team won.

06-06-2012, 10:54 PM
I'm proud. Fuck it. I thought we would be 1st round exits again with Jefferson and Bonner playing a significant role.

They traded RJ and brought back Captain Jack, who did awesome for us in the playoffs.
I hope Bonner gets amnestied.
Another year, another season were we have role players that overachieve in the regular season but don't do jack shit in the playoffs.
Leonard belongs on this team.

06-06-2012, 10:55 PM
Rodney the Durant dick sucker referee can suck my fucking dick. That sorry ass piece of shit boned us every way from Sunday. If it weren't for him we'd be getting ready for a game seven. Fuck the alternate ref for getting called in at tip off and getting caught up in the emotions of home court fandom.

That guy can die in a fucking fire for all I care. He fucked the spurs in what was likely their last title run. Every marginal call. Every 50-50 call. He fucked us every step of the way. Fuck that sorry ass piece of shit.

:lol I think it was Bill Kennedy, tbh.

Those were some rough, rough calls. :depressed

Oh well.

06-06-2012, 10:55 PM
I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?

Sure, he came close to death not long ago, puts things into perspective.

06-06-2012, 10:55 PM
Such a bittersweet ending to a great season. 20 wins in a row, the return of Jax, a rejuvinated Duncan, fantastic bench play (until the end), and a great rookie season from Leonard were all fantastic to see. Sad way to end it, on a backdoor sweep. :(

Hope the Spurs have one more run in them next year.

06-06-2012, 10:55 PM
You can't ask any more than a team that goes out swinging and giving it their all. You could tell the Spurs did that today. gg

06-06-2012, 10:56 PM
They are going to have to live with that all summer. Especially Danny Green and Matt Bonner. No shows.
Danny Green particularly. He may have just left a lot of money on the table.

06-06-2012, 10:56 PM
It's always tough to lose, but, OKC really won it.
The Thunder really managed to play to their strengths after gm 2 and they will be tough for anyone to contend with in the Finals and maybe for several years. We'll see.

I'm definitely proud of the effort and the magical season the Spurs shared with their fans. That's not something I take for granted. Congrats to the Thunder and good luck in the Finals. Congrats Spurs on a very unpredictable season and a hard fought series.

06-06-2012, 10:57 PM
I echo the sentiment. To think many here, at the begining of the season, were calling for us to have the 7th best record in the west, at best, and debating whether it was wise to tank in order to be players this deep draft. How quickly we forget about expectations then, and are so myopic now. I'm proud of our guys for overachieving and always striving for excellence.

We ran into a team, that like us in 1999, is primed for greatness. As sour as the loss seems now, there is no other team that is more deserving of the torch we have just passed them. Spurs have some tough decisions to make I the coming years, but let us not be miopic during the tough road ahead, and be thankful for the amazing Runs we've had.

06-06-2012, 10:57 PM
The 3 things that I was most worried about heading into this series reared there ugly head, all in one big clusterfuck of suckiness.

Durant, Fisher and the referees.

Spurs fought, can't ask for much more from the veteran group. Kawhi shone throughout the playoffs.

But damn, that really hurt.

06-06-2012, 10:58 PM
Man, It's really hard to let go especially that this can be the last run in the big 3 era.

06-06-2012, 10:59 PM
I'm not especially proud of what they did this series.

But the year was completely unexpected and eminently enjoyable.

T Park
06-06-2012, 10:59 PM

You don't know what abusive is Brit...

06-06-2012, 10:59 PM
It was great watching them this year.

ginobili fan
06-06-2012, 11:00 PM
We're old and desperate now...:depressed
But I love the Spurs not the NBA.
I don't care win or loose, the Spurs were one of the best teams ever in the history.
They can't take that away from us.

06-06-2012, 11:00 PM

You don't know what abusive is Brit...

Here comes the defender

06-06-2012, 11:01 PM
I love this team. You can mop about the questionable calls all you want but it is what it is. Many teams have felt jobbed after leaving the spurs arena in crucial playoff games.

It was a hell of an effort by OKC. Pop was forced to shorten the rotation due many players not showing up. I really couldn't believe I was seeing out there. OKC hit clutch shot after clutch shot. Tony Parker fucking showed up. I knew he would slow down AND manu had to take over. At the end of the day, there has to be a point where you start to congratulate OKC on a terrific effort. Spurs gave it all they had. I'm proud of this team and not usually as pissed off as I normally am after a playoff exit tbh

It'll be fun to watch Durant in the olympics if he plays tbh. KD is 23 :lol

baseline bum
06-06-2012, 11:01 PM
Damn, I really hoped the Thunder could be held off for one more year, but no such luck. They're ready to start raising banners now and their only competition will be Miami next season if the Heat can get a real coach. It still kills me how everyone was all over Perkins in those first two games when he was completely shutting down a red-hot Duncan. The Thunder have no holes and Presti will probably make moves to improve them further next season.

06-06-2012, 11:01 PM
Spurs game me 10 extra wins I did not think they would have during the regular season. They game me 2 rounds of basketball I did not think they would have at the beginning of the year. I expect things to blow up, maybe even a Parker trade. But this was one of the best years I have ever had watching the Spurs. I expected nothing and they game me everything.

06-06-2012, 11:04 PM
I can't believe you of all people with all your gushing about how OKC never dies says that the Spurs beat themselves.

Manny, I have explained this. OKC gets full credit for playing so well. Everything Timvp said about them growing and learning to play championship ball was true.

Even with that, the Spurs played horrifically bad after going up 2 0. Much of that was stuff that had nothing to do with OKC. Unforced turnovers. Sulking body language. Our best players not delivering when we need them.

OKC showed the fight I wish the Spurs would have. Spurs definitely had it in spurts. They had moments that made me proud. But you can't tell me the Spurs played their best and lost to a team that outplayed their best.

Tim just said the whistles changed the game tbh....just now in the interview.

06-06-2012, 11:05 PM
I don't get people. Spurs choked. Really hard.

They had a 2 game lead. They won 20 straight. They had home court. They had minutes managed all year and in the playoffs. They played the bare minimum games in the playoffs as is humanly possible.

They stopped playing their way. They turned the ball over. They showed poor body language. They blew the biggest half time lead in their franchises history. They were the better team and lost a series they should have won, even with OKC playing great. If OKC plays the exact same way, but the Spurs don't have unforced turn overs and poor play for entire halfs of basketball, they still win.

I know that sounds negative, but it's my honest opinion. They went further than many of us thought they could; but that was before the trade. That was before the optimal playoff draw. That was before they had homecourt throughout. That was before they were up 2-0. They beat themselves because even if OKC played the same way, the Spurs could have played better for stuff they control and they didn't.

I understand but all I expected before the season start was to enjoy watching the big 3 playin' together, cannot be mad tbh to be eliminated in WCF.

06-06-2012, 11:05 PM
Rodney the Durant dick sucker referee can suck my fucking dick. That sorry ass piece of shit boned us every way from Sunday. If it weren't for him we'd be getting ready for a game seven. Fuck the alternate ref for getting called in at tip off and getting caught up in the emotions of home court fandom.

That guy can die in a fucking fire for all I care. He fucked the spurs in what was likely their last title run. Every marginal call. Every 50-50 call. He fucked us every step of the way. Fuck that sorry ass piece of shit.
The referees destroyed us. They killed our team's morale. God will judge them...

06-06-2012, 11:05 PM
First, congrats to Thunder. Spurs just lost to the better team. Even if losing 4 in a row after a 20 wins streak sounds awful, they have nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm more cautious on the whole proud thing. Giving everything you have is what a sportsman is supposed to do. NBA players are paid a lot of money to do so and basketball, unlike football, isn't a sport where players risk life threatening injuries.

06-06-2012, 11:05 PM
I'm pretty damn disappointed. Duncan's display in the first two rounds of the playoffs made me more optimistic than I've been in many years. Manu's sudden appearance and heroics early on in the series also made me hopeful. Tony's MVP-caliber performance early in the playoffs and throughout the regular season was something to behold. Even up through the first half tonight. But ultimately none of them have the willpower or natural ability to finish this on their own anymore.

The lean years will be coming sooner rather than later. Maybe that's a good thing.

06-06-2012, 11:06 PM
I'm not especially proud of what they did this series.

But the year was completely unexpected and eminently enjoyable.

ShoogarBear going full etard

06-06-2012, 11:06 PM
I'm pretty damn disappointed. Duncan's display in the first two rounds of the playoffs made me more optimistic than I've been in many years. Manu's sudden appearance and heroics early on in the series also made me hopeful. Tony's MVP-caliber performance early in the playoffs and throughout the regular season was something to behold. Even up through the first half tonight. But ultimately none of them have the willpower or natural ability to finish this on their own anymore.

The lean years will be coming sooner rather than later. Maybe that's a good thing.

06-06-2012, 11:07 PM
I am not proud. The Spurs had a 2-0 lead in this series. The confidence/swag that was there all season and showed up again today but dissapeared for 3 games is what buried this team. The team had the talent, depth, coaching, and work ethic to win it all; however, pyschologically, this team was nowhere near championship level.

06-06-2012, 11:07 PM
I thought the refs were horrible in the 2nd half...all in favor of OKC.

That said, I bet OKC tonight and was definitely sweating in that first half....Parker and Jack were magnificent in defeat...Kawhi also.

TD 21
06-06-2012, 11:09 PM
Road games are difficult to win in the NBA playoffs. Against a great team that is hitting on every single cylinder, it takes perfection from things you can control and things you can't control.

But, no, the refs didn't lose that game for the Spurs. The Thunder went out and did what they've done all series: respond with a hellacious run whenever the Spurs got on a roll.

Maybe they didn't lose it (I never for a second thought the Spurs were winning anyway), but they didn't even give them a chance. It was so predictable, everything about this game. I guess when there's no repercussions for the league doing this, they probably figure, why stop? The mere fact that that bald prick was reffing this game to begin with said it all.

06-06-2012, 11:10 PM
I understand but all I expected before the season start was to enjoy watching the big 3 playin' together, cannot be mad tbh to be eliminated in WCF.

There is no doubt and unc is twisting words. I am saying I disagree about being proud about this series. Don't get it confused, I am proud of their season and I enjoyed this very much. But I am not proud of them this series. You know what, I bet more of the players agree with what I am saying than what Timvp is saying. Because they know they didn't play their best or hardest and just get beat by a team where their best wasn't good enough.

The Spurs best was clearly good enough to not lose 4 straight. Those who disagree with that are lying to themselves IMO because its tough to admit that.

Doesn't mean it was not a great season overall, but we are analysing this series.

06-06-2012, 11:10 PM
The referees destroyed us. They killed our team's morale. God will judge them...

:lmao Fuck God tbh. Wasn't it his divine plan to have those 3 refs in the game.

Capt Bringdown
06-06-2012, 11:12 PM
That the Spurs won 4 rings is undeniable.

So is the fact that the Spurs were backdoor swept twice. There is an undeniable element of choke to the Spurs.

I think we'll look back and see that the Spurs choked and left 2 rings on the table: 2006 & 2012.

OKC is a damn good team, but this series was very winnable for the Spurs. Spurs pretty much owned OKC prior to this series.
They figured it out & the Spurs utterly collapsed.
Nothing at all to be proud of.

06-06-2012, 11:13 PM
Duncan played as hard as he can and Manu, as well. Parker disappearing in the second half is no surprise. Some things never change.

06-06-2012, 11:13 PM
Oh well, I've said my piece. I'm not going to apologize for being proud.

06-06-2012, 11:13 PM
I'm proud of th Spurs, I'm NOT proud of the NBA and this crookedly incompetent game by the officials.

Capt Bringdown
06-06-2012, 11:14 PM
The team had the talent, depth, coaching, and work ethic to win it all; however, pyschologically, this team was nowhere near championship level.

Bingo. The Spurs failed in the area in which they are supposed to have an advantage.
As they've done before.

06-06-2012, 11:14 PM
I'm not proud of how the series ended, but I am very proud of the season the Spurs had. After Manu went down with a broken hand, all seemed lost. Then TJ Ford went down, and things looked even worse. Someway, somehow this team battled back and finished with the best record in the West, and went on one of the best runs in basketball history.

Tony Parker did not have his best series against the Thunder, but I am not gonna hate on him after the season he had. TP carried us all year. He did a pretty good job on Westbrook, and I can't blame him for not having enough in the tank for the entire series.

06-06-2012, 11:16 PM
Maybe they didn't lose it (I never for a second thought the Spurs were winning anyway), but they didn't even give them a chance. It was so predictable, everything about this game. I guess when there's no repercussions for the league doing this, they probably figure, why stop? The mere fact that that bald prick was reffing this game to begin with said it all.

KD in your top 5 now?

06-06-2012, 11:18 PM
What's all the talk of the final run for the Big 3 ? We made it this far with Ginobili being injured for much of the year and with an infusion of youth. Guys, OKC may be the only better team on the planet than the Spurs.

I'm looking forward to next year. As long as we can stay healthy and keep the young guys improving, I see no reason we can't compete for a title again.

06-06-2012, 11:18 PM
Oh well, I've said my piece. I'm not going to apologize for being proud.

You do not need to.

But your loser mentality got me worried

06-06-2012, 11:18 PM
Let it go.

I'm done with the NBA when the Spurs season ends, and this one was ended prematurely by horrendous officiating. That's a fact, but oh well. It's just basketball.

06-06-2012, 11:21 PM
I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?


You had to know DPG would drop in with his legendary emotional rants. Stop acting like a female/DPG after the Memphis sweep. Accept reality brosef

06-06-2012, 11:21 PM
It was a hell of ride and i enjoyed every minute of it :toast

06-06-2012, 11:21 PM
Duncan played as hard as he can and Manu, as well. Parker disappearing in the second half is no surprise.

Manu played as hard as he can tonight, but Tony didn't. Another ploto special. :rolleyes

Some things never change.


Spurs Brazil
06-06-2012, 11:23 PM
manuginobili It's always painful to lose being so close, but very proud of my team 4 a great run. Congrats to OKC & THANK U SA 4 all the support.

06-06-2012, 11:23 PM
This hurts especially the way it ended but hey the Spurs did better than I expected this year-I assumed their championship run was over & I was expecting them to finish as a 7th or 8th seed & elimination in the first round. I am proud of the guys but this one will sting for a few days.

Congratulations to the youngthunder!:toast:toast I had a feeling that this team was going to take that next step so I'm sort of happy....just wished it wasn't against my Spurs! :-(

06-06-2012, 11:24 PM
Oh well, I've said my piece. I'm not going to apologize for being proud.

You don't have to. But for you to go all bash DPG because he doesn't agree (Like Bruno and Shoog) is pretty f'ng lame :tu considering I have been pretty consistent on the board.

Pretty lame imo.

baseline bum
06-06-2012, 11:26 PM
What's all the talk of the final run for the Big 3 ? We made it this far with Ginobili being injured for much of the year and with an infusion of youth. Guys, OKC may be the only better team on the planet than the Spurs.

I'm looking forward to next year. As long as we can stay healthy and keep the young guys improving, I see no reason we can't compete for a title again.

This was the first year since 07 that the team had any semblance of health (and basically 100% health this time around). It's not going to happen again with another year of wear. This was it.

06-06-2012, 11:26 PM
I just made myself scrambled eggs and a toast

A toast?

I'm proud of myself, because it was really gr8 breakfast :tu

06-06-2012, 11:27 PM
So, in your opinion, the refs did not play a significant role at all?

I thought the refs' incompetence influenced the outcome of this game. The Spurs got double screwed. Having said that, the Spurs killed any chance when they missed three threes on one position with under two minutes to go.

06-06-2012, 11:27 PM
You had to know DPG would drop in with his legendary emotional rants. Stop acting like a female/DPG after the Memphis sweep. Accept reality brosef

:lol How is it emotional to say I am not proud of the way this series went down, but it's not emotional to say "I am so proud :cry"?

People can be proud. I am proud of the overall run and season. This series in isolation I feel differently about. Sometimes teams don't play their best. I don't believe the Spurs played their best and I find it tough because they did play well and got a 2-0 lead and then the wheels fell off.

Random throw away lines :lol, it's not emotional rants, its no different than any other assessment except for it's a sucky time right now.

06-06-2012, 11:28 PM
I am too they played their guts out tonight. Just could not get back on track in this series after game 3 and it sucks. Game 5 was the killer and we all knew it but they didn't go down easy tonight.. Tim Duncan is my fav player of all time and in the end he was a warrior...

06-06-2012, 11:28 PM
The Spurs won all season by being the better team. They never had the best individual players. The Thunder lost games by playing ISO ball. It's why they were beatable. It's why the Spurs would consistently take them apart.

When the Thunder figured out how to play unselfish team ball, they matched the Spurs greatest strength, and their individual talent began to take over.

Anyone who doesn't accept this (DPG being emotional after a loss) is in denial.

I'm proud that they competed. I'm proud that they went out and fought. They weren't the better team anymore.

06-06-2012, 11:28 PM
You kept me entertained for five months. You weren't supossed to be this good yet you are. Thanks.

06-06-2012, 11:29 PM
Tim just said the whistles changed the game tbh....just now in the interview.

I was glad Tim called it like he saw it in the post game...wish Pop would concede the fine and speak his mind about it also.

06-06-2012, 11:30 PM
Agreed TIMVP. God bless.

06-06-2012, 11:30 PM
I hope you are joking. I really do. You can stomach a complete meltdown with horrifice execution from your best players, questionable rotations by your coach and blowing the biggest halftime lead in one of the most pivotal games in your franchises history?


Dude OKC is better than us.. They are too young wirh insane talent... Everyone on that team that matters is in their 20's.. They'd have run the 98 Bulls out of the gym in this series..

06-06-2012, 11:30 PM
The Spurs won all season by being the better team. They never had the best individual players. The Thunder lost games by playing ISO ball. It's why they were beatable. It's why the Spurs would consistently take them apart.

When the Thunder figured out how to play unselfish team ball, they matched the Spurs greatest strength, and their individual talent began to take over.

Anyone who doesn't accept this (DPG being emotional after a loss) is in denial.

I'm proud that they competed. I'm proud that they went out and fought. They weren't the better team anymore.

So you feel they competed in game 3? You felt they were competing when Timvp was being emotional and starting "the spurs are sulking in the wcf" threads?

You thought they competed in the first half of game 5?

Do you think the Spurs played their ball, their best game and that just wasn't good enough?

06-06-2012, 11:31 PM
You don't have to. But for you to go all bash DPG because he doesn't agree (Like Bruno and Shoog) is pretty f'ng lame :tu considering I have been pretty consistent on the board.

Pretty lame imo.

Defend your own words, don't twist mine.

I said I wasn't especially proud of the series, because games 3-5 were abysmal, but yes, for game six there was much busting of ass. In the end, OKC definitely had the superior talent and unfortunately this series they figured out how to really put it together.

And I think I made clear what I thought about the year in general.

06-06-2012, 11:31 PM
Tim is still THE MAN.

Truly the end of an era. Of course that's been said for a few years. Who knows what will happen with his contract situation during the offseason. You never know.........

06-06-2012, 11:32 PM
Defend your own words, don't twist mine.

I said I wasn't especially proud of the series, because games 3-5 were abysmal, but yes, for game six there was much busting of ass. In the end, OKC definitely had the superior talent and unfortunately this series they figured out how to really put it together.

And I think I made clear what I thought about the year in general.

How am I twisting your words, I said the same exact thing.

06-06-2012, 11:32 PM
There is no doubt and unc is twisting words. I am saying I disagree about being proud about this series. Don't get it confused, I am proud of their season and I enjoyed this very much. But I am not proud of them this series. You know what, I bet more of the players agree with what I am saying than what Timvp is saying. Because they know they didn't play their best or hardest and just get beat by a team where their best wasn't good enough.

The Spurs best was clearly good enough to not lose 4 straight. Those who disagree with that are lying to themselves IMO because its tough to admit that.

Doesn't mean it was not a great season overall, but we are analysing this series.

Im not proud for this serie but Im not mad. I would be mad if I had the feeling the players all of them or at least most of them gave everything they have on the floor. I mean you can be disappointed by TP decision making during this serie but dude harassed like crazy Russel the whole serie... idem for Jax, Manu, Tim, Boris, Leonard... you cannot be mad at that.

We tend to forget we went in this PO with one unique player in his prime TP in the game but not athletically tbh. Leonard is a rookie, Tim, Manu, Diaw, Jax... all passed their prime a long time ago. What other team could have achieved what they achieved ? Boston is a good example but the eastern conference is trash

06-06-2012, 11:32 PM
So you feel they competed in game 3? You felt they were competing when Timvp was being emotional and starting "the spurs are sulking in the wcf" threads?

You thought they competed in the first half of game 5?

Do you think the Spurs played their ball, their best game and that just wasn't good enough?

Do you think the Spurs are a better team than the Thunder?

Viva Las Espuelas
06-06-2012, 11:33 PM
I'm actually pretty damn proud of those guys. I'm way better ending the season this way, had we lost it in the fashion of our last 3. A way longer ride than what I expected.

Capt Bringdown
06-06-2012, 11:34 PM
Has any other team gone 20-4 to end the season?

I could see losing this series, but losing 4 straight games?
That's more than a loss - That's a choke.

Old Man Kidd
06-06-2012, 11:34 PM
:lol dpg can never just admit he was wrong, he's alwasy got to try to rationalize it somehow.

rather than just admit that he was wrong and the spurs were never good enough to go all the way all along (as many people tried to point out), he's got to try to rationalize it with "the spurs just choked!" :lol

man up bro

06-06-2012, 11:35 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

I said I wasn't especially proud of the series, because games 3-5 were abysmal, but yes, for game six there was much busting of ass. In the end, OKC definitely had the superior talent and unfortunately this series they figured out how to really put it together.

And I think I made clear what I thought about the year in general.

How am I twisting your words, I said the same exact thing.

If you said the same thing I did, then you said the same thing timvp did, so what the hell are you arguing about?

06-06-2012, 11:35 PM
Do you think the Spurs are a better team than the Thunder?

Answer my questions without being emotional, and I will answer yours.

06-06-2012, 11:35 PM
Man, It's really hard to let go especially that this can be the last run in the big 3 era.

It is what it is.. The Duncan Spurs are one of the best NBA teams of all time when you look at the years and number of wins in the reg season and championships... Highest winning % of anyone since Duncan was drafted in any sport.. 4 championships in 4 finals.. It was a great run..

06-06-2012, 11:37 PM

06-06-2012, 11:37 PM
:lol dpg can never just admit he was wrong, he's alwasy got to try to rationalize it somehow.

rather than just admit that he was wrong and the spurs were never good enough to go all the way all along (as many people tried to point out), he's got to try to rationalize it with "the spurs just choked!" :lol

man up bro

He gets emotional after losses like this and starts acting like a homo. He did it last year after the sweep to the Grizz. Their team was straight-up better than last year's Spurs team, especially with a hobbled Manu, but he spent days trying to convince everyone that the Spurs "choked". He actually used that very same word.

It's what he does.

06-06-2012, 11:37 PM
If you said the same thing I did, then you said the same thing timvp did, so what the hell are you arguing about?

I said I wasn't proud of the series - like you. I said I was proud of their overall season, like you and timvp. The disagreement came from the overall statement that the Spurs competed all series and the the Thunder just turned it on and we should be proud about the series.

06-06-2012, 11:37 PM
He gets emotional after losses like this and starts acting like a homo. He did it last year after the sweep to the Grizz. Their team was straight-up better than last year's Spurs team, especially with a hobbled Manu, but he spent days trying to convince everyone that the Spurs "choked". He actually used that very same word.

It's what he does.

:lol Jag with the subtle goods.

06-06-2012, 11:37 PM
Looks like green will be a spur next season! By how it tweet sounded.."doesnt plan on going anywhere until they achieve it"

06-06-2012, 11:38 PM
Answer my questions without being emotional, and I will answer yours.

Just say "no." Then I'll tell you how illogical it is for you to say a team "choked" by losing to a better team.

06-06-2012, 11:38 PM
Has any other team gone 20-4 to end the season?

I could see losing this series, but losing 4 straight games?
That's more than a loss - That's a choke.

It is

And hard to believe ppl are satisfied about it. More then that - they are proud :lol
Being favorites and being swept from behind, with no injuries. That's a historical collapse. Again for the spurs.

And you can challange their mentality of winners. Their heart.

TP losing himself again. etc etc

I will always be a spur but, no losing makes me proud.

06-06-2012, 11:38 PM
Just say "no." Then I'll tell you how illogical it is for you to say a team "choked" by losing to a better team.

So you are just trolling :lol I knew it.

06-06-2012, 11:40 PM
I said I wasn't proud of the series - like you. I said I was proud of their overall season, like you and timvp. The disagreement came from the overall statement that the Spurs competed all series and the the Thunder just turned it on and we should be proud about the series.

Who said that the Spurs competed all series?

06-06-2012, 11:40 PM
btw. How come spurs fans can say Dallas are/were chokers?

06-06-2012, 11:40 PM
So you are just trolling :lol I knew it.


06-06-2012, 11:41 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry
I feel the same way in the end there can only be one champion our guys had a helluva year I honestly feel that the spurs and the thunder were the best tems left in the final four.

06-06-2012, 11:41 PM
Please say the Spurs "choked" again.

06-06-2012, 11:42 PM
it isn't that the spurs choked, myself and others pointed out a long time ago that they weren't strong enough to win it all. they just came back down to earth when faced with a tough opponent. no trolling, just the truth.

06-06-2012, 11:43 PM
Spurs played hard, but just lost to a better team. Those shots OKC made like Harden and Fischer.. those are daggers and championship teams make em'. Hats off to them. There is always next year!

06-06-2012, 11:43 PM
I'm proud as hell of Tony and the rest of this team. They played great ball all season. Durant and the Thunder recognized they were a dynasty about 2 games too early for the Spurs to advance.

Tough loss man.

Well said.

And well said OP by LJ.

It was a hell of a ride, and I'm glad I got to see it. Going down fighting seems utterly apropos for a team from the Alamo City.

Cheers to everyone involved. :toast

06-06-2012, 11:44 PM
it isn't that the spurs choked, myself and others pointed out a long time ago that they weren't strong enough to win it all. they just came back down to earth when faced with a tough opponent. no trolling, just the truth.

Only DPG thinks that losing to a better team means you "choked". He doesn't actually believe that, it's just his way of rationalizing the situation due to the emotional roller coaster he's been on for the past few days. He's currently at the apex of said roller coaster.

06-06-2012, 11:44 PM
Please say the Spurs "choked" again.

Does it matter now?

Nobody will talk about the spurs ever again. Now the Finals are here and spurs are on the same 'no getting any credit' shelf.

I hate it

Screwing the opputunity

06-06-2012, 11:44 PM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry

Who said that the Spurs competed all series?

I took that as him meaning the series. The Spurs didnt give everything they had IMO. They sulked some and played an atrocious games 3-5. If that is not what he meant and he wasn't referring to this series, then my bad.

Also, I clearly stated I was referring to this series in isolation and there were numerous occassions to clarify. I said I was proud of their overall season.

06-06-2012, 11:45 PM
Only DPG thinks that losing to a better team means you "choked". He doesn't actually believe that, it's just his way of rationalizing the situation due to the emotional roller coaster he's been on for the past few days. He's currently at the apex of said roller coaster.

answer my questions and you'll have your answer.

06-06-2012, 11:46 PM
Only DPG thinks that losing to a better team means you "choked". He doesn't actually believe that, it's just his way of rationalizing the situation due to the emotional roller coaster he's been on for the past few days. He's currently at the apex of said roller coaster.

i argued a long time ago that due to the lack of defense, and heavy reliance on very young, unproven role players, that the spurs would come up short and nobody wanted to listen. tbh, 98% of this forum should be kissing DMC's ass too, he was one of the ONLY reasonable spur fans throughout the season and called it like i did.

and what happened? green and neal shit the bed, as I predicted would happen. leonard didnt though, he really showed me something. leonard is for real, he's got "it" mentally.

06-06-2012, 11:46 PM
Only DPG thinks that losing to a better team means you "choked". He doesn't actually believe that, it's just his way of rationalizing the situation due to the emotional roller coaster he's been on for the past few days. He's currently at the apex of said roller coaster.

So there are no chokes.
What is a choke?

Spurs were no1 in the West having 20 wins in a row.

Losing to a better team?
If they lost the other team is better.

So there is no definition of the choking.


06-06-2012, 11:48 PM
Does it matter now?

Nobody will talk about the spurs ever again. Now the Finals are here and spurs are on the same 'no getting any credit' shelf.

I hate it

Screwing the opputunity

Who cares if people talk about the Spurs or give them credit? I'm not a fan because people in the media have ever jerked off the Spurs. That has nothing to do with anything.

06-06-2012, 11:49 PM

06-06-2012, 11:49 PM
answer my questions and you'll have your answer.

You already referred to the Spurs as having "choked". You've already answered by question.

06-06-2012, 11:50 PM
The Spurs won all season by being the better team. They never had the best individual players. The Thunder lost games by playing ISO ball. It's why they were beatable. It's why the Spurs would consistently take them apart.

When the Thunder figured out how to play unselfish team ball, they matched the Spurs greatest strength, and their individual talent began to take over.

Anyone who doesn't accept this (DPG being emotional after a loss) is in denial.

I'm proud that they competed. I'm proud that they went out and fought. They weren't the better team anymore.

I think you are in denial. Parker, Green, Neal, and Bonner choked. Parker and those guys wet the bed after game two.

Bruce Bowen and other analysts said it best after the Clippers series: the Spurs only weakness was that they hadn't been in close games, we did not know how they would respond to adversity.

Well, we saw how they responded to adversity. They fell apart. You could SEE it in their faces. They became hesitant, indecisive, lost focus, and lost confidence. To be fair, though, it was also Ginobili.

However, since Parker is in his prime, was the undisputed MVP of this team, and is the point guard, most of why we lost the series starts and ends with him. I expected greatness out of him, and he gave that to us for only half the series. If he played game 3,4, and 5 with the kind of swagger he played with tonight, we would have won in 6 or 7.

06-06-2012, 11:51 PM
Who cares if people talk about the Spurs or give them credit? I'm not a fan because people in the media have ever jerked off the Spurs. That has nothing to do with anything.

In general it has

In history, but whatever

06-06-2012, 11:51 PM

06-06-2012, 11:53 PM
I think you are in denial. Parker, Green, Neal, and Bonner choked. Parker and those guys wet the bed after game two.

Bruce Bowen and other analysts said it best after the Clippers series: the Spurs only weakness was that they hadn't been in close games, we did not know how they would respond to adversity.

Well, we saw how they responded to adversity. They fell apart. You could SEE it in their faces. They became hesitant, indecisive, lost focus, and lost confidence. To be fair, though, it was also Ginobili.

However, since Parker is in his prime, was the undisputed MVP of this team, and is the point guard, most of why we lost the series starts and ends with him. I expected greatness out of him, and he gave that to us for only half the series. If he played game 3,4, and 5 with the kind of swagger he played with tonight, we would have won in 6 or 7.

Bonner and parker are known chokers. green is young and unproven. That isn't realy the team "choking," these are things which could have been seen from a mile away and WERE pointed out by the rational ones here.

Gee, a team that is below average defensively with a heavy reliance on young, unproven role players falling apart in the face of adversity. Who would have thought?

Chief Brody
06-06-2012, 11:54 PM

06-06-2012, 11:55 PM
I felt worse after losing Games 4-5 because I felt that our team still had something left to give after the games were over, like if there was an extra 1/2 quarter we could have won. But this game, they gave it all and just ran out of gas. Yes, the refs sealed the game, but the Spurs lost the lead and it should have never gotten to that point. We've been there before, and we played with the same heart, but sometimes the heart gives out and when Green/Neal/Bonner/Splitter aren't able to help...we just collapsed.

Our core fought hard, didn't throw tantrums, and OKC just hit daggers every time we were about to breakthrough the home court foul calls and non-calls. There was nothing left in us when the buzzer sounded, and like TIMVP said that is more than enough to be thankful for. It's was an awesome ride this season, and I got to see Timmy look young again at an actual playoff game at the ATT Center...so I'm proud too.

06-06-2012, 11:57 PM
I'm about as happy with the team as possible after getting beaten four straight games (especially seeing Jackson hit all of those 3s; that was magical, and so much better than RJ). And this is not even close to the most sports depressed I've been in 12 months (World Series wins that dubious award).

All of that said, I'm really bitter that the likely end of the Big 3-era as championship contenders (and the Spurs' success for at least a few years) was hastened by some shitty calls. I'm a homer, but there were some calls that were objectively bullshit. The end of a championship window always sucks, so maybe there was never going to be a better way.

Just don't ask for me to root for the Thunder ever; they are officially ahead of the Heat on my shit list.

06-06-2012, 11:59 PM
I am proud and looking for a last run with Duncan and Ginobili next year, i hope both retire after this one and maybe, just maybe, the luck comes our way and retire champions.
You hear it first, from me, minutes after ending the 2012 season!

06-07-2012, 12:01 AM
You already referred to the Spurs as having "choked". You've already answered by question.

So you can't answer my questions :lol

06-07-2012, 12:01 AM
This was the first year since 07 that the team had any semblance of health (and basically 100% health this time around). It's not going to happen again with another year of wear. This was it.

Yep, this was it

Proud of them

Damn proud that we didn't go out like a bunch of bitches

Spurs pride baby
I hope Jackson and Leonard get a condo together for thesummer! Leonard + Jackson's mentality = ccchhhhaaaammmpppiiooonnnsshippp

06-07-2012, 12:02 AM
So you can't answer my questions :lol

Why waste ATP typing responses to _Fag

06-07-2012, 12:04 AM
So you can't answer my questions :lol

I honestly didn't even read your questions. I already know the kind of soft shit you come with after losses.

Only someone who thinks the Spurs are better than the Thunder would make the kind of post you made with your first post in this thread. That person is either in denial or they're actually retarded enough to believe that.

You did this with the Grizzlies last season. It's what you do, brah. Now post another smiley icon and carry on with your played out shtick.

TD 21
06-07-2012, 12:06 AM
KD in your top 5 now?

He always was. And I did say, for this season he was the second best player and it was debatable that he was overall. But, yeah, I'd be willing to concede that he's second overall now (there's still a sizable difference between James and him though, make no mistake). I still want to see if Wade can get fully healthy next season, but he's at the point now where he can't log major minutes or be as consistent most likely.

06-07-2012, 12:07 AM
I like Jag, but when he doesn't agree with me (which is mostly about the Spurs losing in the playoffs the last two years) he acts like a tool and won't answer any questions that he knows will somewhat defeat what he's saying.

I don't believe Memphis was the better team. I believe we sustained a key injury and they played well above their heads. That doesn't mean I think MEM sucked, but I judge series by if both teams play their best, who wins? Then you factor in other variables. I know teams don't always play their best. Sometimes that's because another team forces that, other times it's because you choke or meltdown.

Spurs IMO, after being up 2-0 with home court advantage, choked a series away. OKC definitely played better than they did in the first two games, but the Spurs play significantly worse to the point where IMO OKC does not get that credit, at least not all of it.

If others think the Spurs, for the entire series, played their hearts out and their best wasn't good enough, that's fine. I don't think thats the case. I don't think the Spurs played their best and it all doesn't have to do with OKC.

06-07-2012, 12:07 AM
I honestly didn't even read your questions. I already know the kind of soft shit you come with after losses.

Only someone who thinks the Spurs are better than the Thunder would make the kind of post you made with your first post in this thread. That person is either in denial or they're actually retarded enough to believe that.

You did this with the Grizzlies last season. It's what you do, brah. Now post another smiley icon and carry on with your played out shtick.

Ok. It's hilarious that you admittedly agree with me often, but after tough losses when I post an opinion you don't like, you go all emo.

06-07-2012, 12:08 AM
I honestly didn't even read your questions. I already know the kind of soft shit you come with after losses.

Only someone who thinks the Spurs are better than the Thunder would make the kind of post you made with your first post in this thread. That person is either in denial or they're actually retarded enough to believe that.

You did this with the Grizzlies last season. It's what you do, brah. Now post another smiley icon and carry on with your played out shtick.

Cool cop out scro

06-07-2012, 12:09 AM
DPG...you were right not to bet me...well done.

06-07-2012, 12:09 AM
Spurs IMO, after being up 2-0 with home court advantage, choked a series away. OKC definitely played better than they did in the first two games, but the Spurs play significantly worse to the point where IMO OKC does not get that credit, at least not all of it.

If others think the Spurs, for the entire series, played their hearts out and their best wasn't good enough, that's fine. I don't think thats the case. I don't think the Spurs played their best and it all doesn't have to do with OKC.

Exactly how I feel. This is one of those 'ones that got away.' And I don't mean Game 6. I mean the series. This could have been over in 4 or 5 games in the Spurs favor, but that terrible Game 3 loss re-energized the Thunder and ultimately cost us everything.

06-07-2012, 12:11 AM
Rodney the Durant dick sucker referee can suck my fucking dick. That sorry ass piece of shit boned us every way from Sunday. If it weren't for him we'd be getting ready for a game seven. Fuck the alternate ref for getting called in at tip off and getting caught up in the emotions of home court fandom.

That guy can die in a fucking fire for all I care. He fucked the spurs in what was likely their last title run. Every marginal call. Every 50-50 call. He fucked us every step of the way. Fuck that sorry ass piece of shit.

This x1000

06-07-2012, 12:13 AM
Ok. It's hilarious that you admittedly agree with me often, but after tough losses when I post an opinion you don't like, you go all emo.

It's just the stuff of homer fans, it's annoying. You aren't a homer but after big losses you sometimes come with very predictable takes. I couldn't even make it through the first page in this thread without seeing you come with a very predictable/homer "the Spurs choked" take. I didn't read your questions because I don't feel like arguing about pointless shit that has nothing to do with being proud of how the Spurs played tonight.

As far as how I feel about the Spurs, Thunder and this series... I already said this:

The Spurs won all season by being the better team. They never had the best individual players. The Thunder lost games by playing ISO ball. It's why they were beatable. It's why the Spurs would consistently take them apart.

When the Thunder figured out how to play unselfish team ball, they matched the Spurs greatest strength, and their individual talent began to take over.

Anyone who doesn't accept this (DPG being emotional after a loss) is in denial.

I'm proud that they competed. I'm proud that they went out and fought. They weren't the better team anymore.

06-07-2012, 12:13 AM

06-07-2012, 12:14 AM
Going into the season I had no expectations. The painful part is getting so good and looking like they were a lock and then blowing it all. That's what hurts.

06-07-2012, 12:15 AM
It's just the stuff of homer fans, it's annoying. You aren't a homer but after big losses you sometimes come with very predictable takes. I couldn't even make it through the first page in this thread without seeing you come with a very predictable/homer "the Spurs choked" take. I didn't read your questions because I don't feel like arguing about pointless shit that has nothing to do with being proud of how the Spurs played tonight.

As far as how I feel about the Spurs, Thunder and this series... I already said this:

Jag, you know I don't go emo and make stuff up. I truly feel this way. I feel the Spurs should have won the series for all the reasons I outlined. You may not agree, but I dont think the things I have said are at all unreasonable, especially from the perspective that they really didn't play good ball in games 3-5.

06-07-2012, 12:15 AM
I like Jag, but when he doesn't agree with me (which is mostly about the Spurs losing in the playoffs the last two years) he acts like a tool and won't answer any questions that he knows will somewhat defeat what he's saying.

I don't believe Memphis was the better team. I believe we sustained a key injury and they played well above their heads. That doesn't mean I think MEM sucked, but I judge series by if both teams play their best, who wins? Then you factor in other variables. I know teams don't always play their best. Sometimes that's because another team forces that, other times it's because you choke or meltdown.

Spurs IMO, after being up 2-0 with home court advantage, choked a series away. OKC definitely played better than they did in the first two games, but the Spurs play significantly worse to the point where IMO OKC does not get that credit, at least not all of it.

If others think the Spurs, for the entire series, played their hearts out and their best wasn't good enough, that's fine. I don't think thats the case. I don't think the Spurs played their best and it all doesn't have to do with OKC.

The reason why Spurs didn't play their best was because 33% of the rotation that got them 20 straight wins didn't see the court after game 4. It was a huge huge mistake by Pop.

If you would have told me Splitter, Green, Bonner and Blair would get hurt and couldn't play the rest of the series after game 4, I wouldn't have expected the Spurs to win 2 games out of 3. (which is the scenario that essentially transpired because Pop pretty much gave up on them)

06-07-2012, 12:16 AM
I am DAMN proud of this team as well. I want the Big 3, Jack, Kawhi, Diaw, Neal, and Splitter back next year. (But he needs to expand his game) Bonner needs to go. Green needs to work on his mid-range game and finishing in the paint, and grow some balls as well, then we can talk about him coming back. Blair can go as well tbh.

06-07-2012, 12:19 AM
The reason why Spurs didn't play their best was because 33% of the rotation that got them 20 straight wins didn't see the court after game 4. It was a huge huge mistake by Pop.

If you would have told me Splitter, Green, Bonner and Blair would get hurt and couldn't play the rest of the series after game 4, I wouldn't have expected the Spurs to win 2 games out of 3. (which is the scenario that essentially transpired because Pop pretty much gave up on them)

Don't disagree with that entirely, but the big guys didn't step up either. TP had a fantastic game 2, but struggled in most others (except the first half tonight). Manu had 2 good games. Tim struggled mightly. The role players hurt big time, but the big 3 didn't right the ship nearly as much as they could have.

Capt Bringdown
06-07-2012, 12:19 AM
Highlight of the season was the departure of Jefferson and the return of the prodigal SJAX.

Playoffs were disappointing as the Spurs choked away a 2-0 lead and blew the big 3's best and last chance at another ring.

06-07-2012, 12:20 AM
lol DPG
lol in denial
lol blaming every Spurs' loss on :crychoking:cry
lol wrong bout dem Spurs

06-07-2012, 12:20 AM
Playoffs are where you make a name for yourself. We know who stepped up and who wet the bed.

Never thought we'd make it this far so there are certainly guys I'm proud of but it also exposed the dead weight.

Hope guys come back rested and hungrier than ever. And let's hope RC and Pop rid the team of the dead weight.

06-07-2012, 12:21 AM
Jag, you know I don't go emo and make stuff up. I truly feel this way. I feel the Spurs should have won the series for all the reasons I outlined. You may not agree, but I dont think the things I have said are at all unreasonable, especially from the perspective that they really didn't play good ball in games 3-5.

Where the Spurs went wrong is they finally bought into the hype. They finally started to believe they were unbeatable. They let their guard down for game 3 and stopped playing with urgency. When they did that, they allowed the Thunder role players to gain confidence. Their role players started playing aggressively and shooting confidently. This allowed Durant, Harden and Westbrook to actually trust them and get them involved in the offense. It allowed them to play team ball, to trust each other. It also gave them confidence on the other end of the floor, the defensive end. Once that got going, the Spurs were fucked. The Spurs tried to turn it back on but the Thunder matched them in every area. And the Thunder had the one thing the Spurs couldn't match - more talent.

06-07-2012, 12:23 AM
Don't disagree with that entirely, but the big guys didn't step up either. TP had a fantastic game 2, but struggled in most others (except the first half tonight). Manu had 2 good games. Tim struggled mightly. The role players hurt big time, but the big 3 didn't right the ship nearly as much as they could have.

How much more could you expect from Tim going against the best post defender in the NBA and the best weakside shot blocker at 36 years old, D?

manu the best
06-07-2012, 12:24 AM
no body likes to lose. but I'm really happy to witness one of the best SPURS team. i am so proud of OUR TEAM. they gave their best. nobody believed in SPURS except us, their true fans.

all other players
and RC

:worthy::worthy::worthy: GO SPURS GO

Keepin' it real
06-07-2012, 12:24 AM
The reason why Spurs didn't play their best was because 33% of the rotation that got them 20 straight wins didn't see the court after game 4. It was a huge huge mistake by Pop.

If you would have told me Splitter, Green, Bonner and Blair would get hurt and couldn't play the rest of the series after game 4, I wouldn't have expected the Spurs to win 2 games out of 3. (which is the scenario that essentially transpired because Pop pretty much gave up on them)

It was not a mistake to take those players out of the rotation. They were not ready for that kind of atmosphere against such a talented team. They had their chances earlier in the series and proved they could not handle it.

06-07-2012, 12:24 AM
Where the Spurs went wrong is they finally bought into the hype. They finally started to believe they were unbeatable. They let their guard down for game 3 and stopped playing with urgency. When they did that, they allowed the Thunder role players to gain confidence. Their role players started playing aggressively and shooting confidently. This allowed Durant, Harden and Westbrook to actually trust them and get them involved in the offense. It allowed them to play team ball, to trust each other. It also gave them confidence on the other end of the floor, the defensive end. Once that got going, the Spurs were fucked. The Spurs tried to turn it back on but the Thunder matched them in every area. And the Thunder had the one thing the Spurs couldn't match, more talent.

And REAL home court advantage.

06-07-2012, 12:26 AM
Where the Spurs went wrong is they finally bought into the hype. They finally started to believe they were unbeatable. They let their guard down for game 3 and stopped playing with urgency. When they did that, they allowed the Thunder role players to gain confidence. Their role players started playing aggressively and shooting confidently. This allowed Durant, Harden and Westbrook to actually trust them and get them involved in the offense. It allowed them to play team ball, to trust each other. It also gave them confidence on the other end of the floor, the defensive end. Once that got going, the Spurs were fucked. The Spurs tried to turn it back on but the Thunder matched them in every area. And the Thunder had the one thing the Spurs couldn't match - more talent.

So, in your opinion, if the Spurs would have stayed focused and not let their guard down, they should have won the series. That was on the Spurs, not the Thunder. That is my point. Spurs took something away from themselves that had nothing to do with the Thunder. Thunder gets all the credit for learning and growing so rapidly, but ultimately if the Spurs played their best, with great energy and urgency and execution, they win.

06-07-2012, 12:27 AM
And REAL home court advantage.

The Thunder don't even need it. Durant and Harden keep that team together with their toughness and mental stability. They balance out Westbrook's chimp brain.

06-07-2012, 12:28 AM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry


Totally agree - the 2012 Spurs left everything they had out on the court in games 5 and 6 and were simply beaten by a better team peaking at just the right time.

Sad end to a wonderful season, but you've got to give it to OKC - not sure I've seen a team play better basketball than they have in the past 4 games. Our juggernaut ran into a buzzsaw, what else can you say?


06-07-2012, 12:29 AM
Watching other teams, I would honestly rather have guys like Pietrus, Brandon Bass, Kenyon Martin, Reggie Evans over guys like Bonner, Blair, and Green. That's all the Spurs are missing at this point. ONE more guy who can defend 2's and 3's while hitting some open 3's, and an inside defender who won't take shit in the paint.

06-07-2012, 12:32 AM
Don't disagree with that entirely, but the big guys didn't step up either. TP had a fantastic game 2, but struggled in most others (except the first half tonight). Manu had 2 good games. Tim struggled mightly. The role players hurt big time, but the big 3 didn't right the ship nearly as much as they could have.

The big 3 can't right the ship as efficiency as they used to for 37- 40 minutes against elite 24 year old star players that run like the wind. This isn't 2003 or 2005. The bench was an essential piece to the puzzle that got the team this far and Pop pretty much gave up on it after a couple of bad games (hell he gave up on Splitter tonight after 1 bad possession when him couldn't hear him yelling for him to double over a hostile Thunder crowd).

He actually gave them an opportunity in game 5 for a brief stint, but he idiotically put them in position to fail by putting Blair at the 5 and going extremely small-- which ended up making Nick Collison look like Tiago Splitter does vs. the Bobcats in the pick and roll. After that travesty, (which was obviously going to happen before it transpired) Pop gave up on them again.

Capt Bringdown
06-07-2012, 12:32 AM
Spurs get swept and backdoor swept after having the best record in the league 2 years in a row.
Only team ever to get backdoor swept twice.
LOL "proud"

06-07-2012, 12:32 AM
I just think it's pretty f'ng weak for Timvp to go the route he did when much of what I said seems justified to me and several other posters. This isn't a meltdown, but perhaps I misinterpreted some of what this thread was about.

06-07-2012, 12:33 AM
So, in your opinion, if the Spurs would have stayed focused and not let their guard down, they should have won the series. That was on the Spurs, not the Thunder. That is my point. Spurs took something away from themselves that had nothing to do with the Thunder. Thunder gets all the credit for learning and growing so rapidly, but ultimately if the Spurs played their best, with great energy and urgency and execution, they win.

In a sense, but it isnt that simple. You have to still hope and pray for the Thunder to NOT play their best. The reason for that is that the Spurs don't have the talent to match them. Ultimately, the Thunder figured it out. I have a hard time blaming the Spurs for not being perfect. No teams are. Teams mess up during the playoffs. At some point a team will let their guard down or go through a cold streak. The Thunder capitalized and learned to adapt.

I believe the Spurs could have won the series, but that doesn't mean they were the better team all along. I can't be upset that they lost to a team they should have lost to.

06-07-2012, 12:37 AM
I really just wanted them to come out and compete tonight. To play like it really meant something and like they hadn't mentally given up. What they did this season was special. I didn't want them to go out without any semblance of pride. They gave it all they had and I can accept that. I can be proud of that

06-07-2012, 12:43 AM
I really just wanted them to come out and compete tonight. To play like it really meant something and like they hadn't mentally given up. What they did this season was special. I didn't want them to go out without any semblance of pride. They gave it all they had and I can accept that. I can be proud of that

I agree with that mostly - I was referring more to the overall series, although I wasn't thrilled with the meltdown in the 2nd half without a massive response. But overall for this game, they didn't come in sulking, they swung pretty hard in the first half.

06-07-2012, 12:44 AM
In a sense, but it isnt that simple. You have to still hope and pray for the Thunder to NOT play their best. The reason for that is that the Spurs don't have the talent to match them. Ultimately, the Thunder figured it out. I have a hard time blaming the Spurs for not being perfect. No teams are. Teams mess up during the playoffs. At some point a team will let their guard down or go through a cold streak. The Thunder capitalized and learned to adapt.

I believe the Spurs could have won the series, but that doesn't mean they were the better team all along. I can't be upset that they lost to a team they should have lost to.

That's just the difference in your opinion and mine. I still think if the Thunder play their best, while the Spurs played their best (or close to it), Spurs win. The only way the Spurs lose IMO is for OKC to play their best while at the same time the Spurs play decently far below their normal level (which is what happened).

TD 21
06-07-2012, 12:57 AM
The big 3 can't right the ship as efficiency as they used to for 37- 40 minutes against elite 24 year old star players that run like the wind. This isn't 2003 or 2005. The bench was an essential piece to the puzzle that got the team this far and Pop pretty much gave up on it after a couple of bad games (hell he gave up on Splitter tonight after 1 bad possession when him couldn't hear him yelling for him to double over a hostile Thunder crowd).

He actually gave them an opportunity in game 5 for a brief stint, but he idiotically put them in position to fail by putting Blair at the 5 and going extremely small-- which ended up making Nick Collison look like Tiago Splitter does vs. the Bobcats in the pick and roll. After that travesty, (which was obviously going to happen before it transpired) Pop gave up on them again.

As he should have. Bonner (a given) and Green were obviously done for mentally, Blair, though his stints were brief, didn't do much of anything and Splitter's game had fallen apart in the playoffs, culminating with this series. He could have given him the backup five minutes tonight, but he was right to essentially go down to 8 and ride the top 6. That was going to be their only chance.

06-07-2012, 01:01 AM
Watching other teams, I would honestly rather have guys like Pietrus, Brandon Bass, Kenyon Martin, Reggie Evans over guys like Bonner, Blair, and Green. That's all the Spurs are missing at this point. ONE more guy who can defend 2's and 3's while hitting some open 3's, and an inside defender who won't take shit in the paint.
Yeah that's what we need, even shittier FT shooting. Pietrus is Finley 2.0. Bass I like, but the rest, no thanks.

06-07-2012, 01:04 AM
In a sense, but it isnt that simple. You have to still hope and pray for the Thunder to NOT play their best. The reason for that is that the Spurs don't have the talent to match them. Ultimately, the Thunder figured it out. I have a hard time blaming the Spurs for not being perfect. No teams are. Teams mess up during the playoffs. At some point a team will let their guard down or go through a cold streak. The Thunder capitalized and learned to adapt.

I believe the Spurs could have won the series, but that doesn't mean they were the better team all along. I can't be upset that they lost to a team they should have lost to.

Very well said. So many fans pretend that sports teams can be perfect when it's an utter nonsense.

The Spurs played extremely well, would have wiped the floor with any other team in the NBA right now. Unfortunately for all of us, OKC are playing even better than that and narrowly beat us 3 times. That's just the way it goes sometimes. Most other years this Spurs team would've won the ring, unfortunately we ran into an OKC team peaking at exactly the right time, and with a higher ceiling.

baseline bum
06-07-2012, 01:22 AM
Watching other teams, I would honestly rather have guys like Pietrus, Brandon Bass, Kenyon Martin, Reggie Evans over guys like Bonner, Blair, and Green. That's all the Spurs are missing at this point. ONE more guy who can defend 2's and 3's while hitting some open 3's, and an inside defender who won't take shit in the paint.

The Spurs have two phenomenal defenders at the SF/SG in Leonard and Jackson. They lost this series because they don't have 1998-2008 Tim Duncan while the Thunder do have a first ballot Hall of Famer in his prime. I think this series was way more about what the Thunder did as opposed to what the Spurs didn't.

Dr. John R. Brinkley
06-07-2012, 01:32 AM
This season was incredible. A great run on top of a great run for several years.

I agree about getting rid of Jefferson - once that happened, the season became something amazing. Yeah, it sucks they didn't get to the Finals, but still...just to feel the magic one more time with this team. I feel lucky to have even got that again.

They could have folded tonight but they came out and played as well as they could. An amazing effort. They ran out of gas because the bench didn't deliver. This wasn't the team that put on the 20 game winning streak. If we had somehow got to the Finals I'm not even sure what team that would have been. But anyway, back to the point - very proud of this team.

baseline bum
06-07-2012, 01:36 AM
After getting over the bitterness of the loss tonight, I have to say this was an incredible season, and one of my favorite ever as a Spurs fan. Last year was a completely wasted season once they resigned Jefferson, but turning him into Jack this year completely flipped the script. I just hate to see it come to an end, because I don't think this team will be back in the WCF again for a long time.

06-07-2012, 01:40 AM
I really just wanted them to come out and compete tonight. To play like it really meant something and like they hadn't mentally given up. What they did this season was special. I didn't want them to go out without any semblance of pride. They gave it all they had and I can accept that. I can be proud of that

And I really just wanted them to come out and compete in this series. To play it like it meant something.

People who are proud of losing are not having winners mentality.

It's like in a fight. You winning the whole fight and then all of sudden you got submitted. And to warrior who can say he is proud the way he fought is unacceptable to me.
Prime example - Chael Sonnen if you knows some mma.

06-07-2012, 01:42 AM
btw. Aside from me hating people being proud of such a loss.
This game was one of the best I've seen in a long time.

I like defense more, but the intensity of this game was high as fuck, and ofense was amazing.
Just another one heartbreaking spurs loss that always be in my mind through all years that's left in my life ....

06-07-2012, 01:44 AM
After getting over the bitterness of the loss tonight, I have to say this was an incredible season, and one of my favorite ever as a Spurs fan. Last year was a completely wasted season once they resigned Jefferson, but turning him into Jack this year completely flipped the script. I just hate to see it come to an end, because I don't think this team will be back in the WCF again for a long time.

Yeah, this ending definitely hurts. I'll have to see in the next few days where I rank it. I never let my hopes get too high even during the winning streak but it still hurts to come to a screeching halt. Luckily (well, not really) we Spurs fans have witnessed our share of painful endings so this isn't exactly unprecedented.

A championship this year might have been the sweetest of all since it would have been so surprising ............ but I guess it wasn't meant to be.


06-07-2012, 01:47 AM
Props to the positivity LJ but really? This game was a combination of HORRIBLE officiating and choke jump shots. People, don't tell your kids this but really, winning is everything. EVERYTHING! This game sucks! I'm glad the Spurs lost with class but I refuse to be glad they lost!

06-07-2012, 01:56 AM
I am DAMN proud of this team as well. I want the Big 3, Jack, Kawhi, Diaw, Neal, and Splitter back next year. (But he needs to expand his game) Bonner needs to go. Green needs to work on his mid-range game and finishing in the paint, and grow some balls as well, then we can talk about him coming back. Blair can go as well tbh.

I am on the fence with Diaw. I thought he played well but is just a little too hesitant on open shots...

He needs to be more like Neal in that regard.

Bonner - GTFO. Green is a project... Not a starter, Kawhi earns that spot.

Blair has some use but not a starter anymore

Manu needs to work on his decision making. As much as he lifted the team he had back breaking errors as well.

Mills should go. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing Splitter cut as well.

Parker was good and bad. Frustrating for a few games.

Duncan needs to work on not shooting bad shots and be patient and swing the ball..

The team needs to grow a pair under pressure....

Celtics so far have shown what we should have emulated.

I am proud of the team but disappointed with the mental shortcomings...

The officiating was frustrating but I don't think there was any "fix"

The better more aggressive team usually gets the calls...

Fish was big, Sefolosha Ibaka Cook all contributed

OKC Big 3 was just too tough... They are a juggernaught.... So much potential and successfully knocked out the old guard...

I could see my self rooting for them in the Finals...

Can't be mad at them, they played their hearts out and got some benefit from the whistles but are still a pretty classy organization....

baseline bum
06-07-2012, 02:02 AM
Winning is everything? I think that's garbage. I'm supposed to feel down on the team for 90% of the time I have been following the Spurs?

06-07-2012, 02:05 AM
Winning is everything? I think that's garbage. I'm supposed to feel down on the team for 90% of the time I have been following the Spurs?Not only that, you're supposed to like it.

06-07-2012, 02:07 AM
Winning is everything? I think that's garbage. I'm supposed to feel down on the team for 90% of the time I have been following the Spurs?

Competing to the top of abilities might be more important. But even though. When you compete - which should be mandatory, you are not proud.
I say it from my perspective. Some guys have lower expectations and they do not care if they win or lose.

Ohh well

06-07-2012, 02:08 AM
I just feel like I lost my best friend

baseline bum
06-07-2012, 02:11 AM
Competing to the top of abilities might be more important. But even though. When you compete - which should be mandatory, you are not proud.
I say it from my perspective. Some guys have lower expectations and they do not care if they win or lose.

Ohh well

I thought the Spurs did compete to the top of their abilities for the most part, excluding game 3.

06-07-2012, 02:13 AM
This season was awesome. I'm really hoping Tim signs up for another year or two. I'm ok with an extended farewell tour, especially having Jack for another year. I could even stomach another season of Bonner if need be, seeing Pop realized he can't even play him now and he's probably ok for the regular season.

06-07-2012, 02:14 AM
Anyone being honest who watched that series knows that if both teams were playing their absolute best, the Thunder would beat the Spurs. To me, it was pretty obvious early in the series.

The Spurs had a chance to sneak out with a series win due to homecourt and by hoping the Thunder's youth would hinder them somewhat ... but they couldn't quite do it.

Thinking back to Game 2, the Spurs hit the Thunder with some of the hardest punches I've ever seen a Spurs team throw in the playoffs. And they still couldn't put the Thunder away.

I don't know where I put this team in the best teams the Spurs ever faced in the Tim Duncan Era but it's pretty damn high. Maybe only the 2001 Lakers and 2005 Pistons were better.

06-07-2012, 02:16 AM
In my history of Spurs Fandome, whenever something goes against us, something good always happens. D Rob gets hurt, we get Duncan, etc. Hopefully this causes something really crazy to occur and we get that missing piece to make another run at this thing next year. Something along the lines of TD taking the lowest possible salary and we get an impact free agent. I know it's GNSF-ish, but I need something to hope for right about now!!!

baseline bum
06-07-2012, 02:16 AM
Anyone being honest who watched that series knows that if both teams were playing their absolute best, the Thunder would beat the Spurs. To me, it was pretty obvious early in the series.

The Spurs had a chance to sneak out with a series win due to homecourt and by hoping the Thunder's youth would hinder them somewhat ... but they couldn't quite do it.

Thinking back to Game 2, the Spurs hit the Thunder with some of the hardest punches I've ever seen a Spurs team throw in the playoffs. And they still couldn't put the Thunder away.

I don't know where I put this team in the best teams the Spurs ever faced in the Tim Duncan Era but it's pretty damn high. Maybe only the 2001 Lakers and 2005 Pistons were better.

I'd have to put the 02 Lakers above too.

06-07-2012, 02:17 AM
I thought the Spurs did compete to the top of their abilities for the most part, excluding game 3.

I would exclude most of the series. game 3 4 5 partt of game 6.
game 1 and 2 I leave without a judgment due to a surviving those games and playing spurs ball.

This series Pop had to cut the rotation to the maximum and he did it in the last game! That brought more minutes to the guys that were not playing that much ever this season.
The system collapsed and spurs were not able to overcome it with creation.

All game long I was like - come on come on. Even when Thunder cut the lead to 15 I was pissed.

It's not a coincidence that the spurs had the best record, and they fallen two straight years with disturbing fashion. Why be proud?

I may be proud of them in 10 yrs from now. But of course with lower expectation. Not looking at them like on a lakers team, Boston team or chicago /I'm talking the history/.

06-07-2012, 02:19 AM
People were laughing when I ranked OKC as the #1 foe to the Spurs (ok, I had the Mavs at #2, and that was terrible) with LAL and MEM at 3 and 4. OKC was on a tear throughout the season and beasting teams left and right. And this was the team with the youngest stars in the West.

You can't hate on OKC, they're extremely good. I thought outside of Game 3, the Spurs competed. I still think this was the real NBA Finals. OKC should deal with whoever comes out of the East no problem.

06-07-2012, 02:19 AM
I Am So Proud
I am so butthurt.

:cry :cry :cry

Fuck you OKC, couldn't you have just waited 1 more year to assert your dominance on the league and let the old boys ride out into the sunset in the best way imaginable?!?!?!!?

:cry :cry :cry

06-07-2012, 02:21 AM
Anyone being honest who watched that series knows that if both teams were playing their absolute best, the Thunder would beat the Spurs. To me, it was pretty obvious early in the series.

The Spurs had a chance to sneak out with a series win due to homecourt and by hoping the Thunder's youth would hinder them somewhat ... but they couldn't quite do it.

Thinking back to Game 2, the Spurs hit the Thunder with some of the hardest punches I've ever seen a Spurs team throw in the playoffs. And they still couldn't put the Thunder away.

I don't know where I put this team in the best teams the Spurs ever faced in the Tim Duncan Era but it's pretty damn high. Maybe only the 2001 Lakers and 2005 Pistons were better.

Now it's beyond funny LJ

Your predictions were bit different if I remember correctly.


It does not matter then most of our bench was unproductive huh?

06-07-2012, 02:25 AM
Baseline Bum, you are a tool. The Spurs made mistakes. When they make the right decions they deserve credit and when they don't they deserve criticism.

baseline bum
06-07-2012, 02:32 AM
Baseline Bum, you are a tool. The Spurs made mistakes. When they make the right decions they deserve credit and when they don't they deserve criticism.

So shit on them every year but 4?

06-07-2012, 02:49 AM
I'm a bit harsh on everything

But I'm so upset it's crazy...

06-07-2012, 02:50 AM
Duncan, Parker, Manu, Jack and Leonard showed some fucking heart out there.

Everyone else can gtfo. Seriously.

Sad that our 20 year old rookie has bigger balls than 3/4 of our fucking roster. After typing that last sentence, I realized that's exactly why we lost this fuckin series.

06-07-2012, 02:51 AM
The team needs to grow a pair under pressure....

Celtics so far have shown what we should have emulated.

I am proud of the team but disappointed with the mental shortcomings...

I'm not accusing the team of "not caring" or "not trying." It was obvious all series that they care and they played their hearts out.

At the same time, I think there is just a hunger they are lacking.

To use an apt sports comparison, Roger Federer used to hate losing. He used to cry every time he lost and when they gave him a second-place trophy, he hated it. He was upset and he did not want to be second. He would come back and beat the shit out of everyone for the next three majors. As his career progressed and he matured and became more proven, he became less emotional when he lost. Every one has commended him for being gracious in defeat, but as he became more gracious he began to lose more and more. He has a family. He has the records. His legacy is cemented. If he comes in third at Wimbledon and loses to Nadal again, so what in his world?

I feel like it is a same thing with the Spurs. The Big 3 lack a hunger. You can tell by their faces that they don't like losing....but I don't think they hate it as much as the Thunder or a lot of the young teams out there. Again, they were giving it their all and trying their best....but I just don't think they wanted it/needed it as much as the Thunder. The Thunder are looking to begin a dynasty. Our dynasty is in the past and these years are the Big 3's "farewell tour."

We need the hunger from younger guys or fiery vets who haven't had a ring in a long time. As stupid as it was that Jackson did it, it was refreshing to see him drain that three and turn around and bark at the OKC bench. Two images stand out in my mind:

-Russell Westbrook making Danny Green look like a punk by blocking his shot after the buzzer at the end of the first half. Green doesn't say anything and just walks away expressionless--like he was all series. I hoped that would piss Green off and light a fire under him. Nope.

-Westbrook coasting for an easy throw down tonight. It looked like Leonard could have hacked him for going up and sent a message "No easy baskets." If not, he shouldn't have stood next to Duncan away from Westbrook flinching as that crazy son of a bitch hammered down a a dunk. Westbrook screams at Leonard/Duncan and runs back down. Again, he's trying to make you look bad. Don't do anything stupid, but get fired up. Take things personally.

I spent all series watching a Thunder team trying to posterize/punk/embarrass our players. I watched all of our guys, though cerebral, look emotionless. TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY.

06-07-2012, 03:02 AM
Duncan, Parker, Manu, Jack and Leonard showed some fucking heart out there.

Everyone else can gtfo. Seriously.

Sad that our 20 year old rookie has bigger balls than 3/4 of our fucking roster. After typing that last sentence, I realized that's exactly why we lost this fuckin series.

No shit. Jack and Leonard were the only role players who didn't completely disappear. The strength of this year's team was it's deep, consistent bench. They didn't rely on the big 3 as much, they clearly didn't need Manu to have big games to dominate teams, because they dominated a ton of teams while Manu was hurt and while Manu was playing poorly. Many guys stepped up off the bench every night, and it continued in the first 2 rounds. In the WCF, they totally disappeared. Diaw made a few good plays but other than that he was bad this series, or subpar, maybe I'm harsh. Green was ice cold and Neal was just as bad as Green, only difference is Neal played more minutes because he has more Spurs experience and is more trusted by Pop.

To be honest though, I would take every single player back except Blair and Bonner. Splitter can go to if we find a replacement tall, physical big man. The Spurs have a good team, they simply didn't play their best basketball when it mattered, after shit hit the fan. They aren't gonna build a better team with the cap space they have by getting rid of everyone outside the big 3, Jackson, and Leonard.

06-07-2012, 03:37 AM
It was a great run, sad to see us go like that. Thunder deserve it, but at the same time fuck the refs for giving the Thunder all the calls in the 2nd half. Let's see what type of young additions can be made for next season.

Danny Green tweeted pretty much saying he ain't going anywhere, he can continue to improve this summer and that would be good. Kawhi is only getting better. Duncan needs some help and neither Bonner, nor Blair, nor Splitter are capable of providing that right now so I can see a few of them being traded for another big man. Gotta re-sign Diaw and let him become better with the system.

06-07-2012, 04:39 AM
this series was not especially satisfying, and i don't feel 'good' about game 6, but still, overall, a great season that was a lot of fun.

and damn, Cpt. Jack is one bad ass motherfucker. and he's a Spur.

06-07-2012, 05:58 AM
We, me and my kids, have enjoyed this season immensely.
The kids realized what a treat it is to have witnessed basketball the way basketball is supposed to be played.
Day in day out for 3 long months.
I taught them from day one of their lives to recognize greatness.
Few teams have ever caught the essence of teamness like the 2012 Spurs.

Hopefully, one day, years and years and years from now, when their kids will ask questions about great teams of the past,
their grandpa will show them the Yugoslavias of the 70s with Cosic (RIP) and Dalipagic, and early 90s with Divac and Petrovic (RIP), the 80s Lakers and Celtics with Bird and Magic.
Dad, and mom, will show the Spurs, including the 2012 version that did not win anything, other than the hearts of those that know about this sport.

06-07-2012, 06:37 AM
This was a terrible ending. It sucks beyond words.

But I can't help but look forward to the future - Kawhi Leonard is going to be something else.

Capt Bringdown
06-07-2012, 06:38 AM
Last year the Spurs proved that the best record in the league didn't mean anything.

This year the best record, plus a 20 game winning streak, plus a 2 -0 lead...all for naught?

I get smelling the roses and all that jazz, but this team built up some very high expectations for itself and the fanbase. And this is the Spurs we're talking about and not the Denver Nuggets or some other trash. High expectations are a given.

They let everyone down, including themselves.
You get swept 4-0, and it's black and white that you were beaten by the better team.
You've got the best record in the league, 100% health, a 20-game winning streak, a proven record of domination against your opponent and a 2-game lead, and you can't even close out the series? Lose 4 straight and look pitiful doing it? Something in the mental toughness dept is missing from this team.

Bitching and moaning, perhaps. My loyalty never wavers, but I wonder how can one ever "believe" this squad again?

Seriously, nobody's ever blown a 3-0 lead before in NBA history, but I reckon Pop and this crew would give it a good shot.

06-07-2012, 07:52 AM
Last year the Spurs proved that the best record in the league didn't mean anything.

This year the best record, plus a 20 game winning streak, plus a 2 -0 lead...all for naught?

I get smelling the roses and all that jazz, but this team built up some very high expectations for itself and the fanbase. And this is the Spurs we're talking about and not the Denver Nuggets or some other trash. High expectations are a given.

They let everyone down, including themselves.
You get swept 4-0, and it's black and white that you were beaten by the better team.
You've got the best record in the league, 100% health, a 20-game winning streak, a proven record of domination against your opponent and a 2-game lead, and you can't even close out the series? Lose 4 straight and look pitiful doing it? Something in the mental toughness dept is missing from this team.

Bitching and moaning, perhaps. My loyalty never wavers, but I wonder how can one ever "believe" this squad again?

Seriously, nobody's ever blown a 3-0 lead before in NBA history, but I reckon Pop and this crew would give it a good shot.

That's the sad story of the whole deal with the spurs. And really how can you believe this squad again?
Even if there are going 82-0 in reg and then 15-0 in the playoffs I still would not be positive about their chances of winning it all...

06-07-2012, 08:08 AM
This was a great season. It didn't end the way that I hoped it would in the end but I had so much fun watching this team play and the 20 game win streak really fired me up!

06-07-2012, 08:24 AM
San Antonio Spurs, B2B Regular Season Champions! :lol

San Antonio Spurs, B2B Playoff Deadbeats! :lol

06-07-2012, 08:32 AM
The 2011-2012 San Antonio Spurs gave it all they had. They played with every ounce of their souls in this Game 6. It was their best game of the series and one of their best games of the season. Unfortunately, the Spurs just didn't have enough. Our Spurs didn't lose it; the Thunder went out and won the game.

The Thunder are a great, great team. One of the best teams I've ever seen the Spurs play. Perhaps they performed over their heads -- only time can tell that tale -- but if they didn't, that is a team that will win multiple championships. Congrats to you, Oklahoma City.

But I'm so god damn proud of the Spurs. You gave it everything you had. As a fan, that's all I can ever ask for.

Thank you Spurs for a wonderful season. Thank you SpursTalk for making this an even more memorable ride. It was fun. I'm sorry this road didn't reach the ultimate destination.

But I'm so very proud. :cry

Exactly my sentiments. We got beat by a very good, very hot team. No shame.

And thanks to all who contributed positive criticism about the team and players. This site is a great read even if one does not agree with all the assessments.

I personally will be popping in every now and then to keep up with possible acquisitions. Thanks to all who do their homework and contribute so much more thoroughly on the Spurs than any other medium.

:toast cheers, Great Season and a most enjoyable viewing experience.

06-07-2012, 08:34 AM
Timvp u have always had my respect but u lost it with ur 2% prediction!!! You are everything wrong with true spurs fans and your board gives a forum to all these laker fucks that call us out!!!! Congrats you bandwagoning piece of shit over Righteousness dick!!!! Sucks your lady had to call out the board and bribe em w a 200$ gift card to muster up some balls from u and the rest of these jokers that post here!!!!

06-07-2012, 08:36 AM
Spurs fan for life!!! :flag: :flag:

06-07-2012, 08:43 AM
You can't tell me that bad calls don't change the flow and momentum of games.

Now I understamd why my brother hates David Stern's faggy face and the NBA in general.

06-07-2012, 08:49 AM
Again can't let it go.... Maybe I'm being childish by redirecting my anger your way but you and everyone else that doesn't stand by this team win or lose sucks big donkey cock!!!! This is our team and always will be!!! BELIEVE!!!!! We always compete!!!!!

06-07-2012, 08:51 AM
I dont see how people can be mad at my boy DPG or Beatdown. They are the true believers here. They are upset, because they truly felt that the Spurs were the better team. And who can blame him? How many teams in NBA history have compiled a better win % over a two year period and NOT won the NBA title? The Mavs perhaps? How are these 2 seasons any different then the Mavs team that flamed out in the middle of the last decade? Only difference is the Spurs choked AFTER already proving that the core could win a title. (Not trolling I know the Lakers especially Kobe choked this year too).

Last year the spurs got beat by a Grizz team that called them out, tanked to play them and upset them in the first round (sounds familiar to G-state in 2007). This year the spurs blew a 2-0 lead and a chance to win a third game by blowing a huge lead on the road (sounds like the mavs in their first NBA finals). All I am saying, is many on here killed the Mavs, their fans and Cuban labeled them chokers for doing the EXACT same thing that the Spurs have done the past two seasons.

I see nothing wrong in the brutal honesty of DPG's or Capt's assessment of THIS series. Before this sPurs were playing some of the best ball on offense I had seen in almost 20 years. They followed it with one of the bigger chokejobs in recent memory. I have been saying the Lakers are noncontenders since we got swept by the Mavs LAST season. You need some fans to be brutally honest to balance out all the homers. But the truth is, the reason why they are being so harsh is because they expected more out of this team than most of you.

06-07-2012, 09:11 AM
Last year the Spurs proved that the best record in the league didn't mean anything.

This year the best record, plus a 20 game winning streak, plus a 2 -0 lead...all for naught?

I get smelling the roses and all that jazz, but this team built up some very high expectations for itself and the fanbase. And this is the Spurs we're talking about and not the Denver Nuggets or some other trash. High expectations are a given.

They let everyone down, including themselves.
You get swept 4-0, and it's black and white that you were beaten by the better team.
You've got the best record in the league, 100% health, a 20-game winning streak, a proven record of domination against your opponent and a 2-game lead, and you can't even close out the series? Lose 4 straight and look pitiful doing it? Something in the mental toughness dept is missing from this team.

Bitching and moaning, perhaps. My loyalty never wavers, but I wonder how can one ever "believe" this squad again?

Seriously, nobody's ever blown a 3-0 lead before in NBA history, but I reckon Pop and this crew would give it a good shot.

Since you basically never say anything positive about the Spurs, I reckon it's about time you found a team that is worthy of you.

Keepin' it real
06-07-2012, 09:22 AM
The Spurs have a history of blowing big leads in the playoffs. Even when Duncan was in his prime, the Spurs would do this. To do it again, in the most embarrassing fashion -- blowing an 18-point lead against a much younger and inexperienced team -- is NOTHING to be proud of.