View Full Version : Game 2 loss: How's it feel OKC?

06-14-2012, 11:48 PM
So the shoe is on the other foot now as Harden's epic flops turned into epic fails.

Poetic justice, I can think of four critical flops calls that cost the Spurs dearly at OKC in game 6 crunch time:

1) Harden is beat on the corner 3 from Leonard off Gino pass, so he drops as if shot by a bullet while replays show contact is minimal.
2) Durant is set, but Manu cuts across the lane, KD leans his hip and shoulder into his path and flops, robbing the Spurs of an and one or at least the basket.
3) Fisher falls down on his own guarding Parker, who cuts back in front of a legal Duncan screen. Fisher is out of the play but runs into Duncan and flops, and gets one of the worst calls of the game.
4) Jackson is guarded by Harden, who has at least one arm illegally around Jax before the ball is thrown in. Jax makes a move to end this illegal contact and detach Harden, who then drops once again as if shot in the head and the dumbass refs buy it hook line and sinker.

The failure of the OKC flop was great to see and I don't feel one damn bit sorry for you dirt burglers! What comes around goes around, karma's a beetch.

06-14-2012, 11:51 PM
Get over it.

06-14-2012, 11:53 PM
The ball doesn't lie, tbh.

06-14-2012, 11:55 PM
As much as I dislike the Heat, it felt good seeing the Thunder get a taste of their own medicine. When it comes to ref rigging...what goes around, comes around.

06-15-2012, 12:06 AM
it does matter who wins the league will make sure these 2 meet for the next 5 years.

06-15-2012, 12:06 AM
San Antonio Heat fans are some lame motherfuckers.

06-15-2012, 01:40 AM
I enjoyed it :)

baseline bum
06-15-2012, 02:11 AM
Damn, the bitterness is annoying. Can't you motherfuckers enjoy two awesome Finals games without the whining? I thought all of y'all were done with the NBA anyways?

06-15-2012, 02:50 AM
I'm over it...but it is kind of funny how I never saw Harden attempt a long range shot while landing on his feet.
this may cut his career short:
he takes like 300 (+playoff) threes a season
...that makes like 3000-4000 falls while he still should be in his prime

06-15-2012, 06:48 AM
So the shoe is on the other foot now as Harden's epic flops turned into epic fails.

Poetic justice, I can think of four critical flops calls that cost the Spurs dearly at OKC in game 6 crunch time:

1) Harden is beat on the corner 3 from Leonard off Gino pass, so he drops as if shot by a bullet while replays show contact is minimal.
2) Durant is set, but Manu cuts across the lane, KD leans his hip and shoulder into his path and flops, robbing the Spurs of an and one or at least the basket.
3) Fisher falls down on his own guarding Parker, who cuts back in front of a legal Duncan screen. Fisher is out of the play but runs into Duncan and flops, and gets one of the worst calls of the game.
4) Jackson is guarded by Harden, who has at least one arm illegally around Jax before the ball is thrown in. Jax makes a move to end this illegal contact and detach Harden, who then drops once again as if shot in the head and the dumbass refs buy it hook line and sinker.

The failure of the OKC flop was great to see and I don't feel one damn bit sorry for you dirt burglers! What comes around goes around, karma's a beetch.



06-15-2012, 07:24 AM
Any Spurs fans that does not enjoy seeing Harden not get the call after a grotesque flop attempt is not a true Spurs fan.

If you can ignore that type of play good for you, to me it detracts from the game of basketball and has gotten out of hand.

06-15-2012, 07:30 AM
Any Spurs fans that does not enjoy seeing Harden not get the call after a grotesque flop attempt is not a true Spurs fan.

It's not whining you incredibly stupid "motherfuckers", it's justice plain and simple.

^ the goods :toast

06-15-2012, 07:30 AM
San Antonio Heat fans are some lame motherfuckers.

Damn, the bitterness is annoying. Can't you motherfuckers enjoy two awesome Finals games without the whining? I thought all of y'all were done with the NBA anyways?


06-15-2012, 07:33 AM
^ the goods :toast

Thanks. I toned it down but I can't believe people are not appalled after watching that bearded turd's play last night.

06-15-2012, 08:40 AM
Seeing them get a taste of their own medicine brought joy to my eyes! Their crappy ass fans chanting referees suck made me just laugh! Hypocrites!

06-15-2012, 09:05 AM
What's your point? Game 2 wasn't about James Harden flopping or ref regging. It was about us playing like shit, going down 18-2, and getting beat by Miami. Period. End of story.

Harry Callahan
06-15-2012, 09:13 AM
^ Not as verbose after a close loss instead of a close win. Getting 50% of the 50/50 calls instead of 70% of them can change the end result a little bit.

Did Hardin get an offensive foul called against him in the WCF? Then two last night when the other jersey has "Heat" on it.

OKC is going to win at least one game in Miami. This will go 6 or 7. I think OKC is still playing on a higher level than Miami and will eventually prevail. The Heat was fortunate to win last night.

OKC can score so easily from all over the court.

Their athletic ability is going to get to Miami over the course of the series.

06-15-2012, 09:16 AM
Very exciting finals Durant and Lebron are fucking nuts this is a fun series.

06-15-2012, 09:40 AM
Did Hardin get an offensive foul called against him in the WCF? Then two last night when the other jersey has "Heat" on it.

I'm pretty sure he got called for two charges in Game 1 during the Spurs 4th quarter surge that stole the game.

06-15-2012, 09:46 AM
It's no fun when the refs take you out of the game.

06-15-2012, 10:18 AM
We took ourselves out of the game. Was KD fouled on that last shot attempt? Probably. However, that's the position you put yourself in when you start off in a 2-18 hole. The refs had nothing to do with the outcome of either of the first 2 games of this series. The better team will win.

06-15-2012, 10:25 AM
Thanks. I toned it down but I can't believe people are not appalled after watching that bearded turd's play last night.

I prefer the previous version :toast

06-15-2012, 11:10 AM
Damn, the bitterness is annoying. Can't you motherfuckers enjoy two rigged Finals games without the whining? I thought all of y'all were done with the NBA anyways?


06-15-2012, 11:15 AM
I don't have a dog in the fight... this is a hell of series and I'm enjoying it.

Dr. John R. Brinkley
06-15-2012, 11:29 AM
I hate both equally and enjoy watching a well played and well contested game.

baseline bum
06-15-2012, 01:49 PM
How retarded does one have to be to think the league is fixed and still watch it? Still buy tickets to its events? Still wear its gear?

06-15-2012, 01:57 PM

If it's rigged, why are you here? Go follow something else that isn't rigged.

06-15-2012, 02:01 PM
Very exciting finals Durant and Lebron are fucking nuts this is a fun series.

Yeah, we've got ourselves a series now.

Either LeBron or KD is about to ring for the very first time. :hat

06-15-2012, 02:12 PM
Any Spurs fans that does not enjoy seeing Harden not get the call after a grotesque flop attempt is not a true Spurs fan.

If you can ignore that type of play good for you, to me it detracts from the game of basketball and has gotten out of hand.

Yeah, tbh.

As fans of basketball, we all have to admit Manu is in a top five category when it comes to flopping, but Harden's theatrics cannot go ignored. He flops on three point shot attempts, flops when driving to the rim and head bobbling when a defender ever so slightly makes the slightest contact with him...That's not to mention his go to bail out move of showing the ball and immediately flopping his arms up in the air when a defender ever so slightly reaches in... Just a pathetic display of basketball tbh. Harden is in a class by himself when it comes to flopping and getting bailed out. I've never in my 14-15 years of following the game closely seen a player rely so much on flopping to score.

Oh, Gee!!
06-15-2012, 02:16 PM
this year has seemed worse than most years with the flopping by all the teams. Hopefully, the rules change to to make "no-calls" on obvious flops, or even penalize the flopper himself.

06-15-2012, 02:17 PM
You know what sucks worse than being 1-1 in the Finals?

Being 2-4 in the WCSF.

06-15-2012, 02:18 PM
You know what sucks worse than being 1-1 in the Finals?

Being 2-4 in the WCSF.

You know what sucks worse than having 4 :lobt2: ?

Having none.

Oh, Gee!!
06-15-2012, 02:35 PM
You know what sucks worse than being 1-1 in the Finals?

Being 2-4 in the WCSF.

you know what sucks worse than that?

being a fan of the team that went down 2-4 in the WCF, because our millionaire idols are off in the Bahamas lying around the beach or in NYC with model girlfiends getting glass shattered in their eyes, and we're sitting here bitter and bitching about Harden on the internet.

06-15-2012, 02:38 PM
you know what sucks worse than that?

being a fan of the team that went down 2-4 in the WCF, because our millionaire idols are off in the Bahamas lying around the beach or in NYC with model girlfiends getting glass shattered in their eyes, and we're sitting here bitter and bitching about Harden on the internet.

:lol always good to think of things like that. Makes the whining and butthurt go away fast tbh.

06-15-2012, 02:38 PM
You know, The spurs ownership group voted to let the Sonics move to OKC.....So we really fucked ourselves.

06-15-2012, 02:39 PM
:lol always good to think of things like that. Makes the whining and butthurt go away fast tbh.

Heh, true...Steve Nash may never ring, but he's still got more $$$ than any of us on here are likely to see in our lifetimes. :lol

06-15-2012, 02:53 PM
Now that Kobe is old and decaying the new cash cow is Bron Bron. No way in hell is the Almighty Stern going to let the golden child go another year without a championship.

06-15-2012, 04:41 PM
Yeah, tbh.

As fans of basketball, we all have to admit Manu is in a top five category when it comes to flopping, but Harden's theatrics cannot go ignored. He flops on three point shot attempts, flops when driving to the rim and head bobbling when a defender ever so slightly makes the slightest contact with him...That's not to mention his go to bail out move of showing the ball and immediately flopping his arms up in the air when a defender ever so slightly reaches in... Just a pathetic display of basketball tbh. Harden is in a class by himself when it comes to flopping and getting bailed out. I've never in my 14-15 years of following the game closely seen a player rely so much on flopping to score.

Nice analysis, I don't ever recall Manu flopping to the level Harden's has risen to. It has just become comical and disgusting to watch.

I did not give much creedence to the idea of penalizing floppers. Now I am of the opinion it must be addressed at all costs to preserve the integrity of the game. A technical foul would do the trick.

The refs have apparently figured it out and are ignoring when Harden hits the floor now. Too bad it happened a couple of games too late for us. I would like to think they reviewed our game 6 and have owned up to this issue.

Now that they have identified it, a simple rule change to clean it up would be easy to implement.

Actually Stern is on record saying he does not think it is a legitimate play at all. It was the rules commission that was aghast at his suggestion of a penalty.

+1 for Stern here
-1 for the rules commission

06-15-2012, 04:47 PM
San Antonio Heat fans are some lame motherfuckers.

I believe the best teams are:

Spurs-Miami-OKC in that order. After the Spurs I don't like any other team. That said, I have no problem with LeBron winning, he has been a good citizen and paid his dues, unlike the OKC players.

Get over it.

This is along the lines of even discussing the matter makes you butthurt, a poor sport, etc. You can simply ignore any thread you don't like and not post on it, if it is that troubling.

My point is had OKC won in an honorable fashion, I would be the first one to say "great job you deserved to win." As it played out, they lost my respect and I see nothing wrong or "poor sport" about taking that perspective and calling them out for their BS.

06-15-2012, 05:03 PM
Yes, because OKC determines whether the refs favor them or the spurs. You're a fucking idiot.

I bet Durant feels bad for winning because they got more calls and won without honor :cry

06-15-2012, 05:11 PM
Yes, because OKC determines whether the refs favor them or the spurs. You're a fucking idiot.

Looks who's talking.

Well sorry if I'm not going to lie and say "Great Job OKC the better team just won, that's all folks."

Some may think that is the "honorable" thing to do, but its revisionist history.

Then we have a camp saying "our team is just not good enough," when in fact we had to be phenomenal in game 6 overall to trail only by two late. OKC is unbeatable when handed 10 points in their own building, I will give them that.

06-15-2012, 09:43 PM
So Lebron is a good citizen and has paid his dues and the OKC roster is full of...bad citizens? There are no dues to pay. Get over it. I also was unaware that OKCs win over SA was dishonorable. What BS did we pull? They lost your respect how? Say what you want about refs and bad calls and even Hardens flopping, but your suggestion that OKC somehow plays in a dishonorable or disrespectful manner or that the team consists if anything but mostly high character individuals is a true reflection of your complete ignorance

06-15-2012, 10:15 PM
It is nice to see. The only no-call that bothered me for one whole second was when Durant stared at the Heat bench after hitting a corner three with 4mins left in the 4th.

Maybe a case of Sjax and Joes Crawford not being involved.

Manu hardly flops now. It's been like that for the last few seasons. I guess labels tend to stick longer than memories.

Still going for the Thunder though. Love the way they play and Durant the competitor wont let them down.

06-15-2012, 11:33 PM
This is along the lines of even discussing the matter makes you butthurt, a poor sport, etc. You can simply ignore any thread you don't like and not post on it, if it is that troubling.

My point is had OKC won in an honorable fashion, I would be the first one to say "great job you deserved to win." As it played out, they lost my respect and I see nothing wrong or "poor sport" about taking that perspective and calling them out for their BS.

You're not calling anyone out. This is a Spurs forum. You're whining. Nothing honorable about that.

Regardless, the actual Spurs did congratulate the Thunder, Pop did say they just got beat by a better team. Seems settled to me. If the team isn't complaining, why are you?

baseline bum
06-15-2012, 11:38 PM
:cry I just think it's so amazing how the Spurs overcame the refs and the fix from Stern to win 2 games in the series. :cry


06-16-2012, 05:31 AM
I for one am still bitter, and havent watched a second of the Finals (as hard as that is) nor will I. I believe with all that I am the league has conspired, more than once, to prevent the Spurs from winning the Championship, this one was really the last straw. But i will admit it puts me in an awkward place cause i am a basketball fan, and it sucks not being able to watch the game played on its highest level.

06-16-2012, 08:56 AM
SA got pummeled for long stretches of that series
Out hustled and outplayed. They were sloppy, flat, turnover prone, and couldn't hit open shots. That's why they lost the series. I suppose you just want to forget all of that and look at a few questionable calls late in game 6 and blame them losing the series on the refs.

06-16-2012, 09:59 AM
SA got pummeled for long stretches of that series
Out hustled and outplayed. They were sloppy, flat, turnover prone, and couldn't hit open shots. That's why they lost the series. I suppose you just want to forget all of that and look at a few questionable calls late in game 6 and blame them losing the series on the refs.

The Harden contagion has spread through your team as evidenced by the critical Durant flop. As it became clearer the refs were completely clueless, the flops became more brazen and disgusting as evidenced on into the finals esp. game 2. I didn't appreciate the thuggish jersey grabbing by Perkins on screens, and Fisher was a nasty flopping POS when he was still fast enough to ever get set. So yes, "SCREW YO TEAM CLOWN" is a reasonable perspective to have.

Sounds like you forgot about 58-80 in our game 2 and being down 18 at home in game 6. No way in hell you guys come back from that without the severe ref aiding that occurred. I'm sure you would like everyone to just forget about it, but it's not going to happen around here. Our team showed it can pummel OKC for long stretches just like Miami has.

In games 3-5 the refs completely botched numerous goaltend calls on our layup attempts. Spurs are not an above the rim dunking kinds of team. By allowing Ibaka to goaltend on layups it seriously impaired our offense and resulted in huge momentum shifts of 4 points by igniting OKC fast breaks, costing the Spurs dearly down the stretch in games 4-5 that were close enough to win. Then all the "superstar calls" OKC got, refs essentially would not even allow guarding of Durant at times, phantom shooting fouls on jumpshots him and Westbrook, not even noticeable on slow motion replays, bleah.

OKC has a nice team and I think they should hold a higher standard in their play. As an OKC fan I would simply be embarrassed by Harden at this point, he's gotten out of control.

As for the finals Miami simply has the goods on your guys. Not only do they have a at least an equivalent of the "superstar calls", but they can attack the rim and dunk, forcing the issue on guys like Ibaka and Durant and getting them in foul trouble.

Please check in after its 3-1 Miami to confirm/deny, and thanks for your patronage.

06-16-2012, 10:26 AM
Fuck OKC. I don't get people who can hate Lebron for his decision(which he apologized for and said he understood why Dan Gilbert was angry). All Cleveland lost was one player. A really, really good player but still just one.

OKC's ownership group LIED to the fans in Seattle and stole their entire team along with their history. A team led by Kevin Durant that's in the finals right now. That is bullshit.

06-16-2012, 10:29 AM
Yes- flopping is clearly unique to OKC, as is pulling on a jersey. Very thuggish. I do not believe I saw a single instance of grabbing or flopping by any Spurs player and thats just very commendable. OkC also got ALL the calls-right. I think I'll stop cheerin for the thug cheaters here in OKC. You might be right about Miami. I never claimed otherwise. We will see. I didn't even think OKC could get past SA. Thanks to the refs and current conspiracies by the NBA, we prevailed.

06-16-2012, 10:34 AM
Fuck OKC. I don't get people who can hate Lebron for his decision(which he apologized for and said he understood why Dan Gilbert was angry). All Cleveland lost was one player. A really, really good player but still just one.

OKC's ownership group LIED to the fans in Seattle and stole their entire team along with their history. A team led by Kevin Durant that's in the finals right now. That is bullshit.

Uh huh. An if you lived in a city with no pro sports team and they moved one in I'm sure you wouldn't support or attend any games because of the injustice done to Seattle.

06-16-2012, 01:09 PM
SA got pummeled for long stretches of that series
Out hustled and outplayed. They were sloppy, flat, turnover prone, and couldn't hit open shots. That's why they lost the series. I suppose you just want to forget all of that and look at a few questionable calls late in game 6 and blame them losing the series on the refs.

Once again, as far as I'm concern i haven't seen which team rightly prevailed cause of a few questionable calls late in game six. Basketball is a game of momentum and it usally come in stretches so when a controlled source such as an official is preventing and/or creating momentum it not only influence a game, more time than not decides a game and i'm tired of seeing it. I have nothing against OKC, Durant is my favorite non Spur player but as good as they are that series was going to seven games, and as far as i'm concern we all missed out what could have and probably should have been an epic game seven.

06-16-2012, 01:18 PM
I never said OKC fans should dump their team, they are after all "your thugs."

Never said OKC fans should not have accepted the team since they were stolen from elsewhere.

Just that your team played like a bunch of dickheads, got away with it, and I agree 200% this should have been settled in a game 7, in S.A.

We all know that.

As for Harden, should not OKC fans be embarrassed by now about his gross flopping, finally admit that the shit he did in Game 6 was complete BS, and apologize to all Spurs fans worldwide, the game of basketball itself, and even James Naismith for letting things devolve into that?

After all the Spurs play the Naismith way, unlike your goon squad.

06-16-2012, 01:20 PM
Once again, as far as I'm concern i haven't seen which team rightly prevailed cause of a few questionable calls late in game six.

Wow, that's charitable, I think I had about 10 blown/missed/bad/non calls.

06-16-2012, 02:53 PM
I never said OKC fans should dump their team, they are after all "your thugs."

Never said OKC fans should not have accepted the team since they were stolen from elsewhere.

Just that your team played like a bunch of dickheads, got away with it, and I agree 200% this should have been settled in a game 7, in S.A.

We all know that.

As for Harden, should not OKC fans be embarrassed by now about his gross flopping, finally admit that the shit he did in Game 6 was complete BS, and apologize to all Spurs fans worldwide, the game of basketball itself, and even James Naismith for letting things devolve into that?

After all the Spurs play the Naismith way, unlike your goon squad.

Your statements are laughable. You've got no less than 3 players on the SA roster that flop so regularly and blatantly it's a complete joke. Then you want to run your mouth about Harden flopping? What a hypocrite.

06-16-2012, 02:56 PM
On top of that you come out against this thug move of Perkins of pulling a jersey when you've got Tim Duncan who will regularly do the same exact thing when he can get away with it to compensate for his ailing athleticism.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 05:38 PM
You are becoming a tiresome troll.

Go to thundertalk and because you might be able to impress someone there with your basketball knowledge.

The Supersonic's accomplishments pale in comparison to the Spurs, even though they have been in the NBA since the late 60's (being on OKC guy you may not realize realize that).

I will give you Manu that flops, but I don't see the "at Least 3" as you state.

Can you give me examples of Duncan grabbing jerseys "numerous times" like Perkins did? You cannot.

I don't recall him resorting to grabbing jerseys and I've seen him play hundreds of times. Dozens of times the last two years.

Duncan can play straight up still and anchor a defense even now.

Enjoy the Thundersonics championship run. Greed and immaturity by the players outside of Durant will corrupt what is a good thing right now. Just you wait when its time for the underlings to get paid.

Supersonics management will not max out their next two guys in Hardin and Ibaka. They will have to be creative. It may not work out.

06-16-2012, 06:19 PM
SA has a more successful history than the Supersonics. Great. I knew that. What's your point? Thats out of the context of the conversation. No one cares about your little pop shot Thundersonic references. People in OKC just laugh at those lame references. Enjoy the offseason.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 06:32 PM
My point is you like to point out all the shortcomings of a group of players that have accomplished a ton. You can't seem to take ANY criticism of your team at all.

You are a thin skinned one - that's my point.

Enjoy the OKC success while it's here. They probably will beat Miami.

I don't understand why you are so concerned about what the fans of the old ass Spurs think anyway.

Haven't you moved on to bigger and better things?

"Enjoy the offseason" - WOW! What a comeback.

BTW, you didn't answer any of my questions. Why not? Because you don't have an honest answer.

Go to Thundertalk, so you don't get your feelings hurt anymore.

06-16-2012, 06:35 PM
Well I think we have a clear case here of the truth hurts. TF is just sticking up for his team though, I would not quite play the troll card for that.

I am sticking to my assertion that Miami, the lesser of two evils at this point, has the goods to handle OKC, and your off season will be no better than ours.

The jig is up on Harden, the refs have finally figured it out. Stripped of the "superstar calls" advantage too, your team will come back to earth quite quickly, as it should have been a series ago.

06-16-2012, 08:29 PM
I'm only pointing out these "shortcomings" in response to the assertion that OKC wins in a dishonorable fashion by way Of flopping, erc. I'm simply pointing out that one shouldn't really label another team's players as dishonorable when the players on your own team do the same thing. Not once did I ever come here and just out of the blue start saying negative things about any players. I've generally said nothing but positive things about spurs players. I'm about as thick skinned as you'll find. I have noticed Harden getting fewer calls. That's fine. No arguments from me. I don't like flopping either. He will have to adjust to the way the game is called. I also do not disagree that Miami can beat OKC. I don't have comebacks. I honestly was wishing you to enjoy your offseason. You chose to take it otherwise. What was your question? Who flops? Parker, Ginobli, Duncan, Splitter. They all do it. The first two are top notch floppers

06-16-2012, 08:34 PM
You were the one coming up with BS that's completely out of the context of the conversation. Thunder sonics an the spurs have had more success, etc. Irrelevant. Noone cares. What am I supposed to say to that garbage? Ok fuck Okc we screwed Seattle. Fine. Beside the point. We are talking about a guys assertion that okc won dishonorably by doing the exact things the spurs are guilty of themselves. Then talking all this bullshit that SA plays it the Naismith way. Lol. That's so absurd and hypocritical.

06-16-2012, 08:48 PM
The Naismith way. Real honorable.

06-16-2012, 09:07 PM
More honorable Naismith basketball by the Spurs in the WCF. I could keep going and going if you want to keep claiming OKC plays dishonorably.


Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 09:09 PM
You were the one coming up with BS that's completely out of the context of the conversation. Thunder sonics an the spurs have had more success, etc. Irrelevant. Noone cares. What am I supposed to say to that garbage? Ok fuck Okc we screwed Seattle. Fine. Beside the point. We are talking about a guys assertion that okc won dishonorably by doing the exact things the spurs are guilty of themselves. Then talking all this bullshit that SA plays it the Naismith way. Lol. That's so absurd and hypocritical.

I think you are getting a little unhinged here.

You must be some immature college kid, huh?

You sure sound like it with this ranting. Calm down, kiddo.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 09:10 PM
More honorable Naismith basketball by the Spurs in the WCF. I could keep going and going if you want to keep claiming OKC plays dishonorably.


Are you kidding me? The quality of that video is awful.

06-16-2012, 09:14 PM
I think you are getting a little unhinged here.

You must some immature college kid, huh?

You sure sound like it with this ranting. Calm down, kiddo.

I've not made any personal attacks or assumptions about you and I don't care to respond to ones made against me. I've only disagreed with your opinions. I do not make personal statements about people I don't know. Apparently it is you that is unable to disagree with someone about basketball without making personal attacks. Thats too bad.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 09:20 PM
I'm only pointing out these "shortcomings" in response to the assertion that OKC wins in a dishonorable fashion by way Of flopping, erc. I'm simply pointing out that one shouldn't really label another team's players as dishonorable when the players on your own team do the same thing. Not once did I ever come here and just out of the blue start saying negative things about any players. I've generally said nothing but positive things about spurs players. I'm about as thick skinned as you'll find. I have noticed Harden getting fewer calls. That's fine. No arguments from me. I don't like flopping either. He will have to adjust to the way the game is called. I also do not disagree that Miami can beat OKC. I don't have comebacks. I honestly was wishing you to enjoy your offseason. You chose to take it otherwise. What was your question? Who flops? Parker, Ginobli, Duncan, Splitter. They all do it. The first two are top notch floppers

Please. I wasn't born yesterday.

Wishing me to enjoy my offseason? That is the snarky rambling of a child. Grow up.

"They all do it?" That's all you've got.

The only player that puts himself into that position of drawing the charge a lot is Ginobili. Parker and Manu absorb a ton of contact on the offensive end of the floor. Parker does not regularly draw charges. Duncan rarely draws charges. Splitter will flop some, but he didn't play much in this series. Sorry, your comments are not really accurate.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 09:29 PM
I've not made any personal attacks or assumptions about you and I don't care to respond to ones made against me. I've only disagreed with your opinions. I do not make personal statements about people I don't know. Apparently it is you that is unable to disagree with someone about basketball without making personal attacks. Thats too bad.

When you start to post a smattering of profanity in your remarks, what am I supposed to think? A rational person with self-control is on the other end?

06-16-2012, 09:30 PM
I've stated my opinion. I don't have anything else to say on it. All teams have their floppers. SA has more than 1. Cry foul on the refs or the NBA if you want to go the pathetic conspiracy theory route, but don't act as if Hardens flop is anything different from what the spurs do.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 09:39 PM
BTW Harden tripped Parker on that so-called flop if you watch closely. Sorry, your point was not really made in that case.

I am impressed with your ability to search and download You Tube videos. Congrats.

06-16-2012, 09:45 PM
The "fuck okc" was an exact quote made by someone else that I found to be ridiculous. I was simply using the same phrase in mockery to express how lame I thought it was. I'm sorry the word bullshit offended you.

06-16-2012, 09:48 PM
BTW Harden tripped Parker on that so-called flop if you watch closely. Sorry, your point was not really made in that case.

I am impressed with your ability to search and download You Tube videos. Congrats.

Of course he did. Have a good evening.

Harry Callahan
06-16-2012, 09:50 PM
Thanks for clarifying your mockery.

Good luck as your point has been made, I guess??

06-16-2012, 10:04 PM
The "fuck okc" was an exact quote made by someone else that I found to be ridiculous. I was simply using the same phrase in mockery to express how lame I thought it was. I'm sorry the word bullshit offended you.

Oklahoma City Plunder.


you fuckers stole the sonics. that team will never be yours. thieves.

41 years in Seattle and in 3 years you think that team is yours.....fuck off.

...and the only reason that stern let you guys in so fast was try an erase the memory.....but it ain't gonna happen.

You would think a town that had 168 people killed by a tragic event would know what its like to have its heart ripped out.


06-16-2012, 10:12 PM
No matter what, the spurs never took any ones team. dallas didn't even care about the chapparals, plus they were in dallas for 1year....not 41.

you will always ALWAYS have one of these *

Kidd K
06-16-2012, 10:28 PM
As much as I dislike the Heat, it felt good seeing the Thunder get a taste of their own medicine. When it comes to ref rigging...what goes around, comes around.

Sadly, the Thunder didn't actually get screwed out of the game, which would've been nice. The refs simply didn't call bogus calls in favor of the Thunder this time. That doesn't mean the game was rigged, it just means it was called properly for the first time in the last 7 Thunder games.

Hopefully at some point they actually do get a taste of their own medicine at some point this postseason and it costs them a couple of games. It just hasn't happened yet. The Thunder got gross favortism at several points in multiple games in the WCF. The most ridiculous were spans of: 8 FTAs in 4 possessions. 13 FTAs and 3 favorable turnover calls against SA in 5 minutes. 3 goaltends that were allowed + a fake turnover call, 2 phantom fouls in their favor and 2 obvious hacking fouls not called against them in a 2 minute span to stop a comeback.

Nothing so egregious has happened yet against OKC against Miami. One can only hope it does, otherwise there's no justice in basketball.

I'd rather the Miami Cheat win than the Chokelahoma Shitty Bastard Children of Stern. Fuck OKC. At least Miami actually performs and doesn't entirely rely on the whistle to create offense AND stops during key moments of ballgames.

Get over it.

Only a fairweather Spurs fan wouldn't still be upset about the rigged officiating in favor of the Thunder in the WCF.

You can of course, have your opinion, but don't try to push your fairweather fandom onto other people. That's bogus dude.

06-16-2012, 10:42 PM
^Both teams played hard my dude

06-16-2012, 11:18 PM
I feel sorry for people who walk through life always feeling victimized and conspired against. Too much hatred and dillusion going on here

06-16-2012, 11:21 PM
No matter what, the spurs never took any ones team. dallas didn't even care about the chapparals, plus they were in dallas for 1year....not 41.

you will always ALWAYS have one of these *

Good. Go Plunder!

06-16-2012, 11:23 PM
I feel sorry for people who walk through life always feeling victimized and conspired against. Too much hatred and dillusion going on here

you fuckers stole the sonics. that team will never be yours. thieves.

41 years in Seattle and in 3 years you think that team is yours.....fuck off.

...and the only reason that stern let you guys in so fast was try an erase the memory.....but it ain't gonna happen.

You would think a town that had 168 people killed by a tragic event would know what its like to have its heart ripped out.


06-16-2012, 11:28 PM
you fuckers stole the sonics. that team will never be yours. thieves.

41 years in Seattle and in 3 years you think that team is yours.....fuck off.

...and the only reason that stern let you guys in so fast was try an erase the memory.....but it ain't gonna happen.

You would think a town that had 168 people killed by a tragic event would know what its like to have its heart ripped out.


What?? The Thunders came from Seattle?! I thought we were an expansion team.

06-16-2012, 11:32 PM
Listen to you spewing nonsense. Throwing out the federal building bombing and comparing it to basketball. That's lame and low.

06-16-2012, 11:37 PM
you thieves deserve it.

06-17-2012, 04:21 AM
Their crappy ass fans chanting referees suck made me just laugh! Hypocrites!

:wow Seriously?

:lol Haven't watched one game of LeBron vs. KD... but that's some pretty funny shit right there. :lol

06-17-2012, 07:38 AM
Actually, you moron, most of the people on here wouldn't have had any problem with you, had you just had the courage to be candid and admit how bad the officiating was, especially crunch time in game 6.

The fact that your dick is so small that you are afraid to admit that little fact makes you the homo that everyone on here has made you look like.

Now, run along to your little inbred board, and pump each other over how awsome the sooners are gonna be this year.

I've stated before that I realize we got calls late in game 6. I'm completely unphased by the rest of your profane statements against me. Enjoy your day.

06-17-2012, 08:36 AM
As much as I dislike the Heat, it felt good seeing the Thunder get a taste of their own medicine. When it comes to ref rigging...what goes around, comes around.

The Spurs were so ridiculously jobbed in Game 6 that although I'd normally pull for a small market type underdog (in terms of market appeal) like OKC, my enthusiasm is severely hampered. Nice win by Miami. Buuuuut, the Spurs ultimately did get beat in six, so what can you say other than their role players choked and Matt Bonner will lace em up for next year's playoff run as well.

06-17-2012, 08:50 AM
I've stated before that I realize we got calls late in game 6. I'm completely unphased by the rest of your profane statements against me. Enjoy your day.

OKC got series-clinching calls in Game 6 but I'm unwilling to guarantee San Antonio would've won Game 7, not the way KD is playing. And sorry for all the cursing you've encountered. Pretty embarrassing stuff.

06-17-2012, 09:19 AM
My stance in a nutshell has always been:
SA is a great team. I think all their players are pretty upstanding and respectful.
Yes Harden flops, but let's not blow it out of proportion as every team, SA included, has players that do the same.
Yes, game 6 included fortunate calls for OKC, and it's possible there would have been a game 7, but overall SA was just outplayed.
The only time I've been a smart ass with anyone here is in response to what I feel are ridiculous statements like OKC did not win honorably or that the people that died in the bombing deserved it because we stole Seattles team, but I realize those statements aren't worth responding to.

06-17-2012, 09:26 AM
I think the two sweeps in the first two rounds of the playoffs gave the Spurs a false sense of security. The Jazz and the Clippers are not that good. In fact, other than SA and OKC, the West is kind of a mess right now. The Spurs ran into a buzzsaw in the Thunder, and couldn't make the necessary adjustments. They just got outhustled by a younger, more athletic team.

Hopefully, the Spurs will make the right roster moves in the offseason, and they'll be back in the Finals next year. :hat

06-17-2012, 09:28 AM
My stance in a nutshell has always been:
SA is a great team. I think all their players are pretty upstanding and respectful.
Yes Harden flops, but let's not blow it out of proportion as every team, SA included, has players that do the same.
Yes, game 6 included fortunate calls for OKC, and it's possible there would have been a game 7, but overall SA was just outplayed.
The only time I've been a smart ass with anyone here is in response to what I feel are ridiculous statements like OKC did not win honorably or that the people that died in the bombing deserved it because we stole Seattles team, but I realize those statements aren't worth responding to.

OKC is great team, i take nothing from them. My beef is with the league. They are respectful in the sense they have built their franchise the right way, thru the draft. no contest i would be pulling for OKC in the Finals, it still dont negate the fact i believe they haven't fully earned the right to be there yet.

06-17-2012, 10:35 AM
I think the two sweeps in the first two rounds of the playoffs gave the Spurs a false sense of security. The Jazz and the Clippers are not that good. In fact, other than SA and OKC, the West is kind of a mess right now. The Spurs ran into a buzzsaw in the Thunder, and couldn't make the necessary adjustments. They just got outhustled by a younger, more athletic team.

Hopefully, the Spurs will make the right roster moves in the offseason, and they'll be back in the Finals next year. :hat

I feel SB made his adjustments and the Spurs couldn't counter adjust. They stopped playing as a team and more as individuals. While the Thunder started playing more as a team and less as individuals.

06-17-2012, 11:04 AM
I will give credit to TF to be in here defending his team in perhaps the most hostile message board there is. I would encourage my fellow Spurs fans to attack the posts (when you disagree), not the poster.

Some Spurs fans still seem to be missing the point of why some of us are unwilling to just "let it go." We were not outplayed in Game 6, we won the game on the court. No team in the NBA could overcome a -10 point officiating advantage at OKC, yet we almost did it which was amazing. This "we just got outplayed" or the Spurs were "too old and just got tired and sloppy" down the stretch is complete BS.

In addition to getting robbed in that game 6, the officiating in game 4-5 was SPOTTY at best, with the main difference maker being the numerous blown Ibaka goaltend calls.

It's been interesting to see now those are now goaltends against Miami, in addition to the aforementioned "aha moment" the officials have finally had with regard to Harden hitting the floor. While I know conspiracy theories abound, I am thinking the league actually went back and reviewed the game, and corrected the refs screw ups, too late for us of course.

This response that the Spurs are a bunch of floppers just like OKC I am just not buying. Parker routinely gets hammered when driving in, and is lucky to get half the fouls called. He drives right into thick of the biggest players on the court, yet it was Westbook I saw falling down a lot for no reason. In fact he fell down without being touched at a crucial juncture, as we all know, and the refs called a completely bogust foul because they had already decided in their minds OKC was better than the Spurs and moving on.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and I am simply enjoying it. The tide has turned on the officiating and the OKC fans are aghast. Collison draws a legitimate charge, and the officials have over corrected and call the and 1 against OKC. That's justice right there. I can't fault the officials either, since the OKC team has shown a team-wide flopping propensity, how could one sort out the legitimate fouls from flops? The fix is assume every time an OKC falls he flopped, but not a Miami player.

So now OKC is paying the price for what it did against us, and I am going to enjoy every minute of OKC fans anguish.

I am not a fan of all this flopping, I think some combination of instant replays and technical fouls will be needed to eliminate it.

I will reiterate that Harden has taken it to a level never seen, a disease that has caught on to a degree throughout the OKC team, and is an embarrassment to basketball.

I hope OKC cleans it up and starts to play real BB now that the jig appears to be up on it.

06-17-2012, 11:44 AM
Harden flops. I don't think SA is a Big flopping team, but they have guys that do it. I'll just leave it at that. Every team does. I'm not a fan of it either. I don't think anything is rigged. Stars get calls, refs can be persuaded by situations, but I strongly disagree that there's any conspiracy. Fans of opposing teams will forever disagree. That's all there is to it. I might think some opIniOns I read are completely retarded but that's just the way it is. I dOnt hold hatred for someOne who disagrees with me. In the grand scheme of things, it is jut basketball we are talking about here. You have to draw a line somewhere.

06-17-2012, 11:46 AM
Only a fairweather Spurs fan wouldn't still be upset about the rigged officiating in favor of the Thunder in the WCF.

You can of course, have your opinion, but don't try to push your fairweather fandom onto other people. That's bogus dude.

Your avatar says you love sucking dick. I don't think I need your opinion on fandom tbh.

06-17-2012, 12:27 PM
Your avatar says you love sucking dick. I don't think I need your opinion on fandom tbh.

Some of us need to vent a bit more before "moving on" is the point. Given the circumstances, it is understandable IMO. The officiating has unfortunately been a big part of this playoffs stretch run, and venting over it on an Internet message board is the right of anyone who feels the need to do it. No need to get into arguments with Spurs fans who have an easier time putting it behind them. The "get over it" posts we can do without, though, since that is like salt on the wound.

TF if you can admit the following it would be helpful:

1) Harden took the flopping too far which is unfortunate, since that is taking the focus away from his considerable ability.

2) Spurs were not just "old and sloppy", but rather made many impressive plays down the stretch of Game 6, cutting it to two late at OKC, and played well enough to beat a very solid OKC team that was playing lights out, in an evenly called game.

3) An evenly called game would have resulted in a game 7, with the Spurs as slight favorites, in a game that obviously could have gone either way.

Thanks for your consideration of those issues, TF.

06-17-2012, 03:49 PM
I'll give plunderscam credit. To want to root for a stolen team and defend it here takes a certain resolve.

but a thief is a thief and OKC is full of thieves as far as I am concerned. those fucks even stole our riverwalk.......so Fuck Off.

06-17-2012, 04:09 PM
I think any flopping is going too far, so yes Harden is taking too far - as are a huge number of other players. Not sure I ever said "old and sloppy", but I did use the word sloppy. The Spurs did play sloppy for significant stretches in the series. Partly maybe a mental lapse, part of that could probably be credited to good defense on OKC's part. I did not have much confidence that OKC could beat SA to begin with and that was reinforced after games 1 and 2, but then the tides turned and I feel as though OKC was just too physical and quick, forcing SA into some sloppy play. Ive not once denied that OKC got some fortunate calls late in game 6. I've only said that those calls went both ways during the series. SA got their share as well. Sure, it's possible SA could have won game 6 with calls being made differently. You can't ever say for sure though. One call made different infinitely changes the game from that point forward. I would have given SA the advantage in game 7 being on their home floor. Calls can change things. I just don't think SA played well enough to win the series. They were outplayed. And I take that same stance with OKC. Miami got some calls in game 2. But it's hard for me to sit around and bitch about it too much because when you start out a game in a 2-18 hole...well you just suck, so maybe you shouldn't deserve to win the game.

06-17-2012, 04:10 PM
I'll give plunderscam credit. To want to root for a stolen team and defend it here takes a certain resolve.

but a thief is a thief and OKC is full of thieves as far as I am concerned. those fucks even stole our riverwalk.......so Fuck Off.

Well whoever those "fucks" were that went down to SA to steal the River Walk idea didn't take very good notes. Have you visited our River Walk?

06-17-2012, 04:14 PM
Your avatar says you love sucking dick. I don't think I need your opinion on fandom tbh.


06-17-2012, 05:25 PM
Well whoever those "fucks" were that went down to SA to steal the River Walk idea didn't take very good notes. Have you visited our River Walk?

you know what plunderscam, you're alright. :toast

nothing personal. :toast

your team still can suck it though. :nope

06-17-2012, 06:52 PM
My Friend Knox (add as many x's as you need),


I can see your pain runs deep. Share it with me and gain strength from the sharing!

Seriously, don't edit your feelings for together we can accomplish what separately we can only dream of.

This painful thing, this.... puny thing that gnaws at your spirit, it too shall pass. Let us explore it together and from that exploration, let us be stronger in brotherhood.

Yours in victory and defeat,


06-18-2012, 08:30 AM
:wow Seriously?

:lol Haven't watched one game of LeBron vs. KD... but that's some pretty funny shit right there. :lol

Yeah, that happened and I was laughing at those idiots! What a bunch of crybabies as they weren't getting their usual help from the refs and couldn't believe that they had to play for real! LOL!

06-18-2012, 09:23 AM

OKC fans bitching about the refs is laughable...the refs spoon fed them to the Finals the series before. Now that they aren't getting every call like they are accustomed to, they are crying rigged. Such hypocrisy...

06-18-2012, 10:21 AM

OKC fans bitching about the refs is laughable...the refs spoon fed them to the Finals the series before. Now that they aren't getting every call like they are accustomed to, they are crying rigged. Such hypocrisy...

Karma's a bitch, ain't it??? :lol

06-18-2012, 10:40 AM

OKC fans bitching about the refs is laughable...the refs spoon fed them to the Finals the series before. Now that they aren't getting every call like they are accustomed to, they are crying rigged. Such hypocrisy...

Karma's a bitch, ain't it??? :lol

so, you guys are just like their guys.


06-18-2012, 10:48 AM

OKC fans bitching about the refs is laughable...the refs spoon fed them to the Finals the series before. Now that they aren't getting every call like they are accustomed to, they are crying rigged. Such hypocrisy...

You'll get fans crying about the refs regardless of team or game. There will always be those people. However, a good portion of OKC fans kind of just shrug the foul call situation off. We didn't lose the game because of the refs. I can point to about 5 other more important reasons we lost that game.

06-18-2012, 10:49 AM
I am reading here they didn't get their usual 4th quarters dose of Joey-kennedy calls vs the heat?

How surprising!

Never really anticipated here!


Stern gives, Stern takes away!

ginobili fan
06-18-2012, 11:09 AM
i said it.
if OKC doesn't win their team gonna implode.
anyway good job Stern.

06-18-2012, 11:24 AM
Doesn't help that they only made about half their free throws.

George Gervin's Afro
06-18-2012, 11:36 AM
so, you guys are just like their guys.



George Gervin's Afro
06-18-2012, 11:37 AM
Doesn't help that they only made about half their free throws.

or every one of their role players is actually shooting their shooting percentage...

06-18-2012, 12:07 PM
or every one of their role players is actually shooting their shooting percentage...

I think Fisher gave them the power. He only plays well against the Spurs and his aura allowed them to shoot 80% against us. Fisher. The power.

06-18-2012, 03:08 PM
so, you guys are just like their guys.


Just like Mavs fans in 2006...

06-18-2012, 03:19 PM
or every one of their role players is actually shooting their shooting percentage...