View Full Version : Props to the 3rd best team beating the 4th best team

06-22-2012, 12:46 PM
The NBA got the series it wanted and the outcome it wanted even if it finally could not pull a rabbit out and skew it to 7 games or some shit like that.

Re this "artificially induced" finals, I am sure a lot watched and some even cared, that the Heat destroyed the Thunder.

Meanwhile, in all honestly, by far the two best and complete teams (the Bulls and Spurs) were home due to injuries or spurrious officiating at key moments and count the fans of the Celtics, Lakers and Mavs as also rightfully pissed off that their teams simply count not stand in the way of a dream match to end a shortened season. It iwll be peculiar for sure, that for some reason this season unlike the 99 season will not have an * attached to it; but one should be and doubled down as **2012 champs, for in reality the Heat are still a beatable team with no depth and poor skill at at least two positions, but whom somehow got the games called the way they needed for their superstars and of course "redeemed themselves" after last years seemingly equally scripted defeat where the NBA Gods placated Cuban finally.

Therefore, to get in step with what the Commish and the NBA Gods want many of you will coronate the King and revive his countdown to 7. You will surely pray and hope that Howard gets what the hell he really wants. You even will hope D. Williams goes to the Lakers or some such crap as that.
A few of you wil surely also hope that things will work out well for the Lottery lucky (or enhanced) Hornets who went from being owned by the NBA to a tax write off for a car salesman.

However, count me out of really caring for the NBA so much anymore.

For as my 14 y/o said, Dad if they are not going to even give them a chance with the calls why the hell should we watch or even care anymore? One should not and I cannot - so out for at least a long, long time.

06-22-2012, 12:57 PM
yes we got screwed but a bit overboard on the conspiracy theory.

06-22-2012, 01:18 PM
The NBA got the series it wanted and the outcome it wanted even if it finally could not pull a rabbit out and skew it to 7 games or some shit like that.

Re this "artificially induced" finals, I am sure a lot watched and some even cared, that the Heat destroyed the Thunder.

Meanwhile, in all honestly, by far the two best and complete teams (the Bulls and Spurs) were home due to injuries or spurrious officiating at key moments and count the fans of the Celtics, Lakers and Mavs as also rightfully pissed off that their teams simply count not stand in the way of a dream match to end a shortened season. It iwll be peculiar for sure, that for some reason this season unlike the 99 season will not have an * attached to it; but one should be and doubled down as **2012 champs, for in reality the Heat are still a beatable team with no depth and poor skill at at least two positions, but whom somehow got the games called the way they needed for their superstars and of course "redeemed themselves" after last years seemingly equally scripted defeat where the NBA Gods placated Cuban finally.

Therefore, to get in step with what the Commish and the NBA Gods want many of you will coronate the King and revive his countdown to 7. You will surely pray and hope that Howard gets what the hell he really wants. You even will hope D. Williams goes to the Lakers or some such crap as that.
A few of you wil surely also hope that things will work out well for the Lottery lucky (or enhanced) Hornets who went from being owned by the NBA to a tax write off for a car salesman.

However, count me out of really caring for the NBA so much anymore.

For as my 14 y/o said, Dad if they are not going to even give them a chance with the calls why the hell should we watch or even care anymore? One should not and I cannot - so out for at least a long, long time.

As a fellow Spurs fan I know your frustrated, but if the Spurs would have excuted and played liked that had been( I.E. our youngs) we wouldn't be having this conversation. simple fact, the Spurs did NOT make shots when we needed to and could not stop OKC. OKC got HOT in the Spurs' series, and hit every shot as well. they hit a wall in the finals just like the Spurs did.

06-22-2012, 01:41 PM
The Spurs were the 5th best team. Four teams would have beaten the Spurs in the playoffs had all the teams been healthy.

George Gervin's Afro
06-22-2012, 02:01 PM
The Spurs were the 3rd best team.. best team won

06-22-2012, 02:03 PM
The Spurs were the 5th best team. Four teams would have beaten the Spurs in the playoffs had all the teams been healthy.

If you think the lakers or celtics were ahead of the spurs this year, then you're one stupid shit.

Oh, Gee!!
06-22-2012, 02:08 PM
a lot of butthurtedness

06-22-2012, 02:31 PM
i'm with rummpd but its easy to get confused on what my views are about the NBA vs being a butthurt spurs fan..

could the spurs still have played better and won against OKC? yes.. but we didn't because the thunder were just that darn good.. however.. i'm not gonna turn a blind eye to the blatant horrible officiating like a lot of people are. It's not like these are amateur 1st time refs.. they've been doing their jobs at a pro level for a decade at the least.. and the calls they make/miss just behooves me..

call it conspiracy theory if you will but i believe the issue goes beyond the refs. the NBA to me is not a sport anymore but more of a business now. it's more about entertainment and market value over the actual game itself. So what i've learned to do is take it as that.. entertainment.

I'll still watch it but.. this time I'll have an easier time with it knowing that it's not real and just being entertained by the cute storylines and drama

Sean Cagney
06-22-2012, 03:17 PM
LOL at the two best teams by FAR! If the Spurs were far better than the Thunder they don't get down big at home in a game 5 to begin with! They needed that game and blew it. Bulls were very good yes, but they were last year too and Heat put Lebron on Rose and they crushed them 4-1. Thunder played better than the Spurs, period. Some calls were horrid yes, but once again why do you get down so big and dig that hole in the first half if you are that good? Answer that.

06-22-2012, 03:21 PM
The NBA got the series it wanted and the outcome it wanted

You're a grown adult and apparently a successful professional. Maybe you should grow up?

06-22-2012, 03:46 PM
spurrious officiating

I c wut u did thar.

06-22-2012, 04:11 PM
As has been said before, the Thunder won the series and the Spurs lost the series. Harden and Durant made the big time contested shots, and took over games when they needed to. However it would be ignorant to say that officiating didn't have an effect on the series. It wasn't so insurmountable that the Spurs playing to the level they should have been playing at wouldn't have been able to overcome it, but it was too much once they stopped getting contributions from their bench

06-22-2012, 04:30 PM
Harden hitting a bunch of fluky and/or clutch shots is probably the difference between the Spurs and Thunder in 2012, tbh.

06-22-2012, 05:29 PM
no, just no, stfu

06-22-2012, 06:44 PM
You're a grown adult and apparently a successful professional. Maybe you should grow up?

He did grow up. He opened his eyes. Perhaps you should read Plato's Myth of the Cave and then you too might understand.

06-22-2012, 07:33 PM
The outcome was similar vs the Suns in 2010, vs the Grizzlies in 2011 and now vs the Thunder, so it cant be explained by lucky shots. Neither by a conspiracy. What the Spurs lack is a good defense tbh. Teams with elite offense can make deep playoffs runs, but seldom win championships without elite defense.

06-22-2012, 09:00 PM
He did grow up. He opened his eyes. Perhaps you should read Plato's Myth of the Cave and then you too might understand.

Wow, you sure told me. No doubt the Platonic Form of the Spurs really did win the Platonic Form of the 2012 NBA title, and it's only on the poor reflection of these forms we see on the cave wall where we lost. :lol

Except I suspect you didn't actually mean to discuss the nature of Forms, just the surface bit about the shadows and the fire. BTW, if that's where you were going, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" is way less pretentious, IMO.

If you think the NBA is rigged, then the Spurs haven't won any titles, and all those great games we thought we saw en route to our titles were just staged action on the order of pro wrestling. Because the whole "our titles are real, but other teams' titles are bogus" bullshit? That dog won't hunt. And if you think it's all rigged, why did you wait until it was the Spurs that lost to start whining about it? Why not whine about the way it was rigged against the Sixers, or the Mavs, or the Clippers, or the Jazz? Why not whine about how the Suns were robbed in 2007? Nobody starts whining about how the league is rigged until they're looking for an excuse for why their own team lost.

Bottom line: if you thing the NBA is rigged, what the fuck are you doing here? Go watch some sport you don't think is rigged. Or go play a sport. Or go referee a sport, so you can keep watch over its sanctity. What the fuck is the point of being a fan of a team in a rigged league? Piss off.

Or grow up, admit you're being a whiner, and get the fuck over it.

06-23-2012, 02:47 PM
The Spurs would've lost to the Heat in the Finals, anyway, so fuck it.

Oh, Gee!!
06-23-2012, 03:35 PM
Nobody starts whining about how the league is rigged until they're looking for an excuse for why their own team lost.


06-23-2012, 04:45 PM
I'm not going to say that the league is rigged, because I'm fairly sure it isn't. That said I do think it is a bit slanted, any team can win any given game, but with trade approvals, and pointed instructions to refs calling games the league can do quite a bit to make it an uphill battle for smaller teams and a downhill run for large markets and promoted nationwide favorites. I'm not even completely certain how much is actively an agenda by the league so much as it would make alot of fans happy and thus be good for the sport if we allowed this so.....

06-23-2012, 05:21 PM
yes we got screwed but a bit overboard on the conspiracy theory.

not overboard. NBA = WWE on hardwood.

why would it be so hard to imagine this? Its a PROFIT game. And the NBA wants to stay relevant or alive.

06-23-2012, 05:25 PM
I'm not going to say that the league is rigged, because I'm fairly sure it isn't. That said I do think it is a bit slanted, any team can win any given game, but with trade approvals, and pointed instructions to refs calling games the league can do quite a bit to make it an uphill battle for smaller teams and a downhill run for large markets and promoted nationwide favorites. I'm not even completely certain how much is actively an agenda by the league so much as it would make alot of fans happy and thus be good for the sport if we allowed this so.....

i used to believe this in 2008. No its RIGGED. Im fairly sure of it.

Its partially WWE. Its not totally 100%. Its not a hollywood movie but its pretty damn close to it. If profit werent in the equation there is no way I could come to that conclusion.

06-23-2012, 05:27 PM
As has been said before, the Thunder won the series and the Spurs lost the series. Harden and Durant made the big time contested shots, and took over games when they needed to. However it would be ignorant to say that officiating didn't have an effect on the series. It wasn't so insurmountable that the Spurs playing to the level they should have been playing at wouldn't have been able to overcome it, but it was too much once they stopped getting contributions from their bench

Spurs often times have bad games and they usually win them. But you can't beat the Stern lead ZEBRAS.

baseline bum
06-23-2012, 05:33 PM
Bulls? :rollin

06-23-2012, 05:48 PM
No other sport has the match so dictated by the refs. The flow of the game, the speed, the physicality....all dictated by the refs....and for that reason alone you can never claim that basketball is a sport.

From now on, I'm going to keep watching the Spurs but watch games with a grain of salt....which is to say that I will watch knowing at any point the refs can decide the outcome....and just come to terms with the truth: The NBA is entertainment, not sport.

06-23-2012, 06:05 PM
No other sport has the match so dictated by the refs. The flow of the game, the speed, the physicality....all dictated by the refs....and for that reason alone you can never claim that basketball is a sport.

From now on, I'm going to keep watching the Spurs but watch games with a grain of salt....which is to say that I will watch knowing at any point the refs can decide the outcome....and just come to terms with the truth: The NBA is entertainment, not sport.

truth. this man sees the light.

this may be a stupid question.... but have u ever thought that if the NBA werent rigged they would allow instant replay?

why is there instant replay in the NFL but not the NBA?

06-23-2012, 07:56 PM
not overboard. NBA = WWE on hardwood.

why would it be so hard to imagine this? Its a PROFIT game. And the NBA wants to stay relevant or alive.

Because a basketball game is far more determined by the players on the court than a wrestling (or boxing) match.

In wrestling/boxing, the final score is determined by human judgment. There is supposed to be an objective basis for it, but ultimately it comes down to human judgment with human error.

In basketball, points are objectively determined. When the ball goes in the basket, points are awarded. The number of points depends on where the player was standing when he shot the ball. There is definitely room for bad calls to taint the outcome, but the scoring is directly determined by the players.

Trust me, I hate the way business and money affect the world just as much as you do. But when a more parsimonious explanation is available, I will err on the side of parsimony. Error in human judgment is a known fact of psychology. We don't need to invoke conspiracy theories to account for them.

06-23-2012, 08:40 PM
Because a basketball game is far more determined by the players on the court than a wrestling (or boxing) match.

In wrestling/boxing, the final score is determined by human judgment. There is supposed to be an objective basis for it, but ultimately it comes down to human judgment with human error.

In basketball, points are objectively determined. When the ball goes in the basket, points are awarded. The number of points depends on where the player was standing when he shot the ball. There is definitely room for bad calls to taint the outcome, but the scoring is directly determined by the players.

Trust me, I hate the way business and money affect the world just as much as you do. But when a more parsimonious explanation is available, I will err on the side of parsimony. Error in human judgment is a known fact of psychology. We don't need to invoke conspiracy theories to account for them.

i agree. in basketball. however this is not just basketball its the NBA and the NBA is a business just like any other corporation where PROFIT rules the roost. I also know that there exists DISNFO agents to try and ridule the term "conspiracy theories" and anyone that believes them as mere tin hat wearers with no sense of credibility. That doesnt mean ALL theories are wrong or off. Some are and some arent. Just like anything else. I too believed the way you did back in 2008 and previous that. Now after the few seasons after 2008 and this recent game between the thunder n spurs and the heat game i have no shred of evidence pointing towards the NBA as not rigged. None. I cant come to any logical conclusion that its clean or not a theater or not rigged. Everything weighs heavy on the rigged side. True there is a lot of human error but that goes for the side that doesnt believe that the NBA is rigged as well. It can go both ways. My assumptions is whats happening on the court and off the court. Proof in the pudding. Some people dont want to believe it because they have been programmed to believe all conspiracy theories are bad or wrong (disinfo wars) or they just dont want to believe the NBA has turned into what they dont want it to be just pure entertainment the likes of which happen in the WWE. They have invested tooo much into their team to believe something so slanderous or conspiracy theories-ish. Ignorance is bliss.

06-23-2012, 08:47 PM
Can anyone tell me why there isnt expanded instant replay in the NBA like there is in the NFL for all calls that the ref makes?

06-23-2012, 09:15 PM
Can anyone tell me why there isnt expanded instant replay in the NBA like there is in the NFL for all calls that the ref makes?

They have made changes with looking at certain plays during certain situations. ...replay in basketball would get out of control, they'd literally have to replay almost every play, otherwise they're will still be the controversy of the plays not reviewed. That and it'll make the game slower and take longer. With that being said I never wanted to believe the NBA was rigged but lately I've wondered....

06-23-2012, 09:18 PM
If it is staged why have the "small market, boring" spurs won 4 championships? I know ratings In the US where very low but globally They were huge...that was also at the time the foreign players were really coming out also...does the NBA make $$ off people In other countries watching?

06-23-2012, 09:31 PM
No other sport has the match so dictated by the refs. The flow of the game, the speed, the physicality....all dictated by the refs....and for that reason alone you can never claim that basketball is a sport.

From now on, I'm going to keep watching the Spurs but watch games with a grain of salt....which is to say that I will watch knowing at any point the refs can decide the outcome....and just come to terms with the truth: The NBA is entertainment, not sport.

The refs only get involved if there's contact. If you hit all outside shots you keep the refs out of the game. At the same time you can force the refs to make calls by being aggressive. The refs tend to favor the more aggressive team.

06-23-2012, 09:48 PM
If it is staged why have the "small market, boring" spurs won 4 championships? I know ratings In the US where very low but globally They were huge...that was also at the time the foreign players were really coming out also...does the NBA make $$ off people In other countries watching?

I've always wondered about this, too, tbh ... with the huge numbers of international fans The Spurs have. There has to be some money involved, c'mon. Makes complete sense to me, working in marketing and business for 6 years and all... as well as being an entrepreneur myself. :hat

06-23-2012, 10:55 PM
If it is staged why have the "small market, boring" spurs won 4 championships? I know ratings In the US where very low but globally They were huge...that was also at the time the foreign players were really coming out also...does the NBA make $$ off people In other countries watching?

just answered your own question there bro..

when i say the league is rigged.. im not saying to the point of predetermined outcomes all the time, as if nobody would have a chance if stern doesn't want you to do so. The talent pool that actually gets drafted to the NBA is such a small percentage of all professional and amateur basketball players alike so parity talent-wise amongst the NBA players isn't as large as it the league and media make it out to be. Every team has the ability to beat every other team, but when you add other intangibles to the mix like stronger team chemistry and effective coaching, that's what put a team over another. The stronger it is, the less effective biased/favorable officiating becomes.. that is unless you really have an agenda to give the much more marketable/profitable team the edge over the more talented one:


did the spurs get some biased calls during their championship run? yes.. i wont' deny that.. especially when there's an agenda. Spurs and Detroit's seasons in '04 and '05 may have been boring to watch those years, but those guys played hardnosed oldschool fundamental ball with team chem that was nearly flawless on the court that not even the biased officiating could bail them out..

Sean Cagney
06-24-2012, 01:32 AM
just answered your own question there bro..

when i say the league is rigged.. im not saying to the point of predetermined outcomes all the time, as if nobody would have a chance if stern doesn't want you to do so. The talent pool that actually gets drafted to the NBA is such a small percentage of all professional and amateur basketball players alike so parity talent-wise amongst the NBA players isn't as large as it the league and media make it out to be. Every team has the ability to beat every other team, but when you add other intangibles to the mix like stronger team chemistry and effective coaching, that's what put a team over another. The stronger it is, the less effective biased/favorable officiating becomes.. that is unless you really have an agenda to give the much more marketable/profitable team the edge over the more talented one:


did the spurs get some biased calls during their championship run? yes.. i wont' deny that.. especially when there's an agenda. Spurs and Detroit's seasons in '04 and '05 may have been boring to watch those years, but those guys played hardnosed oldschool fundamental ball with team chem that was nearly flawless on the court that not even the biased officiating could bail them out..

Games 1-4 were a borefest for fans in 05, but games 5-7 were flat out down to the wire classics and worthy of being mentioned as a classic series off those games alone! MAN those games were classic! I loved that 05 series, F the hype it was one for the ages! How many go down to the last mins of the finals in game 7? This was a classic to me, very slept on.

06-24-2012, 01:37 AM
Games 1-4 were a borefest for fans in 05, but games 5-7 were flat out down to the wire classics and worthy of being mentioned as a classic series off those games alone! MAN those games were classic! I loved that 05 series, F the hype it was one for the ages! How many go down to the last mins of the finals in game 7? This was a classic to me, very slept on.

Of course the first four were boring, they were comfortable double-digit wins.

Game 5 was basically Horry going into clutch mode. 6 was the Pistons preventing an immediate closeout. Game 7 was the best one.

Sean Cagney
06-24-2012, 01:39 AM
Of course the first four were boring, they were comfortable double-digit wins.

Game 5 was basically Horry going into clutch mode. 6 was the Pistons preventing an immediate closeout. Game 7 was the best one.

I wish I had the full game 5-7 on DVD! WOW what a trio those games were, classic! I still can remember most of them in my head fully! Those were flat out classics!

I loved game 7 man fully but I still felt Game 5 won it all! I felt that was the classic game of the series and the best one! one Pt win man! Game 5 in the game that usually decides the winner in a 7 game series! That game 5 was full out magic, one I will not see again soon as a Spurs fan in a finals series!

Do the Spurs win game 6 if they lost game 5? Lord only knows, but if this went to game 6 with us down they could possibly pull one out! Game 5 let them have the luxury of having two at home with one to win! That game WAS FLAT OUT HUGE! BIGTIME.

06-24-2012, 04:59 AM
If it is staged why have the "small market, boring" spurs won 4 championships? I know ratings In the US where very low but globally They were huge...that was also at the time the foreign players were really coming out also...does the NBA make $$ off people In other countries watching?

good question. i have seen it before though. but that question comes from the mind of an aware and curious mind not from a sheep mind.

jimo2305 and Legacy put out some good points also and I agree with what jimo2305 is saying. I find that plausible as well. It's not a 100% determined outcome. Its directed to a point. Sometimes teams can and will beat or manage to beat the STERN based program. STERN im pretty sure has the program manufactured in such a way where he can control the outcome most of the time. But like in any system you have to understand that it can't be full proof all the time and you have to let the system breath like that (blow off valve) or else it will implode or explode.

STERN realized that some of the companies lowest numbers in viewers for finals came when spurs played I guess. He will try and prevent that as much as he can?
#curious opinion, #i dont have the answers, #something is fishy

06-24-2012, 07:13 AM
I wish I had the full game 5-7 on DVD! WOW what a trio those games were, classic! I still can remember most of them in my head fully! Those were flat out classics!

I loved game 7 man fully but I still felt Game 5 won it all! I felt that was the classic game of the series and the best one! one Pt win man! Game 5 in the game that usually decides the winner in a 7 game series! That game 5 was full out magic, one I will not see again soon as a Spurs fan in a finals series!

Do the Spurs win game 6 if they lost game 5? Lord only knows, but if this went to game 6 with us down they could possibly pull one out! Game 5 let them have the luxury of having two at home with one to win! That game WAS FLAT OUT HUGE! BIGTIME.

The 2005 Finals was epic. Two of the best teams in NBA history at the peak of their power going the distance for all the marbles. For true fans of team basketball, one of the best if not the best finals ever. :hat

Kidd K
06-24-2012, 08:39 AM
I'm not sure the Bulls would've beaten the Heat if Bosh was healthy tbh (you have to look at it both ways, Rose injured but Bosh was too which made their run tougher). But OKC and Miami were both worse than the Spurs this year.

But the "best team" clearly wasn't in the finals due to getting screwed by the officiating in multiple games in the WCF. I wholeheartedly agree with that.

Miami exposed OKC as not even belonging in the Finals, just like Dallas exposed them as not belonging in the WCF last year (despite OKC even getting quite a few "favorable calls" throughout that series too).

OKC has been getting artificially boosted by NBA officiating for 3 years now. The only teams the NBA will allow to beat them are teams with "stories" of similar interest.

This shit needs to end. I can't wait 'til Stern is no longer the commisioner. And I hope his "hand pick replacement" isn't the next commisioner either. The NBA needs to cut all ties with Stern imo, because he's always had rumors of fixing, rigging, and other bullshit surrounding him throughout his entire tenure as commisioner.

And yes, it's JUST Stern. . .because you don't hear those rampant and at least seemingly legitimate rumors about Bug Selig (MLB commisioner) or the other commisioners of the other major sports. It's just Stern and the NBA. NBA is still the ONLY major team sport that seems to be "fixing" things to keep it as interesting and marketable as possible.

And yes, I do watch other major sports (NFL, MLB, and occaisionally NHL), and no, I do not think or comment on them being "fixed" or "rigged" at any point. I only feel that way about basketball, and I've noticed the rigging a long time ago, not just recently.

06-24-2012, 10:44 AM
No other sport has the match so dictated by the refs. The flow of the game, the speed, the physicality....all dictated by the refs....and for that reason alone you can never claim that basketball is a sport.

From now on, I'm going to keep watching the Spurs but watch games with a grain of salt....which is to say that I will watch knowing at any point the refs can decide the outcome....and just come to terms with the truth: The NBA is entertainment, not sport.

Ill agree with this.

NBA is not rigged per se...but no other sport has such dictation by the refs, tempo, physicality, even the mental aspect of it (see: Killing Stephen Jackson giving Spurs mental edge game 6).

You'll never hear another sport's commentators saying things like..."they are really letting them play, a rookie's not gonna get that call, good job selling the foul". Bc other sport's fouls/violations are not subjective, they are the same for everyone, superstar, rookie, vet.

Joel Anthony
06-24-2012, 12:01 PM
i agree. in basketball. however this is not just basketball its the NBA and the NBA is a business just like any other corporation where PROFIT rules the roost. I also know that there exists DISNFO agents to try and ridule the term "conspiracy theories" and anyone that believes them as mere tin hat wearers with no sense of credibility. That doesnt mean ALL theories are wrong or off. Some are and some arent. Just like anything else. I too believed the way you did back in 2008 and previous that. Now after the few seasons after 2008 and this recent game between the thunder n spurs and the heat game i have no shred of evidence pointing towards the NBA as not rigged. None. I cant come to any logical conclusion that its clean or not a theater or not rigged. Everything weighs heavy on the rigged side. True there is a lot of human error but that goes for the side that doesnt believe that the NBA is rigged as well. It can go both ways. My assumptions is whats happening on the court and off the court. Proof in the pudding. Some people dont want to believe it because they have been programmed to believe all conspiracy theories are bad or wrong (disinfo wars) or they just dont want to believe the NBA has turned into what they dont want it to be just pure entertainment the likes of which happen in the WWE. They have invested tooo much into their team to believe something so slanderous or conspiracy theories-ish. Ignorance is bliss.

good question. i have seen it before though. but that question comes from the mind of an aware and curious mind not from a sheep mind.

jimo2305 and Legacy put out some good points also and I agree with what jimo2305 is saying. I find that plausible as well. It's not a 100% determined outcome. Its directed to a point. Sometimes teams can and will beat or manage to beat the STERN based program. STERN im pretty sure has the program manufactured in such a way where he can control the outcome most of the time. But like in any system you have to understand that it can't be full proof all the time and you have to let the system breath like that (blow off valve) or else it will implode or explode.

STERN realized that some of the companies lowest numbers in viewers for finals came when spurs played I guess. He will try and prevent that as much as he can?
#curious opinion, #i dont have the answers, #something is fishy

You really have no idea how idiotic you sound. You should kill yourself immediately tbh

06-24-2012, 05:31 PM
The 2005 Finals was epic. Two of the best teams in NBA history at the peak of their power going the distance for all the marbles. For true fans of team basketball, one of the best if not the best finals ever. :hat

I think what basketball purists liked about it was it was the high level of defense. Nothing came easy.

06-25-2012, 05:18 AM
You really have no idea how idiotic you sound. You should kill yourself immediately tbh

lame. thats all you got is cliche elementary criticism? please.

baaaaaah baaaaaaah keep america docile sheep.



06-25-2012, 05:32 AM
LOL my beautiful and still petite wife is from Panama and if she did not kick your ass out of sympathy for your lack of masculinity, bring it on, former boxer here and Army doc here with training in the martial arts and while I am middle aged and "heading for the senior tour" in life; would still undoubtedly kick your hiding between a screen name *&^ anytime.

LOL my beautiful and still petite wife is from Panama and if she did not kick your ass out of sympathy for your lack of masculinity, bring it on, former boxer here and Army doc here with training in the martial arts and while I am middle aged and "heading for the senior tour" in life; would still undoubtedly kick your hiding between a screen name *&^ anytime.

LOL my beautiful and still petite wife is from Panama and if she did not kick your ass out of sympathy for your lack of masculinity, bring it on, former boxer here and Army doc here with training in the martial arts and while I am middle aged and "heading for the senior tour" in life; would still undoubtedly kick your hiding between a screen name *&^ anytime.

LOL my beautiful and still petite wife is from Panama and if she did not kick your ass out of sympathy for your lack of masculinity, bring it on, former boxer here and Army doc here with training in the martial arts and while I am middle aged and "heading for the senior tour" in life; would still undoubtedly kick your hiding between a screen name *&^ anytime.

LOL my beautiful and still petite wife is from Panama and if she did not kick your ass out of sympathy for your lack of masculinity, bring it on, former boxer here and Army doc here with training in the martial arts and while I am middle aged and "heading for the senior tour" in life; would still undoubtedly kick your hiding between a screen name *&^ anytime.

06-27-2012, 06:26 PM
They have made changes with looking at certain plays during certain situations. ...replay in basketball would get out of control, they'd literally have to replay almost every play, otherwise they're will still be the controversy of the plays not reviewed. That and it'll make the game slower and take longer. With that being said I never wanted to believe the NBA was rigged but lately I've wondered....

good points.
well either fans need to get them to figure something out or all of you all are just going to continue watching WWE on hardwood.

unless most of you all like that option because this is getting pretty ridiculous

06-28-2012, 03:03 AM
The refs only get involved if there's contact. If you hit all outside shots you keep the refs out of the game. At the same time you can force the refs to make calls by being aggressive. The refs tend to favor the more aggressive team.


Venti Quattro
06-28-2012, 03:17 AM
:lol Rummpd
:lol The Good Doctor
:lol Panamanian wife
:lol skunked in the NBA forum
:lol shit takes
:lol shit predictions

06-28-2012, 03:18 AM
good points.
well either fans need to get them to figure something out or all of you all are just going to continue watching WWE on hardwood.

unless most of you all like that option because this is getting pretty ridiculous

Quite honestly, if someone is NOT convinced that the NBA is a business, and rather wants to think it is a sport (no less!!) after the G5 and G6 spectacular power display by refs in the OKC-Spurs series,
there is absolutely nothing you can write to convince him/her.
Waste no time.
They (i) never really were in the position to decide the fate of other people, (ii) need to believe the system (whatever it may be) is fair and they have a chance somewhen.
Obviously, most of them don't.