View Full Version : Parker had eye surgery..

06-24-2012, 09:26 AM
This deserves it's own thread and needs a proper translation:

Parker had eye surgery and his eye condition is much worse than originally thought, he says he could have lost his eye.. He has to return to USA on July 5th at the demand of the Spurs and then will know his status for the Olympics..

Someone translate: http://www.tp9.net/mediaboxfr/jai-fa...oeil-2373.html

Google translate (best I could get for now):

"I almost lost my eye"

Tony, how's your eye a week after your return to France? It emblerait there are some complications ...
It's true, it does not happen as I had imagined. When I gave my press conference last Friday after making a passage through the emergency department off the plane, I do not think it would be so serious. I conducted additional tests on Friday afternoon and found a piece of glass that had penetrated 99% left eye. I can say today, I almost lost my eye. So I had surgery on Sunday morning under general anesthesia. That's why I stayed in Paris instead of joining the team of France in Pau on June 20 as I had announced.

A package for the London Olympics is it possible?
At the request of the Spurs, I return to the United States on July 5. I do not have the right to travel before that date on a long haul. I see a specialist in New York with the hope of obtaining the agreement of competing in the Olympics. The Spurs are very worried. Based on the results, one can imagine that any one package. The decision is no longer mine. It is in the hands of the physician and San Antonio.

You do not feel like a bad movie?
I hallucinate. I just spent eight days trapped in my hotel. I was not allowed out to prevent infection. I was so afraid that I have not left my room. I asked myself many questions. I can not believe that happened to me a month before the Games when it's been two years since I had nothing with the Spurs or the France team. Every two hours, I have five different products to put me in the eye. In any case I thank Professor who followed me for saving my eye.

What feeling predominates when you announced the transaction?
Fear sets. It is so fragile an eye ... I hallucinating at the time, I could not believe it. But that's life, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have not had any luck but in my misfortune, I'm doing fine. It could have been worse. Following my career is not questioned. I just have to wait until the lesion resolves.

Join thou still the France team today?
I arrive tonight in Pau. Even though I have no right to train, I want to be with the group. No pun intended, it is important to me to spend time with the guys. It was not until July 5 and the green light from the American doctor to find the flooring. So at best, I will attack my return to France on July 7. This means I have to forfeit the first four games (June 27 at Pau against Italy, June 28 Boulazac against Italy, June 29 in Toulouse against the Ivory Coast and July 7 Orleans against England). It then let me just three weeks of preparation until the first match on July 29 against the United States. And to avoid any new problems, I see on the floors with protective goggles.

Have you filed a complaint against the nightclub in New York as was announced?
Yes, it's true. I have no right to talk since proceedings are pending. It is now in the hands of my lawyer.

06-24-2012, 09:36 AM
Aye yai yai



And now to be non-douchey for a little bit: hopefully Parker heals up especially since he already sacrifices his body getting to the rim. Even as a god damn selfish Spurs fan I want to see him play in the Olympics and have a long career.

06-24-2012, 09:36 AM
Keep the goggles Tony!

06-24-2012, 09:42 AM
Wow. That's really scary. Get well soon TP.

Hopefully, the worst is behind him and he will be clear to play for the Olympics.

06-24-2012, 09:47 AM
Wow...he almost had his NBA career ended by a couple of nigz arguing over some ho. SMFH. :ihit

06-24-2012, 10:28 AM

Hope the worst of it is behind him now. Get well soon.

06-24-2012, 10:32 AM
Wow...he almost had his NBA career ended by a couple of nigz arguing over some ho. SMFH. :ihit

Fake nigz...ugly 5 head ho, tbh

06-24-2012, 10:35 AM
Yikes. Didn't know it was this serious. Hope he gets well soon and is able to play in the Olympics.

06-24-2012, 10:55 AM
This deserves it's own thread and needs a proper translation:

Parker had eye surgery and his eye condition is much worse than originally thought, he says he could have lost his eye.. He has to return to USA on July 5th at the demand of the Spurs and then will know his status for the Olympics..

Someone translate: http://www.tp9.net/mediaboxfr/jai-fa...oeil-2373.html

Google translate (best I could get for now):

"I almost lost my eye"

Tony, how's your eye a week after your return to France? It emblerait there are some complications ...
It's true, it does not happen as I had imagined. When I gave my press conference last Friday after making a passage through the emergency department off the plane, I do not think it would be so serious. I conducted additional tests on Friday afternoon and found a piece of glass that had penetrated 99% left eye. I can say today, I almost lost my eye. So I had surgery on Sunday morning under general anesthesia. That's why I stayed in Paris instead of joining the team of France in Pau on June 20 as I had announced.

A package for the London Olympics is it possible?
At the request of the Spurs, I return to the United States on July 5. I do not have the right to travel before that date on a long haul. I see a specialist in New York with the hope of obtaining the agreement of competing in the Olympics. The Spurs are very worried. Based on the results, one can imagine that any one package. The decision is no longer mine. It is in the hands of the physician and San Antonio.

You do not feel like a bad movie?
I hallucinate. I just spent eight days trapped in my hotel. I was not allowed out to prevent infection. I was so afraid that I have not left my room. I asked myself many questions. I can not believe that happened to me a month before the Games when it's been two years since I had nothing with the Spurs or the France team. Every two hours, I have five different products to put me in the eye. In any case I thank Professor who followed me for saving my eye.

What feeling predominates when you announced the transaction?
Fear sets. It is so fragile an eye ... I hallucinating at the time, I could not believe it. But that's life, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have not had any luck but in my misfortune, I'm doing fine. It could have been worse. Following my career is not questioned. I just have to wait until the lesion resolves.

Join thou still the France team today?
I arrive tonight in Pau. Even though I have no right to train, I want to be with the group. No pun intended, it is important to me to spend time with the guys. It was not until July 5 and the green light from the American doctor to find the flooring. So at best, I will attack my return to France on July 7. This means I have to forfeit the first four games (June 27 at Pau against Italy, June 28 Boulazac against Italy, June 29 in Toulouse against the Ivory Coast and July 7 Orleans against England). It then let me just three weeks of preparation until the first match on July 29 against the United States. And to avoid any new problems, I see on the floors with protective goggles.

Have you filed a complaint against the nightclub in New York as was announced?
Yes, it's true. I have no right to talk since proceedings are pending. It is now in the hands of my lawyer.

I know what he is going through I had some eye pain and my vision was a little blurry. I needed new glasses so I went to a certain eye place on 410..The lady does the eye chart and then I tell her about my eye she looks at it and says it is just allergies. The next net day I woke up and it was much worse was really scarred so I went to the another eye clinic in the Quarry. He looked me over and said "I am not a DR. but I think you need to go to the Hospital" he said one of his friends who was a eye surgeon was coming to visit and he told me to wait for him to look at it. The Dr. comes in and looks at it for one minute and says "You need to go to the Hospital right now" it freaked me out.

Anyway friends took me to Ophthalmology Associates and Dr. Terry tells me I have a whole in my eye and that the pressure of the eye was very low. He tells me a good chance of loosing the eye and then does this procedure were they put medical superglue in the whole and then put a contact in the eye and I walk out looking like a pirate. In the end my eye is almost as good as it was before but I still scarred to do certain things and can no longer do boxing.

Thinking and walking around half blind for one week was scary as shit....I still keep the Dr. number on my speed dial... One thing I learned if something is bad with your eye go to the hospital don't wait!

I hope his eyes sight returns to where it was and he has a long career with the Spurs. And I hope he wins the 20 mill.........

06-24-2012, 11:05 AM
I had a scare a while back no where near parkers. I was putting a contact back in my eye and used some solution I had at work. I guess it was old or something because when I put it in it felt like it burned a little bit. A few minutes later my eye started looking cloudy to look out of. I freaked out and I went home. Later on my eye started burning like crazy even with my contacts out of my eye. I could barely open them without having tears that felt like acid. I went over to todays eyes in the Quarry and he told me I had removed the cornea off both of my eyes. Scared the shit out of me. He told me that the eye is actually the most sensitive part out of anything on the body because it has the most nerve endings when exposed. It also heals the fastest out of anything. The cornea had regrown within 48 hours, quite the scare though.

Wild Cobra Kai
06-24-2012, 11:06 AM
Ed Rashid to the rescue.

Wild Cobra Kai
06-24-2012, 11:09 AM
Oh, and I'm REALLY fucking pissed that he didn't come back to SA immediately. WTF was he thinking? Glass in your eye, and you just go on with what you are doing?

06-24-2012, 11:09 AM
Crazy stuff tbh . . .

Nick, the Nazi
06-24-2012, 11:27 AM
Was there ever a better example of hanging with the wrong gang?

No, he couldn't just play WOW with Timmy, he had to go and join wannabe synth-pop singing faggot dancers pretending to be rappers.

06-24-2012, 11:31 AM
Should have followed up with an ophthalmologist the next day after the visit to the ER. Sounds like he flew onto France without doing so in New York. I read it that he did not have a follow up until Friday in Paris. Now he can not even fly back to US for 2 weeks.

06-24-2012, 12:13 PM
Should have followed up with an ophthalmologist the next day after the visit to the ER. Sounds like he flew onto France without doing so in New York. I read it that he did not have a follow up until Friday in Paris. Now he can not even fly back to US for 2 weeks.

The fight was during the night between June 13 and June 14. Parker flew back to France and felt pain in his eye during the flight. He went to the ER in France the morning of the 15th and had additional exams the afternoon of the 15th where the diagnostic was made. He had the surgery in the morning of the 17th.

And for people bitching about Parker hanging with the wrong people, it's not because you are in the same club as some douches that you are hanging out with them.

06-24-2012, 12:29 PM
Damn. Hopefully he gets cleared by the Spurs. Usually I don't want him playing with the FNT but it's probably better he plays with it now than we all have to wait to training camp to see if he has any long-term damage.

That's some really bad luck. I'd think the safest place in New York would be next to two studio gangsters like Drake and Chris Brown. Guess not.

06-24-2012, 12:34 PM
Tbh, I expect Parker's trip to S.A. to go something like this:

Pop: "WTF were you doing?"

TP: "Sorry. When can I play?"

Pop: "When you're ready, just say you're ready. When all the baggage just ain't as heavy and the parties over, just don't forget me. We'll change the pace and we'll just go slow."

TP: "You won't ever have to worry. You won't ever have to hide. You've seen all my mistakes ... now look me in my eye."

06-24-2012, 12:34 PM
I think Parker said he was there with Chris Brown, Bruno.

06-24-2012, 12:35 PM
Nothing good happens at 4 am in night clubs. Hope Tony is ok and "sees the light" after this. You are only as good as the company you keep and decisions you make.

06-24-2012, 12:48 PM
:cry what was a popular young rich dude doing in a night club? :cry

06-24-2012, 12:57 PM
This could be really bad

Dammit why does Tony have to hang out with a chode like kovvy lovvy kiss kiss guy


06-24-2012, 01:01 PM
well what do you expect when u hangout with douchebags and plenty of haters looking at making a buck out of ur own expense...

06-24-2012, 01:10 PM
It's ok to have fun. But tbh only douche bags fight, or hang out with "fighers".

06-24-2012, 01:13 PM
My bad Tdmvpdpoy, it seems that I Carrolled your post . . .

06-24-2012, 01:23 PM
weird if you go to a real optometrist, not a chain, they test the pressure of your eye

seems weird that they wouldn't have caught it the first time

Yeah, that is what the Doc said.....Hey do you think I could get 20 mill?

06-24-2012, 01:31 PM
Spurs general manager R.C. Buford confirmed the team’s involvement in Parker’s return to San Antonio to have his eye examined. The team, he said, also will be “involved” in the prescription for his recovery from an injury sustained during an incident at a New York City night club on June 14.

“Trust that we’re going to take advantage of the remedies that are available to us through the NBA’s agreement with FIBA to understand the severity of the injury and be involved in Tony’s prescription for recover from any injury,” Buford said.


06-24-2012, 01:41 PM
Does anybody know if this is a type of injury that could potentially affect Tony's future contracts? For example, Amare Stoudemire's contract in uninsured because of prior injuries and has made him almost untradeable. Only teams with deep pockets, like New York, might be willing to take the risk.

T Park
06-24-2012, 02:00 PM
You can almost sense Buford clenching his teeth holding back anger in that statement...

06-24-2012, 03:47 PM
So your saying if you are over thirty you can't go out and party?

Wild Cobra Kai
06-24-2012, 03:49 PM
So your saying if you are over thirty you can't go out and party?

You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. I'm just sayin'.

The biggest part of growing up is learning the difference between 'can' and 'should'.

06-24-2012, 03:57 PM
The fight was during the night between June 13 and June 14. Parker flew back to France and felt pain in his eye during the flight. He went to the ER in France the morning of the 15th and had additional exams the afternoon of the 15th where the diagnostic was made. He had the surgery in the morning of the 17th.

And for people bitching about Parker hanging with the wrong people, it's not because you are in the same club as some douches that you are hanging out with them.

That is even worse. He flew to France without seeing a physician before he left. I thought he at least went to the er in New York before he left.

06-24-2012, 03:59 PM
That is even worse. He flew to France without seeing a physician before he left. I thought he at least went to the er in New York before he left.

Sure, he should have seen a physician while he was feeling fine...

06-24-2012, 04:01 PM
That is even worse. He flew to France without seeing a physician before he left. I thought he at least went to the er in New York before he left.

And spoil the gallant night? :king


06-24-2012, 04:06 PM
Sure, he should have seen a physician while he was feeling fine...

If I get glass anywhere near my eye and I am a professional athlete AND I am getting on a plane in a day to fly to another continent, I am seeing an ophthalmologist.

06-24-2012, 04:07 PM
If I get glass anywhere near my eye and I am a professional athlete AND I am getting on a plane in a day to fly to another continent, I am seeing an ophthalmologist.

Truth is, unlike everybody related to Spurs organization, you're perfect.

06-24-2012, 05:18 PM
That is even worse. He flew to France without seeing a physician before he left. I thought he at least went to the er in New York before he left.

He WAS in the er in NYC before he left. Remember how he was told that his retina was 'scratched' and theta he had to rest for a full week before he went anywhere? He did that. He said he never left his hotel room for a week.

Does anyone imagine that he was self-diagnosing and self-prescribing? No, he did what he was told to do and after that he went to Paris and immediately saw a physician there who apparently disagreed with the NY docs.

Please, can we stop blaming the victim for a minute?

06-24-2012, 05:25 PM
Uh boy!

T Park
06-24-2012, 06:03 PM
If I get glass anywhere near my eye and I am a professional athlete AND I am getting on a plane in a day to fly to another continent, I am seeing an ophthalmologist.

Lol the know everything Monday morning QB ploto is back...

06-24-2012, 06:19 PM
He WAS in the er in NYC before he left. Remember how he was told that his retina was 'scratched' and theta he had to rest for a full week before he went anywhere? He did that. He said he never left his hotel room for a week.

Does anyone imagine that he was self-diagnosing and self-prescribing? No, he did what he was told to do and after that he went to Paris and immediately saw a physician there who apparently disagreed with the NY docs.

Please, can we stop blaming the victim for a minute?

The piece of glass is probably so small you could not see it with the naked eye. I do wonder how if he went into the emergency room they could not tell that it was more then a scratch?

06-24-2012, 06:22 PM
You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. I'm just sayin'.

The biggest part of growing up is learning the difference between 'can' and 'should'.

If ya can't hang with the Dogs then go pee with Puppies...

I'm just sayin....:wow

06-24-2012, 06:23 PM
The piece of glass is probably so small you could not see it with the naked eye. I do wonder how if he went into the emergency room they could not tell that it was more then a scratch?

I was surprised as well. But it happened.

It is not as unusual as some people think. I almost died (literally) because a doc didn't turn a laser off before he started taking it out of my gut. A hospital couldn't figure out what was wrong with me for three days until sepsis had set in.

Docs make mistakes. some of us are lucky enough to survive them.

Tony is lucky enough that it was found by another set of docs.

06-24-2012, 07:07 PM
now people might understand tp for sueing

Wild Cobra Kai
06-24-2012, 07:29 PM
If ya can't hang with the Dogs then go pee with Puppies...

I'm just sayin....:wow

Yeah, look what that got Tony.

06-24-2012, 07:57 PM
Was there ever a better example of hanging with the wrong gang?

No, he couldn't just play WOW with Timmy, he had to go and join wannabe synth-pop singing faggot dancers pretending to be rappers.
Exactly my opinion. Sad that it will take incidents like this to keep Parker away from that type of scene. Who knows maybe this doesn't even teach him a lesson.

06-24-2012, 08:01 PM
He WAS in the er in NYC before he left. Remember how he was told that his retina was 'scratched' and that he had to rest for a full week before he went anywhere? He did that. He said he never left his hotel room for a week.

I will trust what Bruno translated, and he said Tony did not see a doctor until he got to France. The week in the hotel appears to have been in Paris. The initial incident was 10 days ago, and Tony left within a day or two and has spent the last week in France.

Tony, comment va ton œil une semaine après ton retour en France ? Il s’emblerait qu’il y ait quelques complications…
C’est vrai, ça ne se passe pas comme je l’avais imaginé. Lorsque j’ai donné ma conférence de presse vendredi dernier après avoir effectué un passage aux urgences à la descente de l’avion, je ne pensais pas que ça allait être aussi grave. J’ai effectué des examens supplémentaires le vendredi après-midi et ils ont trouvé un bout de verre qui avait pénétré à 99% l’œil gauche. Je peux le dire aujourd’hui, j’ai failli perdre mon œil. J’ai donc été opéré le dimanche matin sous anesthésie générale. C’est pour ça que je suis resté sur Paris au lieu de rejoindre l’équipe de France à Pau le 20 juin comme je l’avais annoncé

06-24-2012, 10:05 PM
I will trust what Bruno translated, and he said Tony did not see a doctor until he got to France. The week in the hotel appears to have been in Paris. The initial incident was 10 days ago, and Tony left within a day or two and has spent the last week in France.

Tony, comment va ton œil une semaine après ton retour en France ? Il s’emblerait qu’il y ait quelques complications…
C’est vrai, ça ne se passe pas comme je l’avais imaginé. Lorsque j’ai donné ma conférence de presse vendredi dernier après avoir effectué un passage aux urgences à la descente de l’avion, je ne pensais pas que ça allait être aussi grave. J’ai effectué des examens supplémentaires le vendredi après-midi et ils ont trouvé un bout de verre qui avait pénétré à 99% l’œil gauche. Je peux le dire aujourd’hui, j’ai failli perdre mon œil. J’ai donc été opéré le dimanche matin sous anesthésie générale. C’est pour ça que je suis resté sur Paris au lieu de rejoindre l’équipe de France à Pau le 20 juin comme je l’avais annoncé

But he went to the ER in NY, was told he had a scratched retina, and that he should take it easy for a week. He was told that by docs. He was told something different by the docs in Paris. Bruno did not say that tony did not see a doctor UNTIL he got to France. He said he saw a doctor WHEN he got to france. That does not preclude a trip to the ER in NY.

You are still blaming the victim.

06-24-2012, 11:23 PM
Aside from Tony's alleged lawsuit against the club location, where he was injured. I wonder if the Drake and Chris Brown camps could potentially be liable?

06-25-2012, 03:22 AM
SPURS may get ready to tank

06-25-2012, 11:26 AM
Hope he gets well soon

Not bad if he miss the Olympics because Spurs didn't allow him to play after this. . It will be great the rest in the summer.

06-25-2012, 11:39 AM
just spray some windex on it

06-25-2012, 11:42 AM
Don't know if anyone read this?

Facebook - Greg Simmons: Tony Parker is reporting on his website that his eye injury is much worse than he first thought after he was hit by flying glass in a bar brawl in NY. He had to have emergency surgery last Sunday to remove a shard of glass that had penetrated his left eye. And that the Spurs are very worried. He is flying home on July 5 to be examined by specialists and Spurs doctors.

Spurs da champs
06-25-2012, 12:03 PM
Tony's fucking ego has grown outta control.

Dr. John R. Brinkley
06-25-2012, 01:43 PM
Not the first time a Spur has been involved in a NYC celebrity brawl. This sort of reminds me of the time "Spurs legend" Walter Berry was with Mike Tyson when he got in a street brawl with Mitch Blood Green in NYC.

But back on topic, no need to blame Tony for what happened. It sounds like he didn't feel any pain the next day except for complete embarassment and got on the plane to get out of town as fast as possible. Who can blame him for that? I think it's still 50/50 if this is going to be a serious injury for Tony. Part of me thinks it's to help his godzilla lawsuit. Part of me thinks its actually real. We might not ever know. So he'll probably have to wear goggles - not the biggest deal in the world.

06-25-2012, 02:49 PM
:lol @ people blaming Tony Parker for going out to a club in his free time. God forbid he has a life, he should definately expect flying bottles in his eye at such an event.

Some of you people are pretty stupid.

Das Texan
06-25-2012, 03:14 PM
Fuck. Parker might want to amend that lawsuit.

20 mil may not be enough.

Drom John
06-25-2012, 03:19 PM
Just as the Parker suing the club gets the club to sue Drake, the Spurs and the Spurs insurer can join in. It could be Drake pays club which pays Parker who pays Spurs which pays Spurs insurer.

06-25-2012, 03:42 PM
I hope he gets well. I've first hand experience with top ophthalmologists in the country due to a close family member, and they're actually in Boston and Philadelphia (Will's Eye being among the top 3 eye hospitals in the world).
I've been through full blown eye surgery with this person a couple of times, and recovery time really depends on what kind of surgery he has. For example, DSEK type of surgery normally takes 4+ months to get vision back to 20-40, 20-50 levels, and a full year or two to actually get back to normal vision if the body doesn't reject the implant.
Some other surgeries instead have surprisingly quick recovery times (4-5 days).

So it's really difficult to speculate on that without really knowing what he has.

06-25-2012, 04:15 PM
Parker made a press conference today and his eye looked fine. Even if he was cautious, he was too somewhat confident that he would be cleared to play in NY on July 5th. Recovery seems to go well.

06-25-2012, 04:23 PM
I had cataracts removed from both eyes(one at a time). I went on Monday morning, took about 15 minutes to get prepped and about 8 mins to do the surgury, then 15 mins "recovery" time. I wore a patch over my eye until Wednesday. Took off the patch read 20/20 for 1st time in 35 years.

The eye heals faster than much of the rest of the body. Think about getting a grain of sand or dirt in your eyes, it washes it out on its' own. Scratching the cornea is not that bad, it is the penetration of the eye that has done the damage to TP.

Before we start worrying about the damage, let's get TP back here and let one of our on doctors give us the skinny on how bad it is.

06-25-2012, 04:45 PM
Great news, hope he recovers soon. There's nothing wrong with clubbing in the off-season, even till 4 am or so, but hanging-out with people that get him into those situations . . . no comments. Could still make the headlines anyway.

06-25-2012, 04:45 PM
lmao at people calling parker a pussy over the lawsuit (in some other threads). that glass shard was probably centimeters away from ending his basketball career. he might be milking it in the press to shore up his settlement but that was serious injury and could have destroyed his future and future NBA contracts.

06-25-2012, 05:19 PM
Did yahoo rip off the OP?


06-25-2012, 06:16 PM
A thug with talent, signing or otherwise, is still a thug. Man Chris brown needs his head checked.

06-26-2012, 01:47 AM
What was Tony doing hanging with a chode like Chris Brown anyway. That guy is a p.o.s. human being, and an even worse rapper

06-26-2012, 02:15 AM
I hope Tony doesn't want to be a pirate.

06-26-2012, 11:21 AM
I thought it would be a more serious injury but the initial reports said he was fine. Now hearing that he almost lost his eye is scary shit.

He will have to amend his "teardrop" shot.

06-26-2012, 01:21 PM
Dear Professional Athlete,

Stay the F#ck away from night clubs, rappers and dumb@ss thugs who carry guns every where they go.

Spurs Brazil
06-26-2012, 02:43 PM
Parker made a press conference today and his eye looked fine. Even if he was cautious, he was too somewhat confident that he would be cleared to play in NY on July 5th. Recovery seems to go well.

Good news. Tony wants to play and I hope he can

Kidd K
06-26-2012, 04:21 PM
Hope Parker's okay. . .he's our last great player who isn't old as fuck. If he's gone, our team's not going to be contending until it gets blown up and rebuilt. . .which could take half a decade.

I had a scare a while back no where near parkers. I was putting a contact back in my eye and used some solution I had at work. I guess it was old or something because when I put it in it felt like it burned a little bit. A few minutes later my eye started looking cloudy to look out of. I freaked out and I went home. Later on my eye started burning like crazy even with my contacts out of my eye. I could barely open them without having tears that felt like acid. I went over to todays eyes in the Quarry and he told me I had removed the cornea off both of my eyes. Scared the shit out of me. He told me that the eye is actually the most sensitive part out of anything on the body because it has the most nerve endings when exposed. It also heals the fastest out of anything. The cornea had regrown within 48 hours, quite the scare though.

That really sucks man. The eye does heal fast, but it's also extremely sensitive and is the most easily damaged part of the body. Small debris carried by the wind, the wrong chemical, or rubbing it the wrong way can severely damage it. . .it's something most people ignore, but everyone really should be be as careful as possible when it comes to protecting their eyes.

I'm glad your eye ended up okay. . .okay time my eye got swollen on me because of some generic brand of fabric softener my girlfriend used on my shirt. I had it over my nose for a handful of minutes when I was at my parent's house for awhile because my mom had some potpourri crap that didn't smell very good. . .then my eye started to itch and I was rubbing it, then I noticed my eye felt kinda weird like I had a sore under my eyelid or something so I went to check and noticed part of it was fuckin swollen :\ It healed by itself though after about a day. Shit was scary though.

Spurs da champs
06-26-2012, 04:28 PM
^ Our team has been a pretender for the last 4 years or so, the contending days have been long gone, time to start rebuilding...or stick with this consistent mediocrity in the playoffs?

This lack of young athletic talent (Leonard excluded) has finally caught up with the Spurs & it's damn time for them to address it.

Kidd K
06-26-2012, 04:37 PM
^ Our team has been a pretender for the last 4 years or so, the contending days have been long gone, time to start rebuilding...or stick with this consistent mediocrity in the playoffs?

This lack of young athletic talent (Leonard excluded) has finally caught up with the Spurs & it's damn time for them to address it.

I don't agree with that. We've been injured for most of the postseasons since 2007. I don't think we were even pretenders in 2009 and 2010. We were just injured all the time and sucked. 2011, I thought we could've done much better if Ginobili didn't break his elbow the LAST game of the season. . .and this year I thought it was clear the refs screwed us with extremely inconsistent officiating (well, consistently for the Thunder, but inconsistent in terms of calling it both ways) for suspiciously specific stretches of time during key moments late in a few games.

We could've won either of the last two seasons. I'm not sure how much better you expect a team to be. The best team in the NBA doesn't always win (not saying we have been that, but just saying). We've been a top 4 team each of the last 2 seasons. That's as good as you can hope for. We will never get better than that because that's the spot every team in the league aspires to get to.

We've been a top tier team for 2 seasons now and you're a fool if you think we haven't contended these last two seasons. That is not mediocrity. You're exaggerating since you're angry we didn't win again. I get the frustration, but saying incorrect stuff like that doesn't really help you make your argument. It just detracts from it since you're wrong.

As for needing youth and athleticism, I don't agree. This "shitty, old, and mediocre team" got the top and 2nd best records in the last 2 seasons. Meanwhile, 26 of the 26 athletic teams didn't win last year, and 25 of the 26 athletic teams didn't win this year. Meanwhile, an old ass team that wasn't young and athletic has won every time since 1999 until this season.

Spurs 4x. Lakers 5x. Pistons once. Celtics once. Heat twice (once with a ton of old vets), and Mavs once. 13 of the last 14 champs were old teams. Young and athletic is overrated since it is proven to not equate into titles.

Spurs da champs
06-26-2012, 05:05 PM
^ lol The Refs didn't give the Thunder 18pt free throws now did they?...The Thunder were the better team & they played both ways, the Spurs lack of defense is what cost them the damn series as well as Parker's choking.
And enough with these damn excuses of injuries, I swear it's always something with dumb ass Spurs fans, oh "Ginobili was hurt" or "the refs screwed us". The only thing that has screwed the Spurs is Popovich & Buford failing to bring in young talent (particularly an athletic 4 to compliment Duncan).

These 2 straight seasons have been fools gold BTW because everybody knows defense wins championships & Pop has abandoned that successful way to play his wannabe D'Antoni offense.
Unless Spurs get a Serge Ibaka type to help Timmy (which it's likely too late to make a real difference) & go back to playing D, this coming season will be another year of mediocrity in the Playoffs.
And BTW athleticism wasn't needed as much back in those days because everybody was usually a half court oriented team but now things have changed the game has shifted to a faster & more athletic pace.

06-26-2012, 05:21 PM
Beating a dead horse but if you want to see why the Spurs lost just watch this:


06-26-2012, 05:37 PM
^ lol The Refs didn't give the Thunder 18pt free throws now did they?...The Thunder were the better team & they played both ways, the Spurs lack of defense is what cost them the damn series as well as Parker's choking.
And enough with these damn excuses of injuries, I swear it's always something with dumb ass Spurs fans, oh "Ginobili was hurt" or "the refs screwed us". The only thing that has screwed the Spurs is Popovich & Buford failing to bring in young talent (particularly an athletic 4 to compliment Duncan).

These 2 straight seasons have been fools gold BTW because everybody knows defense wins championships & Pop has abandoned that successful way to play his wannabe D'Antoni offense.
Unless Spurs get a Serge Ibaka type to help Timmy (which it's likely too late to make a real difference) & go back to playing D, this coming season will be another year of mediocrity in the Playoffs.
And BTW athleticism wasn't needed as much back in those days because everybody was usually a half court oriented team but now things have changed the game has shifted to a faster & more athletic pace.

It's not like the Spurs need to play lock down defense because of their scoring. They just need to play enough defense to win the game. The Spurs won games 1 and 2 by playing defense. They continued scoring for every other game except 3 but just couldn't defend anymore.