View Full Version : Lakers Talking with Magic About Howard Trade Again

07-17-2012, 09:35 PM
The Los Angeles Lakers are making a renewed push to acquire All-Star center Dwight Howard and are continuing talks with Orlando Magic officials, Yahoo! Sports reported.

Scott Van Pelt

ESPNLA.com Lakers writer Dave McMenamin believes it will be tough for the team to land Dwight Howard but talks are ongoing. Plus, he talks about a "frosty" relationship between Howard and Kobe Bryant.

Yahoo! Sports reports the Lakers want a commitment from Howard on a contract extension before they agree to a trade with the Magic.

The Lakers and Magic have been in talks over Howard for the past week or so, sources told ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard, but nothing is imminent.

Also, a source familiar with the Lakers' interest in Howard told ESPNLosAngeles.com's Dave McMenamin that the dialogue between Los Angeles and Orlando is "ongoing" but right now a trade would be "very tough to pull off."


Enjoy the sploogefest

07-17-2012, 09:39 PM

Enjoy the sploogefest

saw this like 8 hours ago..

07-17-2012, 10:05 PM
Then you should have posted it. It's not on the first two pages.

07-17-2012, 10:08 PM
nobody made a thread, it's in the new howard to houston thread iirc.

thanks for the update anyways Broussard :tu

07-17-2012, 10:09 PM
Then you should have posted it. It's not on the first two pages.

getting over princess dwight tbh

07-17-2012, 11:23 PM
He's at the Dodgers game right now.


Los Angeles Dodgers ‏@Dodgers

Dwight Howard receives loud applause when put up on Dodger Vision. We can confirm he is a "very large" Dodger fan.

Venti Quattro
07-17-2012, 11:26 PM
lol, Dwight flirting with the people of Los Angeles.

07-17-2012, 11:54 PM
lol, Dwight flirting with the people of Los Angeles.


Beto Duran ‏@DuranSports
The fans that were around DH car kept yelling for him to sign with Lakers. DH smiled and waved to fans.

5m Beto Duran ‏@DuranSports
Tried asking DH a ? while we walkd and one of his handlers started yelling "NO NO NO"

6m Beto Duran ‏@DuranSports
DH was wearing a Dodgers and when he got to car one of his handlers saw fans were taking pics and snatched hat off DH head

7m Beto Duran ‏@DuranSports
Dwight Howard has left Dodger game but he knows me & @ArashMarkazi . Ya we went on "Dwight Hunt" details to follow

07-17-2012, 11:56 PM
Seems that Bynum would be a bigger hurdle than Dwight IMO.

Venti Quattro
07-17-2012, 11:58 PM
Bynum will probably get asshurt and make a cameo at an :lolngels game.

07-18-2012, 12:44 AM
Can the Clippers make a package that's interesting to the Magic ? And will that trade not turn into a one year rental of D12 ?

07-18-2012, 12:57 AM
Can the Clippers make a package that's interesting to the Magic ? And will that trade not turn into a one year rental of D12 ?

They'd have to outbid Houston's picks/prospects/cap relief, and the Lakers' Bynum offer. Doubt it.

07-18-2012, 02:12 AM
[LA TIMES] Dwight Howard won't say if he's sweet on L.A. (http://www.latimes.com/sports/basketball/nba/lakers/la-sp-lakers-dwight-howard-20120718,0,4769134.column)

Dwight Howard stood outside a Dodger Stadium suite Tuesday night trying to decide what to eat off the dessert cart.

He took forever, and when he began to recite out loud, "eeny, meeny, miny, moe,"' I asked him if that was how he was going to pick where he played.

He mimicked as if he would, saying "this team and that team," but unfortunately stopping when his attention returned to the desserts.

Then his security guard got in my face and told me he does the talking for Howard. That will be fun if he comes to L.A.

A fan yelled to Howard, "Are you coming to L.A.?"

And Howard replied with the consent of his security guard, "I'm here now." He paused, and then added, "to rehab."

I asked about his back, which he had surgically repaired, and he said he will be fine for the start of the season, but he said he could not talk about basketball.

What else would you want to talk to Howard about?

A few minutes later the Dodgers showed Howard on the big screen in left field eating his dessert. He drew considerable applause, and I wonder what the reaction would be if they showed Andrew Bynum on the big screen.

The word around the Lakers earlier in the day was the team might know by Wednesday whether there is any reason to pursue Howard.

There was no meeting with Howard, as has been reported elsewhere, but they have been talking to the Orlando Magic steadily about Howard's availability.

The Lakers, though, now believe Orlando has no interest in Bynum, which has forced the Lakers' brass to look for a third team to place Bynum and secure what the Magic might take.

As for Howard, he settled on a huge caramel apple with M&Ms attached, and then also wanted a piece of lemon cake.

He does seem to want it all.

07-18-2012, 09:52 AM
Rumor mill says that Bynum will not sign an extension with Orlando…Does anybody know what is so bad about Orlando? Bynum would sign an extension with Cleveland but not Orlando?:lmao

07-18-2012, 10:10 AM
Cleveland has a good PG?

07-18-2012, 10:10 AM
Bynum would sign an extension with Cleveland but not Orlando?
LOL@ Baby Drew...:lol

07-18-2012, 10:20 AM
Bynum just fucking up talks on purpose, tbh. Magic would turn him into a god and name the arena after him :lol

Clipper Nation
07-18-2012, 10:37 AM
By Lakerfan logic, since Dwight was wearing a blue cap with LA on it, and blue is one of the Clippers' colors, Dwight will be a Clipper... :lol

07-18-2012, 10:38 AM
LOL Doesn't want to play with Kobme

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 10:47 AM
By Lakerfan logic, since Dwight was wearing a blue cap with LA on it, and blue is one of the Clippers' colors, Dwight will be a Clipper... :lol

:lol Clippers and Dodgers

A better equivalent for the Clippers are the Angels, tbh. They also sport the blue and red colors, fwiw

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 10:48 AM
Clippers may need him considering the Subway Pusher's fraility at such a young age...

I'm tired of the charade, really. I hope this thing gets resolved one way or the other. I don't think he'll be on the Lakers, but if he is then he'll be welcomed as long as he wears the PnG. Other than that, I hope that this whole thing doesn't ruin the psyche of say, Bynum as he heads into his walk year. It's almost as if they've poisoned the well and all of a sudden will ask for the pieces to drink heartily from it.


Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 10:50 AM
That's also what I'm afraid of -- that Bynum will be get his zen on for the whole season just to give the middle finger to the Lakers front office.

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 11:12 AM
That's also what I'm afraid of -- that Bynum will be get his zen on for the whole season just to give the middle finger to the Lakers front office.

Exactly. I'm afraid it is already the case. Bynum is not the fortress of mental strength as is--so you know he is watching and silently pouting. The Lakers, at this point, are all in with their hopes of landing Howard and still don't have a clearer idea of how close they are to landing him or not landing him. In the meantime, you have Bynum and to a lesser extent Gasol just worried about where they'll be in the near future. Both are weak of mind and that will most undoubtedly have an effect on this upcoming year with Nash and all the possible new pieces onboard.

07-18-2012, 11:20 AM
Why would Orlando want Bynum?

Extremely immature and injury prone. If he was worthy of being a franchise player, LA wouldnt be trying to deal him.

Clipper Nation
07-18-2012, 11:25 AM
I don't understand what the Lakers are doing here either tbh... one minute, Bynum's their future and the franchise player after Kobrick retires, the next minute they're trying to trade him... I'd be mad too if I was Bynum...

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 11:26 AM
Why would Orlando want Bynum?

Extremely immature and injury prone. If he was worthy of being a franchise player, LA wouldnt be trying to deal him.

Orlando would at least like to get something comparable and in truth, trading Dwight for Bynum would essentially be trading someone extremely immature and injury prone (back injuries rarely just go away for a whole career) for someone that is immature and injury prone. It's a wash! This thing is really a clusterfuck and it will be interesting to finally put it to bed though.

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 11:30 AM
I'd rather that the Lakers move on from this deal and start surrounding the core with able bench players. Jamison is old, but he's a start. I'd like for Mitch to get Courtney Lee too. Kobe has no backup in the depth chart and this will give Mike to play Steve & Steve when Kobe is resting.

And they need to move on too, while Bynum is not yet completely mind-fucked with Mitch and the Busses. As Findog put it, Bynum is really not the sharpest tool in the shed...

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 11:37 AM
I'd rather that the Lakers move on from this deal and start surrounding the core with able bench players. Jamison is old, but he's a start. I'd like for Mitch to get Courtney Lee too. Kobe has no backup in the depth chart and this will give Mike to play Steve & Steve when Kobe is resting.

And they need to move on too, while Bynum is not yet completely mind-fucked with Mitch and the Busses. As Findog put it, Bynum is really not the sharpest tool in the shed...

Actually, by all accounts the guy is smart in a technical sense--just not smart in social and a business sense. I see him as someone who plays basketball because he is 7' but he'd be happier being 5'11 and working IT for a company in L.A. or whatnot. He does have personality issues and it's no wonder you see it reflected on the court and off it as well.

The psyche is fragile and whether he's in a Laker uniform or not; you kind of hope he 'gets it' eventually and works hard on capitalizing on the gifts and talent he was blessed with. However, his make-up leads one to believe he will not and he'll remain petulant.

07-18-2012, 11:58 AM
Didn't Kobe say Dwight would be the 3rd option?

07-18-2012, 12:10 PM
Didn't Kobe say Dwight would be the 3rd option?

:lol yes he did and he's right. Dwight reached his peak in 09 and truth be told if he doesn't sign in LA he'll never make it back to the finals. His game is reminiscent of a 3rd option. I'm sure though Kobe will work with him to give him chances at being the first option...the first option though should be a good free throw shooter.

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 12:10 PM

If a Howard trade isn't feasible, the Lakers would quickly turn their attention to resuming extension talks with Bynum and re-signing forward Jordan Hill. If Bynum agrees to an extension, it would start the clock on a deal for Howard in much the same way Brooklyn's extension with Brook Lopez did.

:lmao :lmao Lakers

07-18-2012, 12:35 PM
I hope the Lakers pull the trigger and overpay for Howard and take on all those bad contracts. Then Dwight goes over to the Lakers and screws his back up around game 20. Meanwhile the Rockets get Bynum for a bag of peanuts. We keep our rookies and set the stage for the future.

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 12:39 PM
:lol thinking Bynum will re-sign with Houston
:lol playing with Chinksanity

07-18-2012, 12:40 PM
Tony Mejia (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA): "@kevinajones7 (http://twitter.com/kevinajones7):OK, so once HOU gets all their OS stuff ironed out w/Asik, how soon before we finally end #dwightmare (http://twitter.com/search?q=%23dwightmare)?" Next week at earliest 3 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA/statuses/225644950744858624)

Tony Mejia (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA): Despite talks of #Lakers (http://twitter.com/search?q=%23Lakers) being Howard's destination, the chances of that has been and continues to be unlikely. Andrew Bynum wants to stay. about 6 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA/statuses/225644223318343680)

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 12:46 PM
Don't follow twitter--will wait until the truth does come out whatever that may be.

Clipper Nation
07-18-2012, 12:46 PM
That Mejia cat has actually been a good source tbh... pretty sure he called the Nets' epic Dwightmare fail early before all the mainstream sources.....

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 12:51 PM
That Mejia cat has actually been a good source tbh... pretty sure he called the Nets' epic Dwightmare fail early before all the mainstream sources.....

Could may well be--still just won't care until there is something positively concrete. Just get this shit over with...

07-18-2012, 12:54 PM
Could may well be--still just won't care until there is something positively concrete. Just get this shit over with...
He's the Magic's insider. I'd trust him, and Adrian Woj over anyone else.

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 12:55 PM
He's the Magic's insider. I'd trust him, and Adrian Woj over anyone else.

I trust nobody. Not even the Lakers' insiders... :lol

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 12:57 PM
I trust Kevin Ding, well not really that much.

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 12:58 PM
I trust Kevin Ding, well not really that much.

He's probably the only one from the O.C. Reg that I would trust. He was all over the convo that Arte Moreno had with Albert Pujols last year. I still, though, didn't believe it until the guy signed the contract.

07-18-2012, 01:02 PM
Tony Mejia (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA): "@kevinajones7 (http://twitter.com/kevinajones7):OK, so once HOU gets all their OS stuff ironed out w/Asik, how soon before we finally end #dwightmare (http://twitter.com/search?q=%23dwightmare)?" Next week at earliest 3 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA/statuses/225644950744858624)

Tony Mejia (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA): Despite talks of #Lakers (http://twitter.com/search?q=%23Lakers) being Howard's destination, the chances of that has been and continues to be unlikely. Andrew Bynum wants to stay. about 6 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/TonyMejiaNBA/statuses/225644223318343680)

Like Bynum has any choice in where he goes. If he gets his ass traded he's gone. :lol

Clipper Nation
07-18-2012, 01:04 PM
Like Bynum has any choice in where he goes. If he gets his ass traded he's gone. :lol

But just like Dwight, he can simply insist that he won't extend in Orlando... and unlike Houston with Dwight, Orlando actually gives a shit about whether or not Bynum would extend.....

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 01:06 PM
One guy I think who is delighted with all this Bynum/Dwight talk in Mr. Pau Gasol. He's been out of the trade talks for a little bit. I wonder, though, if that's the case and he is the secondary trade maker if this whole Dwightaclypse goes awry.

07-18-2012, 01:09 PM
I trust nobody. Not even the Lakers' insiders... :lol
That's cuz they're all garbage or work for Hoopsworld :lol

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 01:10 PM
:lol Eric Pincus

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 01:14 PM
:lol Eric Pincus

He gave me a free Monster at the 2010 Championship parade, so I can't hate on him too much. Well, maybe lesser than any of the other insiders.

Clipper Nation
07-18-2012, 01:19 PM
:lol Eric Pincus

Pincus is often right about dem Clippers, tbh.....

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 01:20 PM
I was kidding; Pincus is a decent Hoopsworld writer. The rest of the field though, they are utter and complete shit.

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 01:22 PM
Oh and speaking of the Clippers, they just waived Ryan Gomes.

07-18-2012, 01:28 PM
Stephen A. has just raised my level of hate towards the Knicks. Wouldn't be sad if someone ripped his vocals out.

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 01:29 PM
Stephen A. has just raised my level of hate towards the Knicks. Wouldn't be sad if someone ripped his vocals out.

The idiot brothas will lose their idiot brotha voice on national media.

Clipper Nation
07-18-2012, 01:31 PM
Oh and speaking of the Clippers, they just waived Ryan Gomes.

Lakers should sign him just for his textbook inbounds passes tbh.....

07-18-2012, 01:56 PM
Lakers should sign him just for his textbook inbounds passes tbh.....

http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/53/300px-fozzie_season_1.jpg (http://www.threadbombing.com/details.php?image_id=5769)

baseline bum
07-18-2012, 01:58 PM
Rumor mill says that Bynum will not sign an extension with Orlando…Does anybody know what is so bad about Orlando? Bynum would sign an extension with Cleveland but not Orlando?:lmao

Both cities suck and both owners are assholes, but you wouldn't take playing with Kyrie over playing with Jameer Nelson?

07-18-2012, 03:13 PM

"ESPN representatives reignite trade talks with magic and lakers team representatives"

Sources state that ESPN reps have been on the phones all day with both teams insisting this deal gets done one way or another and have stated "we will not rest" until Dwight is in a Lakers uniform.

07-18-2012, 03:17 PM
With the Phillies resurgence and the Howard saga being very very entertaining, it has helped calmed my excitement for NY Giants training camp.

07-18-2012, 03:25 PM
Both cities suck and both owners are assholes, but you wouldn't take playing with Kyrie over playing with Jameer Nelson?

Living in FL>>>>>>>>>>>>>Living in Cleveland.

No state income tax either.

The Gemini Method
07-18-2012, 03:32 PM
Living in FL>>>>>>>>>>>>>Living in Cleveland.

No state income tax either.

Unless your name is Trayvon and/or are a child of Casey Anthony...

baseline bum
07-18-2012, 03:41 PM
Living in FL>>>>>>>>>>>>>Living in Cleveland.

No state income tax either.

I figured of all the people to hate on Orlando, you'd be #1 after the rant on picture-taking asians tbh.

07-18-2012, 04:07 PM
Is Dwight even healthy?

07-18-2012, 04:11 PM
Florida sucks. I wish it would fall into the ocean.

07-18-2012, 04:11 PM
I figured of all the people to hate on Orlando, you'd be #1 after the rant on picture-taking asians tbh.

That's Kissimmee/Disney World area, not all of Orlando.

Orlando is affluent, has good mix of old and young, lots of golf courses, and is a centralized location for a lot of decent sports (Magic, UCF, Gators, etc.)--not a far drive to Tampa either for more pro sports, or Daytona for beaches and racing. The weather is nice, and like i said--no state income tax.

Cleveland is gray 9 months of the year and is tremendously depressing.

07-18-2012, 04:12 PM
Both cities suck and both owners are a-holes

People from Cleveland think their city is great & Cavs fans like Dan Gilbert…
My question is what is wrong with Orlando? Shaq & Dwight were given anything they wanted…The owner does not seem like a bad guy…

07-18-2012, 04:15 PM
Cleveland is gray 9 months of the year and is tremendously depressing.
Shows what you know! Rock n Roll Hall of Fame…Drew Carey ring a bell...

07-18-2012, 05:59 PM
Jason Lloyd ‏@JasonLloydABJ
Cavs trade talks involving Bynum lack much substance: The Cavaliers have remained in trade talks with the Lakers...:lmao The Lakers are trying so hard to create a super team, but they are failing miserably. Teams are just toying with them. It only took Miami 8 days into free agency to create their super team. It has been 18 days and nothing is close. This has been such a fun storyline. Howard is going to stay in Orlando, and the Lakers will still have a really slow team.

07-18-2012, 06:01 PM
The Cavaliers have remained in trade talks with the Lakers and Magic, but little progress has been made and no deal is remotely close to being concluded.

ESPN.com reported on Wednesday that the Cavs have moved ahead of the Rockets as a facilitator in a deal with the Lakers and Magic, but a league source briefed on the talks maintained Wednesday this is all a leverage tactic to get the Rockets to up their offer for Howard.

A source with knowledge of the Lakers' plans confirmed Tuesday in Las Vegas that any talk of progress in trade talks regarding Howard was incredibly premature.

The Rockets remain the only team in the league with both the assets and desire to acquire Howard themselves. The Lakers need a third team to get something done because of their cap constraints and lack of desirable assets and the Nets are out of any trade talks until the middle of January.
The Rockets, meanwhile, still haven't signed any of their three first-round picks from last month's draft, hoping to at least include some -- if not all -- in a future deal for Howard. Once the players sign their rookie contracts, they cannot be traded for 30 days.

The Cavaliers to this point have not seemed inclined to include any of their young players in any potential deals. That includes Dion Waiters, Tristan Thompson, Tyler Zeller and reigning Rookie of the Year Kyrie Irving.
Cavs general manager Chris Grant did leave Las Vegas summer league this week earlier than expected, as ESPN.com reported, but it was so he could return in time for the surgery on Irving's fractured right hand. It had absolutely nothing to do with any trade talks moving forward, a league source said.

In an intriguing twist, the Rockets were believed to be incredibly high on Zeller, whom the Cavs selected 17th overall. They had three picks in the middle of the first round, and had two chances at him before the Cavs traded up to No. 17. Yet they never selected him.

The belief of at least one front office official involved in the trade talks is that the Rockets were selecting players the Magic liked in an effort to get a deal done.

The Cavs first surfaced as a potential home for Bynum when he recently listed Cleveland as a destination he'd consider when his contract expires at the end of the season. It would be stunning for a player to leave the Lakers and sign in Cleveland and the report was widely dismissed initially on the simple basis that the Cavs are one of the handful of teams that have the cap space to sign him.

In truth, Bynum and Cavs coach Byron Scott have a close, personal relationship that has grown over the years as a result of their mutual ties to the Lakers. One source with knowledge of Bynum's thinking said Bynum respects Scott as a coach and could be intrigued by the Cavs' up-and-coming roster as opposed to the Lakers' collection of aging stars.
Bynum's ties to Scott should leave everything open to consideration, but at this point, there isn't much substance to any of the trade negotiations

07-18-2012, 06:09 PM
What else can the Rockets offer :lol? Pretty sure they handed ORL a blank check for everything within their power.

baseline bum
07-18-2012, 06:10 PM
The owner does not seem like a bad guy…

Dude runs a pyramid scheme.

baseline bum
07-18-2012, 06:12 PM
That's Kissimmee/Disney World area, not all of Orlando.

Orlando is affluent, has good mix of old and young, lots of golf courses, and is a centralized location for a lot of decent sports (Magic, UCF, Gators, etc.)--not a far drive to Tampa either for more pro sports, or Daytona for beaches and racing. The weather is nice, and like i said--no state income tax.

Cleveland is gray 9 months of the year and is tremendously depressing.

Honestly, golf courses and watching rednecks all named Ernie turn left for hours on a track isn't any more appealing than gray skies and rivers that burn.

07-18-2012, 06:13 PM
BB, have you actually ever been to ORL and toured the parts that DD is talking about?

07-18-2012, 06:16 PM
I hope the Lakers pull the trigger and overpay for Howard and take on all those bad contracts. Then Dwight goes over to the Lakers and screws his back up around game 20. Meanwhile the Rockets get Bynum for a bag of peanuts. We keep our rookies and set the stage for the future.

It's looking like the Rockets will get their bag of peanuts and it won't include Bynum :lol

Cavaliers Emerge As Third Team In Lakers, Magic Howard For Bynum Talks

Jul 18, 2012 5:18 PM EDT

The Cavaliers have emerged as a facilitator in a trade that would send Dwight Howard from the Magic to the Lakers.
Cleveland would acquire Andrew Bynum for a package of draft picks and Anderson Varejao.
Los Angeles would receive Howard, while Orlando would acquire Varejao and a collection of picks.
The Rockets have also been engaged in three-way trade talks.

Via Ric Bucher/ESPN (http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/8176960/sources-cleveland-cavaliers-trade-partner-potential-dwight-howard-deal)

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/222468/Cavaliers_Emerge_As_Third_Team_In_Lakers_Magic_How ard_For_Bynum_Talks#ixzz211EpVlSJ

07-18-2012, 06:17 PM
What else can the Rockets offer :lol? Pretty sure they handed ORL a blank check for everything within their power.
I think they're only giving up one rookie (alledgedly). Orlando probably wants 2 or all 3 plus give away more bad contracts.

07-18-2012, 06:21 PM
Rumor mill says that Bynum will not sign an extension with Orlando…Does anybody know what is so bad about Orlando? Bynum would sign an extension with Cleveland but not Orlando?:lmao

Listen trust me Bynum doesn't trust his own body..he literally has no choice but to sign an extension it doens't matter if he was traded to Timbuktu...he's going to sign because he knows he'll never see that kind of money again..He's good for one Max or close to it and that's it...He's going after the money and playing time..He doesn't give a shit about rings trust me :lol

I have an alternate theory for you Cavs fan..If Gilbert really wants to lay the wood to MJ and Lebron at the same time he should go ahead and facilitate a trade that lands Dwight in LA..he could kill 2 birds with one stone...repay MJ for hitting that fucking shot over Craig Ehlo and then repay Lebron by sending Dwight our way and forming an even more formidable Super team :toast

07-18-2012, 08:48 PM
Cleveland has a good PG?


07-18-2012, 08:50 PM
What else can the Rockets offer :lol? Pretty sure they handed ORL a blank check for everything within their power.

No one knows what Houston is offering. It seems apparent that Orlando is waiting on Asik to sign his offer sheet though, so who knows.

07-18-2012, 09:28 PM
If Mitch can make this happen I will give up wild and crazy sex for 3 months...

PG Steve Nash
SG Kobe Bryant
SF Metta World Peace
PF Pau Gasol
C Dwight Howard


Antwan Jamison
Jordan Hill
Jermaine Oneal

Courtney Lee

Steve Blake

07-18-2012, 09:30 PM
How on earth would you get Courtney Lee?

Venti Quattro
07-18-2012, 09:34 PM
How on earth would you get Courtney Lee?

Mitchell is on it. :tu

07-18-2012, 09:37 PM
How on earth would you get Courtney Lee?

Lee is unrestricted...so the Rockets are looking to do a S&T to help themselves out....the Rockets since they're in rebuilding mode my sources tell me they're interested in Steve Blake to maybe back up Lin and Josh McRoberts expiring contract.

Thus far the Rockets have exhibited uncontrolled self-destructive aggressiveness this move would be a good step in the right direction for Darrly Morey :lol

07-19-2012, 01:46 AM

Jarrod N Rudolph ‏@JRudolphSports
Sources: Dwight Howard is ready to join Lakers. If traded to Los Angeles Howard will re-sign long-term with team after 2012-13 season.


07-19-2012, 01:47 AM


Oh shit

baseline bum
07-19-2012, 01:48 AM
I don't think that part was ever the serious concern; the problem is whether Bynum wants to sign his own ticket out of town or not. He has a grip of leverage by threatening to drag Orlando through the same mess that Howard did.

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 01:49 AM
Chris Broussard (http://twitter.com/Chris_Broussard/status/225840521531232256) Sources confirm @JRudolphSports report that Dwight Howard is ready to join Lakers. If traded to LA DH will re-sign long-term with team
I know, it's Broussard. :lol

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 01:50 AM

07-19-2012, 01:53 AM


:cry:cry i can almost taste it :cry:cry

07-19-2012, 01:55 AM

07-19-2012, 01:57 AM

:lol:lol lil bitch

baseline bum
07-19-2012, 01:59 AM
If Kupchack can get the Rockets to throw all those picks and absorb a bad contract or two for Bynum, it should make for an epic WCF this season.

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 02:03 AM

07-19-2012, 02:07 AM
I don't think that part was ever the serious concern; the problem is whether Bynum wants to sign his own ticket out of town or not. He has a grip of leverage by threatening to drag Orlando through the same mess that Howard did.

There ya go, I just cant see this dude committing long term to play in Cleveland or Orlando.

07-19-2012, 02:08 AM
Jarrod N Rudolph ‏@JRudolphSports
I know there are a lot of questions. I promise I'll do my best to answer them all, honestly, in the coming hours. Be patient, news is coming

Jarrod N Rudolph ‏@JRudolphSports
I will offer you this: We're going to find out very quickly what the Magic's true intentions are. It's time for the TRUTH to come out.

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 02:09 AM
:lol Lakers
:lol God's team

07-19-2012, 02:42 AM
When everyone thinks a deal is happening it so often never does. Publicity kills so many deals. I think it's very likely the Magic back out. They are like a rudderless ship. They don't know what they want to do.

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 02:43 AM
Eric Pincus (http://twitter.com/EricPincus/status/225853814056550402): Somehow, someway - if it has to be a 3-team trade - why do I feel Luke Walton ends up back on the Lakers in this Dwight situation

:cry prodigal son
:cry Basketball IQ™

07-19-2012, 02:44 AM
Luke Walton would probably be a better coach than Brown, tbh...

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 02:56 AM
Some sources are also reporting that the Lakers are gonna get J-Rich.

:lol Steve Nash

baseline bum
07-19-2012, 03:03 AM
Some sources are also reporting that the Lakers are gonna get J-Rich.

:lol Steve Nash

Sending Artest's ass back to Houston? :lol

Clipper Nation
07-19-2012, 05:48 AM
When everyone thinks a deal is happening it so often never does. Publicity kills so many deals. I think it's very likely the Magic back out. They are like a rudderless ship. They don't know what they want to do.

I agree.... the Magic have been playing teams against each other all summer for "leverage", I still think they'll keep his ass at least until January, tbh....

07-19-2012, 08:43 AM
I agree.... the Magic have been playing teams against each other all summer for "leverage", I still think they'll keep his ass at least until January, tbh....

Watching you hope against hope is quite amusing....and gratifying I might add.:lol

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 08:44 AM
Watching you hope against hope is quite amusing....and gratifying I might add.:lol

:lmao :lmao :lmao

Clipper Nation
07-19-2012, 08:45 AM
Watching you hope against hope is quite amusing....and gratifying I might add.:lol

IDGAF.... Clippers are staaaaaaacked either way tbh....

07-19-2012, 08:48 AM
I agree.... the Magic have been playing teams against each other all summer for "leverage", I still think they'll keep his ass at least until January, tbh....
The Rockets put a deal on the table for Orlando and said "This is our last offer, if you think you can find a better one, go ahead and try it." Which is why Orlando hasn't made a deal with anyone else yet. They don't like the deal as presented, but it is still better than if Cavs were involved, which is why all these "Reports" are being leaked about the Cavs. Orlando is waiting to see what happens with the Asik deal, then something will happen.

Venti Quattro
07-19-2012, 09:04 AM
:lol Clippers
:lol stacked with banana crates
:lol Monkeyball

Clipper Nation
07-19-2012, 09:15 AM
:lol stacked with banana crates
