View Full Version : Left-Handed vs Right-Handed

07-20-2012, 07:09 PM
I will admit that I'm not a basketball guru by any stretch of the imagination. The only experience I have with organized basketball is going to a couple of camps and playing for my church's team when I was a teenager. I'm a HUGE Spurs fan, and basketball fan in general, but I'm more of a football man (played high school, college, currently play semi-pro).

I know David Robinson was left-handed, Manu Ginobilli is left-handed, and Ryan Richards is left-handed. My question is: Is there any significant advantage in basketball to being left-handed, especially for a big man? If so, what is the advantage?

07-20-2012, 07:21 PM
I think it throws off opponents, you usually espect a guy start driving to your left (his right hand), so you're more used to instinctly go left when you slide.

07-20-2012, 11:12 PM
When I was younger, I hated playing against left handers so much that from when I broke my right arm in 8th grade, I go 90% to the left. I don't know why it's so easy, but everyone just seems to automatically favor keeping me from going right (I almost don't even know how to, anymore, but that doesn't matter).

A good percentage of Natural Left-handers are said to have a lot better visual-temporal skills. I think Manu Ginobili proves that. It's like he can see in slow motion.

07-20-2012, 11:38 PM
Bigmen have an advantage if they're left-handed because they don't have to reach across their body to block the shot of a right-handed opponent. Bill Russell and David Robinson being two prime examples.

07-21-2012, 01:21 AM
This is something I realized when I was younger too! I'm 20 and I switched from shooting righty to shooting lefty when I was in 6th grade... I developed my shot and it's definitely a huge difference when a person tries to guard you left.

I'm basically a "switch shooter" but I enjoy shooting lefty much more. See Signature .gif below (:

07-21-2012, 02:00 AM
No sport favors lefties more than baseball

Wild Cobra Kai
07-21-2012, 08:09 AM
No sport favors lefties more than baseball

Unless you play 2b, ss, or 3b. Almost no Cs, either, though I don't understand that one. I think I remember a guy in the 80s who caught and threw left. Maybe for the Chisox?

BTW, all of the preceding refers to throwing arm, not batting choice.

lefty catchers (http://bb_catchers.tripod.com/catchers/catchleft.htm)

Drom John
07-21-2012, 09:59 AM
Mike Squires (http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/s/squirmi01.shtml)
played all nine positions.
The catcher difficulty is mitts, they don't make left-handed youth catcher mitts, and the few adult models are custom made. So the ignorant but difficult skill is not learned by left handers.

Squires may have been the best fielding 1B I've ever seen. So good, he had a 10 year career even though he was a below average hitter.

07-21-2012, 11:33 AM
Bigmen have an advantage if they're left-handed because they don't have to reach across their body to block the shot of a right-handed opponent. Bill Russell and David Robinson being two prime examples.

Yeah, but that cancels out on the other end...right?