View Full Version : True that!

07-26-2012, 06:53 PM
More Fun Than a Goat (http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2012/07/26/more-fun-than-a-goat/)

The truth of course is that American politicians of both parties are often much wealthier than the people they allegedly represent, and politicians, like most wealthy people, take full advantage of all the tax shelters and deductions their lawyers and accountants can find. The chances are that a great many of our elected representatives invest in companies whose activities would not please the voters back home, engage in various sordid insider trading deals, and send big chunks of their dearly beloved money to various no-tell money motels in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. Most probably don’t commit any crimes; one of the nice things about lawyers is that with enough of them you can pretty much do what you want.

Just as the occasional sexual indiscretion is less of an issue for an abortion-supporting, thrice-divorced Democrat than for a Bible-thumping, God and Family Republican, a tax return full of complicated tax avoidance strategies is less of a problem for a Republican free marketeer than for a Democratic Tribune of the Little People. The “tar and feather Mitt Romney as a rich tax cheat” posse got into a lot of trouble as soon as the press started asking top Democrats the obvious question: if he shows us his, will you show us yours?

Nancy Pelosi Downplays Tax Return Demand (http://www.rollcall.com/news/nancy_pelosi_downplays_tax_return_demand-216283-1.html)

Facing questions about why she and other top Congressional officials won’t release their tax returns, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) downplayed her previous demands for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney to release his, calling the issue a distraction.


07-26-2012, 06:57 PM
Nancy is not running for President. Nancy is not trying to defend tax breaks and loopholes for the rich. lol Dressage.

07-26-2012, 07:45 PM
Nancy is not running for President.
So? Congress is a co-equal branch of the government. As Speaker, Pelosi was third in line to the Office of the Presidency. I don't see the distinction.

Nancy is not trying to defend tax breaks and loopholes for the rich.
No, she just writes them into law. Listen, if I were Romney, I wouldn't release my tax returns either -- beyond what is required by law, anyway. I would say, however, that every person is entitled to avail themselves of every advantage provided in the law to keep the government from wasting more money. If you want to call them shelters, breaks, and loopholes, that's fine with me. They're not illegal and, until they are, I'm keeping as much of my money as possible safe from the wasteful, corrupt, and fraudulent hands of the U. S. federal government.

lol Dressage.I see what you did there. :lmao

Clipper Nation
07-26-2012, 07:59 PM
:lmao Neocons trying to spin hypocritical tax evasion as "free market economics"

Here's an idea.... the government should stop wasting so much of our money, then eliminate some taxes, then nobody will feel the need to hide their money in offshore tax accounts.... in the meantime, don't hide the truth about your own taxes while making the rest of us pay high taxes, tbh.....

07-26-2012, 08:04 PM
:lmao Neocons trying to spin hypocritical tax evasion as "free market economics"

Here's an idea.... the government should stop wasting so much of our money, then eliminate some taxes, then nobody will feel the need to hide their money in offshore tax accounts.... in the meantime, don't hide the truth about your own taxes while making the rest of us pay high taxes, tbh.....
Republicans favor tax cuts across the board and reduced spending.

I'm not sure where they're being hypocritical.

07-26-2012, 08:06 PM
Republicans favor tax cuts across the board and reduced spending.

I'm not sure where they're being hypocritical.

Except when they're in power... :lol

Then they favor tax cuts for some and more deficit spending...

07-26-2012, 08:30 PM
So? Congress is a co-equal branch of the government. As Speaker, Pelosi was third in line to the Office of the Presidency. I don't see the distinction.

You see no distinction between Speaker of the House and President? You are really really dumb.

07-26-2012, 08:35 PM
You see no distinction between Speaker of the House and President? You are really really dumb.
In terms of to how much of their tax history we're entitled to see? No. No distinction whatsoever.

07-26-2012, 10:26 PM
Republicans favor tax cuts across the board and reduced spending.

Those tax cuts that Bush gave the rich didn't help anyone except the rich. Let those tax cuts for "the rich" expire in peace, and give the money to more families for TANF, public housing, food stamps, and medicaid. The rich aren't doing anything with their money but spending it on hiring dudes that know tax loopholes. Enough of this bullshit about "well, the rich can't hire people like they want to, can't grow business like they want to, cuz they are uncertain about the tax cuts expiring." The rich can suck a fat dick based simply on the fact that they're protected by politicians repeating that shit...how can anyone with a sound background in economics not see that continuing these tax cuts for the rich means adding to the deficit or making it even harder for needy families to get any help?

God forbid companies stop hiring people altogether, not like they're hiring anyone now...let's just take our chances on pulling the carpet out from under the working poor.

/not totally directed at Yoni, just shitting on the "tax cuts across the board" idea in general